呼In the woods outside Disabled Elderly Village, a Qin Mupalmlays out, sees onlyorigin qito gush outfromhisarm, is similar to the Fire Dragonentangles the arm, frontairimmediatelybecomesextremelydry and hot, the air seemed litgenerally!残老村外的树林中,秦牧一掌拍出,只见元气自他手臂中涌出,如同火龙缠臂,面前的空气顿时变得极度燥热,空气仿佛被点燃了一般!Hisfootstepsmove, the palmclapscontinually, the airis getting more and more dry and hot, like the yellow sanddesert, tendayhangs, scalding hotincomparable!
他脚步移动,手掌连拍,空气越来越燥热,有如黄沙大漠,十日高悬,灼热无比!WhatheusesisGrandfather Mafist technique, Thunderclap Eight Strikes Fourth Form, Kua Fu Chasing The SunRushing Wind and Thunder.
他用的是马爷的拳法,雷音八式第四式,夸父追日风雷急。Suddenly, the Qin Mustepfluctuates, stylealsotransforms, every gesture and motionsare similar to the river waterflow rapidlytorrentiallyentering the sea, hisorigin qiswitches throughwaterattributefromfire attributeunexpectedly, on the armhas the Water Dragonwinding that the moisturecomposes, amongeven/includingZhao the roaringrushes, as if there is floodto surroundhimto flow.
突然,秦牧步法变幻,招式也随之变换,一招一式如同江水滔滔奔流入海,他的元气竟然从火属性直接转成水属性,手臂上有水气组成的水龙缠绕,连招之间涛声澎湃,似乎有大水环绕他流动。Hismoveonce morechanges, both handsemptygrasp, the water vaporlike the spear/gun, is similar to the long line, overwhelming.
他的招法再次一变,双手虚握,水汽如枪,如同长龙,翻江倒海。These, hehas whetedoneselfusing qi to control swordin the village on , whetsorigin qiwith single-hearted devotion, butheorneedsfirstobserve fire, abilityhadfire attributebyownorigin qi, thencandisplayusing qi to control sword.
这几日,他一直在村子里磨砺自己的以气御剑,专心磨砺元气,只是他还是需要先观火,才能让自己的元气拥有火属性,然后方能施展以气御剑。Ashistimeswhet, the observe firetimeis getting more and more short, butnowhehas not neededto look at the stove, so long asin the innermost feelingsis thinkingin the furnace the flame, hisorigin qithenautomaticallybecomesscalding hot.
随着他一次次磨砺,观火的时间越来越短,而现在他已经无需去看火炉,只要内心中想着炉中火焰,他的元气便自动变得灼热。However, the ButcherSlaughtering Pig Blademethodis the battle skillfaction, Qin Musupports the Slaughtering Pig Blademethodto whetusing qi to control sword, the resultwas not big.
不过,屠夫的杀猪刀法是战技派,秦牧拥杀猪刀法来磨砺以气御剑,成效一直不大。ActuallyhispracticeGrandfather MaThunderclap Eight StrikesandBlindspear technique, harvestquite a lot, the progressis amazingly quick.
倒是他修炼马爷的雷音八式和瞎子的枪法,收获颇多,进步神速。At the presenthedisplays the Thunderclap Eight Strikesfourthtype, Kua Fuday after dayRushing Wind and Thunder, is similar togiantrunning, the palmshakes, the airexplodes, blasts out, thisis the origin qimight!
而今他施展雷音八式的第四式,夸父逐日风雷急,如同巨人奔行,掌心一震,空气爆裂,炸开,这是元气的威力!Naturally, fire attributeVermilion Birdorigin qicannotperfectcandisplay the Grandfather MaThunderclap Eight Strikesprestige, mostsuitsThunderclap Eight Strikesorigin qiisAzure Dragonorigin qi.
当然,火属性的朱雀元气并不能完美的将马爷的雷音八式威能发挥出来,最适合雷音八式的元气是青龙元气。WaterattributeBlack Tortoiseorigin qi, candisplayactuallyincisivelyBlindspear technique.
倒是水属性的玄武元气,可以将瞎子的枪法发挥得淋漓尽致。Crossedlong time, Qin Mustops, clothing/takingnexttwoSolidifying Origin Pill, supplemented that the suddenconsumptionorigin qi, thinks deeply about the insufficiency on oneselforigin qiutilizationcarefully.
过了良久,秦牧停下,服下两枚固元丹,补充急剧消耗的元气,细细思索自己元气运用上的不足。He can only takenextSolidifying Origin Pill, will then be supportedgoes crazy, since hisSpirit Embryofalls asleepregains consciousness, clothing/takingnexttwoSolidifying Origin Pilldo not havewhatgreatlyto obstruct, butsupportshurriedly.
他原本只能服下一枚固元丹,便会被撑得发狂,而自从他的灵胎睡着苏醒之后,服下两枚固元丹也没有什么大碍,只是撑得慌。„Solidifying Origin Pillthistype of thing, can Devil Apeeat? Shouldnot be good, Grandpa Apothecarysaid that inSolidifying Origin Pillhasfourattribute, tois not the Overlord Bodypersonis the toxicant. Might as wellanother day, IrefinevatSolidifying Origin PilltoDevil Ape.”
“固元丹这种东西,魔猿可以吃吗?应该不行,药师爷爷说固元丹内有四种属性,对不是霸体的人来说就是毒药。不如改日,我给魔猿炼一缸固元丹。”Qin MuremembersBig fella that thisaccompanies itselfto fight, in the heartmoves slightly, histhesedayshave not goneto look forDevil Ape, does not know how thisvariant beast„Overlord Body Three Elixir Art”will practice.秦牧想起这个陪自己打架的大个子,心中微动,他这几日没有去找魔猿,也不知道这头异兽将“霸体三丹功”练得如何了。Hejumps, the stepsuch asflies, goesto the Devil Apeterritory. Heafter all is a youngster, in the villageis the elderdoes not have the friend, does not hitwithDevil Apeis not acquainted, severaldaydoes not seein the heartveryto missbut actually.
他纵身而起,步履如飞,向魔猿领地而去。他毕竟是少年,村庄里都是长辈没有朋友,与魔猿算是不打不相识,几日不见心中倒挺挂念。In a while, Qin Muarrives atoutside the mountain valley that Devil Apeoccupies, suddenlyin the mountain forest a hillformraisesslowly, isthatDevil Ape.
没过多久,秦牧来到魔猿所居的山谷外,突然山林中一个小山般的身影冉冉升起,正是那头魔猿。Severaldaydoes not see, Devil Apebecomesmore majestic, after seeingQin Mu, joyfulexceptionally, has hammered the chest, hintsQin Muto jumptoownshouldercomes up.
几日不见,魔猿变得更加雄壮,见到秦牧之后欣喜异常,锤了锤胸脯,示意秦牧跳到自己肩膀上来。Qin Mujumpsto leaptoitsshoulder, Devil Apeverticaljumpssuch asflies, leadinghimto enter the mountain valley, runsto the valley.秦牧纵身跃到它的肩头,魔猿纵跳如飞,带着他进入山谷,向谷内跑去。Qin Muor the first timeenter the Devil Apeden, sees onlyin the mountain valley the wilddeerandwild horseeverywhereis, but alsosomeriver deer, as well as the sillyroe deer, the centerhas an ancientvestige, the remnants of destroyed buildings, are damaged.秦牧还是头一次进入魔猿的老巢,只见山谷中野鹿、野马到处都是,还有些獐子,以及傻乎乎的狍子,腹地有一处古老的遗迹,残垣断壁,破败不堪。ThatDevil Ape the placewasonecollapsed50%palaces, before the palace, hadruinedhalfbeasthalfperson of stone statue, Qin MuopensHeaven's Eye, the heartslightly shakes.
那魔猿所住的地方是一个已经坍塌了一半的宫殿,宫殿前有一个破败的半兽半人的石像,秦牧开启神霄天眼,心头微震。Thisstone statueandDisabled Elderly Village'sstone statue are the same, fall into Heaven's Eye, beastGod who charmas ifbeing indomitable spirit in stone statue, fiercerogue, the arroganceis dreadful!
To comeDevil Apeto resist the darknessattackbythisstone statueevery night, saves the life.
想来魔猿每天晚上就是靠这个石像抵御黑暗侵袭,保全性命。„Thischarmis extraordinary, is the Godfor the looks like that the Godcarves?”
“这种神韵非凡,难道也是神为神雕刻的像?”Qin Mujumps downfrom the Devil Apeshoulder, nearby a sillyroe deergathers, smelledhislower hem corner, regardedfoodto chewtwo.秦牧从魔猿肩头跳下,一只傻乎乎的狍子凑到跟前,嗅了嗅他的衣角,当成食物嚼了两口。Devil Apepinchesthisroe deer, puttingon the side ofcautiously, thenwaved, hintsQin Muto follow itself.魔猿将这只狍子捏起来,小心翼翼的放到一边,然后挥了挥手,示意秦牧跟上自己。Itis this ruler in mountain valley, is this protector in mountain valley, is protectingtheseanimals, is very ominousto the intruder.
它是这片山谷的统治者,也是这片山谷的保护者,守护着这些动物,只对入侵者很凶。Qin Mufollowsitto walk intothistatteredpalace, immediatelyknits the brows, hereeverywhereis the smell that the wild animalleaves behind, shouldbe the wild animal in mountain valley, wheneverwill also enterin the palaceto avoiddarknessto the night.秦牧跟随着它走入这座破破烂烂的宫殿,随即皱眉,这里到处都是野兽留下的气味,应该是山谷中的野兽每当到了夜晚也会进入宫殿中躲避黑暗。„Little Guy, look!”Devil Apepoints at a wallto say.
“小不点儿,看!”魔猿指着一面墙壁道。Qin Mulooks up, on the wall of palacehassomebrokenmurals, the muralis motley, someplaceshave fallen off, but alsosomeplaceslost the color, the remainingfewmuralsare only complete.秦牧抬头看去,宫殿的墙壁上有一些残破的壁画,壁画斑驳,有些地方已经脱落,还有些地方失去了颜色,只剩下寥寥几幅壁画还算完整。Thesemurals, whatpictureis a person of designwhenpractice, the arrows of some within the bodyare representing the origin qitrend.
这些壁画,画的是人在修炼时的图案,有一些体内的箭头代表着元气的走势。Qin Mulooked atseveral, suddenly the heartjumps, hesaw„Overlord Body Three Elixir Art”origin qiguide path!秦牧看了几眼,突然心头一跳,他看到了“霸体三丹功”的元气导引路径!
After Devil Apecertainlyispractice„Overlord Body Three Elixir Art”, thinkson the designwithmuralsomewhatto resemble, thereforemakeshim come here!魔猿一定是修炼“霸体三丹功”之后,觉得与壁画上的图案有些相像,所以引他来到这里!HoweverQin Muquicklydiscoversincorrectplace, on the mural the firstchartindeedis the Overlord Body Three Elixir Artdiagram, but the secondchartdiffers from, althoughas beforeaccording to the Overlord Body Three Elixir Artway, butwantedcomplex.
The origin qiguide path of secondchart, enteredSpirit Embryodivine treasure of forehead!
After origin qientersSpirit Embryodivine treasure, draws out the thirdchart, this thirdchart is actually guide path of origin qiinSpirit Embryodivine treasure, origin qiis notdirectlyby the Spirit Embryobreathexpiration and inspiration, butforms a marvelousorigin qimarkin the under foot of Spirit Embryo.元气进入灵胎神藏后引出第三幅图,这第三幅图却是元气在灵胎神藏中的导引路径,元气并非是直接被灵胎呼吸吐纳,而是在灵胎的脚下结成奇妙的元气阵纹。Thismarkis quite complex, teachescompared withBlindtohisDivine Cloud HeavenHeavenly Dipper Formation Markgoes beyond, Qin Musizes upcarefully, rememberswith concentration,at the same timebyownorigin qisimulation, forms a markin the Spirit Embryounder footwithorigin qi.
这种阵纹极为复杂,比瞎子传授给他的神霄天天罡阵纹有过之而无不及,秦牧细细打量,潜心记忆,一边以自己的元气模拟,在灵胎脚下用元气结成阵纹。Whenforms a Spirit Embryomarktohim, the bodyslightly shakes, immediatelyfelt that an inexplicablerelationhimandSpirit Embryolinks!
待到他将灵胎阵纹结成,不由身躯微震,顿时感觉到一股莫名的联系将他和灵胎连接在一起!Hebreathes, Spirit Embryoalsobreathes, hemakes the movement, Spirit Embryoalsomakes the similarmovement, hestimulates to movementOverlord Body Three Elixir Art, Spirit Embryoalsostimulates to movementOverlord Body Three Elixir Art!
他呼吸,灵胎也随之呼吸,他做出动作,灵胎也随之做出同样的动作,他催动霸体三丹功,灵胎也催动霸体三丹功!Qin Mustayed, immediatelygreat happiness: „Is this, equaltotwomytogetherpractice?”秦牧呆了呆,随即大喜:“这样的话,岂不是相当于两个我一起修炼?”HoweverhediscoveredimmediatelySpirit Embryostimulates to movementOverlord Body Three Elixir Art unable to makehisorigin qicultivation baseincrease, butismillorigin qi.
不过他立刻发现灵胎催动霸体三丹功并不能让他的元气修为增加,而是碾磨元气。Hisorigin qiwalks randomlyin the mark of Spirit Embryounder foot, absorbsgolden light in Golden Sea, entersSpirit Embryowithin the bodyagain, was exhaledbySpirit Embryo, after origin qifusesgolden light, becomestenaciouslypurely.
他的元气在灵胎脚下的阵纹中游走,吸收金海中的金光,再进入灵胎体内,被灵胎呼出,元气融合金光之后变得更为坚韧纯粹。Formerly, hisSpirit Embryoalsovagueabsorptiongolden light, the quickness that butdid not havein the thirdchartto record a mark that comes.
从前,他的灵胎也若有若无的吸收金光,但是没有第三幅图中记载的阵纹来的快捷。„Is thisOverlord Body Three Elixir ArtSpirit Embryo Realmcultivation technique?”
“难道这是霸体三丹功的灵胎境界的功法?”In the Qin Muheartthump thumpjumps madly, Village Chiefsaid,hedoes not knowOverlord Bodycultivation technique, has not thoughtherewill obtainSpirit Embryo RealmOverlord Bodycultivation technique!秦牧心中怦怦乱跳,村长说,他也不知道霸体的后续功法,没想到在这里会得到灵胎境界的霸体功法!Helooksto the fourthchart, knits the browsslightly, the fourthcharthas fallen off, only thenhalf, recordshouldbeFive ElementsRealmcultivation technique.
他看向第四幅图,微微皱眉,第四幅图已经脱落了,只有一半,记载的应该是五行境界的功法。Inthischart the graspingmarks of someanimals, shouldbe lived the animalheredestroying.
The fifthchart is also very incomplete, the sixthcharthas simply fallen offmost probably, the followingseveralchartsaretattered, is hardto recognize.
第五幅图也很残缺,第六幅图干脆脱落了大半,后面的几幅图更是破破烂烂,难以辨识。„Thispalacetothisdegree, does not knowhow longruined the abovemural can also maintain.”
“这座宫殿已经破败到这种程度,不知道上面的壁画还能保持多久。”Qin Musighed, the muralcanhaveseveralchartsto spread the presentnot to be extremely easy, herememberedsecond and thirdchartcompletely, recalledsilentlyseveral, thisfelt relieved.秦牧叹了口气,壁画能够有几幅图流传到现在已经极不容易了,他将第二幅和第三幅图完全记下,又默默回忆几遍,这才放下心来。Even if the mural in palacewere ruinedcompletely, will spreadhishere, teachesnext„Overlord Body”!
The mural on palacewallcompleteremains not many, besides„Overlord Body Three Elixir Art”beside, a mural is quite complete.
宫殿墙壁上的壁画完整的所剩不多,除了“霸体三丹功”之外,还有一张壁画较为完整。Thatwas a map, Qin Musizes upcarefully, found the position that Surging Riverwas, in the heartmoved slightly: „Is this Great Ruinsmap?”
那是一幅地图,秦牧细细打量,找到了涌江所在的位置,不由心中微动:“难道这是大墟的地图?”HealongSurging Riverseekingbit by bit, from the trend of river wateramount and rate of flowriver coursecurve, seeks for the Disabled Elderly Village'spositionfinally.
他沿着涌江一点一点的寻找,从江水流势河道转弯的走势,终于寻找到残老村的位置。„Eh? Why did heredraw the coordinated process?”
The Qin Muvisionfallson the map of Disabled Elderly Villageupstream110milesplace, onthereSurging Rivermaphas drawn the shape of coordinated processunexpectedly, incomprehensible.秦牧目光落在残老村上游110里地的地图上,那里涌江的地图上竟然画了一条龙的形状,令人不解。„Surging River Dragon King!”
The Qin Muheartslightly shakes, side of thisdragonwrites the Surging River Dragon Kingfourcharacters, does not know that isanymeaning.秦牧心头微震,这条龙的旁边写着涌江龙王四字,不知是什么意思。Inthischartnot onlyhasthisstrangeplace, otherplaces are also very strange, are away fromeast ofDisabled Elderly Village30miles, has drawn a well, near the wellhas also writtenfourcharacters: Heaven's Well Dragon King.
A place is also a well, writes the Sea Eye Dragon Kingfourcharacters.
还有一处地方也是一口井,写着海眼龙王四字。Healsoseesin the Great Ruinsmap the more remoteplaceship, on the shipis also drawing a Sun, sidewrites the Sun Shipthreecharacters. InSun Shipnot far away, placenamedSun Well, butalsohasMoon Shipfrom the Sun Shipveryfarplace, the shipis drawing a roundmoon. ByMoon Ship, is called the Moon Wellstrangeplace.
The Qin Muvisionsearch, had not found the middleto suppress the Maiden Wuancient templeonmap, had not foundBorder Dragon City of downstreamthousand li (500 km)placeon the map.秦牧目光搜寻,没有在地图上找到江心镇压吴女的古庙,也没有在地图上找到下游千里处的镶龙城。„Is thismap, the Great Ruinscataclysmbeforehandmap?”
The Qin Musearchmoment, the heartjumps, hefound himselfto avoiddarknessthatcanyonvestige of discovery, butmapsuperscriptis not the vestige, butis called the goddesspass/test!秦牧搜寻片刻,心头一跳,他找到了自己躲避黑暗而发现的那个峡谷遗迹,不过地图上标的并非是遗迹,而是叫做神女关!„Reallyis the Great Ruinscataclysmbeforehandmap!”
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