TOHG :: Volume #19

#1811: Ancestral Courtyard mixed Yuanding

In Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City, the Young Master Approaching the Firmament Young Master Zixiao saw that has died limitless, cannot help but the complexion drastic change, quickly lives in Jade Capital City, immediately displays the blood sacrifice. 祖庭玉京城中,公子凌霄公子紫霄见到无极已死,不由得脸色剧变,急忙顿住玉京城,立刻施展血祭。 Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City this time to take advantage of Qin Mu is coping with the limitless empty space, sweeps clear the Eternal Peace influence, however makes them not expect what is, Qin Mu will then defeat to strike to kill unexpectedly quickly limitless, is simply agile. 祖庭玉京城此次是为了趁秦牧正在对付无极的空当,将延康势力清扫一空,然而让他们没有预料到的是,秦牧竟然这么快便将无极击败击杀,干脆利索。 Full power stimulation of movement blood sacrifice!” “全力催动血祭!” Two Young Master order, the innumerable Great Luo Heaven fragments shine, six prism raise unceasingly, is getting more and more thick, innumerable rune shine, entire Ancestral Courtyard was covered in rays of light of blood sacrifice. 两位公子一声令下,无数块大罗天碎片亮起,一个个六棱柱不断拔高,越来越粗大,无数符文亮起,整个祖庭都被笼罩在血祭的光芒之中。 But what makes their accidental/surprised is, Qin Mu has not seized the chance to intervene this blood sacrifice unexpectedly, but whatever they display. 但让他们意外的是,秦牧竟然没有趁机干预这场血祭,而是任由他们施展。 He really has the full assurance, can our catch everything in one net?” “难道他真的有十足的把握,能够将我们一网打尽?” Two Young Master are serious, kills from Qin Mu executes the limitless process boundlessly, in these 3.5 billion years his strength has the great strides, but wants the inferior point from the Young Master level. 两位公子面色凝重,从秦牧杀无涯诛无极的过程来看,这三十五亿年中他的实力有着长足进步,但是距离公子的水准还是要逊色一分。 To rely on him and Eternal Peace strength, exterminates Jade Capital City, almost not possibly! 想要凭借他与延康的实力,剿灭玉京城,几乎没有可能! Seventh child's breadth of spirit, has several points of style of teacher. However in any event, this fights cannot lose, is impossible to lose!” “老七的气魄,已经有了老师的几分风范。不过无论如何,这一战都绝不能输,也绝不可能输!” The Jade Capital City blood sacrifice launches completely, derives the boundless energy that the boundless and limitless dead space comes, replaced with the past mass energy, in Jade Capital City, the Dao Light glow shone together, had become Dao and Palace Master unceasingly arrives! 玉京城的血祭完全展开,汲取无涯和无极之死带来的磅礴能量,与过去质能置换,玉京城中,一道道光芒亮起,不断有成道者和殿主降临! Meanwhile, the Young Master Zixiao and Young Master Approaching the Firmament is also away from arrives is completely getting more and more near. 与此同时,公子紫霄和公子凌霄也距离完全降临越来越近。 Qin Mu and Eternal Peace become Dao seems like the energy that lest they arrive is not very ordinary, but also in unceasing eradicates the boundless old man follower, enabling Jade Capital City many become Dao to arrive at Ancestral Courtyard calmly. 秦牧延康成道者像是唯恐他们降临的能量不够一般,还在不断的铲除无涯老人的追随者,让玉京城更多的成道者可以从容降临到祖庭 In the sky, the Chaos sea subsides, Qin Mu takes a step to go down, arrives in the battlefield, under boundless old man has countless expert, has to endure to compare existence of Palace Master many, but a group of people without a leader. 天空中,混沌海平息,秦牧迈步走下,来到战场之中,无涯老人麾下有着不计其数的强者,其中也不乏有堪比殿主的存在,但群龙无首。 In Eternal Peace expert is numerous, solely was existence of Palace Master level then has Xu Shenghua, Lan Yutian and Founding Emperor Qin Ye, Taishi, Jiang Baigui, Xing An, Qin Fengqin, Celestial Exalt You, Hua Xuan Xiu and God King to think of Qin and other more than people. 延康强者众多,单单是殿主级的存在便有虚生花蓝御田开皇秦业、太始、江白圭星犴秦凤青幽天尊花萱秀神王思秦等十多人。 This war, does not need the Qin Mu take action then general situation to decide. 这一战,无需秦牧出手便大局已定。 Qin Mu calmly waits. 秦牧静静等候。 This fights is above the imagination frigidly, under boundless old man does not defend slaughters here, but runs away to other Ancestral Courtyard places, develops across the battlefield Ancestral Courtyard, lets this exterminate becomes thornier. 这一战的惨烈超乎想象,无涯老人麾下并非是守在这里厮杀,而是逃向祖庭其他地方,将战场拓展到祖庭各地,让这场清剿变得更为棘手。 Even if there are Qin Fengqin, God of the Living, Heavely Yin Goddess and Apothecary and the others, Eternal Peace expert still has the casualty unavoidably. 即便有秦凤青天公天阴娘娘药师等人,延康强者也难免出现死伤。 Qin Mu has not meddled as before, whatever they act. 秦牧依旧没有插手,任由他们施为。 More than ten years later, this exterminated finished, crosses world Golden Ship to carry the people to return, hovering outside Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City. 十多年后,这场清剿才堪堪结束,渡世金船载着众人归来,悬停在祖庭玉京城外。 Qin Mu stood in the bow, the blood sacrifice in Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City also arrived at the last act, in the sky rays of light of blood sacrifice gradually became dim, Dao Light that came from the universe also gradually became slight. 秦牧站在船头,祖庭玉京城中的血祭也到了尾声,天空中血祭的光芒渐渐变得黯淡,一道道来自过去宇宙的道光也渐渐变得细微。 Finally, the Dao Light glow vanishes together, the last Dao Light glow gradually is also low, falls into the city. 终于,一道道光芒消失,最后一道光芒也渐渐低落下来,落入城中。 Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City, like cleaned by the clear rain, attractive such as new, appears in Ancestral Courtyard thoroughly, in this ancient Divine City Dao Light is dense, the say/way sound that the Dao Tree forest, in become Dao Dao Fruit fills is loud and clear, the unceasing deafening sound, does not know that many say/way sounds gather, the Great Dao song of praise, floods entire Ancestral Courtyard probably! 祖庭玉京城,如同被清雨清洗了一遍,光鲜如新,彻底出现在祖庭之中,这座古老的神城道光氤氲,道树成林,成道道果中弥漫的道音洪亮有序,不断震响,不知多少种道音聚集在一起,像是大道的赞歌,充斥整个祖庭 Dao Mark Dao Chain that on Dao Tree from the city overflows, interweaves to interlock in the sky, although the quantity is extremely numerous, the mark silk is not chaotic. 从城中道树上溢出的道纹道链,在天空中交织交错,虽然数量极多,却纹丝不乱。 Dao Mark Dao Chain fills the air, probably wants the brand mark in the sky, brand mark in Mountains and Rivers, even if crosses around world Golden Ship still to have mysterious profound Dao Mark Dao Chain, probably the flood dragon, the river, roaming phoenix, has fluttered from Golden Ship probably probably. 道纹道链四下里弥漫,像是要烙印在天空中,烙印在山河里,即便是渡世金船四周也有着一道道玄妙高深的道纹道链,像是蛟龙,像是长河,像是游凤,从金船四周飘过。 - 咣- The Jade Capital City city gate opens, the reveal goes out of town Thousand Palaces Ten Thousand Halls, and Dao Tree forest! 玉京城的城门开启,露出城中千宫万殿,以及道树的森林! Before each palace, all Dao Tree, under each Dao Tree, all become Dao, they or place in oneself say/way soldier the palace in the altar, or is hanging on Dao Tree, raises by Dao Fruit Dao Flower accumulated. 每一个宫殿前皆有一株道树,每一株道树下,皆有一位成道者,他们将自己的道兵或者放在宫中祭坛上,或者悬挂在道树上,以道果道花蕴养。 They do not have Great Luo Heaven, in 17 th has not recorded become Dao, perhaps is their only weakness. 他们没有大罗天,没有在第十七纪成道,或许是他们唯一的弱点。 However their cultivation base are still very vigorous . Moreover the quantity are more, are much more than Eternal Peace three thousand become Dao! 但是他们的修为依旧无比雄浑,而且数量更多,远比延康的三千成道者多得多! The Shu Jun neck always extends is long, but also in counting Dao Tree in city, nearby thinking Qin after all was Lord of Creation, tall and powerfully built big, said: Old God King, did not need to count, in city Dao Tree 18,000.” 叔钧脖子伸得老长,还在数城中的道树,一旁的思秦毕竟是造物主,身材魁梧高大,道:“老神王,不用数了,城中道树一万八千株。” Shu Jun shrank the neck, whispered: Do not call me old God King, I was bigger several long live/10000 years old than you.” 叔钧缩了缩脖子,嘀咕道:“不要叫我老神王,我只是比你大了几万岁而已。” Thought of Qin Haoqi saying: „Can God King be symmetric with my brother?” 思秦好奇道:“神王要与我兄弟相称吗?” Shu Jun complexion one black, shakes the head hastily, many people on the scene were think of Uncle Qin uncle, with thinking of the Brother Qin symmetric words, oneself then suffered a loss. 叔钧脸色一黑,连忙摇头,在场很多人都是思秦的叔叔伯伯,与思秦兄弟相称的话,自己便吃大亏了。 Must know to discuss the rank, oneself are in the people on the scene most ancient that thought of the origin of Qin to be inexplicable let alone, if were really the Qin Mu's child, oneself then owed in a big way. 要知道论辈分,自己是在场众人中最为古老的那个,更何况思秦的来历不明不白的,万一真的是秦牧的孩子,自己便亏大了。 He still remembers that a short time ago thought of Qin to arrive at Ancestral Courtyard, when Lang Wo God King that picture gives Qin Mu, the Qin Mu's expression, in this definitely has any trick. 他还记得前不久思秦来到祖庭,把阆涴神王的那幅画交给秦牧时,秦牧的表情,这里面肯定有什么猫腻。 Jiang Baigui shot a look at to think of Qin, when remembered that day Qin Mu to receive that picture manner, revealed the color of thinking. 江白圭瞥了瞥思秦,也想起那日秦牧收起那幅画时的神态,露出思索之色。 Emperor Yanfeng gathers side him, said in a low voice: Father who Imperial Preceptor, thought of Qin, who did you ravel are?” 延丰帝凑到他身边,低声道:“国师,思秦的生父,你弄明白是谁了吗?” Emperor Yanfeng is not Heavenly Emperor, Jiang Baigui also no longer makes Imperial Preceptor, but Emperor Yanfeng often called him Imperial Preceptor. 延丰帝已经不是天帝,江白圭也不再做国师,但延丰帝还是经常称他为国师 The Jiang Baigui vision flashes, pulls down the throat sound said: I asked Heavenly Chart Painting Saint to inspect that picture.” 江白圭目光闪动,压低嗓音道:“我请天图画圣检查过那幅画。” The Emperor Yanfeng spirit inspires, is wanting to inquire, Wei Sui Feng gathers up to come, said quietly: How Heavenly Chart did Painting Saint say?” 延丰帝精神一振,正欲询问,魏随风凑上前来,悄声道:“天图画圣怎么说?” Heavenly Chart Painting Saint was the Qin Mu's picture track teacher, Disabled Elderly Village's Deaf, the Qin Mu's picture track compares him to be immaturer. 天图画圣便是秦牧的画道老师,残老村的聋子,秦牧的画道相比他来说还是稚嫩了些。 However written mood of Qin Mu in the picture track, the breadth of spirit are general, is not Painting Saint can compare favorably. 不过秦牧在画道中书写情怀,气魄广大,便不是画圣所能媲美的了。 Three old men press together, whispers, Jiang Baigui hesitates, repeated the Heavenly Chart Painting Saint words. 三个老男人挤在一起,交头接耳,江白圭沉吟一下,将天图画圣的话复述了一遍。 Heavenly Chart Painting Saint said that picture indeed was Qin Mu draws, poured into the Qin Mu's sentiment, when drawing this picture, the Qin Mu's picture track is impeccable. 天图画圣说,那幅画的确是秦牧所画,倾注了秦牧的感情,在画这幅画时,秦牧的画道已经无可挑剔。 In the picture becomes Heaven and Earth, in has the universe, but Qin Mu's picture track, although is perfect, but this picture is actually a remnant picture, has not drawn to end. 画中自成天地,内有乾坤,但是秦牧的画道虽然完美,但是这幅画其实是一幅残画,并没有画完。 I inquired carefully, Painting Saint is actually not willing saying that only said that in the picture something are not draw, but is in the brand mark.” “我仔细询问,画圣却不愿多说,只说了一句,画中有些东西不是画出来的,而是烙印上的。” Jiang Baigui said: In my opinion, that picture is quite perfect, what in the picture the brand mark comes up is which part?” 江白圭道:“在我看来,那幅画已经极为完美,画中烙印上去的是哪一部分?” Emperor Yanfeng and Wei Sui Feng look at each other in dismay, if knows what brand mark is which part, perhaps then can untie to think of Qin the riddle of life experience. But, that picture had been received by Qin Mu. 延丰帝魏随风面面相觑,倘若知道烙印的是哪一部分,说不定便可以解开思秦的身世之谜。可是,那幅画已经被秦牧收了去。 Moreover, even if Qin Mu takes, by them the sloppy attainments on picture track, only feared that cannot look. 而且,就算秦牧取出来,以他们三人在画道上的稀松造诣,只怕也看不出来。 Wei Sui Feng hesitates, misleads saying: Senior emperor, or do you ask Yan Xiu Empress? She knows the inside story mostly, could make that picture......” 魏随风迟疑一下,蛊惑道:“老皇帝,要不你去问问延秀帝?她多半知道内情,说不定能够把那幅画弄出来……” Emperor Yanfeng shivers with fright, angrily says: You completely offer the stupid idea! If is really the matter that the uncle does, my Ling Family then can not be peaceful! Does not mention, does not mention!” 延丰帝打个冷战,怒道:“你尽出馊主意!倘若真是姑爷搞出的事,我灵家便不得安生了!休提,休提!” Suddenly, in Jade Capital City a handsome female goes out, raises slightly saying: Seventh Young Master, two Young Master invited, but also asked Young Master to step.” 突然,玉京城中一位容貌秀丽的女子走出,欠身道:“七公子,两位公子相请,还请公子移步。” Qin Mu nods, goes out of Golden Ship, said warm: Southern Hunan elder sister invited.” 秦牧点了点头,走出金船,温言道:“南湘姐姐请。” The female said with a smile: Young Master is polite. Please.” 那女子笑吟吟道:“公子客气。请。” Qin Mu walks into Jade Capital City along with her, Qin Fengqin looks, sees only Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City Dao Tree to be even more healthy, Dao Mark Dao Chain are getting more and more, crowded to become net, making Ancestral Courtyard as if turn into a giant trap, but their Golden Ship seem like in the net the caught insect, knits the brows, said to Xu Shenghua Lan Yutian: Two Dao Brother, Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City layout, we, if holds troops, only feared that will fall on leeward.” 秦牧随她走入玉京城中,秦凤青四下里看去,只见祖庭玉京城道树愈发茁壮,道纹道链越来越多,密集成网,让祖庭似乎变成一个巨大的罗网,而他们的金船则像是网中被捕捉的虫子,不由皱眉,向虚生花蓝御田道:“两位道兄,祖庭玉京城布局,我们倘若按兵不动,只怕会落在下风。” Lan Yutian nods, looks all around about said: Cannot fall leeward. The gentlemen preparation.” 蓝御田点头,环顾左右道:“不可落入下风。诸君准备罢。” His voice falls, on Golden Ship Great Luo Heaven comes suddenly piece by piece extravagantly, that is Great Luo Heaven of Eternal Peace become Dao, rays of light is radiant, performs to reveal the boundless atmosphere of Eternal Peace become Dao! 他话音一落,金船上突然一片片大罗天铺张开来,那是延康成道者的大罗天,光芒璀璨,尽显延康成道者的磅礴大气! Great Luo Heaven and past of 16 universe discipline Eternal Peace become Dao Great Luo Heaven of become Dao was completely different, their Great Luo Heaven every people used Ancestral Courtyard as the foundation, Ancestral Courtyard divine treasure stands in the center, respective World Tree stood erect in the Ancestral Courtyard center, supplemented with Five Tai, Heavenly Sea, Nine Prisons, Jade Platform, four Heavenly Gate and other Holy Land! 延康成道者的大罗天与以往十六个宇宙纪的成道者的大罗天完全不同,他们每一人的大罗天都是以祖庭为根基,祖庭神藏立在中心,各自的世界树屹立在祖庭的中央,辅以五太,天海,九狱,瑶台,四天门等各种圣地 But on World Tree, is Xuandu divine treasure, the group is star-studded, the galaxy coils around, under World Tree is Nether divine treasure. 而在世界树上,则是玄都神藏,群星璀璨,星河盘绕,世界树下则是幽都神藏 Some other Heavenly River, Four Extremes Heaven and other divine treasure, form the All Heaven Myriad Realm phenomenon! 另有天河,四极天等各种神藏,形成诸天万界的异象! When on Great Luo Heaven of three thousand become Dao to the ship unfolds completely, suddenly various Dao Mark Dao Chain fill the air, extends, drives back Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City Dao Mark Dao Chain of become Dao, vies mutually! 待到船上三千成道者的大罗天完全铺开,一时间各种道纹道链四下弥漫,延伸,将祖庭玉京城成道者的道纹道链逼退,相互争辉! Several thousand Great Luo Heaven, like several thousand miniature universe universe, eye-catching! 数千座大罗天,如同数千个微型的宇宙乾坤,夺目至极! However, in this also has the alternative, what such as Jiang Baigui practice is the say/way of Later Heaven/acquired, what walked is the Heavenly Palace Heavenly Court path, is inconsistent with their Great Luo Heaven. 不过,这里面也有另类,如江白圭修炼的是后天之道,走的是天宫天庭的路子,与他们的大罗天并不一致。 But Founding Emperor is traditional Dao Boundary become Dao, is inconsistent with them. 开皇则是传统的道境成道,也与他们不一致。 As for the ancient God become Dao Taishi, has very big difference from the Ancestral Courtyard Dao Boundary system. 至于古神成道的太始,也与祖庭道境体系有着很大的区别。 The Xu Shenghua vision flashes, looks, sees only Ancestral Courtyard become Dao to press their head, said: Gentlemen, give back to Ancestral Courtyard Holy Land!” 虚生花目光闪动,四下里看去,只见祖庭成道者还是压过他们一头,道:“诸君,将圣地还给祖庭!” His voice falls, immediately since mountain ranges fly from Golden Ship, has Wang Yanghu sea, the big rivers, four big Heavenly Gate and Jade Pond Jade Platform, Cutting God Platform and Nine Prisons stage and other Holy Land depart from the sleeves of become Dao, flies to Ancestral Courtyard. 他话音一落,顿时一条条山脉从金船上飞起,另有汪洋湖海,大江大河,四大天门瑶池瑶台斩神台九狱台等各种圣地从一个个成道者的衣袖间飞出,向祖庭各地飞去。 These Holy Land are the Demigod Heavenly Court period, Celestial Exalt Hao forcefully Ancestral Courtyard Holy Land refining to become treasure, is used to attack Yuan World, afterward was taken away by Eternal Peace one by one, is used to suppress the national destiny. 那些圣地原本是半神天庭时期,昊天尊强行将祖庭圣地炼化成宝,用来攻打元界,后来被延康逐一收走,用来镇压国运。 This final war, Xu Shenghua Lan Yutian two Dao Ancestor ordered, took away Ancestral Courtyard Holy Land entirely, prepares to return Ancestral Courtyard! 此次最终一战,虚生花蓝御田两位道祖下令,将祖庭圣地统统收走,准备返还祖庭 When falls one by one same place to these Holy Land, Ancestral Courtyard vibrates immediately loudly, probably by Gods of seal, all divine treasure was linked up suddenly, unusual brightness Dao Light shoot up to the sky from Ancestral Courtyard immediately, enhances one another's beauty with Eternal Peace Great Luo Heaven of become Dao! 待到这些圣地逐一落回原地,祖庭顿时轰然震动,像是一个被封印的神祇,突然所有神藏贯通,一股股宝光道光顿时从祖庭各地冲天而起,与延康成道者的大罗天交相辉映! In the city, Qin Mu takes a seat, be with smile on the face, looks at the Young Master Zixiao Young Master Approaching the Firmament complexion. 城中,秦牧落座下来,面带微笑,看着公子紫霄公子凌霄的脸色。 Dao Mark Dao Chain that in the city the Dao Tree forest sends out was suppressed, unceasing retraction, but outside the city, Ancestral Courtyard mixed Yuanding to recover probably generally, Qin Mu these 3.5 billion years of brand mark Ancestral Courtyard, Ancestral Courtyard refining to become treasure, with the returns of these Holy Land, entire Ancestral Courtyard were built up as one, turned into not a unimaginable heavy treasure and treasure thoroughly, suppressed all! 城中道树森林散发出的道纹道链被压制,不断回缩,而在城外,祖庭混元鼎像是复苏了一般,秦牧这三十五亿年烙印祖庭,将祖庭炼化成宝,随着这些圣地的回归,整个祖庭被炼为一体,彻底变成了一座无法想象的重宝、重器,镇压一切!
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