TOHG :: Volume #19

#1809: Boundless bill signed in acknowledgment of debt

Under World Tree, boundless old man sits well motionless, the vision is profound, as if can understand thoroughly all history through the ages. 世界树下,无涯老人端坐不动,目光深邃,仿佛能洞彻古往今来的一切历史。 16 Chaos perpetual flows surround this old tree, the World Tree root hair pass through 16 Chaos perpetual flows, each universe discipline all has countless expert to maintain life with the aid of the root hair of this old tree. 十六道混沌长河环绕这株古树,世界树的根须贯穿十六道混沌长河,每个宇宙纪皆有不计其数的强者借助这株古树的根须来保命。 They are live die, whether can escape the tribulation, all in boundless old man in an instant. 他们是生是死,是否能够脱劫,全在无涯老人一念之间。 Is only 17 years old since birth, a universe is one year. 生来只有十七岁,一个宇宙是一年。 This is boundless old man. 这便是无涯老人 At the present is his 17 th year, the vicissitudes pictures of history, vicissitudes of life of innumerable life are the dust tiny life are also making noise to him merely. 而今是他第十七个年头,历史的沧桑对他来说只是一个个画面,无数生命的悲欢离合也仅仅是尘埃般细小的生命在喧嚣。 He cares, only then oneself. 他所在意的,只有自己。 Since 3.5 billion years ago the war of return to the ruins has been injured, he then continuously dispirited, that time is injured to his injury is more ruthless than the Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity cutting down a tree, the Qin Mu choice has not destroyed completely him, but gives the opportunity that he escaped, but he is ungrateful to Qin Mu. 自从三十五亿年前归墟之战受伤以来,他便一直萎靡不振,那次受伤对他的伤害比太易伐树还要狠,秦牧并未选择灭掉他,而是给了他逃生的机会,但他对秦牧并不感激。 Qin Mu does not dare to kill him, because mainly killed him, will cause three Young Master four Young Master to arrive. 秦牧之所以不敢杀他,主要还是因为杀了他,会导致三公子公子降临。 In the later 3.5 billion years, the four directions attack, Qin Mu helps him resist more/complete the palace once for a while, even also meets take action to help Young Master be limitless. 在之后的三十五亿年间,四方攻伐,秦牧还是时不时的帮他抵抗弥罗宫,甚至还会出手帮助公子无极。 However Qin Mu has limited dead them. 然而秦牧已经将他们限制死了。 Since Qin Mu destroys return to the ruins great abyss, void of seal Ancestral Courtyard, Young Master then lost the source of forces again limitless, wants to restore in peak condition, then can only depend on oneself practice step by step. 自从秦牧摧毁归墟大渊,重新封印祖庭的虚空,公子无极便失去了力量源泉,想要恢复到巅峰状态,便只能靠自己一步一步的修炼 Boundless old man also lost the strength source. His subordinate prehistoric expert, already not new become Dao. 无涯老人也失去了力量来源。他麾下的史前强者,已经没有新的成道者了。 Wants become Dao, only has a road, that is the Ancestral Courtyard Dao Boundary system. 想要成道,只有一条路,那就是祖庭道境体系。 He is unable to let the Ancestral Courtyard Dao Boundary system of subordinate prehistoric expert practice Eternal Peace, if because prehistoric expert become Dao with the aid of Ancestral Courtyard Dao Boundary system become Dao, did not have the least bit advantage to him. 他又无法让麾下的史前强者修炼延康祖庭道境体系,因为倘若史前强者成道借助祖庭道境体系成道,对他没有半点好处。 Limitless is unable to restore in peak condition, but he experienced 3.5 billion years of growth, is the entry is slow. 无极始终无法恢复到巅峰状态,而他经历了三十五亿年的生长,也是进境缓慢。 He is familiar with the Qin Mu's goal, nothing but is the protracted time, to so-called Eternal Peace political reform more opportunities, letting Eternal Peace can grow. 他对秦牧的目的了如指掌,无非就是拖延时间,给所谓的延康变法更多的机会,让延康能够成长起来。 He even calculates side Qin Mu to leave many people each time, comes from the outside world each time many people, estimates the Eternal Peace strength. 他甚至计算秦牧身边每次离开多少人,每次从外界进来多少人,估算延康的实力。 Previously, the Eternal Peace new become Dao number was very scary, but afterward, this trend slowed down slowly, particularly to the recent years, new become Dao were getting fewer and fewer, even 20,000 years did not have the new become Dao appearance recently. 先前,延康新增的成道者数量很是吓人,但是后来,这种趋势才慢慢减缓,尤其是到了近些年,新的成道者越来越少,甚至最近两万年都没有新的成道者出现。 Eternal Peace altogether only has three thousand become Dao, the quantity are seemingly many, but compared with the accumulations of 16 universe discipline, is too few. 延康总共只有三千成道者,数量看起来很多,但比起十六个宇宙纪的积累来说,还是太少。 Since then, boundless old man then realized, the Eternal Peace political reform came across very major problem. 自那时起,无涯老人便意识到,延康变法遇到了很大的问题。 This issue should be, without foreign aggression. 这个问题应该是,没有外患。 Eternal Peace without the foreign aggression , there would be no sense of crisis, the people content with the status quo, cause not to have the enterprise, does not have fighting spirit that striving for success worked hard for the prosperity of the country. 延康没有了外患,便没有了忧患意识,民众太安于现状,导致没有进取心,没有了拼搏奋发图强的斗志。 As for political reform, is therefore difficult to sustain. 至于变法,也因此难以为继。 After boundless old man realizes this point, then calculated that another possibility, Qin Mu must begin. 无涯老人意识到这一点之后,便推算出另一个可能,秦牧要动手了。 For 3.5 billion years, the goal of Qin Mu dragging time is to expand the Eternal Peace political reform, to Eternal Peace political reform more time, the political reform is difficult to sustain now, then he does not need to continue to delay. 三十五亿年来,秦牧拖延时间的目的都是为了壮大延康变法,给延康变法更多时间,现在变法难以为继,那么他也就没有必要继续拖延下去了。 Qin Mu will certainly begin! 秦牧一定会动手! Chaos, if begins, can unite me, uniting Young Master is limitless, starts to Jade Capital City. Because the Jade Capital City threat is strongest!” 混沌倘若动手的话,一定会来联合我,联合公子无极,对玉京城下手。因为玉京城的威胁力最强!” The boundless old man vision flashes: Unites weak to subdue|grams, is the say/way of military tactics. After removing Jade Capital City, he has the ample force to cope with me and Young Master is limitless. At that time, he also needed my strength, to the Eternal Peace pressure, forcing the Eternal Peace political reform to continue. But he asked me and he collaborates, happen to can want a lion's share! I restore to the peak, is just round the corner!” 无涯老人目光闪动:“联弱克强,才是兵法之道。除掉了玉京城之后,他才有余力对付我和公子无极。那时候,他也需要我的力量,给延康压力,迫使延康变法继续。而他来求我与他联手,正好可以狮子大开口!我恢复到巅峰时期,便指日可待!” He just thought of here, suddenly has the become Dao incoming telegram, said: Seventh Young Master Chaos crossing world Golden Ship comes, has entered the single layer Chaos river!” 他刚刚想到这里,突然有成道者来报,道:“七公子混沌的渡世金船前来,已经进入第一重混沌长河!” Boundless old man sets out, haha said with a smile: Young Master Chaos as I expected! His all plans, perform during I grasp, throughout can only , in I hold jump to stumble! Comes the person, prepares to greet Young Master Chaos, gives him a demonstration of authority!” 无涯老人起身,哈哈笑道:“公子混沌果然不出我所料!他的一切计划,尽在我掌握之中,始终只能在我掌中蹦跶!来人,准备迎接公子混沌,给他一个下马威!” In the meantime, suddenly the ding shakes, Chaos perpetual flows nearly seethe with excitement, a mighty bell stretches across 16 Chaos perpetual flows, is situated above the river, shook in the river innumerable prehistoric expert to have a footing steadily, does not fall into break and destroy Great Disaster in abundance! 就在此时,突然钟声震荡,一条条混沌长河近乎沸腾,一口洪钟横跨十六道混沌长河,坐落在长河之上,震得河中无数史前强者立脚不稳,纷纷跌入破灭大劫之中! Crosses world Golden Ship to push directly into, charges into World Tree of opposite shore from the mighty bell! 渡世金船长驱直入,从洪钟之中冲向对岸的世界树 The boundless old man heart big quake, somewhat feels helpless, according to his calculation, Qin Mu should be sums, but is not makes war. 无涯老人心头大震,有些不知所措,按照他的推算,秦牧应该是来求和的,而并非是来开战的。 But Qin Mu take action, then breaks 16 Chaos perpetual flows, kills directly! 秦牧出手,便破去十六道混沌长河,径直杀来! Chaos!” 混沌!” Boundless old man startled and anger, drinks one severely: You sum, first gives me a demonstration of authority to be inadequate on the contrary?” 无涯老人又惊又怒,厉喝一声:“你来求和,反倒先给我一个下马威不成?” Bang! 轰! Crosses world Golden Ship to rush to under World Tree, hits the land mountains smashing back and forth, the ding shakes, throws off the land under World Tree, innumerable prehistoric expert were similar to the duckweed and fallen leaf in the ding, was hard to stand firm figure. 渡世金船一路冲到世界树下,撞得大地山川粉碎,钟声来回震荡,将世界树下的大地掀翻,无数史前强者在钟声中如同浮萍、落叶,难以稳住身形 Boundless old man quickly stimulates to movement World Tree, rescued prehistoric expert, simultaneously more World Tree root hair deeply dug in the Chaos river, countless prehistoric expert like the innumerable ant fleas, climbed up along the root hair upwardly, crawled furiously to the other shore! 无涯老人急忙催动世界树,将一个个史前强者救起,同时更多的世界树根须深深扎入混沌长河,数之不尽的史前强者如同无数蚂蚁跳蚤,沿着根须向上攀爬,奋力爬向彼岸! Qin Mu stands in the bow, crosses world Golden Ship still to flush away to boundless old man, on Golden Ship, Eternal Peace become Dao departs from the ship one after another, kills to these stowaways. 秦牧站在船头,渡世金船犹自向无涯老人冲去,金船上,延康成道者一个接着一个从船上飞出,向那些偷渡者杀去。 Lan Yutian and Xu Shenghua two ancestors, Founding Emperor Qin Ye, Founding Emperor Empress Yiyue, the Dao Sect two ancestors, Buddhism Zhan Kong, the Heavenly Blade four ancestors, divine creative force double God King, Emperor Yanfeng and Eternal Peace Emperor various, meet head-on. 蓝御田虚生花二祖,开皇秦业,开皇帝译月,道门二祖,佛门战空,天刀四祖,造物双神王,延丰帝以及延康诸帝,纷纷迎战。 When crosses world Golden Ship to arrive under World Tree, in front of boundless old man, on the ship is only left over Qin Mu one person. 等到渡世金船来到世界树下,无涯老人面前,船上只剩下秦牧一人。 Crosses world Golden Ship to stop, Qin Mu takes a step to go down Golden Ship, bows saying: „When boundless Dao Brother, you and me met by chance in the past for the first time, I give your favor bill signed in acknowledgment of debt, whether you also do remain?” 渡世金船停下,秦牧迈步走下金船,躬身道:“无涯道兄,当年你我第一次相逢时,我给你的人情欠条,你是否还留着?” The boundless old man heart jumps, the vision looks behind to him, sees only under World Tree to form hundreds of battlefields, Eternal Peace become Dao is slaughtering his subordinate expert wantonly. 无涯老人心头一跳,目光向他身后看去,只见世界树下形成数以百计的战场,延康成道者们正在大肆屠杀他麾下的强者 Dao Fruit that these years, on his World Tree is hanging, only feared that was studied thoroughly by Qin Mu and the others, all divine ability Dao Art broken went to by the opposite party, will therefore evolve a slaughter! 这些年,他的世界树上悬挂的道果,只怕被秦牧等人研究透彻,一切神通道法都被对方破去,因此才会演变成一场屠杀! The boundless old man sound is hoarse: „Aren't you sum?” 无涯老人声音沙哑:“你不是来求和的?” Qin Mu shakes the head, said: Dao Brother, bill signed in acknowledgment of debt whether also in?” 秦牧摇头,道:“道兄,欠条是否还在?” The boundless old man corner of the eye beats, suddenly a World Tree incomparably thick root hair drills from the place bottom, the root hair splits, inside departs a spirit money, flutters to Qin Mu in front of gently. 无涯老人眼角跳动,突然世界树的一条无比粗大的根须从地底钻出,根须裂开,里面飞出一张金纸,轻轻飘到秦牧面前。 This spirit money is unable to pass the break and destroy tribulation and creates the fresh tribulation, therefore boundless old man hides it in own within the body, protects the bill signed in acknowledgment of debt is not destroyed. 这张金纸无法度过破灭劫和创生劫,因此无涯老人将它藏在自己的“体内”,保护着欠条不被毁灭。 Qin Mu is startled slightly, he has not thought that really really has a bill signed in acknowledgment of debt, moreover boundless old man can also preserve unexpectedly now! 秦牧微微一怔,他没想到竟然真的有一张欠条,而且无涯老人居然还能保存到现在! Dao Brother you have the bill signed in acknowledgment of debt, is I owes you a face.” 道兄你有欠条在,是我欠你一个情面。” Qin Mu lifts the hand to receive the bill signed in acknowledgment of debt, nods, said indifferently: Then I leave behind a slim chance of survival to Dao Brother, will not obliterate you thoroughly.” 秦牧抬手收起欠条,点了点头,漠然道:“那么我给道兄留下一线生机,并不会把你彻底磨灭。” Boundless old man laughs, the World Tree innumerable branches change to the innumerable arms suddenly, the assorted Dao Fruit empty shadow is hanging above World Tree: Chaos, your optimization, should collaborate with me, resists more/complete the palace together! From now on you will borrow my strength again, to Eternal Peace by the pressure, forcing Eternal Peace to work hard for the prosperity of the country, rather than eradicates me! Had Eternal Peace, turned into shiftless place?” 无涯老人哈哈大笑,身后世界树无数枝条突然化作无数条手臂,各色道果的虚影悬挂在世界树之上:“混沌,你的最佳选择,应该是与我联手,共同对抗弥罗宫!今后你再借我的力量,给延康以压力,迫使延康奋发图强,而不是来铲除我!延康,已经变成了一个不思进取之地了吧?” Therefore, this is Dao Brother a slim chance of survival is.” “所以,这是道兄的一线生机所在。” Qin Mu thinks, the smile said: I understood. Becoming me after Seventh Young Master, reason that leaves your bill signed in acknowledgment of debt, is reminds me completely do not eradicate you probably. I must keep your life, only then your ability makes Eternal Peace walk from Carefree Village.” 秦牧想了想,微笑道:“我明白了。成为七公子之后的我,之所以留给你一张欠条,大概是提醒我不要彻底铲除你。我必须留你一条命,只有你才能延康无忧乡中走出来。” He thought through this matter, laughs. 他想通了这件事,不由哈哈大笑。 Boundless old man also laughs, said easely: more/complete the palace seventh child, are you so then self-confident can certainly exceed me? Your optimization......” 无涯老人也是哈哈大笑,悠然道:“弥罗宫老七,你便这么自信一定能胜过我?你的最佳选择……” Qin Mu one step steps forward, Chaos Palace opens loudly, 16 Chaos perpetual flows stretch across the expansive sky, the return to the ruins lotus throne and World Tree appear, take root in the river! 秦牧一步跨出,身后混沌殿轰然开启,十六道混沌长河横跨长空,归墟莲台与世界树浮现,扎根在长河之中! That lotus throne is correct ten tertiary, on World Tree is hanging eight Dao Fruit seven Dao Flower, Chaos Palace Dao Light, rays of light shines in 16 Chaos perpetual flows. 那莲台有道品十三重,世界树上悬挂八枚道果七朵道花,混沌殿道光,光芒映照在十六道混沌长河上。 At this time, in break and destroy Great Disaster of past 16 universe discipline, boundless old man raised the head to look, saw break and destroy tribulation above Chaos Palace. 此时,过去十六个宇宙纪的破灭大劫中,一个个无涯老人抬头仰望,看到了破灭劫上空的混沌殿 That Dao Light is dazzling, making him unable to see clearly the future! 道光刺眼,让他看不清未来! This time he, turned into independent individuals probably, is unable to have the contact with future again. 这时候的他,像是变成了一个个独立的个体,再也无法与未来的自己取得联系。 Under World Tree, boundless old man explodes to drink, welcomes Qin Mu, World Tree innumerable branches the arm flash attacks innumerable divine ability, that is lets everyone for big divine ability that it exclaims in surprise, each type achieves the Dao Art ultimate mystery, making one praise to the heavens. 世界树下,无涯老人爆喝,迎上秦牧,世界树无数枝条所化的手臂一瞬间攻出无数种神通,那是让所有人都为之惊叹的大神通,每一种都达到道法的终极奥妙,令人叹为观止。 Bang! 轰! That innumerable divine ability submerges Qin Mu, but sees in countless divine ability, 16 river alternations interlock, these divine ability storm into the river then to vanish does not see. 那无数神通秦牧淹没,但见数之不尽的神通之中,十六道长河穿插交错,那些神通攻入长河之中便消失不见。 Qin Mu stands in front of boundless old man, the palm braces forth, a big hand is getting bigger and bigger, the red knot buckles the might eruption of seal. 秦牧站在无涯老人面前,手掌向前推出,一只大手越来越大,红绳结扣印的威力爆发。 The boundless old man innumerable arms welcomed, only listened to bang a loud sound, 16 Chaos perpetual flows vibrated, red thread chains alternations interlocked, lock in the river the World Tree innumerable root hair. 无涯老人无数条手臂迎上,只听轰隆一声巨响,十六道混沌长河震动,一条条红绳般的锁链穿插交错,锁住长河中世界树的无数根须。 Boundless old man was shaken the involuntary retreat suddenly, the body is hidden in World Tree. 无涯老人被震得身不由己后退,身躯突然间隐没到世界树之中。 World Tree vibrates, is wanting to extract the root hair, rises straight from the ground, suddenly that red thread chains ties up his root hair stubbornly, making him unable to move. 世界树震动,正欲抽出根须,拔地而起,突然那红绳锁链将他的根须死死捆住,让他动弹不得。 The treasured sword that Qin Mu behind, in Chaos Palace, a Chaos stone casts departs. 秦牧身后,混沌殿中,一口混沌石所铸的宝剑飞出。 Qin Mu grasps the sword, wields a sword to cut. 秦牧握剑,挥剑斩下。 Meanwhile, the red knot buckles the prestige of seal to be able the place visited, the World Tree innumerable root hair to be shaken the fragment powder, changes to the pure energy. 与此同时,红绳结扣印的威能所过之处,世界树无数根须被震成齑粉,化作纯粹的能量。 sword light flashes through, World Tree drops down loudly! 剑光闪过,世界树轰然倒下! Qin Mu lifts the hand, the hot lonesome wind comes, regarding World Tree burning down, boundless old man called out pitifully, tried to work loose, departs the sea of fire, suddenly the return to the ruins lotus throne fell, suppresses on World Tree, in the lotus throne in holes the wind of dying out swayed, making the fire intensity more violent. 秦牧抬手,热寂之风呼啸而来,围绕着世界树焚烧,无涯老人惨叫,试图挣脱,飞出火海,忽然归墟莲台落下,镇压在世界树上,莲台中一个个孔洞中寂灭之风吹拂,让火势更加猛烈。 Quite quick!” “好快!” In Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City, the Young Master Approaching the Firmament Young Master Zixiao looks distantly to World Tree, respective is serious: „The progress of seventh child is big!” 祖庭玉京城中,公子凌霄公子紫霄遥遥望向世界树,各自面色凝重:“老七的进步不小!” Suddenly, Qin Mu counts on the fingers a ball, a section of World Tree root hair departs from the Chaos river, charges into beyond the day, vanishes does not see. 忽然,秦牧屈指一弹,一截世界树的根须从混沌长河中飞出,冲向天外,消失不见。 Taishi Dao Brother, did not need to transform the energy of blood sacrifice.” “太始道兄,不用转化血祭的能量。” Taishi is wanting, suddenly the Qin Mu sound conveyed, said lightly: Takes the blood sacrifice energy by three Young Master.” 太始正欲施法,突然秦牧声音传来,淡淡道:“由三公子把血祭能量取走。”
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