TOHG :: Volume #19

#1807: Summon of Ancestral Courtyard

The time passes gradually, past political reform three has turned into the ancient legend, Emperor Yanfeng and Jiang Baigui opened the Eternal Peace political reform in a very tiny area, Qin Mu goes out of Great Ruins to enter Eternal Peace, Heavenly Alliance establishes, Heaven attack, the first Eternal Peace tribulation, these history ancient let experience the people of these events to remember the yellowing. 时光荏苒,当年的变法三杰已经变成了古老的传说,延丰帝江白圭在弹丸之地开启延康变法,秦牧走出大墟进入延康,天盟建立,上苍来袭,第一次延康劫,这些历史已经古老的让经历了这些事件的人记忆泛黄。 Although these event brand marks in the mind, are mind the voice and expressions of these people are slurred. 虽然那些事件还烙印在脑海里,可是脑海中的那些人的音容笑貌已经模糊不清。 Emperor Yanfeng as first generation Heavenly Emperor, went to Ancestral Courtyard, sage Jiang Baigui see the head of the divine dragon but not its tail, the sage palace has also stood erect as in the going to the capital sky, however in the palace very few sees the trail of this sage. 延丰帝作为第一代天帝,已经去了祖庭,圣人江白圭神龙见首不见尾,圣人殿依旧矗立在上京的上空,然而殿中很少见到这位圣人的踪迹。 Haunches the Eternal Peace political reform as for a that strength Celestial Exalt Mu, since enters Ancestral Courtyard, since seal Ancestral Courtyard, has not then come back again. 至于那位一力撑起延康变法的牧天尊,自从进入祖庭,封印祖庭以来,便再也没有回来过。 Once in a while, will then have the person who returns from Ancestral Courtyard, has become Dao, there are person who is unable become Dao, they to the world recounted that since the Ancestral Courtyard war, spoke that soul-stirring campaign. 每隔一段时间,便会有从祖庭归来的人,有成道者,也有无法成道的人,他们向世人述说祖庭的战事,讲起那惊心动魄的一场场战役。 At first, the people feel very fresh about these wars, some people one's blood bubbles up to the brim, wish one could the flying to go with these seniors to slaughter the expedition immediately together, some people grasped the wrists the deep sigh for the seniors of dying in battle. 起初,民众对这些战事觉得很是新鲜,有些人热血沸腾,恨不得立刻飞身前去与那些前辈一起厮杀征战,有些人则为战死的前辈们扼腕长叹。 However afterward, the story heard, they were also indifferent. 但是后来,故事听得多了,他们也就漠不关心了。 The Ancestral Courtyard war is still continuing in any case, then starts to hit from the time of legend, has projected on does not have the result now, in the future may hit again. 反正祖庭的战争还在继续,从传说的时代便开始打,一直打到现在还是没有结果,将来可能还是会再打下去。 They felt, the Ancestral Courtyard war has nothing to do with them, but can treat as the spare time occasionally the subject. 他们觉得,祖庭的战争与他们无关,只是偶尔可以当做茶余饭后的谈资罢了。 The human life is bigger than the day, the god manner uses, the common people daily expense is saying that this is the criterion of Eternal Peace political reform, however during this, has the relapse. 人命大于天,神为人用,百姓日用为道,这是延康变法的准绳,然而这期间还有反复。 When 1 million years of history in the past, why the successor could not have recalled the past senior to formulate such political reform criterion, some people were swallowed by the power, by the desire about, was started becomes decayed. 当百万年的历史过去,继任者已经记不起当年的前辈为何要制定这样的变法准绳,有人被权力吞噬,被欲望左右,开始变得腐朽。 Heavenly Emperor one after another removes the power, to Ancestral Courtyard, to 32 nd Heavenly Emperor, the power presented the perpetual hereditary rank the phenomenon, to 45 th Heavenly Emperor, tried to carry out to hand down imperial power from generation to generation unexpectedly. 一任又一任的天帝卸去权力,前往祖庭,到了第三十二任天帝,权力出现世袭罔替的现象,到了第四十五任天帝,竟然试图推行家天下。 Finally, is resigned Heavenly Emperor to catch up from Ancestral Courtyard by Emperor Yanfeng more than ten, ended this farce. 最后,是由延丰帝十几位卸任天帝祖庭赶来,结束了这场闹剧。 Hence later, the god is only the position. 至此之后,神只是职位。 On has Heavenly Dao to operate, below has Earth count with six samsara, become Dao and Heavenly Emperor manages All Heaven Myriad Realm, systematic. 上有天道运行,下有土伯与六道轮回,成道者和天帝管理诸天万界,一片井井有条。 After this incident, the Ancestral Courtyard legend caused the stir once again, after all more than ten Heavenly Emperor in legend put down a rebellion from the Ancestral Courtyard return, is really magnificent, stirring. 经过这次事件,祖庭的传说又再度引起了轰动,毕竟传说中的十几位天帝祖庭归来平叛,着实壮观,震撼人心。 In All Heaven Myriad Realm has powerful existence many, the position search to Ancestral Courtyard, however actually saw the inconceivable phenomenon there, is unable to enter Ancestral Courtyard. 诸天万界中不乏有强大存在,前往祖庭的方位搜寻,然而在那里却见到了不可思议的现象,根本无法进入祖庭 Also crossed some years, Ancestral Courtyard faded from the memory gradually, new Heaven's Chosen walked onto the stage group by group, completely reveals the heroic bearing in All Heaven Myriad Realm. 又过了些年,祖庭又渐渐被人淡忘,一批又一批新的天骄走上了前台,在诸天万界中尽显英姿。 The relation of Ancestral Courtyard and Yuan World gradually is also scarce, the past will be in 3000 then has become Dao to return from Ancestral Courtyard, to turned into 4000 afterward, in 5000, to turned again afterward for ten thousand years, 20,000 years. 祖庭元界的联系也渐渐稀少,从前是三千年便有成道者从祖庭归来,到后来变成了四千年,五千年,再到后来变成了万年,两万年。 When billions years pass by, the starry sky becomes more vast boundless, new Heavens appears, All Heaven Myriad Realm to is farther, Yuan World also becomes more general, wants to go to Ancestral Courtyard also to turn into a difficult matter. 等到几十亿年过去,星空变得更加辽阔无垠,新的诸天出现,诸天万界相距更远,元界也变得更加广大,想去祖庭也变成了一件难事。 The Ancestral Courtyard war has had nothing to do with people, most people do not know that there is still experiencing bloody battles, they do not care about these, does not know why these people fight, why however slaughters, why however died in battle, did not care that there soldier is dies lives. 祖庭的战事已经与人们无关,绝大部分人都不知道那里还在经历着一场场血战,他们不关心这些,不知道这些人为何而战,为何而厮杀,为何而战死,不关心那里的战士到底是死是活。 These senior worthy people of former times, look like the stars in nighttime sky, hung is very high, from is very far. 那些前辈先贤,就像是夜空中的星辰,挂的很高,距离很远。 become Dao who only then Eternal Peace or living in seclusion, or passing on the dao, but also was caring that the Ancestral Courtyard war, people who returned from Ancestral Courtyard inquires the news of that person to these. 只有延康或者隐居,或者传道的成道者们,还在关心祖庭的战事,向那些从祖庭归来的人们打听那个人的消息。 „Did he stay there to have 1 million years? Where is still guarding?” “他留在那里已经有百万年了吧?还在镇守着哪里?” Yes. 1 million years, were Long Han, scarlet clear(ly), Shang Sovereign, Founding Emperor and Eternal Peace history, he insisted unexpectedly was so long. He said that when Eternal Peace become Dao quantity to certain extent, then decisive battle. At that time, he will come back.” “是的。百万年,是龙汉、赤明、上皇开皇延康的历史,他竟然坚持了这么久。他说等到延康成道者数量到了一定程度,便会有一场决战。那时,他会回来。” ...... …… „Did he guard Ancestral Courtyard to have thousands of years? Hasn't solved the Ancestral Courtyard war?” “他镇守祖庭有千万年了吧?还没有解决祖庭的战事吗?” Yes. The Ancestral Courtyard hidden danger is too big, he is unable to withdraw now. The limitless strength expanded, the strength growth of boundless old man, Ancestral Courtyard had other changes. Young Master Treasure Palace arrived, moreover were also many several Palace Master. He said, he will come back.” “是的。祖庭的隐患太大,他现在无法脱身。无极的实力又壮大了,无涯老人的实力增长,祖庭有了其他变化。公子们的宝殿降临了,而且又多了几位殿主。他说,他会回来的。” ...... …… 100 million years passed by, the way of the world completely changed, does he guard there?” “一亿年过去了,世道完全变了,他还是镇守在那里吗?” Yes, he also guards there, the suppression is limitless, the suppression is boundless. The previous time, he went to Ancestral Courtyard Jade Capital City, infiltrated in Approaching the Firmament Treasure Palace. His strength was stronger, very joyful said to us, the day of coming back is not far.” “是的,他还镇守在那里,镇压无极,镇压无涯。上一次,他去了祖庭玉京城,打入了凌霄宝殿中。他的实力更强了,很是欣喜的对我们说,回来之日不远了。” ...... …… 1 billion years passed by, when does he prepare to fight a decisive battle? When returns?” “十亿年过去了,他准备何时决战?何时归来?” Waits again. Boundlessly nothing to be afraid, two Young Master are unable to arrive completely, however Eternal Peace become Dao was too few, was not enough to resist them. Waits again.” “再等等吧。无涯不足为惧,两位公子也无法完全降临,但是延康成道者还是太少了,不足以对抗他们。再等等吧。” ...... …… 3.5 billion years passed by, world hundred condition like vicissitudes, big of change become Dao, even if these grasp principles with concentration after closing up wake up still feels somewhat strangely. 三十五亿年过去了,世间百态如沧海桑田,变化之大即便是那些潜心悟道的成道者们在闭关醒来之后也觉得有些陌生。 The starry sky becomes more vast, Four Extremes Heaven is farther from Yuan World and All Heaven Myriad Realm, Xuandu becomes higher, Nether covers the range to be broader, even if Earth count Qin Fengqin and Celestial Exalt You, wants to govern so the Nether universe of length and breadth also becomes extremely difficult. 星空变得更加辽阔,四极天距离元界诸天万界更远,玄都变得更高,幽都笼罩范围更广,哪怕是土伯秦凤青幽天尊,想要治理如此广袤的幽都宇宙也变得极为艰难。 They first are divided into four areas of jurisdiction the Nether universe, builds another four six sheaves, constructs four Great Dao palaces, establishes four palace Yama, afterward the Nether universe became more vast, four areas of jurisdiction were also hard to govern. 他们先是将幽都宇宙分成四个辖区,打造另外四座六道天轮,建造四大道殿,设置四殿阎罗,后来幽都宇宙变得更加辽阔,四个辖区也难以治理。 Four palace Yama gradually turn into ten palace Yama, in the future with the universe will grow, may also probably suppose other palaces again. 四殿阎罗渐渐变成十殿阎罗,将来随着宇宙生长,有可能还要再设其他道殿。 On this day, the Ancestral Courtyard envoy arrives at Yuan World, sees the Xu Shenghua Lan Yutian two old ancestors, said: „The Heavenly Venerable please two old ancestors call all become Dao, returns to Ancestral Courtyard.” 这一日,祖庭的使者来到元界,来见虚生花蓝御田两位老祖,道:“天尊请两位老祖召集所有成道者,返回祖庭。” Xu Shenghua and Lan Yutian are excited, even if were their Dao Heart practice to four ten Heavens boundaries, was hard to stand firm the mind. 虚生花蓝御田激动莫名,哪怕是他们的道心修炼到了四十重天境,也难以稳住心神。 Two Dao Ancestor go out from the ancient say/way palace, the fluctuation of Great Dao sends out from the palace, fluctuates like the shake of space, although sounds very terrifying, but the world actually not detected. 两位道祖从古老的道殿中走出,大道的波动从道殿中散发开来,波动如同空间的震荡,虽然听起来很是恐怖,但是世人却毫无察觉。 Great Dao fluctuations spread over Yuan World, the biography to other Heavens, Yuan World, Xuandu, Nether, Four Extremes Heaven, All Heaven Myriad Realm, has become Dao of deep sleep to wake up, has the ancient Gods recovery, has the famous mountains recluse, has people of the lower classes, has the class/flow of Yinchemaijiang, has to oversee the manufacture of work in factory, raises head, is inducing the summons of two Dao Ancestor. 一股股大道波动传遍元界,传向其他诸天,元界,玄都,幽都,四极天,诸天万界,有沉睡的成道者醒来,有古老的神祇复苏,有名山隐者,有贩夫走卒者,有引车卖浆之流,有督造厂中的做工者,纷纷仰起头来,感应着两位道祖的召唤。 Puissant, puts down the power, gives the successor, has the husband and wife, arranges the husband and wife, reorganizes the luggage, has to be alone in the world, resigns from the godhood, the official stamp is hanging on the doorway tablet of official mansion. 有权力的,把权力放下,交给继任者,有家室的,安排好家室,整顿行装,有孑然一身的,把神职辞去,官印悬挂在官邸的门匾上。 Most people forgot Ancestral Courtyard, but they still remember, they know the war of Dao Ancestor courtyard, knows that remains behind people payout in there. 绝大多数人忘记了祖庭,但是他们还记得,他们知道祖庭的战事,知道留守在那里的人们的付出。 Since that person summoned them, they will then put down all, to Ancestral Courtyard. 既然那个人召唤他们,他们便会放下一切,前往祖庭 All Heaven Myriad Realm, from really far, even if walks Spiritual Energy Connecting Bridge also needs to spend many years, these become Dao bloom respectively oneself say/way rhyme, by own magical skill goes through during the universe is void, catches up to Yuan World, converges with their fellow daoist. 诸天万界,距离甚远,哪怕是走灵能对迁桥也需要花费许多年的时间,这些成道者各自绽放出自己的道韵,以自身的道行穿行在宇宙虚空之中,赶向元界,与他们的道友汇合。 This all the way, shocks everybody unavoidably, making All Heaven Myriad Realm present various phenomenon. 这一路上,难免惊世骇俗,让诸天万界出现各种异象。 People are unavoidably amazed, run around spreading the news, they saw living the legend, living myth. 人们不免惊诧,奔走相告,他们见到了活着的传说,活着的神话。 Xu Shenghua and Lan Yutian calmly wait, after two days, around say/way palace that they are, World Tree rise straight from the ground, assorted Dao Fruit shines upon the Yuan World sky. 虚生花蓝御田静静等候,两日之后,他们所在的道殿四周,一株株世界树拔地而起,各色道果映照元界天空。 After the hundred days, World Tree grows into a forest. 百日之后,世界树成林。 A year later, said that around the palace forms the forest that World Tree composed. 一年后,道殿四周形成了世界树组成的森林。 Under World Tree, is Divine Saint, is these for 3.5 billion years the All Heaven Myriad Realm elite elite. 世界树下,是一尊尊神圣,是这三十五亿年来诸天万界的精英精锐。 Their various Great Dao, making entire Yuan World seem like in the universe the brightest gem, colorful. 他们的各种大道,让整个元界像是宇宙中最为明亮的宝石,多姿多彩。 Two old ancestors waited for hundred years, All Heaven Myriad Realm all become Dao accumulations in this, Lan Yutian looks at so magnificent one, is choked up with emotions. 两位老祖等待了百年,诸天万界所有的成道者聚集于此,蓝御田看着如此壮观的一幕,心潮澎湃。 This is that person with a oneself 3.5 billion years of time, is achievement that the 17 th discipline universe strives for! 这是那个人用自己三十五亿年的光阴,为第十七纪宇宙争取来的成果! Finally, the countless words in Lan Yutian chest cavity, only change to a few words. 最终,蓝御田胸腔中的千言万语,只化作一句话。 Goes to Ancestral Courtyard!” “去祖庭!” This become Dao army is enormous and powerful, is following Lan Yutian and Xu Shenghua, goes to Ancestral Courtyard. 这支成道者大军浩浩荡荡,跟随着蓝御田虚生花,向祖庭而去。 3.5 billion years?” Lan Yutian asked to Xu Shenghua. “三十五亿年了?”蓝御田虚生花问道。 Yes.” “是啊。” Xu Shenghua nods, one such as the past was like that indifferent: 3.5 billion years.” 虚生花点头,一如从前那般淡然:“三十五亿年了。” His vision some fervor are actually rushing to surge, are hard to suppress. 他的目光却有些激情在澎湃激荡,难以压制。 He also there?” Lan Yutian asked. “他还在那里?”蓝御田问道。 Xu Shenghua said: Also there.” 虚生花道:“还在那里。” Qin Fengqin follows them, the silent moment, inquired: „Can this be the last war?” 秦凤青跟上他们,沉默片刻,询问道:“这会是最后一战吗?” Has the possibility.” “有可能。” Xu Shenghua said: Perhaps is the last war, perhaps is only a start. To us, is the last war, to him, perhaps is a start.” 虚生花道:“或许是最后一战,或许只是一个开始。对我们来说,是最后一战,对他来说,或许是个开始。” His paused, unfolds face/color to say with a smile: He is a not being able to sit still person, some people called him the silly roe deer, silly, was very curious to anything. I also in surprised, he can unexpectedly calm and steady keeps Ancestral Courtyard, suppresses Ancestral Courtyard such. Others said that he does not have the patience, he indeed does not have the patience. However this time, his patience is longer than anyone, is long.” 顿了顿,展颜笑道:“他是一个坐不住的人,有人叫他傻狍子,傻乎乎的,对什么都很好奇。我也在惊讶,他竟然能安安稳稳的留在祖庭,镇压祖庭如此之久。别人都说他没有耐心,他也的确没有耐心。然而这一次,他的耐心比谁都长,都久。” How do his these years come?” “他这些年是怎么过来的?” Founding Emperor Qin Ye follows them, inquired: I returns after Ancestral Courtyard, is very rare he. Have you gone to Ancestral Courtyard?” 开皇秦业跟上他们,询问道:“我从祖庭中归来之后,便很少见他了。你们去过祖庭没有?” He does not make us go back, feared that alerts the enemy.” “他不让我们回去,怕打草惊蛇。” Xu Shenghua shakes the head saying: We have not gone back.” 虚生花摇头道:“我们也未曾回去过。” Xing An raised the box to walk, said: In this world besides us, few people have known him.” 星犴提着箱子走了过来,道:“这世上除了我们之外,已经很少有人认识他了。” Jiang Baigui walks, said lightly: We knew that was enough.” 江白圭走来,淡淡道:“我们认识,那就足够了。” Xing An shoots a look at his one eyes, two sages do not cope. 星犴瞥他一眼,两位圣人彼此之间并不对付。 The Jiang Baigui vision searches among become Dao, finally seeks one person, asked: „Did the Lord of Creation head of the clan think of Qin? Your mother?” 江白圭的目光在成道者们之间搜索,终于寻到一人,上前询问道:“造物主的族长思秦?你娘亲呢?” Mother in my become Dao that year, the life exhausted.” “娘亲在我成道那年,寿元耗尽。” Thinking of head of the clan Qin the complexion was low-spirited, said: I arrange her to be reincarnated, she actually does not hope the awakening previous generation, is willing to become a brand-new life. I look at her often, she lives now very well, does not know me.” 思秦族长脸色黯然,道:“我安排她转世,她却不愿觉醒前世,甘愿成为一个全新的生命。我经常去看她,她现在活得很好,已经不认识我了。” He at the back of a picture, said before is Lang Wo just before the end, makes him see that person in Ancestral Courtyard with this picture. 他背着一幅画,说是阆涴临终前让他带着这幅画去见祖庭中的那人。 „Can I have a look?” Jiang Baigui asked. “我可以看看吗?”江白圭问道。 Thought of head of the clan Qin to take down the picture, gives him. 思秦族长将画取下,交给他。 Jiang Baigui launches that picture, in the picture has piece of Jade Pond, in the pond has flower, side is big Azure Snake that the Divine Consciousness view thinks, the snake head of Azure Snake is very broad. 江白圭展开那幅画,画中是有一片瑶池,池中有花,旁边是神识观想的大青蛇,青蛇的蛇头很是宽广。 Lang Wo stands on the snake head, the manner is not coldly Qingqing, but has charming of young girl. 阆涴站在蛇头上,神态不是冷冷清清,而是有着少女的娇羞。 Her side, a young man view finds out a fresh flower to give to her. 她的旁边,一个年轻男子观想出一朵鲜花送给她。 Jiang Baigui closes the picture, gave back thinks of head of the clan Qin, passed the moment, Jiang Baigui raised head saying: Day, if the feeling emotion day is also old. The God King choice dies of old age, should not disturb her.” 江白圭合上画,还给思秦族长,过了片刻,江白圭仰头道:“天若有情天亦老。神王选择老去,不应该打搅她。”
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