TOHG :: Volume #17

#1675: Winding peaks and paths Milky Way leans

Yuan World needs a victory! Inspires prominent win of will of the people!” 元界需要一场胜利!提振人心的显赫大胜!” South China Sea, the archipelago such as the group star, every large or small islands spread all over, Sovereign Chi and Sovereign Ming stand erect before the South China Sea five Longyu. 南海,群岛如群星,大大小小的岛屿星罗棋布,赤皇明皇屹立在南海五龙屿前。 Scarlet bright odd/surplus clan changes to the Three Head Six Arm Deity, kills the archipelago, in the sea level with the Heavenly Court 39 route army marquis bloody battles, actually, any route army Houle comes out, compares the scarlet bright Xuankong World god demon quantity more! 赤明余族化作三头六臂的神人,杀出群岛,在海面上与天庭39路军侯血战,其实,任何一路军侯拉出来,都比赤明悬空界的神魔数量更多! The scarlet bright Xuankong World god demon quantity, is only equal to Heavens, although the scarlet bright clansman is brave, physical body Primordial Spirit is incomparably tyrannical, can by an enemy three, but faces the enemy superior force they to be in serious danger. 赤明悬空界的神魔数量,只相当于一座诸天,尽管赤明族人骁勇善战,肉身元神都是无比强横,能够以一敌三,但面对敌人优势兵力他们还是危如累卵。 Sovereign Chi and Sovereign Ming can insist now, what depends is the support of South Emperor Vermilion Bird. 赤皇明皇能够坚持到现在,靠的是南帝朱雀的支持。 South Emperor Vermilion Bird not many military strength, but its female Yan'er is a great general who Eternal Peace Celestial Exalt Mu most thinks highly, because although gave birth is delayed some time, but cultivation base Realm already arrived at Emperor's Seat Realm, was Eternal Peace unusual Emperor's Seat expert. 南帝朱雀没有多少兵力,但其女烟儿乃是延康牧天尊最为器重的一员大将,虽然因为生子被耽搁了一段时间,但是修为境界业已到了帝座境界,是延康少有的帝座强者 She makes the soldier come, there is South Emperor Vermilion Bird to guard, forms the potential of corner with scarlet bright odd/surplus clan, diverted the strengths of Heavenly Court 39 route army marquises, otherwise scarlet bright Xuankong World is very difficult to insist now. 她引兵前来,又有南帝朱雀镇守,与赤明余族形成犄角之势,牵制了天庭39路军侯的力量,否则赤明悬空界很难坚持到现在。 But even if has Yan'er to support in flank, Sovereign Chi and Sovereign Ming want to win are also very the difficulties. The Heavenly Emperor deaths of two scarlet bright time were too long, came back to life freely, cultivation base and Dao Art divine ability actually fell behind. 但即便是有烟儿在侧翼支持,赤皇明皇想要获胜也很是困难。两位赤明时代的天帝死亡太久,尽管复生,修为道法神通却已经落伍了。 These years they absorb the Eternal Peace political reform, the growth is swift and violent, but is short of the time. 这些年他们吸收延康变法,成长迅猛,但还是欠缺时间。 But Heavenly Court will not give them time! 天庭不会给他们时间! Heavenly Court 39 route army marquises, have Emperor's Seat expert to assume personal command respectively, in addition cultivation base strength immeasurably deep Scarlet Emperor Qi Xiayu, Sovereign Chi Sovereign Ming not any odds of success! 天庭39路军侯,各有帝座强者坐镇,再加上修为实力深不可测的赤帝齐暇瑜,赤皇明皇没有任何胜算! Yuan World needs one to win.” 元界需要一场大胜。” The Yan'er vision falls , in Scarlet Emperor army, in the rear area brings up the rear, there fireworks soars to the heavens, the phoenix dances in the air, the flame flaming combustion, burns the sea seethes with excitement. 烟儿目光落在在后方压阵的赤帝大军之中,那里焰火冲天,凤凰飞舞,火焰熊熊燃烧,将大海烧得沸腾。 In the flame, forms nine phoenixes to hover among the phenomenon in Heavenly Palace! 火焰中,形成九首凤凰翱翔于天宫之间的异象! Scarlet Emperor Qi Xiayu is I and Celestial Exalt Yue a dark chess that collaborates to place.” 赤帝齐暇瑜乃是我与月天尊联手安插的一个暗棋。” South Emperor Vermilion Bird arrives at her side, the vision also falls on that nine phoenixes, said: She is I and Celestial Exalt Yue disciple, places in Heavenly Court, if she leads her subordinates take action suddenly, can form the potentials of three converging attack with us! The broken 39 route army marquis casualties are not big!” 南帝朱雀来到她的身边,目光也落在那九首凤凰上,道:“她是我和月天尊的弟子,安插到天庭中,她倘若突然率领她的麾下出手,可以与我们形成三面夹击之势!破39路军侯伤亡并不大!” Yan'er said: „, Why doesn't Scarlet Emperor have take action? She in what?” 烟儿道:“那么,赤帝为何没有出手?她在等什么?” South Emperor Vermilion Bird hesitates, said: In the past she has revolted earth-mother Yuan Monarch, hires oneself southern Shang Sovereign, was seized by Ming Ya Crown Prince, betrays southern Shang Sovereign to hire oneself Heavenly Court. This is the strategy that I and Celestial Exalt Yue set. I am worried about her......” 南帝朱雀迟疑一下,道:“当年她叛变了地母元君,投靠南上皇,又被铭崖太子所擒,背叛南上皇投靠天庭。这是我与月天尊定下的计策。我担心她……” She does not want to say again. 她不想再说下去。 Yan'er said: You worried that she hasn't given up the Heavenly Court power and influence?” 烟儿道:“你担心她已经不舍得天庭的权势了?” South Emperor nods: Heavenly Court has sealed her as Heavenly Venerable, under Heavenly Emperor, above innumerable all living things Gods! So long as became ten Heavenly Venerable, wallows in the power and influence, then again is unable to turn head. To make her turn head, turns into me and Celestial Exalt Yue dark chess, be only one wins, making her change an attitude! However this victory......” 南帝点头:“天庭已经封她为天尊了,天帝之下,无数众生诸神之上!只要成为了十天尊,沉迷于权势之中,便再也无法回头。想让她回头,变成我与月天尊的暗棋,只有一场大胜,让她回心转意!然而这场胜利……” In the Yan'er heart sinks, however this victory, is impossible to appear in South China Sea. 烟儿心中一沉,然而这场胜利,不可能出现在南海。 Now, Scarlet Emperor Qi Xiayu has not set firm resolve. 现在,赤帝齐暇瑜还未下定决心。 If she sets firm resolve, personally leads the Southern Heaven Demigod army to attack, when is she thoroughly becomes ten Heavenly Venerable, again does not have the possibility of return! 倘若她下定决心,亲自率领南天半神大军出击,那么便是她彻底成为十天尊之时,再无归来的可能! This decided that Yuan World and Eternal Peace destiny, does come from where? 这场决定元界延康的命运,从何而来? Western Province. 西土 Even if Yue Tingge is periphery is a beautiful woman, on this moment face does not have any smiling face, raised the head to look up to Heaven Heavens, there, White Emperor leads 27 route army marquises, has constructed the impregnable bastion rampart wall city, the war of both sides is ready to be set off. 岳亭歌即便是周围都是俏佳人,此刻脸上也没有任何笑容,抬头仰望着上苍诸天,那里,白帝率领27路军侯,建造了铜墙铁壁的垒壁城,双方之战一触即发。 Under Emperor Yanfeng the aim, making Yue Tingge be responsible for the war of Western Province, however after Yue Tingge arrives at Western Province, discovered that here can be said as in the Eternal Peace territory a weakest point! 延丰帝下旨,让岳亭歌负责西土之战,然而岳亭歌来到西土之后,才发现这里可以说是延康的领地中最为薄弱的一环! In the past Yuan World eradicated the seal, causing Western Province to hang this one outside, no longer bordered on Eternal Peace, turns into the administrative enclave. 当年元界破除封印,导致西土孤悬在外,与延康不再接壤,变成飞地。 Western Province can maintain, what depends is True Heavenly Palace Palace master Xiong Qier and control of Heaven Xu Shenghua to Western Province, Eternal Peace establishes the teleporation gateway, convenient transportation and trade. The Eternal Peace political reform, Western Province also becomes important part. 西土能够维持,靠的是真天宫宫主熊琪儿和上苍虚生花西土的掌控,延康又建立传送门户,方便交通和贸易往来。延康变法,西土也成为其中至关重要的一环。 But the geography is too after all far, in addition Xu Shenghua is not, defends Western Province became the biggest difficult problem. 但毕竟地理太远,再加上虚生花不在,防御西土成为了最大的难题。 Western Province has True Heavenly Palace and Heaven School these two big Holy Land, was good because of also has West Emperor White Tiger to establish third Holy Land here, White Tiger God Race many younger sister military forces were intrepid, lived here. 西土真天宫和上苍学宫这两大圣地,好在还有西帝白虎在这里建立了第三座圣地,白虎神族的许多妹子武力强悍,也生活在这里。 However the military strength were too few. 然而兵力实在太少了。 The Western Province lofty hills lake rivers, were called the spirit by the Western Province females, changes giant who is indomitable spirit, extreme nervousness, contends with the White Emperor army. 西土巍巍群山湖泊河流,都被西土的女子们唤灵,化作顶天立地的巨人,草木皆兵,与白帝的大军抗衡。 Yue Tingge once was Heavenly Court first Heavenly Teacher, the prestige illustrious, however can not make bricks without straw, the Western Province god demon were too few, making him have too many problems to tackle. 岳亭歌曾经是天庭第一天师,威名赫赫,然而巧妇难为无米之炊,西土的神魔太少,让他也捉襟见肘。 Is good calls spirit magic technique to be quite fierce because of the Western Province female, changes magically the scenery vegetation, all may turn into the life. 好在西土的女子唤灵法术极为厉害,点化山水草木,皆可变成生灵。 But even if, Yue Tingge also is quite so strenuous . Moreover, although West Emperor White Tiger the projection arrives, but the main body , the support to Western Province is not big. 但即便如此,岳亭歌也极为吃力,而且,西帝白虎虽然投影降临,但本体未至,对西土的支持并不大。 White Tiger hesitates, thought that Eternal Peace is not necessarily able to win, therefore is not willing to send own main military strength.” 白虎有迟疑,觉得延康未必能胜,因此不愿把自己的主要兵力送来。” Yue Tingge is well aware, at the present Western Province has established Spiritual Energy Connecting Bridge with West Pole Heaven, West Emperor and West Pole Heaven White Tiger God Race army arrives is not difficult. 岳亭歌心知肚明,而今西土已经与西极天建立了灵能对迁桥,西帝西极天白虎神族大军降临并不困难。 Reason that West Emperor White Tiger does not decide, thought that Eternal Peace must defeat, she does not want to throw all hopes to here comes. 西帝白虎之所以迟迟不决,是觉得延康必败,她不想把所有的希望都投到这里来。 At this time, regardless of which battlefield, so long as there is one to win, one wins, then can change the disadvantageous situation!” “此时,无论哪个战场,只要有一个获胜,一场大胜,便可以扭转不利局势!” Yue Tingge puts out foul air, raises head to look throws the master of Heavenly Court oppressor from Heaven, clenches teeth fiercely: In any event, must withstand, supports transmits to a news of win!” 岳亭歌吐出一口浊气,仰头看着从上苍扑来的天庭虎狼之师,猛地一咬牙:“无论如何,都要顶住,支撑到一场大胜的消息传来!” North Yuan World, ridge icefield, new moon Fangcheng. 元界北,坎地冰原,朔方城。 Here cold weather, the world of ice and snow, Divine City of ridge place is Ice City, Wei Sui Feng stands in the cold wind of new moon Fangcheng, looks out the opposite, sees only the Northern Heaven black emperor end of the year river to lead 40 route army marquises, with the demon ancestor Great Black Heaven allied armies, the Devil gods quantity, overspread the icefield. 这里天寒地冻,冰天雪地,坎地的神城是一座座冰城,魏随风站在朔方城的寒风之中,遥望对面,只见北天黑帝年关河率领40路军侯,与魔祖大黑天联军,魔神的数量之多,铺满了冰原。 Wei Sui Feng behind, was the past years follows his imperial guards, besides the imperial guards, the garrison troops of ridge place, the body did not have the armor, only wore the thick overcoat, filled outsize the body. 魏随风身后,是当年追随他的羽林军,除了羽林军之外,还有坎地的守军,身上没有铠甲,只穿着厚厚的大氅,把身子塞得鼓囊囊的。 They carry on the back, at the back of North Emperor divine weapon/divine army of Black Tortoise Great Emperor, Five Thunders Pot, in addition, in treasury in city piles up with various Five Thunders Pot and White Tiger that divine weapon/divine army and Vermilion Bird chariot and Azure Dragon blade Eternal Peace has refined and so on thing, copies four emperor divine weapon/divine army to refine. 他们背上,背着玄武大帝的北帝神兵,五雷壶,除此之外,城中的宝库之中堆满了延康所炼制的各种五雷壶白虎神兵朱雀战车、青龙刀之类的东西,仿造四帝神兵所炼。 Wei Sui Feng has rubbed rubbing hands, erases on eyebrow is hanging ice dregs, said with a smile: This war, is difficult to hit, the Northern Heaven 40 route army marquises, in addition Great Black Heaven that old boy, pushed can also my crew cut. The hateful Black Tortoise two emperors do not dare to arrive directly, with the Heavenly Court open fight between factions! This to the husband and wife, was too discrete!” 魏随风搓了搓手,抹掉眉毛上挂着的冰渣,笑道:“这一战,难打,北天40路军侯,再加上大黑天那老小子,推也能将我推平了。可恨玄武二帝还是不敢直接降临,与天庭火并!这对夫妻,实在太谨慎了!” Toot toot-- 嘟嘟—— The resonant bugle horn sound resounds, Heavenly Court Devil gods 40 groups of Devil gods are divided into the different paths, bypasses new moon Fangcheng, sets out to other ridge Divine City! 嘹亮的号角声响起,天庭魔神40路魔神分成不同的道路,绕过朔方城,向坎地其他神城进发! Awful! This is lures the snake from its hole! End of the year river old Fox, saw that the defense of north is strongest, therefore then attacks other Divine City, forcing me to go out of town with him fights a decisive battle!” “糟糕!这是引蛇出洞!年关河这老狐狸,看出朔方的防御最强,于是便进攻其他神城,迫使我不得不出城与他决战!” Wei Sui Feng clenches teeth, wields the war flag, imperial guards officers simultaneously stimulates to movement magic power, the ridge giant ice surface splits immediately, magnificent battleships ice-breaking. 魏随风咬牙,挥起战旗,羽林军将士齐齐催动法力,坎地巨大的冰面顿时裂开,一艘艘瑰丽的战舰破冰而出。 The Wei Sui Feng rate/lead numerous kill to go out of town, shouted: Offers a sacrifice to divine weapon/divine army!” 魏随风率众杀出城去,喝道:“祭神兵!” The imperial guards and new moon Fangcheng Garrison troops follow in his charge, Five Thunders Pot shoot up to the sky, the bottle gourd mouth opens greatly, five big cloud thunder blocks the sky, above icefield, thunder Luoru rain. 羽林军和朔方城守军跟在他的身后冲锋,一口口五雷壶冲天而起,葫芦嘴大开,五大云雷遮天蔽日,冰原之上,雷落如雨。 However 40 route army Hou Fenbing attack other Divine City to tempt the idea of enemy, waited for that Wei Sui Feng runs out of new moon Fangcheng, the demon clan armies and 40 route army Hou Bian who Great Black Heaven leads outflanks. 然而40路军侯分兵攻打其他神城只是诱敌之计,等待魏随风冲出朔方城,大黑天率领的魔族大军和40路军侯便包抄过来。 Wei Sui Feng accepts a challenge calm, however actually knows the Eternal Peace officers who this war only depends on the ridge place could not insist how long, must have the support of North Emperor Black Tortoise. 魏随风沉稳应战,然而却知道这一战仅凭坎地的延康将士坚持不了多久,必须要有北帝玄武的支持。 But makes North Emperor Mr. and Mrs. Black Tortoise set firm resolve, must be an unprecedented victory! 而让北帝玄武夫妇下定决心的,必须是一场前所未有的胜利! This victory, is changes war the key! 这场胜利,是改变战局的关键! east sea, on the ships the flag flutters, Jiang Baigui assumes personal command before the east sea River Tomb strategic pass, the army who looks out the Eastern Heaven azure emperor appears in the sea level. 东海,舰船上旗帜飘扬,江白圭坐镇在东海江陵的雄关前,遥望东天青帝的大军出现在海平面上。 Eternal Peace transferred more god demons as far as possible, god demon army who however compares the Eastern Heaven azure emperor, the strength of Eternal Peace causing the downfall of the nation, only then 10% of azure emperor army! 延康已经尽可能的调动更多的神魔,然而相比东天青帝的神魔大军,延康倾国之力,也只有青帝大军的一成之多! The Eastern Heaven azure emperor this time has led the Eastern Heaven 60 route army marquises, the day river, eastern salty, western salty, the day spoke, rides the officer and bicycle to ride, a bicycle, is the Heavenly Court most formidable feudal lord god demon armies! 东天青帝此次率领了东天60路军侯,天江、东咸、西咸、天辐、骑官、车骑、阵车,都是天庭最为强大的诸侯神魔大军! The azure emperor has not gone to battle eagerly, but is the earliest possible time pitches camp, fortifies at every step, approaches unceasingly, the meaning of slightly not having sought battle. 青帝并没有急于出战,而是第一时间安营扎寨,步步为营,不断逼近,丝毫没有求战的意思。 Azure emperor resorts to arms, is watertight.” “青帝用兵,滴水不漏。” The meteorology of god demon army Eternal Peace Imperial Preceptor Jiang Baigui looks out the Eastern Heaven azure emperor, said lightly: Worthily is Celestial Exalt Yu the tree of grasping principles. But, the azure emperor wisdom is unfortunately insufficient, Hao Heavenly Emperor gives him 30 route army marquises, I could not win him. Gives him 60 route army marquises, he cannot control, he could not win me! Does not match its, is his say/way of suffering a defeat and fleeing!” 延康国师江白圭遥望东天青帝的神魔大军的气象,淡淡道:“不愧是御天尊的悟道之树。但可惜的是,青帝智慧不足,昊天帝给他30路军侯,我胜不了他。给他60路军侯,他驾驭不住,他胜不了我!才不配其位,是他的败亡之道!” Jiang Baigui wields the signal flag, commands troops to go out of town: Now looks is, is the teacher the first accomplishment, was I the first accomplishment!” 江白圭挥起令旗,率兵出城:“现在看的便是,是老师先建功,还是我先建功了!” In this time, suddenly bright person runs out from the River Tomb teleporation gate, the facial expression is excited, called out loud: Won! The Carefree Village greatly broken Heavenly River naval forces, win total victories!” 就在此时,突然有神人从江陵传送门中冲出,神情激动莫名,高声叫道:“胜了!无忧乡大破天河水师,大获全胜!” The Jiang Baigui corner of the eye has shaken shaking, said in a low voice: Teacher, you exceed...... Dispatches troops--” 江白圭眼角抖了抖,低声道:“老师,你还是技高一筹……出兵——” The River Tomb Eternal Peace god demon army charges into east sea, various army are divided into various battle formations, complex incomparable, countless changes, Eternal Peace army charges, while changes the battle formation. 江陵延康神魔大军冲向东海,各军分为各种阵势,复杂无比,变化无穷,延康大军一边冲锋,一边变化阵势。 From the smallest five people 15, ten people of one team, 20 people 12, hundred people died, 500 people of first brigades, 2500 people of first divisions, the fifth divisions are army, various formation constantly change, from smallest to biggest, all during the control of Jiang Baigui! 从最小的五人15,十人一队,20人12,百人一卒,500人一旅,2500人一师,五师为一军,各种阵法不断变化,从最小到最大,悉数在江白圭的操控之中! His Dao of Formation, careful incomparable, still wins Yan Yunxi! 他的阵法之道,细致无比,犹胜烟云兮 He controls the ability, reaches the pinnacle peak! 他操控能力,达到极致的巅峰! Was a pity that the azure emperor is too discrete, otherwise this first win, will certainly be my!” “可惜青帝太谨慎,否则这第一场大胜,必将是我的!” The news that Carefree Village wins through teleporation gateways, passes to the Southern Border South China Sea, passes to Western Province, passes to the ridge place, immediately these news through Spiritual Energy Connecting Bridge, escort to West Pole Heaven and North Pole day, as well as other All Heaven Myriad Realm! 无忧乡大胜的消息通过一座座传送门户,传到南疆南海,传到西土,传到坎地,随即这些消息又通过灵能对迁桥,送往西极天、北极天,以及其他诸天万界 Heavenly Court threatens, subjugates Yuan World, the Heavenly River naval forces at the Yuan World center and a Carefree Village war, the Wen Tiange greatly broken Heavenly River naval forces, Zhu Shaoping makes the remnant army suffer defeat and flee, the moon empress is wounded to go far away, five car(riage) army whole army has been annihilated! 天庭气势汹汹,征讨元界,天河水师在元界腹地与无忧乡一战,闻天阁大破天河水师,祝少平引着残军败走,太阴娘娘受创远去,五车大军全军覆灭! This service, Heavenly River naval forces innumerable ships captured, the Heavenly Court treasure was seized, the buckle is serious, the captive are innumerable! 这一役,天河水师无数舰船被俘虏,天庭重器被夺,折损惨重,俘虏无数! The water of Heavenly River, was dyed scarlet! 天河之水,被染得猩红! The news disappears without a trace, causes Heavens to vibrate! 消息不胫而走,引起诸天震动! Western Province, in the battlefield, Yue Tingge stands in the bloodshed, the whole face is the blood, but actually supinely begins, hēi hēi smiles to make noise: Founding Emperor first Heavenly Teacher Wen Tiange, although is my defeated, but this war, he won attractively!” 西土,战场中,岳亭歌站在血海之中,满脸是血,但是却仰起头,嘿嘿笑出声来:“开皇第一天师闻天阁,虽是我的手下败将,但是这一战,他赢得漂亮!” But every day airborne golden light everywhere, Spiritual Energy Connecting Bridge rays of light becomes incomparably thick, the innumerable West Pole Heaven White Tiger God Race goddess whole body dresses up, is arriving through Spiritual Energy Connecting Bridge! 但见天空中金光漫天,灵能对迁桥光芒变得无比粗大,无数西极天白虎神族的神女浑身披挂,正在通过灵能对迁桥降临! But beyond the day, West Pole Heaven by a greatest strength hauling, was approached to Yuan World Western Province! 而在天外,西极天被一股莫大的力量牵引,向元界西土靠近! West Emperor, will soon arrive! 西帝,即将降临! ---- wished the book friend to go against extremely, happy birthday! Counter is too extremely beautiful! Counter too is extremely beautiful...... Goes against extremely, comes out to leave a message, can you also first? ————祝书友极逆,生日快乐!极逆太美!极逆实在太美……极逆,出来留言啦,你还能第一吗? PS, book review area moves, had finished immediately, the book review area winner's list will be announced in the near future, but also asked everybody to pay attention! PS,书评区活动,马上就结束了,书评区获奖名单近期公布,还请大家留意一下!
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