TOHG :: Volume #15

#1422: Seizes evil dragon baleful aura( second)

Zhe Huali raises head to size up Cutting God Platform, after seeing only that two baleful aura have swallowed the vitality of fragrant purple smoke, baleful aura becomes stronger, said: My Dao Heart can defend, however my cultivation base is insufficient, mounts Cutting God Platform first injured is I. By my cultivation base, only need flash, will then be taken away a vitality by Cutting God Platform, Primordial Spirit was cut, the body dying say/way disappears! However is evil by a blade monster, the Cutting God Platform divine blade, is inferior to me!” 哲华黎仰头打量斩神台,只见那两道煞气吞噬了芳紫烟的气血之后,煞气变得更加浓烈,道:“我的道心可以守住,但是我的修为不足,登上斩神台第一个受伤的便是我。以我的修为,只消一瞬间,便会被斩神台夺去一身气血,元神被斩,身死道消!不过论刀道的妖邪,斩神台的神刀,不如我!” Butcher also makes own judgment, said: By my blade attainments, I can be on this spirit table, guaranteed oneself were not injured by blade qi. However to the stage on, that two divine blades moved, I then give to suffer extreme penalty. My is lacking strength, if strength is sufficient, could a war!” 屠夫也做出自己的判断,道:“以我的刀道造诣,我可以登上这座神台,确保自己不被刀气所伤。但是到了台上,那两口神刀一动,我便授首伏诛。我的力量不足,倘若力量充足,或许可以一战!” Luo Wushuang said solemnly: I am one arm, has very big flaw in defense, I am unable to mount Cutting God Platform then to meet physical body to be damaged, although can maintain Dao Heart, but the strength meets the failure quickly. However to the stage on, I have could block a divine blade.” 洛无双沉声道:“我是独臂,在防守上有着很大缺陷,我无法登上斩神台便会肉身受损,虽然可以保持道心,但是实力会衰竭得很快。不过到了台上,我或许可以挡住其中一口神刀。” Tian Shu said: From the aura failure speed of fragrant purple smoke, I, when facing two divine blades, will be damaged. In a breath, I will die on the stage. So long as can block, I then can stand firm on the stage.” 田蜀道:“从芳紫烟的气息衰竭速度来看,我在面对两口神刀的时候,也会受损。一息之内,我会死在台上。但只要挡得住,我便可以在台上站稳脚跟。” Their five people are old Jianghu, installs on the drunk mouth to sexually harass Qiang Tian fei to start from Tian Shu, other four people then understand that this act the intention, understands, whatever Tian Shu provokes the fragrant purple smoke. 他们五人都是老江湖,从田蜀装醉嘴上调戏嫱天妃开始,其他四人便明白他此举的用意,心领神会,任由田蜀撩拨芳紫烟。 The Dao Heart attainments of fragrant purple smoke are inferior to them, the fell into a trap destroyed Qiang Tian fei bestows her guard jade symbol, was attacked by Cutting God Platform, their five people then taking the opportunity estimate the Cutting God Platform striking power and forms of defensive action, as well as calculates own shortcoming and merit. 芳紫烟的道心造诣不如他们,中计被毁嫱天妃赐给她的护身玉符,遭到斩神台的攻击,他们五人便借机估算出斩神台的攻击力和攻击方式,以及推算出自己的缺点和优点。 Knows oneself and other side, can be ever-victorious. 知己知彼,方能百战百胜。 They know many about Cutting God Platform, then had a bigger odds of success to pass Cutting God Platform. 他们对斩神台了解得越多,便有更大的胜算度过斩神台 Although the fragrant purple smoke is existence of Emperor's Seat Realm, although is the disciple of Qiang Tian fei, however to gain experience on Jianghu little, compared with old Jianghu that in their these five mud sways back and forth, then is more inferior. In situation that especially in her Dao Heart was suppressed by Cutting God Platform, then falls into planning of Tian Shu easily. 芳紫烟虽然是帝座境界的存在,虽然是嫱天妃的弟子,但是在江湖历练得少,与他们这五个泥泞里打滚的老江湖相比,则要逊色许多。尤其是在她的道心斩神台压制的情况下,更是轻而易举便落入田蜀的算计之中。 Four people analyze oneself advantages respectively, simultaneously looks like to Qin Mu. 四人各自分析自己的利弊,齐齐秦牧看来。 The Qin Mu vision flashes, said: Four assisted, passed Cutting God Platform, obtained Cutting God Platform Great Dao, was steady.” 秦牧目光闪动,道:“有四位相助,度过斩神台,得到斩神台大道,稳了。” Buzz-- 嗡—— His divine treasure domain unfolds suddenly, four people stand in his domain, immediately only thinks own vision can simultaneously see unexpectedly high and low about, any angle, faces their frontages! 他的神藏领域突然铺开,四人站在他的领域之中,顿时只觉自己的目光竟然可以同时看到身前身后上下左右,任何角度,都是面对他们的正面! Meanwhile, Qin Mu focuses on the blade saying Heavenly Palace, other Heavenly Palace as a supplement, gathers air/Qi to become blade, Dao Heart perseveres, displays the blade of protection, the people unity is strength, the aura is connected, magic power penetration! 与此同时,秦牧以刀道天宫为主,其他天宫为辅,聚气成刀,道心坚守,施展出守护之刀,众人众志成城,气息相连,法力贯通! Zhe Huali, Butcher and Luo Wushuang felt immediately own cultivation base magic power layer upon layer rises suddenly, actually likely has Emperor's Seat magic power to be ordinary in the flash! 哲华黎屠夫洛无双顿时感觉到自己的修为法力层层暴涨,在一瞬间竟然像是拥有帝座般的法力一般! But Tian Shu Heavenly King felt that own magic power somewhat drops slightly, but has not dropped many, makes him maintain Emperor's Seat Realm. 田蜀天王则感觉到自己的法力稍稍有些回落,但是并没有跌落多少,还是让他保持帝座境界 In four people of hearts with amazement, this magic power obviously is not Tian Shu Heavenly King magic power, but came from Qin Mu! 四人心中骇然,这股法力显然不是田蜀天王法力,而是来自于秦牧 Qin Mu's magic power is unexpectedly profound to this degree, is really unthinkable! 秦牧的法力竟然高深到这种程度,着实是匪夷所思! What the impact is biggest is Zhe Huali, he thinks Qin Mu's cultivation base magic power compared unable to miss many with him, has not thought that the disparity so was unexpectedly big, big to the degree of being hard following! 冲击最大的还是要数哲华黎,他原本以为秦牧的修为法力与他相比差不了多少,没想到差距竟然这么大,大到难以望其项背的程度! This is also the natural matter, road Eternal Peace normal practice path that he takes, although seven divine treasure integration normalizing, refine on Heavenly River divine treasure, but Qin Mu already jumped, only then Spirit Embryo divine treasure, in divine treasure has Ancestral Courtyard, Xuandu, Yuandu, Nether and Four Extremes Heaven, and even All Heaven Myriad Realm! 这也是理所当然的事情,他走的路还是延康正常的修炼道路,尽管七座神藏统合归一,炼就天河神藏,但秦牧早已跳出去,只有一座灵胎神藏,神藏中藏有祖庭玄都元都幽都四极天,乃至诸天万界 magic power that pure such Spirit Embryo divine treasure contains, then exceeds him there are numerous similar cases, in addition Qin Mu has 19 Heavenly Palace, four big Heavenly Gate in Heavenly Palace are relies on Ancestral Courtyard Great Dao to construct, Jade Pond Jade Platform is also so, founds new Realm nine prison stages. 单纯这样灵胎神藏蕴藏的法力,便超越他不知凡几,再加上秦牧有19座天宫,天宫中的四大天门都是依循祖庭大道所建,瑶池瑶台也是如此,又开创出一个新的境界九狱台。 In addition, there is Highest Beginning, too the beginning, Tai Su/Highest Plainness and Tai Chi/Highest Extremity, four Great Dao were built up four big mineral lode, the vigor of magic power, can say, even if Lan Yutian also be more inferior than him in same Realm a great deal, as for the classes of ten Heavenly Venerable, is very different. 除此之外,又有太初、太始、太素太极,四种大道被炼成四大矿脉,法力之雄浑,可以说即便是蓝御田在相同的境界也要比他逊色良多,至于十天尊之流,更是相去甚远。 If discussed by magic power purely, Qin Mu already surmounted general Emperor's Seat expert. 若是单纯以法力来论,秦牧早已超越一般的帝座强者 Was good because of this boy has also missed one in blade compared with me.” Zhe Huali is well satisfied. “好在这小子在刀道上比我还差了一线。”哲华黎心满意足。 Was steady!” Luo Wushuang said solemnly. “稳了!”洛无双沉声道 Butcher nods: Was steady.” 屠夫点头:“稳了。” Zhe Huali shows the self-confident smiling face: We can pass Cutting God Platform absolutely!” 哲华黎露出自信的笑容:“我们绝对可以度过斩神台!” In the Tian Shu eye is shining: Can fight!” 田蜀眼中精光四射:“可以一战!” Five people stimulate to movement magic power respectively , to promote Dao Heart, explodes with one voice drinks: Dao Boundary, 25 heavy days!” 五人各自催动法力,提升道心,齐声爆喝:“道境,25重天!” Five sounds overlap in the same place, heavy/thick, powerful, five people of respective blade 25 heavy days burst out, overlap in the same place, change to five broad in scale blade domains, various, make up for the respective deficiency, cover the Qin Mu's divine treasure domain together! 五个声音重叠在一起,厚重,有力,五人各自的刀道25重天迸发,重叠在一起,化作五座规模宏大的刀道领域,各不相同,弥补各自的不足之处,共同罩住秦牧的神藏领域! The Qin Mu starting to walk footsteps, walk toward Cutting God Platform. 秦牧迈开脚步,向斩神台走去。 He mounts the first steps, five people simultaneously felt that the pressure increases, the pressure attack of Cutting God Platform comes, collides with their Dao Boundary 25 heavy days, entered in a terrifying battlefield likely, the innumerable divine blades from attack to come in all directions, hits with their blade domain! 他登上第一道阶梯,五人同时感觉到压力大增,斩神台的压力侵袭而来,与他们的道境25重天碰撞,像是进入了一个恐怖的战场中,无数口神刀从四面八方侵袭而来,与他们的刀道领域撞击! 25 heavy day of surrounding, the innumerable blade light appear, is actually Qin Mu, Butcher and the others a blade will and Cutting God Platform baleful aura collides, the blade optical density collection is incomparable, dīng dīng dāng dāng, keeps ringing. 25重天的外围,无数刀光浮现,却是秦牧屠夫等人的刀道意志与斩神台煞气碰撞,刀光密集无比,叮叮当当,响个不停。 For all this, Butcher, Zhe Huali, Tian Shu and Luo Wushuang is still motionless according to the blade, collides by the respective energetic will and Cutting God Platform baleful aura. 尽管如此,屠夫哲华黎田蜀洛无双犹自按刀不动,以各自精神意志与斩神台煞气碰撞。 Qin Mu mounts the second steps, pressure from increasing a point, five people press the blade to be motionless. 秦牧登上第二道阶梯,压力又自变大一分,五人还是按刀不动。 Qin Mu layer upon layer steps upwardly climb, the single layer steps single layer day, they arrive at the ninth steps time, Cutting God Platform baleful aura then starts to invade in their Dao Boundary Ninth Heavenly Layer, the might is astonishing! 秦牧一层层阶梯向上攀登,一重阶梯一重天,他们来到第九道阶梯的时候,斩神台煞气便开始侵入他们的道境第九重天之中,威力惊人! Cutting God Platform altogether has 25 steps, when Qin Mu mounts the last steps, Cutting God Platform baleful aura has then captured in their 25 heavy Heavenly Blade domains, baleful aura near body! 斩神台共有25道阶梯,等到秦牧登上最后一道阶梯,斩神台煞气便已经攻入他们的25重天刀道领域之中,煞气临体! Five people draw a sword suddenly respectively, figure interlocks, blade light staggered, blocks that two baleful aura divine blades that from airborne raids! 五人突然各自拔刀,身形交错,刀光交错,挡住从空中袭来的那两口煞气神刀! dāng dāng dāng dāng dāng, consecutively five bangs transmit, five person body big quakes, the footsteps cannot help but move, retrocedes to the different directions respectively. 当当当当当,连续五声巨响传来,五个人身躯大震,脚步不由自主移动,各自向不同的方向后退。 Their within the body myriad baleful aura blade qi batters, the baleful aura prestige of that two divine blade can be greatly strengthened, with their flash of divine blade collision, invades in their bodies unexpectedly! 他们体内万千煞气所化的刀气横冲直撞,那两口神刀的煞气威能极强,与他们的神刀碰撞的一刹那,竟然侵入他们的身体之中! The innumerable blade light burst out from their within the body, cut to kill their Primordial Spirit, cuts their Dao Heart, cuts their physical body! 无数刀光从他们体内迸发,斩杀他们的元神,斩他们的道心,斩他们的肉身 Tyrannical of Cutting God Platform that two divine blade, stems from their anticipation! 斩神台那两口神刀的强横,出乎他们的意料! Scoffs! 嗤嗤嗤! Qin Mu, Butcher, Tian Shu, Luo Wushuang and Zhe Huali footsteps are confused, the body surface innumerable wounds blast out, blood light splash! 秦牧屠夫田蜀洛无双哲华黎脚步错乱,体表无数伤口炸开,血光飞溅! In front of Qin Mu, a blood drop from his forehead vertical eye forward flight, in that drop of blood myriad scarlet blade light has departed unexpectedly, is similar to crystal that revolves to inflate unceasingly, fluctuation in many ways! 秦牧面前,一个血滴从他眉心竖眼前飞过,那滴血中竟然有万千道猩红的刀光飞出,如同一个不断旋转膨胀的晶体,变幻多端! „Not easy divine ability!” “不易神通!” Qin Mu explodes drinks one, all the god blood that departs from their within the body backflows suddenly, their wounds suddenly are also convalescing, Qin Mu shouted: baleful aura of refining within the body! These two blades, have not formed, can capture its baleful aura, cultivates our blades to say!” 秦牧爆喝一声,所有从他们体内飞出的神血突然回流,他们身上的伤口也在一刹那间痊愈,秦牧喝道:“炼化体内的煞气!这两口刀,没有成形,可以夺取其煞气,栽培我们的刀道!” Five people of figure respective migrations, form the battle formation once again, stimulates to movement baleful aura of magic power refining within the body respectively. 五人身形各自移动,再度形成阵势,各自催动法力炼化体内的煞气 But in the sky that two thick incomparable baleful aura was shaken somewhat scattered in disorder, in baleful aura, two blood red blade light are similar to two Evil Dragons, blade glow reverse scale all over the body, is filling the alarmed and afraid say/way prestige, two wicked Dragon God blade spins, clash gently downward, Dragon Scale Ben open/stretch, is similar to the innumerable divine blades attacks outward to them! 而天空中那两道粗大无比的煞气被震得有些散乱,煞气之中,两道血红的刀光如同两条恶龙,遍体刀芒般的逆鳞,弥漫着令人惊惧的道威,两口恶龙神刀轻轻一旋,向下冲来,龙鳞向外贲张,如同无数口神刀向他们攻去! ---- today starts to restore four, the refresh time with is usually same, at noon two chapters, are distanced for about ten minutes, in the evening 8.2 chapters, are distanced for about ten minutes. If there is a matter, further notice! Asked the monthly ticket! ————今天开始恢复四更,更新时间和平时一样,中午两章,相距十分钟左右,晚上8.2章,相距十分钟左右。如果有事的话,另行通知!求月票!
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