TOHG :: Volume #15

#1418: Only hope good man Chang

Butcher in the battlefield, is also looking out that shocking blade light at this time, when all spirit armament float the spatial flash, Great Dao of blade is thundering, he to this Great Dao is very familiar. 屠夫此时也在战场中,遥望着那惊艳的刀光,当所有的灵兵浮空的一刹那,刀的大道在轰鸣,他对这种大道很是熟悉。 The say/way of blade, airs a grievance, cuts the thorn, defends a side. 刀之道,鸣不平,斩荆棘,守一方。 Now, Qin Mu has achieved the third step. 现在,秦牧做到了第三步。 When the spirit of that protection shoots up to the sky, the numerous wills change to the Great Wall, in addition hold in the Qin Mu hand above every iron, making him have to break open all strengths. 当那种守护的精神冲天而起的时候,众志化作长城,加持于秦牧手中凡铁之上,让他拥有破开一切的力量。 The cheers resound in the battlefield, the Eternal Peace officers morale surges upward suddenly all of a sudden, warm-blooded flows rapidly in their within the body, that wild Ben Lie blade light and blade say/way are encouraging them, making them slaughter courageously, fierce does not fear, flushes away to the enemy ranks. 欢呼声在战场上响起,延康的将士们士气突然一下子高涨起来,热血在他们体内奔流,那种狂放贲烈的刀光和刀道激励着他们,让他们奋勇厮杀,悍不畏死,向敌阵冲去。 Southern Heaven Demigod are somewhat scruple, is somewhat startled, in the battlefield, the morale is similar to a balance, a side will be slightly heavy will have pressed another side, little will have the whole equilibrium time. 南天半神们有些迟疑,有些惊慌,战场上,士气如同天平,一方稍重就会压过另一方,很少有完全平衡的时候。 They facing so the master of oppressor, have dreaded, was timid, they start to retrocede, even if the following prison army raises the sword to cut dozens people continually, cannot prevent the trend of this retreating. 他们面对如此虎狼之师,畏惧了,怯懦了,他们开始后退,即便是后面的监军提剑连斩数十人,也不能阻止这种溃逃的趋势。 Sees them to retreat, the Eternal Peace army morale even more surges upward, the one close behind the other chases down, the battlefield becomes is bloody and frigid. 看到他们溃逃,延康的军队士气愈发高涨,衔尾追杀,战场变得血腥而惨烈。 Setting sun in the western sky, Cangshan like sea, setting sun like blood. 夕阳西下,苍山如海,残阳如血。 This campaign is a Southern Border length and breadth battlefield corner/horn, is not in the Southern Border campaign is most soul-stirring the most frigid magnificent war, the war that Southern Border has ratio this more soul-stirring, more frigid inspiring war. 这场战役是南疆广袤战场的一角,并非是南疆战役中最惊心动魄最惨烈壮观的一战,南疆发生的战事有比这更为惊心动魄,更为惨烈可歌可泣的战争。 When so is no longer intense to the tactical situation, is at nightfall, the commanding generals of various group of armies start to take inventory the population, General Ba Shan inquired: Where cuts the South Emperor divine weapon/divine army person?” 待到战况不再那么激烈,已经是入夜时分,各路军队的主将开始清点人数,霸山将军询问道:“斩开南帝神兵的人在哪里?” The officers seek that 15, the Eternal Peace ten people that Qin Mu is at 15, ten people of remaining three people, inside did not have Qin Mu. 将士们寻到秦牧所在的那15,延康十人15,十人还剩下三人,里面并没有秦牧 Has the young scholars to shake the head, is pursuing, they lost the Qin Mu's trail. 有年轻的士子摇头,在追击之中,他们失去了秦牧的踪迹。 The officers are silent, go back to report Ba Shan, Ba Shan was also silent. 将士们沉默,回去禀告霸山,霸山也沉默了。 The general hundred died in battle, in the battlefield is the common matter. 将军百战死,在战场上是常有的事情。 Late at night, in battlefield jack-o'-lantern stained, has the Divine Ability Practitioner ignition torch, seeks for the corpse of ally in the battlefield, that three young Eternal Peace scholars look around, anticipated that can see the familiar face. 深夜,战场上鬼火斑斑,也有着神通者点燃火炬,在战场寻找战友的尸体,那三个年轻的延康士子四处搜寻,期待能够看到熟悉的面孔。 They know that now why that scar of knife wound face veteran will make them remember the face of ally, remember, to finish the evacuation they going home at the war, does not make their skeletons catch cold in the cold wind, does not make them bury outside area, making them bring the soldier proper glory return native place, buries in the ancestral grave. 他们现在才知道为何那个刀疤脸老兵会让他们记住战友的面孔,记住,是为了在战事结束后送他们回家,不让他们的尸骨在冷风中受寒,不让他们葬在外地,让他们带着战士应有的荣耀回归故里,葬于祖坟。 The blood like the frost, coagulates in the surfaces of corpses. 血如霜,凝固在一具具尸体的表面。 The jack-o'-lantern flutters, that is the Nether wandering soul in messenger's in receiving and instructing battlefield, cannot remember old man of its appearance ride the paper boat to appear in each corner of battlefield, no matter the enemy and ourselves, making the soul of dying in battle board the paper boat, delivered to them Nether. 鬼火飘动,那是幽都的使者在接引战场上的游魂,一个个记不住其面目的老人乘着纸船出现在战场的每一个角落,不管敌我,让战死者的魂魄登上纸船,将他们送到幽都中去。 These Messengers of Death lanterns often illuminate on the face of wandering soul, whatever it before death is the how great military officer, or the how base and low soldiers, must go on board. 这些阴差的马灯每每照在游魂的脸上,任由其生前是多么伟大的将领,或是多么卑微的士卒,都要登船。 At this time, on a paper boat, Qin Mu and quiet Heavenly Venerable sit on the ship, Butcher sits under the lantern. 此时,一艘纸船上,秦牧与幽天尊坐在船上,屠夫坐在马灯下。 All around silence, only then distant place transmits from the northwest soldier, with the strong region voice, the long sound in the dark night summoned the name of companion, called its soul to return, not must astray Nether, Nether had Earth count, the tiger surface good body, will raise the river of the netherworld whip to drive away him. 四周一片寂静,只有远处传来来自西北的士兵,操着浓重的地域口音,在黑夜中长声呼唤同伴的名字,唤其魂归来,莫要误入幽都,幽都土伯,虎面牛身,会提着冥河鞭驱赶他。 Qin Mu is listening to that long summon sound, somewhat is enthralled. 秦牧听着那悠长的呼唤声,有些入神。 Nether has the Nether custom.” 幽都幽都的规矩。” Quiet Heavenly Venerable said: You want to resurrect these many people, then violates the Nether custom. Earth count will not comply.” 天尊道:“你想复活这么多人,便是违背幽都的规矩。土伯是不会答应的。” I naturally know that the Nether custom, resurrects these many people, violates Nether Great Dao.” “我自然知道幽都的规矩,一口气复活这么多人,是违背幽都大道。” Qin Mu said: However, Earth count was then locked by the custom stubbornly, we are very passive. Quiet Heavenly Venerable, Eternal Peace, regarding ten Heavenly Venerable is a very tiny area, Celestial Exalt Huo then started to resort to arms to Eternal Peace now, in the future he will push really horizontally, Eternal Peace will then disintegrate, dies more people. Let yourself the custom limit dead, waits for our, only then suffers a defeat and flees this road. Earth count also hopes to jump out the Nether Great Dao fetter, why not to turn a blind eye?” 秦牧道:“然而,土伯便是被规矩锁得死死的,以至于我们都很被动。幽天尊,延康,对于十天尊来说是弹丸之地,火天尊现在便已经开始对延康用兵,将来他真的横推过来,延康便会土崩瓦解,死更多的人。让规矩把自己限制死,等待我们的,只有败亡这一条路。土伯也希望跳出幽都大道束缚,何不睁一只眼闭一只眼?” Quiet Heavenly Venerable shakes the head saying: Earth count now or Earth count, Nether Great Dao or Nether Great Dao, must act impartially.” 天尊摇头道:“土伯现在还是土伯,幽都大道还是幽都大道,必须秉公办理。” Elm head!” “榆木脑袋!” The Qin Mu air/Qi smiles extremely: Quiet Heavenly Venerable, you go back to tell Earth count, reason that I with you consulted that stems from the politeness! I come back to life these people directly, does not need to inquire about the opinion of Earth count! Earth count complies also well, does not comply, this matter I did!” 秦牧气极而笑:“幽天尊,你回去告诉土伯,我之所以与你们相商只是出于礼貌!我直接复生这些人,根本无需过问土伯的意见!土伯答应也好,不答应也罢,这件事我做定了!” The quiet Heavenly Venerable vision falls on his body: Your wing was hard.” 天尊目光落在他的身上:“你翅膀硬了。” Is hard, coconut palm coconut palm!” “硬得很,梆梆的!” The Qin Mu sound is also hard: Ancient God Artifact is heavy I , because I am all generations do not extinguish Grandmaster of Law, ancient God expected that I can resurrect they with my magic technique, even if their soul flies away and spirit dispersed, I can also draw their souls. When I come back to life human race, said to me well-mannered? I am able, why am I unusable?” 秦牧声音也硬邦邦的:“古神器重我,是因为我是万劫不灭大法师,古神期望我能用我的法术复活他们,哪怕是他们魂飞魄散,我也能将他们的魂魄拉来。等到我复生人族,就给我讲规矩了?我有能力,我为何不能用?” Quiet Heavenly Venerable as before unemotionally, said: In battlefield the deceased person are countless, you resurrect they, except for is counter Nether, but beyond line, will also consume own magic power, how many people can you save? The bodies of these people had been destroyed, even if you are skilled in the say/way of good fortune, restores their physical body, how many people but can you restore?” 天尊依旧面无表情,道:“战场上死人无数,你复活他们,除了是逆幽都而行之外,还会消耗自己的法力,你能救多少人?这些人的身体已经被毁,就算你精通造化之道,修复他们的肉身,但你又能修复多少人?” The Qin Mu corner of the eye jumped jumping. 秦牧眼角跳了跳。 Quiet Heavenly Venerable continues saying: Here is only one in innumerable battlefield, other battlefields, the deceased person are countless, can you save them? Every day, even each flash, All Heaven Myriad Realm has does not know how many people died, can you save them? Celestial Exalt Mu, even if you are Heavenly Venerable, when the strength also has exhausts, you cannot save all people. Let alone, if you revive already the person of dying massively, Nether Great Dao will then restrain Earth count, making Earth count cope with you. Earth count, Great Dao lives, involuntary.” 天尊继续道:“这里只是无数战场中的一个,其他战场,死人无数,你能将他们都救起来吗?每一天,甚至每一瞬间,诸天万界都有不知多少人死亡,你能救得了他们吗?牧天尊,就算你是天尊,力量也有穷尽之时,你救不了所有人。更何况,倘若你大规模救活已死之人,幽都大道便会约束土伯,让土伯来对付你。土伯,大道所生,身不由己。” He stands up: Any disrupts the Nether order, must be punished! By the world that I destroy, countless, Eternal Peace do not become one of them. Because, if Earth count by the Nether Great Dao fetter, but has to the take action words, the world of destruction be more! Reason that these year of Earth count are motionless you , because he is contending with the Nether Great Dao rule, resists the order of Great Dao. The Nether say/way, must write off you!” 他站起身来:“任何扰乱幽都秩序的,都要受到惩罚!被我毁灭的世界,不计其数,延康不要成为其中之一。因为,倘若土伯幽都大道束缚而不得不出手的话,毁灭的世界更多!这些年土伯之所以不动你,是因为他在与幽都大道规则抗衡,对抗大道的命令。幽都的道,早就要抹杀你了!” The person who you resurrect are more, the penalty is heavier! When arrives to the penalty, the person who not only you resurrect must die, will also have does not know that many people were implicated by you!” “你复活的人越多,惩罚越重!待到惩罚降临,非但你复活的人要死,还会有不知多少人被你牵连!” Qin Mu stands up: Nether Great Dao, unreasonable.” 秦牧站起身来:“幽都大道,不近人情。” Quiet Heavenly Venerable said: Heaven and Earth Great Dao, then did not have the favor.” 天尊道:“天地大道,本来便没有人情。” I too idealize, you are too realistic.” “我太理想化,你太现实。” Qin Mu stimulates to movement to pull soul divine ability suddenly, Heaven and Earth Profound Gate sets upright after behind, the clear and resonant voice said with a smile: I, because too idealizes, often will knock one's head against the wall in the face of the reality! Because you are too realistic, therefore falls into the self-closing!” 秦牧突然催动牵魂神通,天地玄门竖在身后,朗声笑道:“我因为太理想化,往往会在现实面前碰得头破血流!你因为太现实,因此陷入自闭!” Quiet Heavenly Venerable has raised the brow: Earth count will not borrow strength to you, God of the Living will not resurrect to you with his strength these human race soldiers.” 天尊扬了扬眉头:“土伯是不会借力量给你的,天公也不会借他的力量给你复活这些人族的士兵。” I do not need!” “我不需要!” Qin Mu laughs loudly, divine treasure opens wide, Ancestral Courtyard appears, the place above is Xuandu, under is Nether. 秦牧放声大笑,神藏洞开,祖庭浮现,上方是玄都,下方是幽都 Great strength in his divine treasure gushes out! 神藏中的伟岸力量涌出! Great Dao has Ancestral Courtyard, the good fortune opens ignorantly. 大道祖庭,造化蒙昧开。 This is his two type Enter the Dao Divine Ability, the 14 th heavy day, the 15 th heavy day. 这是他的两式入道神通,第14重天,第15重天。 Great Dao has Ancestral Courtyard, evolves Nether and Xuandu Great Dao, the good fortune opens ignorantly, then restores physical body of soldier these died in battle with the say/way of good fortune, activates their blood, making their death blood radiate the vigor! 大道祖庭,演化幽都玄都大道,造化蒙昧开,则是以造化之道修复这些战死的战士的肉身,激活他们的血液,让他们身上的死血重新焕发活力! Quiet Heavenly Venerable visits him silently, has not prevented, whatever he acts. 天尊默默的看着他,没有阻挡,任由他施为。 In these Eternal Peace officers who in the battlefield gathers up dead bodies is looking ally who dull stand, on them also has the blood stains, however their actually start to recover, their wound healings, the heart restores to flow, the body organ of dying also once again restored the vigor. 正在战场中收尸的那些延康将士呆呆的看着一位位站起来的战友,他们身上还有着血斑,然而他们的身体却开始恢复,他们的伤口愈合,心脏重新恢复流动,死去的身体器官也再度恢复活力。 Some people cheer, closely grasps the ally who just came back to life, actually cries to make noise with a smile with a smile. 有人欢呼起来,紧紧抱住刚刚复生的战友,笑着笑着却哭出声来。 The battlefield was too broad, the soldier of dying in battle were too many, even if were Qin Mu, he also felt that was getting more and more strenuous, resurrected these soldiers to consume he too many magic power and spirits. 战场太广阔了,战死的战士太多,即便是秦牧,他也感觉到越来越吃力,复活这些战士耗费了他太多的法力和精神。 His aura deteriorates, at the same time he also felt Great Dao moving restlessly of Nether, he defies Great Dao, reverses Life and Death, making Nether Great Dao issue to eradicate his order. 他的气息衰败下来,与此同时他还感觉到来自幽都大道的躁动,他违抗大道,逆转生死,让幽都大道下达铲除他的命令。 He feels Earth count in Nether to suppress Nether Great Dao forcefully, felt that quiet Heavenly Venerable is resisting the order of Great Dao. 他感觉到幽都中的土伯在强行镇压幽都大道,也感觉到幽天尊在抵挡大道的命令。 Finally, Eternal Peace soldier one by one that in this stretch of battlefield died in battle comes back to life, Qin Mu within the body all strengths as if have exhausted, drops down loudly, he is feeble, being hard stands. 终于,这片战场上战死的延康战士一一复生,秦牧体内一切力量似乎已经耗尽,轰然倒下,他衰弱无比,难以站起来。 Quiet Heavenly Venerable is resisting the order of Nether Great Dao, from his side process, boards the paper boat once again: Do not go to Nether, after you go to Nether, Earth count then does not guarantee you, but killed you. There, the Nether strength was too strong.” 天尊对抗着幽都大道的命令,从他身边经过,再度登上纸船:“不要去幽都了,你去幽都之后,土伯便不是保你,而是杀你了。那里,幽都的力量太强了。” Thanks.” Qin Mu sound weak say/way. “谢谢。”秦牧声音微弱道。 The quiet Heavenly Venerable body is somewhat stiff, has not turned head, faint say/way: Does not need to thank me, you make to reverse the Life and Death matter, I on will report Earth count truthfully, Earth count square all round, will take down your evil conduct, future one and will criticize.” 天尊身躯有些僵硬,没有回头,淡漠道:“不必谢我,你做出逆转生死的事情,我会如实上禀土伯,土伯公正无私,会记下你的恶行,将来一并清算。” Qin Mu shows the smiling face, said diligently loudly: Two -and-a-half years of time, the most two -and-a-half years of time, are the wars of Xuandu, are related to God of the Living Life and Death! Can't you go?” He said is too anxious, coughs fiercely. 秦牧露出笑容,努力大声道:“两年半时间,最多两年半时间,便是玄都之战,事关天公生死!你去不去?”他说的太急,剧烈咳嗽起来。 Closes my trifling thing?” The quiet Heavenly Venerable icy say/way, controls paper boat to drive into Nether. “关我屁事?”幽天尊冷冰冰道,驾驭纸船驶入幽都 Qin Mu actually shows the smiling face, face up looks at the sky, sees only the East to spit white, Sun rose quickly, he muttered: He will certainly go, certain meeting...... Although quiet Heavenly Venerable because of rationality, but self-closing, thought that saw through all became indifferent, but he will certainly go. His heart is hot, boiling hot......” 秦牧却露出笑容,仰面看着天空,只见东方吐白,太阳快升起来了,他喃喃道:“他一定会去的,一定会的……幽天尊虽然因为理性而自闭,觉得看穿了一切变得冷漠,但是他一定会去。他的心还是热的,滚烫的……” Butcher arrives at his front, sees only the Eastern pink clouds to be getting more and more bright, a round red glowing sun raises from the multi-colored sunlight slowly, said: In the past I did not have your this type divine ability that reversed Life and Death, if there are, I will also violate Earth count, will revive my ally.” 屠夫走到他的前方,只见东方的彩霞越来越亮,一轮红日从霞光中冉冉升起,道:“当年我没有你这种逆转生死神通,倘若有,我也会违背土伯,也会救活我的战友。” He is looking straight ahead Sun of raising, silent long time, recited suddenly in a low voice: Frost falls the Nanshan autumn to be solid, the wind volume singes north to the night, the humans affair is just hurried. Where can the divine intervention ask? Only hope good man Chang. The blade said, is a person of say/way...... Did Mu'er, rest enough for a long time? Walks, we continue to go forward!” 他直视着升起的太阳,沉默了良久,突然低声吟道:“霜落南山秋实,风卷北邻夜燎,世事正匆忙。天意哪可问?只愿善人昌。刀道,就是人之道啊……牧儿,歇息够久了吧?走吧,我们继续前进!” Does Qin Mu sway to stand up, follows his footsteps diligently, welcomed rising sun rays of light to walk. 秦牧摇摇晃晃站起身来,努力跟上他的脚步,迎着旭日的光芒走去。 „The say/way of any Later Heaven/acquired, is a person of say/way!” His resolute saying. “任何后天之道,都是人之道!”他语气坚定的说道。 Butcher turns head to look at his one eyes, shows the smiling face. 屠夫回头看他一眼,露出笑容。 -- Tales of Herding Gods the first round in the beginning Chinese net, the genuine besides having the beginning Chinese net, the QQ book city, the QQ browser novel plate, the slightly letter studies, Tales of Herding Gods about 4.5 million characters, but also looks at everybody to support genuine reading. ————牧神记首发在起点中文网,正版除了有起点中文网,还有QQ书城,QQ浏览器小说板块,微信读书,牧神记近4500000字了,还望大家支持正版阅读。
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