TOHG :: Volume #13

#1202: The fellow daoist, wait for me( first)

On this day, Yuan World has the great change, Celestial Exalt Ling, Celestial Exalt Yue, Celestial Exalt Huo and first Shang Sovereign Heavenly Emperor Xiao Weisu collaborates, cuts to kill earth-mother Yuan Monarch, cuts down Origin Tree. 这一日,元界发生巨变,凌天尊月天尊火天尊与第一任上皇天帝晓未苏联手,斩杀地母元君,伐倒元木 South 15 th Shang Sovereign Heavenly Emperor leads the army to attack northern Shang Sovereign Heavenly Court, eradicates the malignant tumor of this Yuan World at one fell swoop. 第15任南上皇天帝率领大军攻伐北上皇天庭,将这个元界的毒瘤一举铲除。 This service, south Shang Sovereign unified Yuan World, has the innumerable inspiring stories unable one by one to recount. 这一役,南上皇统一了元界,其中有着无数可歌可泣的故事无法一一述说。 Gave that day of head in earth-mother Yuan Monarch, the day fell the phenomenon, had many inconceivable phenomena, the Origin Tree collapse was a matter, in addition also had the confusion of space, as well as sacred arrival. 在地母元君授首的那一天,天降异象,发生了许多不可思议的现象,元木倒塌是一回事,除此之外还有空间的错乱,以及神圣的降临。 Some people said are outside the territory Heavenly Court famous elder Celestial Exalt Hao lead Heavenly Court expert to arrive, assisting Celestial Exalt Yue, Celestial Exalt Huo and the others to cut to kill the earth-mother. 有人说是域外天庭的名宿昊天尊率领着天庭强者降临,协助月天尊火天尊等人斩杀地母。 Also some people said that divine ability out-of-control of Celestial Exalt Yue, Celestial Exalt Yue by the earth-mother Yuan Monarch heavy losses, was turned into the disabled person, was destroyed the appearance. 还有人说月天尊神通失控,月天尊被地母元君重创,变成了残废,被毁了容颜。 Also some people said, Xiao Weisu obtains the recognition of Celestial Exalt Yue Celestial Exalt Ling, has given him cut down Origin Tree. 还有人说,晓未苏得到月天尊凌天尊的赏识,把被砍倒的元木交给了他。 Also some people said, Celestial Exalt Ling Celestial Exalt Huo takes responsibility, making Xiao Weisu wield Yuan World. 又有人说,凌天尊火天尊做主,让晓未苏执掌元界 However after that then few people saw Celestial Exalt Yue. 不过从那之后,便很少有人见到月天尊了。 Celestial Exalt Ling also once again closes up, has the sign of retiring after meritorious service. 凌天尊也再度闭关,有功成身退的迹象。 On that day exactly had anything, became the history, did not know for the bystander. 那一天到底发生了什么,已经成为历史,不为外人所知。 On that day, Celestial Exalt Yue returned to her palace, the words that she wants to walk, among the world nobody can stop her, however she to rescue Celestial Exalt Ling, was such as she achievement in dreamland is the same. 那一天,月天尊逃回她的宫殿,她想走的话,天下间没有人能够阻拦她,然而她为了救出凌天尊,还是如她在梦境中的作为一样。 She has discarded oneself both legs and appearance, trades opportunity that Celestial Exalt Ling escaped. 她舍弃了自己的双腿和容颜,换来了凌天尊逃生的机会。 She is almost crawls in oneself palace, immediately under the arrange/cloth various spaces prohibit, making Celestial Exalt Hao and the others unable to seek her. 她几乎是爬回自己宫殿中,立刻布下各种空间封禁,让昊天尊等人无法寻到她。 Yan'er, brings a screen, do not make the bystander see me.” She flutters to say. 烟儿,取来一个屏风,不要让外人看到我。”她颤声说道。 The screen blocks from her, Yan'er is very intimate lightens the lantern for her in the screen. 屏风将她遮住,烟儿很是贴心的为她在屏风中点亮灯笼。 Celestial Exalt Yue shivers is taking up the mirror, looks in the mirror that elfin face, washed one's hands to throw the mirror. 月天尊颤抖着拿起镜子,看着镜中那个丑陋面容,抖手将镜子抛了出去。 At this time, a form silent walked, but Yan'er and other palace maid like has not actually seen him. 这时,一个身影无声无息的走来,而烟儿等一众宫女却像是没有看到他一样。 Qin Mu moves toward the screen, Celestial Exalt Yue covers the face, sound hoarse say/way: Do not come, I do not think that you see my present appearance!” 秦牧走向屏风,月天尊掩面,声音沙哑道:“别过来,我不想你看到我现在的样子!” Qin Mu shoves open the screen, Celestial Exalt Yue screamed, which direction regardless of Qin Mu after moves toward the screen, the screen keeps off in his front throughout. 秦牧推开屏风,月天尊尖叫,无论秦牧从哪个方向走向屏风后,屏风始终挡在他的面前。 Moon/Month.” “月。” Qin Mu stands before the screen, said in a soft voice: I must go back.” 秦牧站在屏风前,轻声道:“我要回去了。” Celestial Exalt Yue did not speak. 月天尊不语。 Qin Mu continues saying: Now I could not have saved you, I am unable to explain Xiao Weisu Earlier Heaven/innate qi, could not explain Celestial Exalt Huo divine ability. However in the future, when your peach tree long All Heaven Myriad Realm, when I bring again this is drawing, you will restore the former appearance. At that time, you are Celestial Exalt Yue.” 秦牧继续道:“现在我还救不了你,我无法破解晓未苏先天一炁,也破解不了火天尊神通。不过将来,等到你的桃树长遍诸天万界,等到我再带着这幅画回来的时候,你将会恢复从前的容貌。那时,你还是月天尊。” He bows to salute, turns around to depart: Fellow Daoist, waits for me.” 他躬身施礼,转身离去:“道友,等我啊。” Screen latter silence. 屏风后一片沉默。 Crossed long time, the female after screen sits in the shadow raises slightly slightly. 过了良久,屏风后的女子坐在影子里微微欠身。 The time passes gradually. 时光荏苒。 Ending of Shang Sovereign time has been a foregone conclusion. 上皇时代的落幕已成定局。 The earth-mother Yuan Monarch death, Celestial Exalt Yue caused heavy losses, only remaining Celestial Exalt Ling one person alone cannot save the situation, but Celestial Exalt Ling divine ability are general, has the inconceivable energy, particularly arrived at the last years of Shang Sovereign time, her divine ability once were displayed, nobody can with it being a worthy opponent. 地母元君死亡,月天尊被重创,只剩下凌天尊独木难支,但凌天尊神通广大,拥有不可思议之能,尤其是到了上皇时代的末年,她的神通一经施展,无人能与之匹敌。 But bright spear easily avoid, dark arrow hardly guard, Celestial Exalt Ling was sneak attacked by Heavenly Emperor, is buried in Heavenly River. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防,凌天尊天帝偷袭,还是葬身在天河之中。 Has continued 300,000 years of prosperous dynasty, in light of this becomes the traditional music of which has been lost. 一个持续了300000年之久的昌盛皇朝,就此成为绝响。 In this year, a White Dragon shi young girl at the back of a long sword, leading innumerable Shang Sovereign in rags to lose outside the people untold hardships avoidance territory chasing down of Heavenly Court god demon, did pioneering work despite great hardships, experiences the innumerable misery to arrive at east sea finally. 这一年,一个白龙氏的少女背着一口长剑,率领着无数衣衫褴褛的上皇遗民千辛万苦躲避域外天庭神魔的追杀,筚路蓝缕,经历了无数苦难终于来到了东海 She leads Shang Sovereign to lose the people to go to sea to go. 她率领着上皇遗民出海而去。 How long crossed did not know, they met a floating island in the sea level, on the floating island the peach blossom are in full bloom, was quite brilliant. 过了不知多久,他们在海面上遇到一座浮岛,浮岛上桃花盛开,极为烂漫。 There master received them, the master has a strange temperament, does not see the guest, only hides behind the screen. 那里的主人接待了他们,主人有一个怪脾气,不见外客,只躲在屏风后面。 I can deliver you to hide into secret Heavens.” “我可以送你们躲入一个隐秘的诸天之中。” The peach garden master dialog Long young girl said: When the Shang Sovereign tribulation subsides, you can return to this lands.” 桃园主人对白龙氏少女说道:“等到上皇劫平息,你们可以回到这片土地上。” White Dragon shi apologized. 白龙氏谢过。 She waves sword light frequently, the peach garden master sits the wheelchair to be pushed by a girl, in the surface has the veil blocking, visits her to brandish a sword spookily. 她经常舞动剑光,桃园主人会坐着轮椅被一个女孩推出来,面上有面纱遮挡,幽幽的看着她舞剑。 The sword such as fish dragon dance, shines upon east sea. 剑如鱼龙舞,映照东海 White Dragon shi discovered that the floating island many strange events, wander about aimlessly from peach forest in island, sometimes will arrive at other Heavens, sometimes will arrive in Yuan World, sometimes will arrive at Nether and Xuandu. 白龙氏发现浮岛的许多怪事,从岛中的桃林中乱走,有时候会走到其他诸天,有时候会走到元界中去,有时候甚至会到达幽都玄都 She also discovered that the peach garden master has the strange temperament, always inquired that is called the Yan'er girl, inquired where her peach forest long arrived. 她还发现桃园主人有怪脾气,总是询问那个叫做烟儿的女孩,询问她桃林长到哪里了。 White Dragon shi hears this piece of strange peach forest, was the peach garden master planted with a peach tree twig in the past, experiences for a lot of years to develop the present scale. 白龙氏听闻这片奇异的桃林,是桃园主人当年用一根桃枝栽种而成,经历了千百年才发展到现在的规模。 She also listened to Yan'er saying that peach garden master and other person, when peach garden has been covered with All Heaven Myriad Realm, that talented person will appear. 她还听烟儿说,桃园主人是在等一个人,等到桃园长满了诸天万界,那个人才会出现。 Finally, White Dragon shi is leading clansman through peach forest, entered piece of secret Heavens, dwells, the multiplication lives. 最终,白龙氏率领着族人通过桃林,进入了一片隐秘的诸天,栖息下来,繁衍生息。 But White Dragon also frequently comes out to walk, teaches Yuan World people Dao Art divine ability, publicizes the Shang Sovereign time the idea. 而白龙氏也经常出来行走,传授元界的人们道法神通,宣扬上皇时代的理念。 She is honored as Shang Sovereign Sword God. 她被人们尊为上皇剑神 She often will also pass through that piece of peach forest, peach forest grew to many Heavens gradually, but the peach garden master or does not have that person, when she must wait. 她还会时常经过那片桃林,桃林已经渐渐地生长到许多诸天了,只是桃园主人还是没有等到她要等的那个人。 White Dragon shi has met one youngster who called Qin Ye, meets Wen Tiange that has been able to chop firewood, temperament very bad Empress Yiyue, Yan Yunxi that loose clean was dressed as a man. 白龙氏遇到了一个叫秦业的少年,遇到了会砍柴的闻天阁,脾气很坏的帝译月,风流倜傥女扮男装的烟云兮 She walks in world, the peach garden master was waiting for that a person, but she is also waiting for a person. 她还是在世间行走,桃园主人在等待一个人,而她也在等待一个人。 20,000 years pass by, Founding Emperor Heavenly Court turned into the dust, the past splendor turned into the ruins, the peach forest master has not waited till that person, but she has not sought that person. 不知不觉间20000年时间过去,开皇天庭变成了尘土,往日的荣华变成了废墟,桃林主人还是没有等到那个人,而她也没有寻到那个人。 Also 20,000 years of darkness years, White Dragon shi had searched with hardship, looks for the clue of that person. 又过了20000年的黑暗岁月,白龙氏苦苦寻觅,寻找那个人的线索。 On this day, she passes through the Surging River source, in the river the dense fog gradually gets up, shoulders the young girl of Divine Sword to be filled with emotion, this rivers have buried the history too many, the torrential river water also turned into the sobbing sound of time. 这一日,她经过涌江的源头,江中迷雾渐起,背负着神剑的少女不禁感慨万千,这片河流埋葬了太多了历史,以至于滔滔江水也变成了时光的呜咽声。 At this time, she saw Heavenly Court Gods killed. 这时,她看到了天庭诸神杀来。 Heavenly Court Gods is chasing down one to raise the girl of basket, her take action saves that girl, but that girl the oil lamp was completely dry. 天庭诸神在追杀一个提着篮子的女孩,她出手救下那个女孩,但是那个女孩已经油尽灯枯。 She admires this heroine, escorts her to lead the way, however that girl pours in Surging River finally. 她钦佩这个巾帼英雄,护送着她前行,然而那个女孩最终还是倒在涌江之中。 In the basket is a young baby, has cried. 篮子里是一个小小的婴孩,哇哇的哭了起来。 His chest front, was putting together Qin character jade pendant. 他的胸前,放着一块秦字玉佩 The night falls, White Dragon shi gazes after baby to flutter near a Xiaoxiaocunzhuang to Surging River. 夜幕降临,白龙氏目送婴孩飘到涌江边的一个小小村庄。 You listen!” “你们听!” In the village broadcasts an old Granny sound: Outside has child's crying sound!” 村里传来一位老婆婆的声音:“外面有个孩子的哭声!” 46 years later Surging River, disturbance surges, the rough seas pat spatially, crack shore. 46年后的涌江,风波涌动,大浪拍空,裂岸。 The dense fog begins, rays of light flash through, Qin Mu is bringing Wei Sui Feng and Long Bo/Uncle Dragon king, Feng Qiuyun, forest Xiao as well as the imperial guards and other expert, appears on the surface of the river. 迷雾再起,一道道光芒闪过,秦牧带着魏随风龙伯王、凤秋云、林枭以及羽林军等数万强者,出现在江面上。 The strong winds sway, the wave is very high, blows off the dense fog, on the surface of the river the supernatural power erupts, the wind stops, the wave is even, an imperial guards piece withers. 狂风吹拂,浪头很高,将迷雾吹散,江面上神力爆发,风止,浪平,羽林军一片肃杀。
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