TheirpowderskirtwhiteTuiheanimal skinshortsbiginfluential or powerful personcollides, although the Senior Sister Qinglong legis tall and slender, butstrengthactuallyastonishingincomparable, leaves the legto truncate the axeto dividelike the blade, but the Qin Mulegwantsto be sturdier, butto the feeling of person is actually elegantlithe, as if no manystrengths.
两人粉裙白腿和兽皮短裤大粗腿碰撞,晴师姐的长腿虽然细长,但力量却惊人无比,出腿有如刀削斧劈,而秦牧腿要粗壮一些,但给人的感觉却是飘逸轻盈,似乎没有多少力量。Bangbangbang, a series ofsudden strike soundtransmit, the Senior Sister Qingboth legsin the flashdo not know that manysay/waykickto strike, Qin Mu'sleg technique is too quick, mustmakeherrespondquickly!
嘭嘭嘭,一连串的暴击声传来,晴师姐的双腿在一瞬间中了不知多少道踢击,秦牧的腿法实在太快,快得让她反应不及!Herboth legsthatastonishingstrengthis quite the same as useless, was kickedbyQin Mua series ofdazzlingleg technique, immediately the strengthvanishes, as if„had been eaten”generalby the leg of opposite party.
The Senior Sister Qingboth legsworn out and aching, the both legs of opposite partyserieskickto strike, the rainstormgets in the Japanese bananato fallonherwaist, the chest, the throat, then an onlybigfootmaliciouslykicksonherface.晴师姐双腿酸软,对方的双腿连环踢击,暴雨打芭蕉般落在她的腰身,胸口,咽喉,然后一只只大脚丫子啪啪啪的狠狠踢在她的脸上。
The Qin Mubodyspinsin the midair, twistsbehindkicks, thisfootwas differentfromformerlyleg technique, hisleg techniquestrengthwas not formerly strong, onlypursued the speed, butbig of thislegstrengthactuallyalarmed and afraid.秦牧身躯在半空中旋起,拧身后踢,这一脚与先前的腿法不同,先前他的腿法力量不强,只追求速度,而这一腿力量之大却令人惊惧。
The face of Senior Sister Qingtied, the excellentnosealmostturnspastes the animal skinonface, the chinsmashing, the mouth seem to be manymanyforeign matters. Thisyoung girlin the front leg, was kickedto escape the stringadvantagearrowto shoot the ruins!晴师姐的脸被踢平,秀挺的鼻子几乎变成贴在脸上的肉皮,下巴粉碎,嘴里似乎多出许多异物。这少女头在前脚在后,被踢得脱弦利箭般射回废墟!Qin Muconfirmed a point, CrippleHeavenly God Pilfering Leg, indeedfirst!秦牧确认了一点,瘸子的偷天神腿,的确第一!Although the first under heavendoes not dare saying that butin the villageindeedisto deservefirst.
天下第一虽然不敢说,但村子里的确是当之无愧的第一。ThatSenior Sister Qingleg techniquelooks likeviciousis overbearing, butsimplyhas not movedhisleast bit, thencaused heavy lossesbyhim!
那位晴师姐的腿法看起来凶狠霸道,但根本没有触碰到他半点儿,便被他重创!Qin Mucould not useleast bitorigin qi, whatdepended onwas the strength of ownbody, butSenior Sister Qing can actually pour into the both legsownorigin qi, strengthenedownstrength and attack, promotedoneselfleg techniquespeed, even ifthis, Senior Sister Qingwereoneputs in an appearanceis then hitremnantly!秦牧动用不了半点元气,凭的是自己的身体的力量,而晴师姐却可以将自己的元气灌入双腿,增强自己的力量和攻击,提升自己腿法速度,即便这样,晴师姐还是一个照面便被打残!HejustkickedSenior Sister Qing, immediately the whole bodyfine hairstarts, the incomparablyintensedangerousfeelingwell ups, cannot attend toturning around, hurriedforwardvertical.
他刚刚踢飞晴师姐,立刻全身汗毛乍起,无比强烈的危险感涌上心头,顾不得转身,急忙向前纵去。Inhimbehind, Senior Brother Qudivesquietlyhisrear area, the killertohispain, this strikesexerted its utmost, buthas not expectedQin Muto be so vigilant!
在他身后,曲师兄悄然潜到他的后方,向他痛下杀手,他这一击原本势在必得,只是没有料到秦牧如此警觉!Theycarry on the backto dash about wildlyin the beast, jumpsfromvariant beasttoanothervariant beastback , the Senior Brother Qufootstepsare extremely quick, crazilytoQin Muback of the bodyattack, butQin Mupress forwarddashes about wildly, simultaneouslyboth handsflutter, keep off the Senior Brother Quoffensive.
两人在兽背上狂奔,从一头异兽背部跳到另一头异兽背部,曲师兄脚步极快,疯狂向秦牧后心攻击,而秦牧则奋力向前狂奔,同时双手翻飞,挡下曲师兄的攻势。Thunderclap Eight Strikes, Thousand Hand Buddha!雷音八式,千手佛陀!Senior Brother Quwith amazement, the Qin Mubacktohim, unexpectedly can also keep offhisallattacks, was similar to the innumerablearmswas steadily ordinary, thiscultivation technique, heheard something never heard of before!曲师兄不禁骇然,秦牧背对着他,竟然还能挡下他的一切攻击,如同长了无数条手臂一般,这种功法,他闻所未闻!AlthoughQin Mu'sThousand Hand BuddhacannotachieveGrandfather Masuchgracesis the thunder soundbillowingthunderis intermittent, butalsoquicklylikewind, vigorouslylikeelectricity, althoughbacktoSenior Brother Qu, althoughcarries on the backto dash about wildlyin the beast, actually the hardbridgehardhorse, performsto revealfirm and fierceto be overbearing, has not madeSenior Brother Quaccount for the slightest bitto be cheap.秦牧的千手佛陀虽然不能做到马爷那样举手投足都是雷音滚滚雷霆阵阵,但是也快如风,疾如电,尽管背对着曲师兄,尽管是在兽背上狂奔,却硬桥硬马,尽显刚猛霸道,没有让曲师兄占到半分便宜。„Zheng”
“铮”Suddenly the swordwhining noiseresounds, Qin Mucreepy feeling, the armsees the bloodimmediately, was injuredby the sharp sword.
突然剑鸣声响起,秦牧头皮发麻,手臂顿时见血,被利剑所伤。Qin Muturns over/stands upto tumble the beastback, dashes about wildlyunder a giant beastbelly, Senior Brother Qualsofollowed, both handsair-to-air, butactually the silverswordhigh and lowfluttersregardinghim.秦牧翻身滚落兽背,在一头巨兽肚皮下狂奔,曲师兄也跟了下来,双手空空,但却有一口银剑围绕他上下翻飞。
The Qin Mupupilreduces, thisSenior Brother QucontrollingswordabilitymustexceedthatSenior Sister Qinga great deal, Senior Sister Qingcontrols the sword, the treasured sworddeparts the distance to bedozenszhang (3.33 m), kills the enemybeyonddozenszhang (3.33 m), butSenior Brother Qucontrols the sword, the treasured swordis away fromownbodyfar and nearis aboutthreechi (0.33 m).秦牧瞳孔紧缩,这位曲师兄的控剑能力要胜过那位晴师姐良多,晴师姐控剑,宝剑飞出距离能够达到数十丈,杀敌于数十丈外,而曲师兄控剑,宝剑距离自己的身体远近不过三尺。Thisis terrifying, moreoverunusualbad risk.
这就非常恐怖,而且异常凶险了。Inclose combatcontrolling swordkills the enemy, will havecarelessly, the woundslightlywill arrive at itself, thereforetocontrolling the request of swordabilitywill be extremely high, indicated that tyrannical and fearfulness of opposite partysword technique, as well aswill have the fullconfidencetoownsword technique!
近战情况下御剑杀敌,稍有不慎,就会伤到自己,因此对控剑能力的要求极高,也表明对方剑术的强横和可怕,以及对自己剑术有十足的信心!To the origin qicarefulcontrolabilityin every way possible, does not darelike thiscontrolling sword!
没有对元气细致入微的操控能力,根本不敢这样御剑!„HowGrandpa Butchertheyhave not taughtmeto stimulate to movementorigin qi, GrandpaVillage Chiefhad not saidhowto useOverlord Bodyorigin qi, in this case, onlyfeared that Iwill suffer a loss.”
“屠爷爷他们没有教过我如何催动元气,村长爷爷也没有说过如何动用霸体的元气,这种情况下,只怕我会吃亏。”Hisfootbumps into a branchsuddenly, shouldbe stepped onby the beastgroup, a Qin Mutip of the toepoint, the branchfallswithout hesitationstarts, thisis a 67 feet in lengthwillow branch, the thumbis thick or thin.
The youngstergrip the branch, the footstepsmoverapidly, the visionobserves closely the Senior Brother Quswordto be sharpstubbornly, insteadlooks but not seehisboth hands.
少年握住树枝,脚步飞速移动,目光死死盯住曲师兄的剑尖,对他的双手反而视而不见。Hisorigin qitriesto break in willow tree, butorigin qienters the branch, hethenlosttoonefootthreecuns (2.5 cm)placeto the induction of origin qi.
他的元气试着冲入柳树枝之中,不过元气进入树枝,到了一尺三寸的地方他便失去了对元气的感应。Onefootthreecuns (2.5 cm), were too short, with the flyingsword of opposite partytocontending with too bad risk.
一尺三寸,实在太短了,与对方的飞剑向抗衡实在太凶险了。Senior Brother Qukillsto come, the treasured swordhigh and lowfluttersregardinghim, punctures, truncates, wipes, selects, chops, shakesandcuts, gripsthistreasured swordjust like an invisibleswordsman, killstoQin Mufromeachcunningincomparableposition.曲师兄杀上前来,宝剑围绕他上下翻飞,刺、削、抹、挑、劈、抖、切,宛如一个无形的剑客握住这口宝剑,从各个刁钻无比的方位向秦牧杀来。Severallightsounds, willow branchonlyremainingonefootthreecuns (2.5 cm) in Qin Muhand, thattreasured swordonce morechopsto fall, collideswith the willow branch, sends out a lightsound that ding, was similar tobumps into the steelto be ordinary.
嗤嗤嗤嗤,几声轻响,秦牧手中的柳枝只剩下一尺三寸,那口宝剑再次劈落,与柳枝碰撞,发出叮的一声轻响,如同碰到了钢铁一般。Qin Musaw that ownorigin qipours intowillow branch, cankeep off the treasured sword of opposite partyunexpectedly, felt relievedthoroughly, in the eyeonly then the swordis sharp, in the handonefootthreecuns (2.5 cm)willow branchwas regardedSlaughtering Pig Bladebyhim, Butcherhas taughttohisBlade Skilldisplaysonthisfootthreecuns (2.5 cm)willow branch!秦牧见到自己的元气注入柳枝,竟能挡下对方的宝剑,彻底放下心来,眼中只有剑尖,手中一尺三寸的柳枝被他当成了杀猪刀,屠夫传授给他的刀法就在这一尺三寸的柳枝上施展出来!Midnight Battle Across Stormy Cities!夜战连城风雨!
The Qin Muheartnotgets off one's main subject, teachesButchertohisBlade Skillwith the smallwillow branchheartilydisplays.秦牧心无旁骛,将屠夫传授给他的刀法用小柳枝尽情的施展出来。Quick! Quick! Quick!
快!快!快!Butchersaid that hisBlade Skillcalled the Slaughtering Pig Blademethod, only had a knack, thatwasquick!屠夫称他的刀法叫杀猪刀法,只有一个妙诀,那就是快!Is much quicker, goes wellpigto fallquickly!
The Qin Mutotal involvementinvests into brandishing a sword, carefreedrippingbrandishing a sword, dīng dīngdāng dāngsudden strike soundtransmitsunceasingly, two people the footstepsunder the beastgroup of runningmoverapidly, killsunder the belly of anothergiant beastfrom a belly of giant beast, the giant beastthickleg and footsteps onis similar to the pillar that the spacepoundsmaliciouslyis common, will haveslightlyis stepped carelessly then onmeets a cruel death!秦牧全身心投入到挥刀之中,畅快淋漓的挥刀,叮叮当当的暴击声不断传来,两人在奔跑的兽群下脚步飞速移动,从一头巨兽的肚皮下杀到另一头巨兽的肚皮下,巨兽粗大的腿脚踩下如同天上狠狠捣下来的柱子一般,稍有不慎便会被踩得粉身碎骨!Theirfootstepsseem likeconfused, but the regulationsare following the marvelousrhythm, often in the giant beastis goingto step ontothem can always avoid.
他们的脚步看似错乱,但实则都遵循着奇妙的韵律,每每在巨兽将要踩到他们时总能避开。Senior Brother Qustartledandanger, heis taking a beating!曲师兄又惊又怒,他在挨揍!He„smalldemonbastard”is punchedwith a smallclubpainbythisunexpectedlyat present!
The willow branch in Qin Muhandis very short, onefootis long, isn't a smallclub?秦牧手中的柳枝很短,一尺来长,可不就是根小棒子?Buthisswordlengthfivechi (0.33 m)sevencuns (2.5 cm), refining Qi into Threads, bysilkcontrolling sword, hisSword Control TechniqueisLi River Five Elderspasses on, Li River Five EldersbrokeCelestial Being Wall, openedCelestial Beingdivine treasureexpert, was Sword Control Technique that theytaughtexquisite?
The time in hishanddisplaying, is skill at martial artsdivine ability that Li River Five Eldersfounds, the namedLi RiverSecret Art, both handsusethisskill at martial arts, origin qichange to the great river, surging forward, mighty wavescrackshore, astonishingincomparable.
他手上施展的功夫,则是漓江五老开创的拳术神通,名叫漓江诀,双手施展这门拳术,元气化作大江,汹涌澎湃,波涛裂岸,惊人无比。Althoughhehas not practiced the divine abilitydegree the skill at martial arts, but the mightalready the no small matter, opening stele splitting stone, the fossilwas the powder, was a cinch.
他虽然还没有将拳术练到神通的程度,但威力已然非同小可,开碑裂石,化石为粉,不在话下。Howeverthesetwobigsecret skillin„smalldemonbastard”in front of the smallclub, is unexpectedly full of holes, was broken through the defenseagain and again, the smallclubknocksright in the faceon the face, neck, collar bone, the elbow joint, wrist/skill, phalanx, rib, back of the body and waistheart, the waisthipandlegis curved, ankle area!
然而这两大绝学在“小魔崽子”的小棒子面前,竟然破绽百出,被连连突破防御,小棒子劈头盖脸敲在脸上、脖子、锁骨、肘关节、手腕、指骨、肋骨、后心、腰心、腰胯、腿弯、脚踝!Onthisshortmoment, Senior Brother Quwas then knocked the full headpackage, the bodyis also blue a purplesame place, how couldmakinghimnot get angry?
就这短短片刻,曲师兄便被敲得满头包,身上也青一块紫一块,让他岂能不怒?Howeverinhisheartmoreisalarmed and afraid.
不过他心中更多的则是惊惧。IfinQin Muhandis not a smallclub, butiswords of blade......
The consequencedoes not dareto imagine!
后果不敢想象!Toofearful, thisyoungsterare most is also 11 or 12-year-old, bodyalsoownchest, even ifexercises martial artsfrom mother 's womb, is impossibleto refinesoterrifyingsecret skill?
太可怕了,这个少年最多也就是十一二岁,身子还不到自己的胸口,就算从娘胎中练功,也不可能炼成如此恐怖的绝学吧?Senior Brother QurealizedquicklyQin Mu'sis insufficient, felt relieved: „Hisorigin qicultivation baseis very weak, althoughstyleexquisiteincomparable, butcultivation baseactuallyweakpity. Orheis notSpirit Body, is only an average person......”曲师兄很快察觉到秦牧的不足,放下心来:“他的元气修为很弱,招式虽然精妙无比,但是修为却弱的可怜。或者说,他并非是灵体,只是一个普通人……”Hehas thought of the keyfinally, that is, Qin Muis only an average person, is notSpirit Body, has not openedSpirit Embryodivine treasure, shouldbepracticeDaoyin Artand so onfoundationcultivation technique, makingQin Muhavepart of origin qicultivation base.
他终于想到了关键,那就是,秦牧只是一个普通人,不是灵体,没有打开灵胎神藏,应该是修炼了导引功之类的基础功法,让秦牧拥有一部分的元气修为。origin qianyattribute that howeveraverage personpracticeleaves, could not have playedanymight, therefore the Qin Mu'sattackstyleis freely by farhe, the styledoes not have the might, does not havemanythreatstrengthtohim.
但是普通人修炼出的元气没有任何属性,发挥不出任何威力,所以秦牧的攻击招式尽管远胜他,招式没有威力,对他也就没有多少威胁力。„TheBlade Skill of smalldemonbastard, shouldbedivine ability, buthe was unable to play the divine abilitymight. IfIcanobtainthisdivine ability......”
A Senior Brother Quheartis detachable, Qin Mucannot play the Blade Skillmight, buthe can actually displayseveralpoints, ifdisplaysin his hands, then the might is quite certainly fearful!曲师兄一颗心不由活络开来,秦牧发挥不出刀法的威力,但是他却可以发挥出几分,倘若在他手中施展出来,那么威力一定极为可怕!Hecanlook, Qin MuthisBlade Skillisbattle skill.
他能够看得出来,秦牧这种刀法是一种战技。battle skillandSword Control Techniqueand so ondivine abilityis different, Sword Control Techniqueextricatesboth hands, making the swordfrom the skyflyto kill the enemy, makingownSword Artmore flexible, both hands can also attackto the enemy, is more changeable.战技和控剑术之类的神通不同,控剑术是解脱双手,让剑在空中飞行杀敌,使自己的剑法变得更加灵活,双手同时也可以向敌人攻击,更加多变。Butbattle skillis different.
而战技不同。Whatbattle skillwalksisprimitivepath, needsto useownboth handsto control the weapon, canby the emergingweapon of ownorigin qimaximumdegree, making the style the mightbigger, the divine abilitymightis stronger!战技走的是原始的路子,需要用到自己的双手来掌控兵器,可以让自己的元气最大程度的涌入兵器之中,让招式的威力更大,神通威力更强!Actually, battle skill and Sword Control Techniquefit and unfit qualitythenhad the conclusionlong ago. Several hundredyears ago battle skillandSword Control Techniquecoexist, at that timepracticebattle skillandpracticeSword Control Techniqueeveryonerefuses to acceptanyone, makes warfrequentlyonehigh, howeverSword Control Techniquelineage/veinhave a rare talentto appear, kills the death that practicebattle skillexpertdies, remnantremnants, running away of running away.
其实,战技和控剑术的优劣在很久之前便已经有了定论。数百年前战技和控剑术并存,那时修炼战技的和修炼控剑术的谁也不服谁,经常开战一较高下,然而控剑术一脉有一位奇才横空出世,将修炼战技的强者杀得死的死,残的残,逃的逃。Butthisrare talent, thennowEternal Peace Empireis known asFirst Person Under The GodsImperial Preceptor!
而这位奇才,便是当今延康国号称神下第一人的国师!Arrivedpresent, the practicebattle skillpersonwas few, battle skilllineage/veinexcellentdivine abilityone after anotherwas also lost, did not haveinheritance, spreadwaslow statusbattle skill.
到现在,修炼战技的人已经寥寥无几,战技一脉上乘的神通也相继失传,没有了传承者,流传下来的都是低等的战技。Howevertrueexcellentbattle skillisextremelyfierce, butSenior Brother Qudeeply believed that presentsmalldemonbastarddisplays is trueexcellentbattle skill!
不过真正上乘的战技还是极为厉害,而曲师兄深信,眼前的这个小魔崽子施展的便是真正的上乘战技!„Imusttakethisbattle skill! Seizeshim, in any eventmustcompelhimto hand overthisbattle skillpracticecultivation technique!”
“我一定要将这门战技弄到手!将他擒下,无论如何都要逼他交出这门战技的修炼功法!”Qin Mu'ssmallwooden stickalsoincrazystrikestoSenior Brother Qu, Senior Brother Quresistsat risk of life, butis unable to block the smallwooden stickthroughoutcompletely, was then knockedseveral hundredin the shorttime.秦牧的小木棒还在疯狂的向曲师兄敲打,曲师兄拼死抵挡,但始终无法完全挡住小木棒,还是在短短时间内便被敲了数百记。
The Senior Brother Qufacial countenanceswellsmore and more, bodyis also getting more and more sore, in the heartis gradually flurried. Heisflurried, thenmoredoes not have the methodicalness, the smallwooden stickfallsonnumber of timesare then more.曲师兄的头脸越来越肿,身上也越来越疼,心中渐渐慌乱起来。他越是慌乱,便越是没有章法,小木棒落在身上的次数便越多。Althoughis only a smallwooden stick, withoutmanymight, butadds onQin Muownstrength, rapsunceasingly, many a little makes a mickle, the destructiontohisbody is also the no small matter.
虽说只是个小木棒,没有多少威力,但是加上秦牧自身的力量,不断敲击,积少成多,对他的身体的破坏也是非同小可。„Hemustknockme!”Senior Brother Quis absolutely terrified.
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