TOHG :: Volume #12

#1199: A muscle( second!)

Wei Sui Feng looks that own Junior Brother is so excited, but suddenly is also peaceful, then knows own this Junior Brother was finished. 魏随风看着自己的这位师弟如此兴奋,但又突然间安静下来,便知道自己这位师弟完蛋了。 He has definitely decided on any stupid idea, and decides to act willfully, that 10,000 kui dragons cannot pull back.” “他肯定打定了什么馊主意,并且决定一意孤行,10000头夔龙都拉不回来的那种。” In the Wei Sui Feng heart sighs woefully: Teacher added that my temperament was gruff, says in my head not to have the long brain, inside was one group of gruff muscles, the behavior was extreme. But where do I compare favorably with two Junior Brother? In his far more than brain is the gruff muscles, his whole person is a gruff muscle!” 魏随风心中哀叹:“老师还说我的脾气倔,说我脑袋里没长脑子,里面是一团倔筋,行为偏激。但我哪里比得上二师弟?他何止脑子里都是倔筋,他整个人就是一根倔筋!” Qin Mu begins to implement own plan immediately, but this transformation, is an extremely great project. 秦牧立刻着手实施自己的计划,不过这次改造自我,是个极为宏大的工程。 He can only calm the mind, slowly perceives through meditation Genesis Egg Highest Beginning Egg and Tai Su/Highest Plainness says Dao of Tai Chi, various Great Dao rune seals that does not understand record. 他只能静下心来,慢慢的参悟太始之卵太初之卵太素之道太极之道,把懂的不懂的各种大道符文篆录下来。 As for the Chaos mineral lode, as well as the say/way of Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity, Qin Mu decides not to pay attention, buries the egg shell of Tai Yi/Highest Simplicity to divine treasure in directly, manages him to be born a Chaos mineral lode. 至于混沌矿脉,以及太易之道,秦牧决定不理会,直接把太易的蛋壳埋到神藏中,管他会不会诞生出一条混沌矿脉。 He has made the detailed plan and design, when he completes all these, Celestial Exalt Yue returns finally, sharply is coming to see them, had not said that with enough time two words, then have the maidservant to come saying: Heavenly Venerable, Celestial Exalt Huo visit.” 他做了详细的规划与设计,等到他做好这一切,月天尊终于返回,急着来看望他们,还未来得及说两句话,便有侍女前来道:“天尊,火天尊来访。” Celestial Exalt Yue said with amazement: What does Celestial Exalt Huo come here to make?” 月天尊惊讶道:“火天尊来我这里做什么?” She deeply knits the brows, said to Qin Mu: In the past encircled kills in the Celestial Exalt Yun person then to have Celestial Exalt Huo, I also hated him to be very long, because of him, I retired, lived in seclusion for hundreds of thousands years. However, in the past was also Celestial Exalt Huo urges me to become an official.” 她深深皱眉,向秦牧道:“当年围杀云天尊的人之中便有火天尊,我也曾经恨过他很久,也是因为他,我才退隐,隐居了十几万年。不过,当年也是火天尊劝我出山的。” Qin Mu said decisively: Celestial Exalt Huo is untrustworthy!” 秦牧断然道:“火天尊不能信赖!” Celestial Exalt Yue said with a smile: You felt relieved freely, my innate discretion, I also has the heart of protection to Celestial Exalt Huo. However past human race eight Heavenly Venerable, Celestial Exalt Yu and Celestial Exalt Yun died, Celestial Exalt Qin and Celestial Exalt Mu in the future, quiet Heavenly Venerable retire Nether, only remaining Celestial Exalt Ling and Celestial Exalt Huo and I. If we are not human race work, then did not have artificial human race to work.” 月天尊笑道:“你尽管放心,我自有分寸,对火天尊我也有防备之心。不过当年的人族天尊,御天尊云天尊死了,秦天尊牧天尊在未来,幽天尊退隐幽都,只剩下凌天尊火天尊和我。我们倘若不为人族做事,那么便没有人为人族做事了。” She sets out to depart. 她起身离去。 Qin Mu is anxious, within the body energy is not steady, the body is getting more and more bright. 秦牧不由焦急起来,体内能量不稳,身体越来越明亮。 Suddenly, Wei Sui Feng holds down his shoulder, said solemnly: Junior Brother, the past events only may recall, in the future will still have to be. The history is the history, can participate, but is unmodifiable. You should do now, is maintains own innermost feelings, is not irritable, achieves well the present matter, does not have the slight careless mistake.” 突然,魏随风按住他的肩头,沉声道:“师弟,往事只可追忆,未来尚有可为。历史就是历史,可以参与,但不可改变。你现在该做的,是保持自己的内心,不急不躁,把眼下的事情做到最好,没有丝毫纰漏。” Qin Mu long inspired, smooths moving restlessly disorder the innermost feelings: You said right, said to......” 秦牧长长吸了口气,抚平躁动紊乱的内心:“你说得对,说得对……” He calms the mind once again, inspects the layout design that oneself make. 他再度静下心来,检查自己做出的规划设计。 He must hold this time changes to the opportunity of energy body, designs perfect own Spirit Embryo divine treasure. 他必须抓住这次化作能量体的机会,把自己的灵胎神藏设计得尽善尽美。 He inspects several, has not sought mistake, this stimulates to movement Tai Chi/Highest Extremity primary stone, transformation own Spirit Embryo divine treasure slowly. 他又检查几遍,没有寻到其中的错误,这才催动太极原石,缓缓的改造自己的灵胎神藏 After a while, Celestial Exalt Yue returns to here, saw that Qin Mu is restoring physical body, does not dare to alarm, is planning to depart, Wei Sui Feng goes forward, asks: Heavenly Venerable, Celestial Exalt Huo comes to seek you, behavior what matter?” 过了不久,月天尊回到这里,看到秦牧正在恢复肉身,不敢惊扰,正打算离去,魏随风上前,问道:“天尊,火天尊前来寻你,所为何事?” Celestial Exalt Yue hesitates, said: Celestial Exalt Huo did not make me say, but told you should not to have anything. His comes for the earth-mother Yuan Monarch incident.” 月天尊迟疑一下,道:“火天尊不让我说出去,不过告诉你们应该没有什么。他此来是为了地母元君一事。” Wei Sui Feng is surprised the different way: Earth-mother Yuan Monarch?” 魏随风诧异道:“地母元君?” „The meaning of Celestial Exalt Huo is, earth-mother Yuan Monarch on the 1st, then Yuan World human race is not then safe. Northern Shang Sovereign is cruel , because has earth-mother Yuan Monarch to support.” 火天尊的意思是,地母元君在一日,那么元界人族便不平安。北上皇残暴,就是因为有地母元君撑腰。” Celestial Exalt Yue said: He wants to collaborate with me, is the human race working sentiment, eradicates earth-mother Yuan Monarch.” 月天尊道:“他想与我联手,为人族做点事情,铲除地母元君。” Wei Sui Feng knits the brows. 魏随风皱眉。 Celestial Exalt Yue said with a smile: Celestial Exalt Huo this person, although helps Celestial Exalt Hao, however his manner is good. He hates the wicked as if they were personal enemies, is hostile to ancient God extremely, if to remove ancient God, his certain first rushes most front.” 月天尊笑道:“火天尊这个人虽然去帮助昊天尊,但是他的为人还是不错的。他嫉恶如仇,对古神极为仇视,倘若是为了除掉古神,他一定第一个冲到最前头。” Removes human race expert, he is also first rushes most front.” Suddenly the Qin Mu's sound conveys. “除掉人族强者,他也是第一个冲到最前头。”突然秦牧的声音传来。 Celestial Exalt Yue looks hurriedly to him, sees only the Qin Mu's body as before is the energy body, only then the head grew. 月天尊急忙向他看去,只见秦牧的身躯依旧是能量体,只有脑袋生长了出来。 He first restores the reason of head to open Spirit Embryo divine treasure, his Spirit Embryo is in the configuration. 他首先恢复脑袋的原因是为了开辟灵胎神藏,他的灵胎正在构型之中。 Celestial Exalt Yue said with a smile: Herd, your present appearance is strange, on rays of light is going against an easy mark, do not divert attention, steps up practice. Celestial Exalt Huo this matter should quite be steady, because besides Celestial Exalt Huo, my human race also has expert.” 月天尊笑道:“牧,你现在的样子怪怪的,光芒上顶着个大脑袋,还是不要分心,加紧修炼火天尊这件事应该还是比较稳的,因为除了火天尊之外,我人族还有一位强者。” She is very happy: This person is the Celestial Exalt Yun favorite disciple, Xiao Weisu! He grew , in this life most formidable existed, moreover he is also first Shang Sovereign.” 她很是开心:“这人便是云天尊的得意弟子,晓未苏!他已经成长到当今世上最为强大的存在了,而且他也是第一位上皇。” Qin Mu deeply knits the brows, Xiao Weisu, Celestial Exalt Xiao of later generation, is the reincarnation body of ancient God Heavenly Emperor! 秦牧深深皱眉,晓未苏,后世的晓天尊,也即是古神天帝的转世身! If said that the Celestial Exalt Huo also conscience is human race considers, then Xiao Weisu is thorough hiding malicious intent under a fair countenance! 若说火天尊还有一丝良心为人族考虑的话,那么晓未苏便是彻彻底底的包藏祸心! Junior Brother!” 师弟!” Wei Sui Feng sudden complexion big change, shouted: Do not divert attention!” 魏随风突然脸色大变,喝道:“不要分心!” Qin Mu alerts, immediately realized oneself selects the divine treasure opening failure in the diverting attention time difference, restrains the mind hurriedly. 秦牧警醒,立刻察觉到自己在分心时差点神藏开辟失败,急忙收敛心神。 Celestial Exalt Yue sees him is also in the danger, quickly said: You continue to be busy your, I look for other Sister Ling and human race expert discuss. Celestial Exalt Huo and Xiao Weisu were also urging begins......” 月天尊见他还处在危险之中,连忙道:“你继续忙你的,我去找凌姐姐和其他人族高手商议一番。火天尊晓未苏还催促着动手呢……” Holds on a minute.” “且慢。” Qin Mu calls her, said: I, although is unable to divert attention to lose concentration, but restored some Divine Consciousness cultivation base now. The moon/month, I am skilled by dream enter the Dao......” 秦牧唤住她,道:“我虽然无法分心分神,但是现在好歹恢复了一些神识修为。月,我精通以梦入道……” Celestial Exalt Yue said with amazement: „Isn't this skill of big monk?” 月天尊惊讶道:“这不是大和尚的本事吗?” Qin Mu said: I and his am different by dream enter the Dao. In his dream enter the Dao is reality is his dream, he experiences the reality in the dream, experiences the bustling place, whets Dao Heart. But my by dream enter the Dao is deduction divine ability, the simulated reality in the dream, seeks for the optimal solution from myriad possibilities.” 秦牧道:“我与他的以梦入道还是不同。他的梦中入道是现实是他的梦,他在梦中经历现实,历尽红尘,磨砺道心。而我的以梦入道则是一种推演的神通,是在梦中模拟现实,从万千个可能中寻找最优解。” Celestial Exalt Yue is just about to speak, suddenly all around Heaven and Earth gradually changed, Qin Mu walks toward her. 月天尊正要说话,突然四周的天地渐渐变了,秦牧向她走来。 She noticed surprisedly Qin Mu's physical body restored unexpectedly, the youngster heroic spirit, handsome and wise. 她惊讶的看到秦牧的肉身竟然已经恢复了,少年英气,俊朗而充满智慧。 After his brain, divine light such as wheel, tall of stature tall and strong. 他脑后神光如轮,身躯高大魁梧。 I in your eyes am not genuine I.” “你眼中的我并非是真正的我。” That Qin Mu opens the mouth, the sound became has also been full of the magnetism, had the charm very much: But is you imagines I, possibly is different to genuine me. Here is in your dream.” 那个秦牧开口,声音也变得充满了磁性,很有魅力:“而是你想象中的我,可能与真正的我并不一样。这里已经是你的梦中了。” Celestial Exalt Yue complexion slightly red. 月天尊脸色微红 Qin Mu continues saying: Here is your dream, although I the strength has not restored, but can actually help you to realize the deduction in the dream. You look.” 秦牧继续道:“这里是你的梦,我虽然实力尚未恢复,但却可以助你在梦里实现推演。你看。” He waves gently, Celestial Exalt Yue then saw Origin Tree from afar, as well as earth-mother Yuan Monarch under Origin Tree. 他轻轻挥手,月天尊远远便看到了元木,以及元木下的地母元君 Not only has earth-mother Yuan Monarch, other people, Celestial Exalt Ling, Xiao Weisu and Celestial Exalt Huo, as well as another. 不仅仅有地母元君,还有其他人,凌天尊晓未苏火天尊,以及另一个自己。 In this time, she saw oneself vanishes, enters another own within the body. 就在此时,她看到了自己消失,进入另一个自己的体内。 They are besieging earth-mother Yuan Monarch, scene is quite violent, various divine ability and divine weapon/divine army, emerge one after another incessantly. 他们正在围攻地母元君,场面极为猛烈,各种神通神兵,层出不穷。 Celestial Exalt Yue looks to these divine ability, sees only divine ability of everyone unexpectedly also changeable, some divine ability even are secret skill that these people do not expose outward! 月天尊看向那些神通,只见每个人的神通竟也变化多端,有些神通甚至是这些人不对外展露的绝学 The feelings of her even shall be gratefuls as a personal favor, she places in the dreamland, as if participated in this war personally. 她甚至有一种感同身受的感觉,她身处在梦境中,仿佛亲自参与了这一战。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Celestial Exalt Yue said with a smile: Shang Sovereign is also expert, Dao Ancestor and big monk, are expert!” 月天尊笑道:“上皇也是高手,还有道祖与大和尚,更是高手!” She just spoke of here, Shang Sovereign, Dao Ancestor and Great Brahma Heaven and the others the forms appear, however was actually blocked by northern Shang Sovereign Heavenly Court. 她刚刚说到这里,上皇道祖大梵天等人的身影出现,然而却被北上皇天庭挡住。 In northern Shang Sovereign Heavenly Court expert like clouds, many are Demigod, the strength is quite fearful. 上皇天庭强者如云,多是半神,实力极为可怕。 Even if these many expert collaborates, has paid the enormous price, cannot remove the earth-mother. 即便是这么多强者联手,付出了极大的代价,也未能除掉地母。 This war, caused heavy losses to come to an end by the people, the earth-mother Yuan Monarch injury is extremely freely serious, but after all is the earth-mother, her wound convalesces quickly. 这一战,以众人被重创而告终,地母元君尽管伤势极重,但毕竟是地母,她的伤很快痊愈。 The result that this fights is, Celestial Exalt Huo died in battle, Celestial Exalt Ling died in battle, Celestial Exalt Xiao flees, only then the Celestial Exalt Yue whole body draws back. 这一战的结果是,火天尊战死,凌天尊战死,晓天尊遁走,只有月天尊全身而退。 The distant place, Celestial Exalt Yue stands side Qin Mu, dull looks at this. 远处,月天尊站在秦牧身边,呆呆的看着这一幕。 History cannot come again, but dreamland.” “历史不可以重来,但是梦境可以。” Qin Mu said in a soft voice: Now, the place that returning to the dream to start.” 秦牧轻声道:“现在,回到梦开始的地方。” That frigid scene fluctuates, Celestial Exalt Yue experienced this war, she is Celestial Exalt Yue, the volume collaborates with Celestial Exalt Ling, Celestial Exalt Huo, Xiao Weisu and the others, tries to remove earth-mother Yuan Monarch with joint forces. 那惨烈的场面变幻,月天尊又经历了这一战,她还是月天尊,与凌天尊火天尊晓未苏等人额联手,合力试图除掉地母元君
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