TOHG :: Volume #11

#1076: Heavenly Emperor bows to Heaven and Earth( third!)

Wei Sui Feng gazes after Dragon Qilin Yan'er and the others to leave the clever ship, in the heart worries. 魏随风目送龙麒麟烟儿等人离开鬼船,心中还是担忧不已。 In this time, he then the Celestial Exalt Ling sending hairpin passed through, returns to Long Han, became Long Han time the command of imperial guards. 在这个时代,他已经接着凌天尊的发簪穿越,回到龙汉,成为了龙汉时代的羽林军的统帅。 Empress the attack, the imperial guards pass through event, in this time occurrence! 帝后遇袭事件,羽林军穿越事件,都是在这个时间段发生! This time Long Han time wind and cloud was treacherous, the undercurrent surged, erupted the most astonishing fierce battle. 这个时候的龙汉时代风云诡谲,暗流涌动,爆发了最为惊人的一场恶战。 The war of Heavenly Emperor reincarnation body death! 天帝转世身死亡之战! Celestial Exalt Yun, Celestial Exalt Ling, Celestial Exalt Hao, Celestial Exalt Yue, Celestial Exalt Huo and other human race Heavenly Venerable are leading numerous expert, and Madame Yuanmu changes to Jue Wu Chen, strikes to kill the Heavenly Emperor reincarnation body, captures Heavenly Emperor physical body, making ancient God rule the world the time to unload the curtain! 云天尊凌天尊昊天尊月天尊火天尊人族天尊率领着一众高手,并且元姆夫人化作绝无尘,击杀天帝转世身,夺取天帝肉身,让古神统治世界的时代卸下帷幕! But Celestial Exalt Hong, Celestial Exalt Xiao, Celestial Exalt Gong and Lang Xuan god sovereign and ancestor God King, Celestial Exalt Qiang, Celestial Exalt Yan later generation and the others also rise in this time, dominates Heavenly Alliance gradually! 而后世的鸿天尊晓天尊宫天尊琅轩神皇、祖神王嫱天尊妍天尊等人也是在这个时间段崛起,渐渐把持天盟 This is the Long Han time most mammoth time! 这是龙汉时代最为波澜壮阔的时期! Although Wei Sui Feng does not have to experience this phase of history completely, only experienced the first half, whenever he recalled that the bad risk of this phase of history, is then afraid! 魏随风虽然没有完全经历这段历史,只经历了前半部分,但是每当他回想起这段历史的凶险,便不寒而栗! Dragon Qilin and Yan'er and the others moved toward outside dense fog, after Yan'er brain , the halo rocks, asks: Dragon Fatty, what meaning Emperor cloud Luo just now are that words?” 龙麒麟烟儿等人走向迷雾外,烟儿脑后光晕晃动,问道:“龙胖,云罗帝适才那话是什么意思?” Dragon Qilin said in muffled voice: „The meaning of big Cult Master is to let us is the people, steals Colored Glaze Blue Sky Streamer. That treasure grants every request, can protect our securities.” 龙麒麟瓮声瓮气道:“大教主的意思是让我们做狗男女,盗走琉璃青天幢。那件宝物有求必应,可以保护我们的安全。” Yan'er stares the big eye, eats saying: That that You Ming/tranquil sea Crown Prince scolded daily to people, was we?” 烟儿瞪大眼睛,吃吃道:“幽溟太子天天骂的那对狗男女,就是我们?” Has the possibility.” “有可能吧。” Dragon Qilin some are not quite also definite, whisper: Wei Cult Master works some to be not quite reasonable, cannot deliver to 600,000 years ago us mostly. Perhaps, perhaps might also be others steal Colored Glaze Blue Sky Streamer.” 龙麒麟也有些不太确定,嘀咕道:“魏教主做事有些不太靠谱,多半不能把咱们送到600000年前。或许,说不定也有可能是别人盗取了琉璃青天幢。” They go out of the dense fog, Dragon Qilin change to the qilin-headed human body majestic youngster, selects the lantern, Yan'er is also changing to a greatly fat girl, similarly is carrying the lantern, six Heavenly Dragon change to the dragon-headed human body men and women, carries the lantern to look around respectively. 他们走出迷雾,龙麒麟化作麒麟首人身的雄壮少年,挑着灯笼,烟儿也化作一个大胖丫头,同样提着灯笼,六条天龙则化作龙首人身的男女,各自提着灯笼东张西望。 Qin Mu sits in the halo after Yan'er brain, ignorant opening eye. 秦牧则坐在烟儿脑后的光晕中,浑浑噩噩的张开眼睛。 On his dragon blood treasure tree, the lantern is sending out rays of light. 他的身后的龙血宝树上,灯笼散发着光芒 At this time, he saw Origin Tree was huger than the past. 这时,他看到了元木比从前更加庞大了。 The crown of Origin Tree, almost blocks from Yuan World, the innumerable leaves have blocked the blue sky, blocks from the Sun and Moon stars! 元木的树冠,几乎完全将元界遮住,无数树叶挡住了青天,遮住日月星辰! Qin Mu opens third eye of forehead reluctantly, looks to a higher sky, there has layer on layer/heavily Heavenly Dao, covers the vault of heaven, that is God of the Living is covering up Yuan World! 秦牧勉强张开眉心的第三只眼,看向更高的天空,那里有重重天道,笼罩天穹,那是天公在遮掩元界 Cuts a Heavenly Emperor war, erupted......” “斩天帝一战,已经爆发了……” Yuan World, a greatest accident happened quietly. 元界,一场莫大的变故悄然发生。 That is this day that the Heavenly Emperor reincarnation body and Jue Wu Chen get married, roomfull of guests, jubilant, the Heavenly Emperor reincarnation was in this to change to a handsome extraordinary young man, named beginning understood, was prominent in the Yuan World family background, riches and honor arrive of their own accord. 那是天帝转世身与绝无尘成亲的这一天,高朋满座,喜气洋洋,天帝转世身在这一世化作了一个英俊非凡的年轻男子,名叫初晓,在元界家世显赫,富贵逼人。 Initially the dawn is generous in aiding other people, moreover cultivation base is extremely high, the strength is astonishing, prominence in Yuan World young one generation, with the Jue Wu Chen union is also a Yuan World charming story. 初晓仗义疏财,而且修为极高,战力惊人,在元界的年轻一辈中声名鹊起,与绝无尘结合也是元界的一段佳话。 Initially understands status in human race is also extremely high, has many friends, similarly, he also many friends in Demigod. 初晓在人族中的地位也是极高,有着很多友人,同样,他在半神中也有很多朋友。 Jue Wu Chen is the Yuan World first beautiful woman, has the number the endless pursuer, the name moves the world, even the even/including only married Celestial Exalt Yun of empress'palace also to have the idea of imperial concubine accept. 绝无尘元界第一美人,有着数之不尽的追求者,名动天下,甚至连只娶了正宫的云天尊也有纳妃的想法。 The sky Heavenly Court empress is a rude and unreasonable female, the hearsay hits Celestial Exalt Yun kneels begs for mercy, this cancels to accept Jue Wu Chen for the thought of imperial concubine. 只是霄汉天庭的皇后是个泼辣女子,传闻将云天尊打得跪地求饶,这才打消纳绝无尘为妃的念头。 Also some hearsay said, Yin Emperor once ganged up with Jue Wu Chen, however was actually beaten savagely by Celestial Exalt Hao, gave Yin Emperor many small shoes to put on, makes the brothers to quarrel. 又有传闻说,阴天子曾去勾搭绝无尘,然而却遭昊天尊暴打,给了阴天子许多小鞋穿,闹得兄弟反目。 Celestial Exalt Hao cannot obtain the beautiful woman heart, in the hearsay the Lang Xuan god sovereign and Celestial Exalt Hao hits take action greatly, two people friendship is deep, breaks off because of this female, potential with water and fire. 只是昊天尊也没能得到美人芳心,传闻中琅轩神皇与昊天尊大打出手,两人交情深厚,因为这个女子而决裂,势同水火。 It is reported that the Lang Xuan god sovereign and ancestor God King is also competing for Jue Wu Chen, however hearsay God of the Living also has the world of mortals reincarnation is a mortal, competes for this female, but concerned about ancestor God King is his son, the fathers and sons struggle a female, God of the Living cannot lag behind the face, this relinquishes. 据悉,琅轩神皇与祖神王也在争夺绝无尘,然而传闻天公也有下界转世为凡人,争夺此女,只是碍于祖神王是他儿子,父子同争一女,天公拉不下脸面,这才作罢。 Initially the dawn can dominate the opponents, obtains the beautiful woman heart, making Yuan World numerous Gods have endless emotion, becomes a favorite story. 初晓能够力克群雄,获得美人芳心,让元界的芸芸诸神感慨不已,传为佳话。 Initially on the day of understands and Jue Wu Chen gets married, clouds Heavenly Emperor, Celestial Exalt Hao and Lang Xuan god sovereign and other love rivals, because the bridegroom was not oneself, then has not come, but was the life person offers the congratulatory gift. 初晓与绝无尘成亲这一日,云天帝昊天尊琅轩神皇等情敌因为新郎官不是自己,便没有前来,而是命人送上贺礼。 However initially some dawn many friends, for example Celestial Exalt Yue and ancestor God King then personally comes to congratulate. 不过初晓还是有许多朋友,比如月天尊、祖神王便亲自前来道喜。 The wedding day, the guest full house, is extremely busy, when initially is understanding and Jue Wu Chen bows to Heaven and Earth, the mutation suddenly lives! 大喜之日,宾客满堂,自是热闹非凡,就在初晓与绝无尘拜堂之时,异变突生! Initially when understands and Jue Wu Chen to doing obeisance, a Jue Wu Chen palm, seal on initially the top of the head top of the head of dawn, return to the ruins divine ability changes to great abyss to infiltrate in his mind gently together! 初晓与绝无尘对拜时,绝无尘轻轻一掌,印在初晓的头顶天灵盖上,归墟神通化作一道大渊打入他的脑海之中! Boyfriend, you have today.” Opposite Jue Wu Chen hee hee said with a smile. “情郎,你也有今日。”对面的绝无尘嘻嘻笑道。 Meanwhile, numerous still suddenly stuck out suddenly in the joke graceful guest a moment ago, simultaneously attacks to initially the dawn! 与此同时,众多刚才还在笑语盈盈的宾客陡然暴起,同时向初晓攻去! In the hall the fierce combat, the banquet hall turned into an scene of carnage in a twinkling! 堂上刀光剑影,霎时间喜堂变成了一个修罗场! Initially understands is the victim immediately clearly, although in him plotting of Jue Wu Chen, but he after all is the reincarnation body of Heavenly Emperor, body inside stores/conceals Heavenly Emperor Primordial Spirit. 初晓顿时明白遭人暗算,尽管他中了绝无尘的暗算,但他毕竟是天帝的转世身,体内藏着天帝元神 In this Primordial Spirit only has two souls, but also is works as in this life the topest strength. 这个元神中只有两个魂,但也是当今世上最为顶尖的战力。 He wears the dahongpao, the sleeves shakes, attacks to fall innumerably in abundance to his sleeve to his guest. 他身着大红袍,衣袖一抖,无数攻向他的宾客纷纷向他的袖筒里落去。 He vibrates the sleeves, in the sleeve blood and broken bone spews out, rivers of blood! 他震动衣袖,袖筒里鲜血和碎骨喷涌而出,血流成河! In this time, Celestial Exalt Yue and ancestor God King one on the left and other on the right, Celestial Exalt Yue grasps a peach blossom, blows gently, the peach blossom flower petal is faded and fallen, initially understands the body such as the peach blossom flower petal to be split up immediately generally. 就在此时,月天尊和祖神王一左一右,月天尊手持一株桃花,轻轻一吹,桃花花瓣飘零,初晓顿时身躯如桃花花瓣一般四分五裂。 Celestial Exalt Yue!” 月天尊!” Initially the dawn explodes drinks, pulls back the four limbs forcefully, will meet in the same place, ancestor God King grasps Great Luo, covers in his top of the head, the first generation Turin Spirit Body strength is extraordinary, that is the bloodlines of God of the Living! 初晓爆喝,强行将四肢拉回,正要接在一起,祖神王手持大罗,盖在他的头顶,第一代都灵灵体的战力超绝,那是天公的血脉! In Great Luo, 40 nine Heavenly Dao closely fetter Heavenly Emperor Primordial Spirit, tries to be stranded Heavenly Emperor Primordial Spirit in within the body! 大罗中,40九天道紧紧束缚天帝元神,试图将天帝元神困在体内! Initially understands the hair to be scattered in disorder, as before brave incomparable, even if Heavenly Emperor Primordial Spirit were stranded, is far from ancestor God King and Celestial Exalt Yue can contend. 初晓头发散乱,依旧骁勇无比,天帝元神哪怕被困,也远非祖神王月天尊所能抗衡。 Under he puts in an appearance in first then causes heavy losses to Celestial Exalt Yue and ancestor God King, strikes to fly Jue Wu Chen. 他在第一个照面下便重创月天尊和祖神王,击飞绝无尘 Bang The banquet hall blasts out, initially the dawn looks at outside, outside person's shadow flickering, initially understands in the heart to sink, he has recognized Celestial Exalt Yun, has recognized at once Celestial Exalt Hao, Celestial Exalt Ling, Lang Xuan god sovereign, Celestial Exalt Huo, Yin Emperor and the others. 喜堂炸开,初晓看着外面,外面人影幢幢,初晓心中一沉,他认出了云天尊,旋即又认出了昊天尊,凌天尊,还有琅轩神皇、火天尊阴天子等人。 Formidable existences hide unexpectedly here. 一个个强大的存在竟然都隐藏在这里。 Initially understands the corner of the eye to jump madly, the vision falls on Celestial Exalt Hao and Lang Xuan god sovereign, in the eye is somewhat dismal, haha said with a smile: „Is your this rebellion? On has God of the Living, below has earth-mother, Great Sun Star Monarch monitors Heavens, Earth count is also looking at this!” 初晓眼角乱跳,目光落在昊天尊琅轩神皇身上,眼中有些悲凉,哈哈笑道:“你们这是造反吗?上有天公,下有地母,还有大日星君监控诸天,土伯也在看着这一幕!” Earth count will not come.” 土伯不会来的。” A girl of top of the head new actor appears, said lightly: Uncle, Earth count is hating you as before.” 一个头顶生角的女孩出现,淡淡道:“伯父,土伯依旧在恨着你。” Initially understands the vision to fall on this girl face, clenches teeth saying: Empty, you are I raise!” 初晓目光落在这女孩脸上,咬牙道:“虚,你是我养大的!” This girl is empty Heavenly Venerable of later generation, faint say/way: Yes uncle. You taught that my thing, I remember. Earth count, I will displace, as for you, I also wants to displace.” 这女孩便是后世的虚天尊,淡漠道:“是啊伯父。你教导我的东西,我都记得。土伯,我会取而代之,至于你,我也想取而代之。” God of the Living will not come.” 天公也不会来的。” Celestial Exalt Hao said easely: Father god, the earth-mother will not appear, on the contrary, earth-mother these years had been sufficed by the air/Qi of father god, she is glad to help us shield Yuan World very much.” 昊天尊悠然道:“父神,地母也不会出现,相反,地母这些年受父神的气已经受够了,她很乐意帮助我们屏蔽元界。” Initially the dawn looks up the day, sky by the crown camouflage of Origin Tree, could not be seen the stars, the Great Sun sunlight is unable to shine here. 初晓抬头看天,天空已经被元木的树冠遮蔽,看不到星辰,大日的阳光也无法照耀到这里。 One group of juniors...... My is Primordial Spirit formidable? Depending on you......” “一群小辈……我的元神何等强大?凭你们……” Initially the dawn laughs, the laughter has not fallen, the people have then killed! 初晓哈哈大笑,笑声未落,众人便已经杀来!
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