TDG :: Volume #5

#495: Space-Time Demon Spirit Book

After the flame meteor falls, will not have tied the bang broken. Tying is extremely still stable, impregnable. 只是,火焰流星落下之后,并没有将结界轰破。结界依然极其稳固,牢不可破。 What's the matter?” Goddess Yu Yan frowns. “怎么回事?”羽焰女神皱了一下眉头。 Below island central divine item, is extremely powerful, its supernatural power supports is tying.” Goddess Yu Yan said. “下方小岛中央的这件神物,极其强大,它的神力支撑着结界。”羽焰女神说道。 Nie Li descends in slowly settling side, the right hand places to settle slowly above, his closes the eyes with rapt attention, as if felt slowly, a mysterious strength flowed above this knot slowly. 聂离缓缓地降落在了结界旁边,右手缓缓地放在了结界之上,他慢慢地闭目凝神,仿佛感受到了,一股神秘的力量在这结界之上缓缓地流淌。 „Is this strength of Space-Time?” Nie Li opened the eye suddenly. “这是时空之力?”聂离蓦然地睁开了眼睛。 „The strength of Space-Time?” Goddess Yu Yan was full of the doubts. 时空之力?”羽焰女神充满了疑惑。 Good, is in all supernatural powers most mysterious the strength of Space-Time!” Nie Li nods, he puts out two pages of Space-Time Demon Spirit Book of chest, saw only this time, that two pages of Space-Time Demon Spirit Book remnant page are blooming the glimmer, float in settling above. “不错,是所有神力之中最神秘时空之力!”聂离点了点头,他拿出胸口的两页时空妖灵之书,只见这时,那两页时空妖灵之书残页绽放着微光,悬浮在了结界之上。 I understood!” Nie Li drank one lowly, the supernatural power of whole body, rumbled completely into Space-Time Demon Spirit Book remnant page. “我明白了!”聂离低喝了一声,将全身的神力,全部轰入了时空妖灵之书残页里面。 Sees only a giant light beam, is centered on Space-Time Demon Spirit Book remnant page, spreads to all around. 只见一道巨大的光柱,以时空妖灵之书残页为中心,向四周扩散而出。 The loud sound of bang, ties to be rumbled a giant gap. 轰的一声巨响,结界被轰出一道巨大的缺口。 The Nie Li right hand moves, receives two Space-Time Demon Spirit Book remnant page, jumps to leap, changes to flowing light to enter to settling. 聂离右手一动,将两道时空妖灵之书残页收起来,纵身一跃,化作一道流光进入到了结界之中。 Goddess Yu Yan thought that also hurries to jump to leap forward. 羽焰女神想了一下,也赶紧地纵身跃入。 , Tied to seal up quickly again. 很快地,结界再次封闭了起来。 Nie Li and Goddess Yu Yan fell in the ground in island, seeing only here was beautiful woods, everywhere was an only colorful fawn. 聂离羽焰女神落在了小岛的地面上,只见这里是一片美丽的树林,到处都是一只只五彩斑斓的小鹿。 Sees these fawns, the Nie Li shock: These fawns, should be Space-Time Elk in legend!” 看到这些小鹿,聂离震惊不已:“这些小鹿,应该就是传说中的时空麋鹿了!” Space-Time Elk?” Goddess Yu Yan asked that this was Space-Time Elk? It is said Space-Time Elk, few people have seen.” 时空麋鹿?”羽焰女神不禁问道,“这个就是时空麋鹿?据说时空麋鹿,很少有人见到过。” Outside knot is close Space-Time ties, can therefore these Space-Time Elk seals in here. Space-Time Elk can shuttle Space-Time!” Nie Li said, „the past can see one, is very lucky, has not thought that unexpectedly can see so many.” “外面的结界是封闭的时空结界,所以才能把这些时空麋鹿封闭在这里时空麋鹿可以穿梭时空!”聂离说道,“以往能够见到一只,就已经很是幸运了,没想到居然可以见到这么多。” These Space-Time Elk keep flickering to move in the ground, from time to time appears in here, from time to time appears there , as if will vanish immediately suddenly general. 这些时空麋鹿不停地在地面上瞬移,时而出现在这里,时而出现在那里,又仿佛马上就会突然消失一般。 Just fell to the ground, the head of Nie Li, felt incomparable tearing suddenly the ache. 刚刚落地,聂离的脑袋,突然感觉到一种无比撕裂的疼痛。 „!” Nie Li called out pitifully sad and shrill. “啊!”聂离凄厉地惨叫了起来。 Nie Li, you how?” Goddess Yu Yan asked surprised. 聂离,你怎么样了?”羽焰女神吃惊地问道。 „!” Nie Li is holding the head, keeps struggling, that terrifying severe pain, looking like to support to blast open generally his head. “啊!”聂离抱着头,不停地挣扎,那种恐怖的剧痛,就像是要将他的脑袋撑得炸裂开来了一般。 Goddess Yu Yan worries to look at Nie Li, keeps giving Nie Li to display some alleviation aches the magic arts, but Nie Li still keeps struggling. 羽焰女神着急地看着聂离,不停地给聂离施展一些缓解疼痛的法术,但是聂离依然不停地挣扎。 Nie Li felt that own consciousness must be torn generally, exudes the depressed low roar, after struggling for a long time, his then stupor in the past. 聂离感觉自己的意识都要被撕裂了一般,发出沉闷的低吼声,挣扎了许久之后,他这才昏迷了过去。 For a long time for a long time, Nie Li felt that oneself fell into piece of chaos Darkness. 许久许久,聂离感觉到自己陷入了一片混沌的黑暗之中。 This is a piece of Darkness space, Nie Li stands in a tranquil desert, the center of desert, is standing erect a grand construction, this building all over the body is the golden color, above is carving the mysterious engraved inscription everywhere. 这是一片黑暗的空间,聂离站在一片平静的沙漠之中,沙漠的中央,矗立着一座宏伟的建筑,这座建筑通体都是金色的,上面到处刻着神秘的铭文。 This is, Desert Palace?” Nie Li was startled, was suddenly wild with joy, has not thought that unexpectedly arrived at Desert Palace! “这是,沙漠神宫?”聂离怔愣了一下,突然之间狂喜,没想到居然来到了沙漠神宫 At this moment, Nie Li saw, another are standing is being away from he not far front, walks toward Desert Palace. 就在这时,聂离看到,另一个自己正站在距离他不远的前方,朝着沙漠神宫里面走去。 In the past, he in rags, blindly followed suit to enter the Desert Palace time the appearance. 正是当年,他衣衫褴褛,亦步亦趋走进沙漠神宫时候的样子。 Nie Li gawked, the half step walked toward front. 聂离愣了一下,快步地朝着前面走去。 Why can I with my previous generation, appear in here together? Is this my dreamland?” Nie Li pinched an own arm, the pain of seeming to be does not have transmits, not talking clearly this is real or illusory. “为什么我会和我的前世,一起出现在这里?难道这是我的梦境?”聂离捏了一下自己的手臂,一种似有似无的痛楚传来,说不清这是真实还是虚幻。 Nie Li is confused, with his previous generation, entered in Desert Palace together. 聂离迷茫着,跟着他的前世,一起进入到了沙漠神宫之中。 Hello.” Nie Li said that actually sees his previous generation, looks like has not heard completely general, “你好。”聂离说了一句,却见他的前世,就像是完全没听见一般, towards the front is walking indifferently, is worshipping on bended knees to the temple front, before arrives at a front stone platform slowly, sees only in stone platform to put books, this books, are Space-Time Demon Spirit Book! 漠然地朝前面走着,对着神殿前方跪拜着,缓缓地走到前面的一座石台前,只见石台上放着一本书册,这本书册,正是时空妖灵之书 That is Space-Time Demon Spirit Book! 那是时空妖灵之书 Nie Li filled at heart excitedly, after the rebirth comes back, Desert Palace vanished, he cannot find Space-Time Demon Spirit Book again. Now sees Space-Time Demon Spirit Book with great difficulty, how can he not be excited? 聂离的心里充满了激动,重生回来之后,沙漠神宫消失了,他再也没能找到时空妖灵之书。如今好不容易又看到了时空妖灵之书,他怎能不激动? Sees only the Nie Li previous generation, took up Space-Time Demon Spirit Book slowly, the mouth was mumbling anything, he took Space-Time Demon Spirit Book to leave slowly. 只见聂离的前世,缓缓地拿起了时空妖灵之书,嘴里念念有词着什么,他拿着时空妖灵之书缓缓地离开了。 But at this time, Nie Li gaze staring, looks toward stone platform, sees only also Space-Time Demon Spirit Book, calmly lies down in stone platform. 而此时,聂离目光凝视,朝着石台看去,只见还有一本时空妖灵之书,静静地躺在石台上。 I was a little clear!” Nie Li looking pensive, Desert Palace continuously there , has never existed, Space-Time Demon Spirit Book continuously, also has never existed. This is Space-Time is at marvelously.” “我有点明白了!”聂离若有所思,“沙漠神宫一直都在那里,也一直都从未存在过,时空妖灵之书一直都在,也一直都从未存在过。这个就是时空的奇妙所在。” True Space-Time Demon Spirit Book, only exists in that illusory Space-Time, that time I meet Space-Time Demon Spirit Book in Desert Palace, but meets by chance in Space-Time some node. Like Space-Time Elk, this second it exists, the next second it will then vanish.” “真正的时空妖灵之书,只存在于那虚无缥缈的时空之中,那次我在沙漠神宫之中遇到时空妖灵之书,不过只是在时空的某一个节点偶遇而已。就像时空麋鹿一样,这一秒它存在,下一秒它便会消失。” This is the Space-Time mystery is at!” In the Nie Li heart feels the incomparable excitement suddenly. “这就是时空的奥妙所在!”聂离心中突然感觉到无比的激动。 Saw only this time, Desert Palace suddenly, changed to everywhere the gravel, the dissipation does not have the trace, that Space-Time Demon Spirit Book, dissipated completely. 只见这时,沙漠神宫突然间,化作漫天的沙砾,消散无踪,那时空妖灵之书,也完全地消散了。 Does not know that the stupor how long, Nie Li wakes from long. 不知道昏迷了多久,聂离从悠悠中醒了过来。 Saw only this time, covered the knot shatter dissipation of island, in the ground these Space-Time Elk also dissipates not to have the trace rapidly, their grounds, turned into a bare reef instantaneously, the flowers and plants trees seemed like have never existed generally. 只见这个时候,笼罩海岛的结界迅速地破碎消散,地面上那些时空麋鹿也都消散无踪,他们所处的地面,瞬间变成了一块光秃秃的礁石,花草树木像是从未存在过一般。 divine item Aura vanished.” Goddess Yu Yan felt, sighed saying that looked like us not to have the fate, is unable to obtain that divine item.” 神物气息消失了。”羽焰女神感受了一下,不禁叹息了一声说道,“看来我们还是没有缘分,无法得到那件神物。” Actually sees this time, Nie Li smiles saying: You spoke incorrectly, I obtain divine item.” 却见此时,聂离笑了笑说道:“你说错了,我已经得到了神物。” Obtains divine item? Is what thing?” The Goddess Yu Yan doubts asked that Nie Li was only the stupor, which has not gone, how to obtain divine item? “已经得到了神物?是什么东西?”羽焰女神疑惑地问道,聂离只是昏迷了一下,哪也没去,怎么就得到了神物 Because I comprehended the Space-Time deep meaning and law!” Nie Li smiles was saying, divine item that I obtain is, Space-Time Demon Spirit Book!” “因为我领悟到了时空的奥义和法则!”聂离微笑着说道,“我得到的神物是,时空妖灵之书!” Space-Time Demon Spirit Book? What book haven't I seen you to have?” Goddess Yu Yan has doubts. 时空妖灵之书?我并未看到你有得到什么书啊?”羽焰女神非常疑惑。 Because of Space-Time Demon Spirit Book, it exists in Space-Time, comprehended the Space-Time deep meaning and law, then can bring it momentarily!” Nie Li smiles was saying, he extends both hands slowly, sees only plain books, the baseless formation in his both hands, fell in his palm. “因为时空妖灵之书,它存在于时空之中,领悟了时空的奥义和法则,便随时可以将它取来!”聂离微笑着说道,他缓缓地伸出双手,只见一本古朴的书籍,在他的双手之中凭空地形成,落在了他的掌心之中。
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