Thisdoes not come from the strength of thisworldabsolutely.
The profoundwaterdeepbird and blackfogLand Dragonfrightenare frightened out of one's wits, theyrespondedin a flash, recentlytiesopening, definitely some powerfulexistences, acrosssettlingarrived athere!
玄水冥鸟和黑雾地龙吓得魂飞魄散,他们一瞬间就反应过来了,最近一段时间结界开启,肯定有一些强大的存在,穿过了结界来到了这里!Theyexperiencefrom the Dragon Ruins Realmstrength, thatstrengthis nottheycanresistabsolutely!
The wildstrength, strangles to deathDemon Beast within surrounding areaseveral thousandli (0.5 km)rangeinstantaneouslycompletely.
狂暴的力量,瞬间将方圆数千里范围内的妖兽全部绞杀。Ye Moand the otherslooked up, sees onlyin the frontground, is standingseveralfamiliarforms.叶墨等人抬头看去,只见前方的地面上,站着几个熟悉的身影。Andone, is hisgranddaughterYe Ziyun.
其中一个,便是他的孙女叶紫芸。Thisflash, Ye Mohas tears streaming down the face, hethinks,could not seeYe Ziyunagain.
这一瞬间,叶墨泪流满面,他原本以为,再也见不到叶紫芸了。„Grandfather!”SeesYe Mo, Ye Ziyunwas happy, threw the forestgenerallike the young swallow, jumped in the Ye Mobosom.
“爷爷!”看到叶墨,叶紫芸开心极了,像乳燕投林一般,扑进了叶墨的怀里。Ye MograspedYe Ziyun, flutterssaid: „Okaygood, youcame backfinally.”叶墨抱住了叶紫芸,颤声地说道:“好好好,你们终于回来了。”Ye Xiuwalks, wipedtears of corner of the eye: „Young Miss, youcame backfinally.”叶修走上来,抹了一把眼角的眼泪:“大小姐,你终于回来了。”Nie Lilooked atYe MoYe Xiuand the others, looked atotherdistant placeGlory Citythesepeople, inhisheartis filled with emotion.聂离看了一眼叶墨叶修等人,又看了看远处光辉之城其他的那些人,他的心中感慨万千。Theyalsoin!
他们都还在!Theycatch upfortunatelypromptly, otherwise, onlyfeared that Glory Cityhas changed into the ruins.
还好他们及时赶来,否则的话,只怕光辉之城已经化为废墟了。Thought ofhere, in the eyepupil of Nie Lipassed over gently and swiftlywipes the cold light, hisgazelookedtoward the distant place.
想到这里,聂离的眼眸中掠过一抹寒光,他的目光朝着远处看去。Discovered that Glory Citywas besiegedbybeast tide, Du Ze, Lu Piaoand the otherscould not have repressedin the heartwas angry, theychange totogetherflowing light, keepsstrangling to deathallDemon Beast.
The innumerableDemon Beastannihilations, the blackfogLand Dragon and profoundwaterdeepbirdwantto escape, isDu Ze, Lu Piaoand the othersAura, definitelysuppressesthem unable to move, thisstrengthat all is nottheyresists, theystruggle the couragenot to have, the whole bodyis trembling.
无数的妖兽湮灭,黑雾地龙和玄水冥鸟想要逃跑,可是杜泽、陆飘等人的气息,压制得他们完全无法动弹,这种力量根本不是他们对抗的,他们连挣扎一下的勇气都没有,浑身颤栗着。Nie Liswept a dark eyesfogLand Dragon and profoundwaterdeepbird, the coldsoundsaid: „Keepsthem, I have the use.”聂离扫了一眼黑雾地龙和玄水冥鸟,寒声说道:“留着它们,我还有用处。”„Yes, master!”Duan Jianshouldsay,hisformpassed over gently and swiftlyfrom the blackfog the side of Land Dragonandprofoundwaterdeepbird, butpassed over gently and swiftly, the fresh breeze that the Duan Jianbodybrings, made the body of blackfogLand Dragonandprofoundwaterdeepbirdinstantaneouslycovers entirely the scar, the bloodscattered.
The blackfogLand Dragon and profoundwaterdeepbirdcalled out pitifullysad and shrill.
黑雾地龙和玄水冥鸟凄厉地惨叫了起来。Nie LilookstoYe Mo, smileswas saying: „Fortunatelywehurried back, is Grandpa Ye Mogood?”聂离看向叶墨,微笑着说道:“所幸我们赶回来了,叶墨爷爷都还好吧?”„Iam all right.”Ye Moshakes the head, „Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Formationhelpedusinsist a meetingfortunately.”
“我没事。”叶墨摇了摇头,“还好万魔妖灵阵帮我们坚持了一会。”Ancestral Founder Ye Yanfellon the shoulder of Nie Li, saidwith a smile: „Boy, ifyouare lateagain, Glory Citywas complete.”叶延始祖落在了聂离的肩膀,笑着说道:“小子,要是你们再晚点回来,光辉之城就全完了。”„Fortunatelyfortunately.”Nie Lialsorejoicesvery muchsaid,hesaw the father and mother in crowd, the eye socketslightlyonered.
The father and mothervisithimgently, has tears streaming down the face.
父亲和母亲慈祥地看着他,泪流满面。„The Nie Liboy, never expected thatyourstrengths, broke throughsoRealmunexpectedly, reallymademebroaden the outlook.”Ye Yansaidexcitedly,„youshouldcome backfrom the high-levelpotential surface.”
“聂离小子,没想到你们的实力,居然突破到了如此境界,真是令我大开眼界。”叶延兴奋地说道,“你们应该是从更高层的位面回来的吧。”„Good, a high-levelpotential surface, is called the Dragon Ruins Realmplace.”Nie Linodsto say.
“不错,一个更高层的位面,叫做龙墟界域的地方。”聂离点了点头说道。„A high-levelpotential surface......”in the eyepupil of Ye Yanrevealed the anticipation, „whenledmealsoto look.”
“一个更高层的位面……”叶延的眼眸中流露出了期待,“什么时候带我也去看一看。”„Quick.”Nie Lishows a faint smile saying that „thistimecame backmealsoto bring the spring of life, can the resurrectZiyunfather, but can also for your remoldbody.”
“快了快了。”聂离微微一笑说道,“这次回来我还带来了生命之泉,可以复活紫芸的父亲,还可以为您重塑一副身体。”„Really?”Ye Yangawked, „can thisreallyachieve?”
“真的?”叶延愣了一下,“这真能做到?”„Naturallycanachieve.”Nie Linodsto say.
“当然能做到。”聂离点了点头说道。„Little Brother Nie Li, youcame backfinally.”DirectorYang Xinlooks atNie Li, in the eyepupilalsoflashes before the tears, shewiped the tears.
“聂离小弟弟,你终于回来了。”杨欣理事看着聂离,眼眸中也闪现出了泪光,她抹了抹泪光。„For a long timedoes not see, Elder SisterYang Xinelegant demeanoras before.”Nie Lismileswas saying.
“许久不见,杨欣姐姐风采依旧。”聂离微笑着说道。„Real? The elder sisteris older, actuallyBrotherNie Li, issooutstanding.”Yang Xinis staring atNie Liaffectionately, Nie Liis doomedto have a bright future, butshe, inthiscorner, visitshimsilently, giveshimto bless.
“真的吗?姐姐已经老了很多,倒是聂离弟弟,已经是这般卓绝。”杨欣深情地凝望着聂离,聂离注定是鹏程万里,而她,会在这个角落里面,默默地看着他,给他祝福的。IliveMonarchnot to live, monarchlivemeto be old.
我生君未生,君生我已老。„Elder sisterchatted, the elder sistermeets the lasting youthfulness.” The Nie Liright handmoved, threwbottle of medicine pillin the past.
“姐姐说笑了,姐姐一定会青春永驻的。”聂离右手一动,扔了一瓶丹药过去。Yang Xinmetin the hand, looked atMedicine Pill in hand, the doubtslookedtoNie Li.杨欣接在了手里,看了一眼手中的丹药,疑惑地看向了聂离。„ThisMedicine Pillnot onlywill increasecultivation level, but can also let the elder sisterlasting youthfulness, making the elder sisterforeversobeautiful.”Nie Lishows a faint smileto say.
“这丹药不但会增加修为,还可以让姐姐青春永驻,让姐姐永远这般美丽。”聂离微微一笑说道。Heard the Nie Liwords, the Yang Xineyeonebrightly, looked atNie Licharmingly: „Real?”
听到聂离的话,杨欣眼睛一亮,妩媚地看了一眼聂离:“真的吗?”„Naturallyreal.”Nie Linods.
“当然是真的。”聂离点了点头。„The elder sisterthankedBrotherNie Li.”Yang Xingatherednear the ear of Nie Li, „, ifBrotherNie Liwantsanythingto repay, cantell the elder sisterat any time.”
The fragrantwindcaresses the face, Nie Lidrew backonestep, smiles bitterlywas saying: „Elder sister was really polite.”
香风扑面,聂离退了一步,苦笑着说道:“姐姐真是太客气了。”„Whatfears, can the elder sisteralsoeatinadequatelyyou?”Yang Xinsmiles saying that „has a lot of time for that youjustcame back, Idid not disturbyou.”
“怕什么,难道姐姐还能把你吃了不成?”杨欣笑了笑说道,“来日方长,你刚回来,我就不打扰你了。”Yang Xinsaw, Nie LiclansmenalreadyencircledtowardNie Li.杨欣看到,聂离的族人们已经的朝着聂离围了过来。„Nie Li, youcame backfinally!” The Nie Limotheris sobbing, graspedNie Li.
“聂离,你终于回来了!”聂离的母亲哭泣着,抱住了聂离。Nie Linoseacid, hurries saying: „MotherSir, childwas unfilial, comeslate.”聂离鼻子一酸,赶紧说道:“母亲大人,孩儿不孝,来晚了。”„It is not latelate.” The Nie Lifatherhurriesto say.
“不晚不晚。”聂离的父亲赶紧说道。„Slightlyleft is really the prospect!”
“小离真是出息了!”„Yes, slightlyleaves, perhapsourentireGlory Cityhas destroyed.”
“是啊,要不是小离,恐怕我们整个光辉之城都已经毁灭了。”Nie En, Nie Haiand the othersare sayingchaotically.聂恩、聂海等人七嘴八舌地说着。„Slightlyleaves, whatRealm were you, have arrived atLegend Ranknow?”Nie Haiasked.
“小离,你现在是什么境界了,已经到传奇级了吗?”聂海不禁问道。„Un, isLegend Rank.”Nie Lismilesshouldsay,has not goneto saytoo, looks atthesekindfaces, hiscorners of the mouthrevealed the happysmile.
Different with the previous generation, hechanged the Glory Citydestinyfinally, thesefamily members, are also living.
和前世不一样,他终于改变了光辉之城的命运,这些亲人们,都还活着。„SuchyoungLegend Rank, slightlyleft is really fierce!”Nie Hailaughs saying that „ourHeavenly Marks Family, had/left a Legend Rankpowerhousefinally.”
“这么年轻的传奇级,小离真是太厉害了!”聂海不禁哈哈一笑说道,“我们天痕世家,终于也出了一个传奇级的强者。”Nie Litowards the distant placelooks, Du ZeandLu Piaoand the others, gathered roundbytheirclansmen, closely examinesvarioustypes of things.聂离朝远处看去,杜泽和陆飘等人,也都被他们的族人围着,追问各种东西。Seesappearance of onecrowd of personharmony happiness, Nie Liwantsto cry loud and long a feeling, helooked up a blackfogLand Dragon and profoundwaterdeepbird of distant place, in the eyepupilpassed over gently and swiftlywisp of cold light.
看到一群人其乐融融的样子,聂离不禁想要长啸一声的感觉,他抬头看了一眼远处的黑雾地龙和玄水冥鸟,眼眸中掠过一缕寒光。„Is the time, mustcalculate the general ledger of previous generation!”Nie Liis not thinking.
The blackfogLand Dragon and profoundwaterdeepbirdjustwantto escape, suddenlyfelt that powerfulAuralockedthem, theyfrightened the urineinstantaneously, courageentirelycracks.
黑雾地龙和玄水冥鸟正想逃,突然感觉到一股强大的气息锁定了它们,它们瞬间吓尿了,肝胆俱裂。„No matterourmatters, we are also take orders from the conduct......”blackfogLand Dragonandprofoundwaterdeepbirdto cry saying that theyknow, todaydied.
“不管我们的事啊,我们也是听命行事……”黑雾地龙、玄水冥鸟哭着说道,它们知道,今天死定了。„Iswhomakesyoucome?”Nie Licoldly snort.
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