TDG :: Volume #5

#471: Receives orders to pick up the little girl

Five big giants agreed with this matter, then promotes in Divine Feather Sect, naturally did not have any difficulty. 五大巨头都同意了这件事情,那在羽神宗内部推动起来,自然就没什么难度了。 Entire Divine Feather Sect is bustling, everybody gathered the Divine Feather Sect Martial Arts Field center, was convened, was the male disciples. 整个羽神宗熙熙攘攘,大家都聚集到了羽神宗演武场中央,被召集起来的,都是男弟子。 Does not know that vice- Sect Master calls us to have any matter.” “不知道副宗主召集我们有什么事情。” Yes, it is said wants in the patriarchal clan the single male disciple. Vice- does Sect Master want to give us to discuss marriage inadequately?” “是啊,据说一定要宗族里面单身的男弟子。难道副宗主想要给我们提亲不成?” Disciples whoop, is a little perplexed. 一众弟子们议论纷纷,都有点不明所以。 Nie Li becomes the Divine Feather Sect Sect Master matter, just started, in many Divine Feather Sect disciple innermost feelings is not convinced very much, the reason is very simple, Nie Li joins Divine Feather Sect few years, the qualifications are too shallow . Moreover the strength has not achieved Martial Ancestor Realm. 聂离成为羽神宗宗主的事情,刚刚开始的时候,很多羽神宗的弟子内心里面是很不服气的,原因很简单,聂离加入羽神宗才没几年,资历太浅,而且实力也没有达到武宗境界。 However with the lapse of time, they regarding this matter, did not mind that moreover is respectable to Nie Li. 但是随着时间的推移,他们对于这件事情,一点也不介意了,而且对聂离推崇备至。 Which Sect Master has to be able in the short time, making their cultivation level have such quick promotion? Since the Nie Li superior, their cultivation level have been least has promoted a big step, some talents are outstanding, even has promoted several steps. 有哪个宗主能在短短时间里面,让他们的修为有如此之快的提升?自从聂离上位以来,他们的修为最少都提升了一个大阶,有些天赋卓绝的,甚至提升了好几阶。 Nie Li now status in these disciples minds, lofty beyond comparison. 聂离现在在这些弟子们心目中的地位,无以伦比的崇高。 Li Xingyun has swept Martial Arts Field, on Martial Arts Field several tens of thousands people, are bustling and filled with people. Various noises continuously, everybody was discussing, nobody listened to the appearance that Li Xingyun spoke. 李行云扫了一眼演武场,演武场上足足有数万人,人头攒动。各种噪声此起彼伏,大家都在议论着,没有人听李行云说话的样子。 Li Xingyun coughed, the voice of speech also passed to the ears of all people, his sinking sound said: Since Sect Master went to Heavenly Note Divine Sect, I have held the post of Divine Feather Sect vice- Sect Master, this time the order that is Sect Master first time sends, you give me to be quite of pleasant to hear.” 李行云咳嗽了一声,说话的声音也传到了所有人的耳中,他沉声说道:“自从宗主去了天音神宗,我担任了羽神宗的副宗主,这一次是宗主第一次发回来的命令,你们都给我好好听着。” One hear is the order of Sect Master, entire Martial Arts Field is instantaneously silent, gaze of all people neatly are staring at Li Xingyun. 一听是宗主的命令,整个演武场瞬间寂静无声,所有人的目光都齐刷刷地盯着李行云 The sudden peace, making Li Xingyun stare slightly, a little too did not adapt. 突然的安静,令李行云微微一愣,有点不太适应。 He has not thought from the start that the order of Nie Li so is effective in numerous ordinary disciples. 他压根没想到,聂离的命令在众多普通弟子之中如此管用。 Li Xingyun coughed several, has concealed own awkwardness, said: Sect Master makes me call you, is the preparation dispatches Heavenly Note Divine Sect you!” 李行云咳了几声,掩饰了一下自己的尴尬,说道:“宗主让我召集你们,是准备将你们派往天音神宗!” Vice- Sect Master, Sect Master makes us pass, what vital duty has? Can make us protect Sect Master?” And a disciple inquired loud. “副宗主,宗主让我们过去,是有什么重要的任务吗?是要让我们去保护宗主吗?”其中一个弟子高声地询问道。 The people look at Li Xingyun: „Has Sect Master bumped into troublesome? Sect Master calls us, we decide however do not balk at ten thousand deaths.” 众人都直直地看着李行云:“宗主是不是碰到了麻烦?宗主召集我们,我们定然万死不辞。” Li Xingyun beckons with the hand to say hurriedly: Sect Master has not bumped into troublesome, this time sends you to go, to not protect Sect Master.” 李行云急忙摆手说道:“宗主没有碰到麻烦,这次派你们去,不是为了保护宗主。” The people look at each other in blank dismay, in the heart has doubts, is that for what? 众人面面相觑,心中疑惑,那是为了什么? This time sends you to go, really has the vital duty, must make you protect Heavenly Note Divine Sect.” Li Xingyun shows a faint smile to say. “这次派你们去,确实是有重要的任务,是要让你们去保护天音神宗。”李行云微微一笑说道。 Protects Heavenly Note Divine Sect? How will Heavenly Note Divine Sect make us protect?” Several disciples asked obscurely. “保护天音神宗天音神宗怎么会让我们来保护啊?”几个弟子费解地问道。 A while ago Demon God Sect attacked Heavenly Note Divine Sect suddenly, making Heavenly Note Divine Sect cause heavy losses, afterward Demon God Sect person by our Sect Master retreating in fear. Heavenly Note Divine Sect after all is one of our correct path six big Divine Sect, we need to protect them not to be attacked by the Demonic Path.” Li Xingyun said. “前段时间妖神宗突然进攻天音神宗,令天音神宗遭到重创,后来妖神宗的人被我们宗主给吓退了。天音神宗毕竟是我们正道六大神宗之一,我们有必要保护她们不受魔道攻击。”李行云说道。 We understood, vice- Sect Master, you felt relieved that we will certainly complete the task!” “我们明白了,副宗主,你放心吧,我们一定会完成任务的!” We will certainly try to protect Heavenly Note Divine Sect!” Numerous disciples should say in abundance. “我们一定会尽全力保护天音神宗的!”众多弟子们纷纷应道。 Li Xingyun mysterious smiles to say suddenly: Besides protecting Heavenly Note Divine Sect, Sect Master has also given you a more vital duty. That is...... Brings one crowd of small coming back to us.” 李行云突然神秘一笑说道:“除了保护天音神宗之外,宗主还交给了你们一个更加重要的任务。那就是……给我们带一群小的回来。” Brings one crowd of small coming back? Does not know that vice- Sect Master what is this?” Numerous disciples look at each other in blank dismay. “带一群小的回来?不知道副宗主这是什么意思?”众多弟子们面面相觑。 Li Xingyun laughs saying: Also wanted me to say clearly? After is you arrived at Heavenly Note Divine Sect, to the bubble little girl who I make an effort. You think that Heavenly Note Divine Sect these girl students, practice in the patriarchal clan all day long, haven't how many years seen the man?” 李行云哈哈一笑说道:“还要我说得更明白吗?就是你们到了天音神宗之后,都给我使劲的泡妞。你们想想,天音神宗的那些女弟子,成天在宗族里面修炼,有多少年没见过男人了?” The disciples have gawked dull half of the day, they have not thought from the start that Sect Master will give under them unexpectedly this...... Order. 众弟子们呆愣了半天,他们压根没想到,宗主竟然会给他们下这样的……命令。 The appearance that sees numerous disciples gods, Li Xingyun points at the people saying: „Aren't you clear? The meaning of Sect Master is, making you receive orders to pick up the little girl. Sect Master said that your this crowd of person trip go to Heavenly Note Divine Sect, if links little girls unable to bring, gave to lose completely the face of our Divine Feather Sect simply, from now expelled Sect, will never hire. If a belt kid comes back, that expanded Sect, great merit, rewarded ten wondrous medicines, if led two kids to come back, then on prize 30 wondrous medicines. You have understood what is heard!” 看到众多弟子们愣神的样子,李行云指着众人说道:“你们难道还不明白吗?宗主的意思是,让你们奉旨泡妞。宗主说了,你们这群人此行前往天音神宗,要是连一个妞都带不回来的,简直就是把我们羽神宗的脸都给丢光了,从此以后逐出宗门,永不录用。如果带个一个娃回来,那就壮大宗门了,大功一件,奖励十颗圣药,要是带两个娃回来,那就奖30颗圣药。你们听明白了没有!” Understood what is heard!” Audiences Divine Feather Sect disciples exude the deafening roar. “听明白了!”一众羽神宗弟子们发出震耳欲聋的吼声。 They, Sect Master calls them to go to Heavenly Note Divine Sect, unexpectedly is makes them pick up the little girl to go, with such Sect Master, is really...... Too crisp! 他们一个个眉飞色舞,宗主召集他们前往天音神宗,居然是让他们泡妞去的,跟着这样的宗主,实在是……太爽了! This matter only then you know that did silently has been OK, cannot Heavenly Note Divine Sect to know that has understood what is heard?” Li Xingyun said loudly. “这件事情就只有你们知道,默默地做就可以了,不能让天音神宗的人知道,听明白了没有?”李行云大声说道。 Understood what is heard!” Audiences Heavenly Note Divine Sect disciples should loudly with. “听明白了!”一众天音神宗的弟子们大声应和。 The Li Xingyun nod shows a faint smile, although he also a little shamelessly blushes, has not thought that Nie Li makes him announce such shameless matter unexpectedly, but looks that this group of wolf bastards facial expressions rouse, the appearance that is hard to take excitedly, his also has the dessert at heart itchy and impulsive. 李行云点头微微一笑,虽然他也有点老脸发红,没想到聂离居然让他宣布这么无耻的事情,不过看着这帮狼崽子们一个个神情振奋,激动难耐的样子,他的心里也不禁有点心痒和冲动呢。 Heard that Heavenly Note Divine Sect younger sister, is the world is outstandingly beautiful. 听说天音神宗的妹子,一个个都是人间绝色。 In the family/home has the wife, moreover is a tigress, he also really wants to go to Heavenly Note Divine Sect to stroll. 要不是家里有老婆,而且还是个母老虎,他也真想去天音神宗去逛逛。 Nie Li this fellow, is shameless enough! 聂离这家伙,够无耻! Quick, Divine Feather Sect audiences Expert pack the luggage, started. The entire Divine Feather Sect bachelors, a little could not endure lonely. 很快的,羽神宗的一众高手们收拾行装,开始出发了。整个羽神宗的光棍汉们,都有点耐不住寂寞了。 Expert in groups, jump to go to Heavenly Note Divine Sect, their trip are having very arduous duty, because Sect Master said that if links little girls unable to bring, they will be expelled Sect, will never hire. If really this, that is the shame of their lifetime! 成群结队的高手们,纵身前往天音神宗,他们此行带着十分艰巨的任务,因为宗主说了,要是连一个妞都带不回来,他们可是会被逐出宗门,永不录用的。如果真的这样,那将是他们毕生的耻辱! At this time, Heavenly Note Divine Sect, in a room. 此时,天音神宗,一个房间里面。 Nie Li received correspondence slowly, showed a faint smile. 聂离缓缓地收起了书信,微微一笑。 Li Xingyun has sent 70,000 people to come, protects Heavenly Note Divine Sect to have more than enough to spare.” The Nie Li corners of the mouth show a faint smile to say. 李行云已经派了70000人过来,保护天音神宗绰绰有余了。”聂离嘴角微微一笑说道。 Xiao Ning'er read correspondence, the doubts asked: I have a matter to be curious, why Nie Li must send one group of bachelors to come, can't other people protect Heavenly Note Divine Sect?” 肖凝儿看了一眼书信,疑惑地问道:“我有一件事情非常好奇,为什么聂离一定要派一群光棍汉过来呢,难道其他人就不能保护天音神宗了吗?” Xiao Ning'er blinked, that pure appearance, making Nie Li somewhat blush with shame. 肖凝儿眨了眨眼,那纯真的样子,令聂离不禁有些汗颜。 Was I am too a little shameless, Nie Li secretly wants saying that also thinks saying: This is good for Heavenly Note Divine Sect, only then the bachelor will do one's best, Heavenly Note Divine Sect has their protections, certain security no worries.” 我是不是有点太无耻了点,聂离不禁暗自想道,又想了想说道:“这是为了天音神宗好,只有光棍汉才会尽心尽力,天音神宗有他们的保护,一定安全无虞。”
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