TDG :: Volume #5

#462: Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword Technique

Nie Li feels that this Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword giant black hole, is keeping absorbing probably his Soul Force. 聂离感觉到,这天陨神雷剑好像一个巨大的黑洞,在不停地把他的灵魂力吸取进去。 Nie Li understood a lot suddenly. 聂离豁然明白了很多事情。 This Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword, although is formidable, but is actually a not spirit treasure. 这把天陨神雷剑虽然强大,但却是一件没有器灵的宝物。 But because Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword was extremely formidable, before had not been activated but actually good, after having bought in the Saint Ancestor's Sword strength, it was activated thoroughly, therefore starts to buy in the Nie Li soul crazily! 但由于天陨神雷剑太过强大了,之前没有被激活倒还好,吸纳了圣祖之剑的力量之后,它彻底地被激活了,于是开始疯狂地吸纳聂离的灵魂! It wants to turn into me its spirits!” Nie Li thinks of here, is so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat. “它是想要把我变成它的器灵!”聂离想到这里,惊出一身冷汗。 Once becomes Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword spirits, that Nie Li own mortal body, thoroughly was destroyed! 一旦成为天陨神雷剑的器灵,那聂离自己的肉身,就彻底被摧毁了! The rebirth comes back with great difficulty, such as pretty as a flower two wives, how can like this turn into a weapon spirits? 好不容易才重生回来,还有这么如花似玉的两个老婆,怎么能就这样变成一把武器的器灵? Nie Li has roared, starts to stimulate to movement Soul Sea to resist Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword crazily, but Nie Li feels that Soul Force was torn unceasingly. 聂离怒吼了一声,开始疯狂地催动灵魂海对抗天陨神雷剑,但是聂离感觉到,灵魂力不断地被撕扯走。 At this time, is transporting Soul Force to Nie Li Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun, stuffy snort/hum, they also felt tearing of Soul Force, that terrifying pain, making them groan. 此时,正在输送灵魂力聂离肖凝儿叶紫芸,也都不禁闷哼了一声,她们也都感受到了灵魂力的撕扯,那种恐怖的痛楚,令她们不禁呻吟了一声。 Sees this, in the Goddess Yu Yan heart anxious extremely. 看到这一幕,羽焰女神心中焦急万分。 Now the situation is critical, she absolutely does not have the means that the great strength of Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword, at is not she can resist, she can only provide Soul Force to Nie Li unceasingly, but still futile attempt. 现在情况非常危急,她也完全没有办法,天陨神雷剑的强大,根本不是她能够对抗的,她只能不断地给聂离提供灵魂力,但依然杯水车薪。 Goddess Yu Yan has believed since that Saint Ancestor's Sword is the entire Dragon Ruins Realm most formidable halidom. 一直以来,羽焰女神都认为,圣祖之剑是整个龙墟界域最强大的圣物。 Until the present, she really understands that Saint Ancestor's Sword compared with Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword, is nothing to speak of simply completely. 直到如今,她才真正地明白,圣祖之剑天陨神雷剑相比,简直完全不值一提。 Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword should not be the Dragon Ruins Realm thing! 天陨神雷剑应该不是龙墟界域的东西! Perhaps, it from other world, higher the thing of level! 或许,它来自另外的世界,更高一个层次的东西! Sees Nie Li and the others painful appearance, Jindan blinked, appears a little curious appearance. 看到聂离等人痛苦的样子,金蛋眨了眨眼,显得有点好奇的样子。 Rumble.” Jindan sway fell on the shoulder of Nie Li. “咕噜咕噜。”金蛋摇摇晃晃地落到了聂离的肩膀上。 In it falls the flash on Nie Li shoulder, the boundless strength pulls out from it instantaneously leaves, looked like must drain it generally. 就在它落在聂离肩膀上的一瞬间,磅礴的力量瞬间从它身上抽离,就像是要把它抽干了一般。 Rumble!” “咕噜咕噜!” Rumble!” “咕噜咕噜!” Jindan keeps struggling, is no matter what, it is unable to work loose. The body of Nie Li looks like the magnet is the same, held it thoroughly. 金蛋不停地挣扎着,可是不管怎么样,它都无法挣脱出去。聂离的身体就像是磁石一样,将它彻底地吸住了。 Nie Li is immersing in own Soul Sea, to avoid the soul suction by Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword, Nie Li fell into a marvelous condition, he uses own Soul Sea, has formed a mysterious strategy, is preventing the Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword terror attraction. 聂离正沉浸在自身的灵魂海中,为了避免灵魂被天陨神雷剑吸走,聂离已经陷入了一种奇妙的状态之中,他用自身的灵魂海,结成了一个神秘的阵法,阻挡着天陨神雷剑恐怖的吸引力。 Although had not found solution, but a short time, he will not be given the suck dry by Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword. 虽然没有找到解决的办法,但是一时半会,他是不会被天陨神雷剑给吸干的。 The consciousness of Nie Li can feel that Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er fall in the infinite pain, he wants to counter-attack, but does not have the means. 聂离的意识可以感觉到,叶紫芸肖凝儿都陷在无穷的痛苦里面,他想要反击,但是毫无办法。 This way, is not completely good! 这样下去,完全不行! When he hesitates does not have the countermeasure, a strength continuously turbulent. 就在他踌躇没有对策的时候,一股源源不绝的力量汹涌了进来。 This strength just like flood turbulent unceasingly, wants on many dozens times to continue compared with Nie Li own strength. 这股力量宛如洪水般汹涌不绝,比聂离自身的力量还要多上几十倍都不止。 Actually is, unexpectedly has such boundless strength!” Nie Li was startled slightly, with the consciousness sensation, the discovery unexpectedly is Jindan. “究竟是谁,居然拥有这么磅礴的力量!”聂离微微怔愣了一下,用意识感知了一下,发现居然是金蛋 Since Jindan has looked like a starved ghost of not being able to force-feed has been ordinary, keeps eating in Ten Thousand Miles Landscape Chart, Nie Li is unable to imagine, in within the body of this fellow accumulated the so boundless strength unexpectedly. 一直以来,金蛋就像是一个喂不饱的饿死鬼一般,不停地在万里河山图里面吃吃吃,聂离根本无法想象,这家伙的体内居然积累了如此磅礴的力量。 Had!” The Nie Li eye one brightly, is guiding this strength rapidly, poured into oneself Soul Sea magic formation. “有了!”聂离眼睛一亮,迅速地引导着这股力量,注入到了自己灵魂海法阵当中。 That Vine in Soul Sea, keeps extending, has touched in Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword. 灵魂海中的那株蔓藤,不停地伸展着,一直触及到了天陨神雷剑中。 This strength looks like the spider web is the same, has covered entirely Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword. 这股力量就像是蛛网一样,布满了天陨神雷剑 Nie Li as if felt, Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword and he fused one slowly. 聂离仿佛感觉到了,天陨神雷剑和他慢慢地融合到了一起。 The people and swords, merge into one organic whole slowly. 人和剑,慢慢地融为一体。 At this moment, Nie Li as if fell into a mysterious ideal condition. 就在这时,聂离仿佛陷入到了一种神秘的意境当中。 This sword from day, after I this sword, creates 36 type Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword Technique, enters the sword blade Sword Intent, this 36 type Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword Technique, may break 10.000 Laws.” In the Nie Li mind, hears an old sound, was narrating slowly. “此剑来自天外,吾得此剑之后,创36式天陨神雷剑法,将剑意化入剑身,此36式天陨神雷剑法,可破万法。”聂离的脑海中,听到一个苍老的声音,缓缓地讲述着。 In Nie Li heart one startled, because he heard this familiar sound. 聂离心中一惊,因为他听出了这个熟悉的声音。 This is, Emperor Kong Ming sound! 这是,空冥大帝的声音! Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword, is related with Emperor Kong Ming? 就连天陨神雷剑,也跟空冥大帝有关么? mysterious sword arts, keeps evolving in the Nie Li mind. 神秘剑诀,在聂离的脑海中不停地衍化着。 As sword arts keeps deducing, Nie Li more and more is the heart startled, this sword arts formidable degree, is not inferior in peak Heavenly Law Divine Arts. 随着剑诀不停地推演,聂离越来越是心惊,这剑诀的强大程度,丝毫不逊色于巅峰的天道神诀 This sword arts, if unifies with Heavenly Law Divine Arts, the might even can be the several fold to continue. 剑诀,如果跟天道神诀结合起来,威力甚至可以达到数倍不止。 In entire Ten Thousand Miles Landscape Chart blustery, Meteorite Divine Thunder Sword keeps swallowing up the vitality in Ten Thousand Miles Landscape Chart, continuouss growth. 整个万里河山图中风起云涌,天陨神雷剑不停地鲸吞着万里河山图中的元气,不断地壮大着。 At this time, Heavenly Note Divine Sect. 此时,天音神宗 The Heavenly Note Divine Sect person does not know the sound in Ten Thousand Miles Landscape Chart, Divine Sect still a tranquility. 天音神宗的人根本不知道万里河山图中的动静,神宗内部依然一片宁静。 Because there is relations of wondrous medicines, Heavenly Note Divine Sect Elder are closing up the practice , to promote cultivation level with concentration. 因为有了圣药的关系,天音神宗长老们正在闭关修炼,潜心地提升修为 In the pavilions, girl students in groups, Yingying Yanyan, each attractive in their own right, appears very lively, at this time Heavenly Note Divine Sect meeting time, more than 50 girl students gather together, chatting sound continuously. 亭台楼阁中,成群结队的女弟子们,莺莺燕燕,环肥燕瘦,显得好不热闹,此时正是天音神宗聚会的时候,50多个女弟子聚在一起,说笑声此起彼伏。 Does not know where Little Sister Ning'er went.” “不知道凝儿妹妹去了哪里。” Yes, Sect Master looked for her several days!” “是啊,宗主都找了她好几天了!” Solely Little Sister Ning'er, does not disappear including Little Sister Ziyun!” “不单单凝儿妹妹,连紫芸妹妹也不见了!” You heard, the Little Sister Ning'er fiance and Little Sister Ziyun fiance unexpectedly was the same person!” “你们听说了吗,凝儿妹妹的未婚夫和紫芸妹妹的未婚夫竟是同一个人!” Little Sister Ning'er and Little Sister Ziyun are Heaven's proud daughter, actually must want the multi- excellent person, can simultaneously obtain the favors of two younger sisters!” 凝儿妹妹紫芸妹妹都是天之骄女,究竟得要多优秀的人,才能同时得到两位妹妹的青睐!” What speech is in Heavenly Note Divine Sect some important girl students, they have filled to Nie Li curiously, where wants to have a look at Nie Li is sacred. 说话的是天音神宗里一些重要的女弟子,她们都对聂离充满了好奇,很想看看聂离到底是何方神圣。 At this moment, shadows fell above the surrounding pavilion, melted human form, terrifying murderous aura, has covered this pavilion instantaneously. 就在这时,一道道黑影落在了周围的楼阁之上,化出一道道人形,一股恐怖的杀气,瞬间笼罩了这片楼阁。 Actually is, dares to excel at rushing to my Heavenly Note Divine Sect!” A girl student has scolded one tenderly, the white satin changes to the sharp sword to be common together, toward a shadow lasing goes. “究竟是何人,胆敢擅闯我天音神宗!”一个女弟子娇叱了一声,一道白绫化作利剑一般,朝着其中一道黑影激射而去。 A black air/Qi bang on this white satin, bang blasts out. 一道黑气轰在这道白绫上,“嘭”的一声炸开。 „, The Heavenly Note Divine Sect young girl, has not thought that is very hot, but I like!” A shadow changes to the solid shape, the face slowly presented. “啧啧,天音神宗的小妞,没想到都还挺火辣的,不过我喜欢!”一个黑影化作实形,脸部慢慢地呈现了出来。 This person extremely uglily, the eye presents a mysterious scarlet, the mouth angular length two extremely long canines, the mysterious black air/Qi are keeping lingering in his all over the body, has filled terrifying bloodthirsty Aura. 这个人长得极其丑陋,眼睛呈现一种神秘的猩红色,嘴角长着两根极长的尖牙,一股股神秘的黑气在他的身周不停地萦绕着,充满了一种恐怖的嗜血的气息 Demon God Sect person!” Sees at present the appearance of this person, audiences Heavenly Note Divine Sect girl students immediately heart one startled, immediately the entire gods have alerted, prepares to meet head-on at any time. 妖神宗的人!”看到眼前这个人的样子,一众天音神宗的女弟子们顿时心头一惊,立即全神戒备了起来,随时准备迎战。 The Demon God Sect person, dares to rush to Heavenly Note Divine Sect unexpectedly, are actually they what intention? 妖神宗的人,居然胆敢直闯天音神宗,他们究竟是何意图?
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