SR :: Volume #23

#2240: Flickering 【Is the hegemon ゞ ㄗ S ㄣ simple in addition】

Actually, Li Ji knows his name, because different in Six Senses of average man, even if closed all, can easily hear distant corner several green skin names. 其实,李绩之所以知道他的名字,只是因为自己迥异于常人的六识,哪怕关闭了所有,也能轻易听见远远的拐角处几个青皮互相之间的称谓。 Why said that alone he is hostile aggressive? Is because several green skin from top to bottom small scar small wounds, only then on him has the wounds of two sharp instrument, 为什么独说他好勇斗狠?是因为几个青皮浑身上下都只有小疤小伤,就只有他身上有两处锐器之伤, These, to comparing grew him of pair of poisonous eye in the mortal, is really the simple matter! 这些,对相比于凡人长了一双毒眼的他来说,实在是再简单不过的事! As for other excuses, but is the words technique. 至于其他的说辞,不过是话术而已。 Whose this is actually one set in head appropriate hat. In life, the typical reflection of this effect in telling fortunes process. 这其实是一顶套在谁头上都合适的帽子。在生活中,这种效应的典型反映是在算命过程中。 These seek help the person who told fortunes to have the characteristics that changed/easy Shou suggested. When the mood of person situated in low and frustrated, loses the sense of control to the life, therefore, the security sense was also affected. The person who lacks the security sense, the dependence of psychology greatly is also enhanced, usually was been stronger than by the suggestibility. 那些求助算命的人本身就有易受暗示的特点。当人的情绪处于低落、失意的时候,对生活失去控制感,于是,安全感也受到影响。一个缺乏安全感的人,心理的依赖性也大大增强,受暗示性就比平时更强了。 So long as the fortune-teller is good at estimating, will make the guidance slightly, seeking help will feel a spiritual comfort immediately. 只要算命先生善于揣摩,稍做引导,求助者立刻会感到一种精神安慰。 This was says Cao Cao, Cao Cao to the truth, similar slang was injured finger is bumped frequently. Why does a person always have injured finger was bumped frequently the idea? 这就是“说曹操,曹操到”的道理,类似的俗话是“受伤的手指经常被人碰”。为什么一个人总有“受伤的手指经常被人碰”的想法呢? The truth is very simple, in fact is just we pays attention about the injured finger especially. In other words, our sensation to the outside world has the choice. 道理很简单,实际上只不过是我们对受伤的指头格外注意罢了。也就是说,我们对外界的感知是有选择的。 Matter is this: Conforms to this experience was remembered by us, but more does not conform to this experience actually forgot by us. It is not his prediction is accurate, choice more advantageous confirmation these words that because we make. 事情就是这样:恰好符合这一经验的被我们记住了,而更多的不符合这一经验的却被我们忘记了。并非他的预言多么准,只是由于我们所做的选择更有利证实这句话罢了。 „ Not accurate isn't accurate! Talked nonsense, did I possibly have these impractical thoughts? “不准不准不准!都是胡说八道,我怎么可能有那些不切实际的心思? In the past said, you say now my future, this was I wants to listen truly, is willing to pay money to listen, said that these Chen Zhima rotten millets were useful, passed was unchangeable! ” 过去说完,你现在说说我的未来,这才是我真正想听的,愿意付钱听的,说那些陈芝麻烂谷子有什么用,都过去了又不能改变!” The grandson two skins pester endlessly, he is the state of mind is chaotic, starts to be swayed by personal gains and losses, is overly suspicious and fearful, this is the best effect that a good physiognomist to distinguish to achieve. 孙二皮胡搅蛮缠,他是心境已乱,开始患得患失,疑神疑鬼起来,这才是一个好相士辨过去应该达到的最好的效果。 Li Ji shows a faint smile, deceives a mortal, is not proud, what when opposite station is Half Immortal, that is the skill! 李绩微微一笑,愚弄一介凡人,并不值得骄傲,什么时候对面站的是个半仙,那才是本事! Good, will say the future!” “好,就说未来!” The future destinies of grandson two skins, he has repeatedly deliberated in this period of time, must find fate is not easy, even if he is a mortal. 孙二皮的未来命运,在这段时间里他早已反复推敲过,要找到其中的命数并不容易,哪怕他是个凡人。 cultivator can look at Past and Future, but this refers to same cultivator! For example Half Immortal True Monarch, they cultivated Past and Future, you who therefore exceed can be clear sneaks a look through various methods! 修士能看过去未来,但这指的是同样的修士!比如半仙真君,他们修了过去未来,所以技高一筹的你就能清楚的通过各种方法来窥觑! But Nascent Soul Past and Future is very fuzzy, because cultivator I am also slurred, not to mention Gold Core Foundation Establishment ; Most decisive one by one cultivator only past that wants Li Ji to look at initially, is Bu Lian, that is not quite same , because is together under for a long time one direction of intuition, cannot be used on the stranger. 元婴过去未来就很模糊,因为就连修士本人自己也模糊不清,就更别提金丹筑基了;想当初李绩看的最果断的唯一一修士的过去,就是步莲,那不太一样,是因为长久相处之下的一种直觉的指引,不能用于陌生人身上。 cultivator so, other body ordinary people, these person of live ignorant, oneself this life do not cross clearly, how possibly clear clear(ly) distinguished losing of own past, looking of future? 修士如此,就更别体凡夫俗子,这些人活的懵懵懂懂,自己这一生都过不明白,又怎么可能清楚的明辨自己的过去之失,未来之望? Therefore, distinguishes Past and Future to be invalid on the mortal with his beforehand that wrap/sets murder technique, can only with the technique of destiny he studied recently, seeks that fuzzily, fluctuates the uncertain fate. 所以,用他以前那套杀人手法分辨过去未来在凡人身上是行不通的,就只能用他新近修习的命运之术,寻找那模模糊糊,变幻不定的命数。 On this grandson two skins, he saw, is not clear, moreover can only in ten years, but to his present practicing physiognomy, used quite enough. 在这个孙二皮身上,他看到了一些,不清晰,而且只能在十年之内,不过对他现在的相面来说,尽够用了。 By your fate, if can be willing to try hard according to the heart, in 30 year-old, when can have an achievement, moves from this stretch of awning area! “以你的命数,如果能够依心中所愿而努力,在而立之年当能有所成就,搬离这片棚区! If the flowered beautiful family will have, but not necessarily is in your heart thinks, turning off a light is the same, does not need to be calculating. 如花美眷也会有的,不过未必是你心中所想,关灯都一样,也不必斤斤计较。 However your was good to raise one's head pull Chuang the problem also to change, although the young people courage vigor was prosperous, was not good to bear patiently, but has grown up, before must handle affairs, had considered, otherwise if, in ten days must have the disaster of blood light, the disaster in left belly, you put best into it! ” 不过你这好出头拔疮的毛病也该改改了,虽然年轻人血气旺,不好隐忍,但既已成年,总要行事之前有所考虑,如若不然,十日之内必有血光之灾,灾在左腹,你好自为之!” On grandson impudent great wild goose white, not only believes does not believe that what letter/believes was own past analyzed purity, what did not believe was this tells fortunes incantation who unexpectedly to have the disaster of blood light? Own left abdomen had scabs, when that was with the person fought stayed behind the year before last carelessly, his friends know, was this daoist has definitely inquired through others area this ahead of time, then today came to play tricks intentionally, later said that he really had on the abdomen a scar not to refute! 孙二皮脸上一阵鸿一阵白,既相信又不信,信的是自己的过去被剖析的一清二楚,不信的是这算命的竟然咒自己有血光之灾?自己的左腹本来就有一条伤疤,那是前年与人斗殴时不慎留下的,他的朋友们都知道,肯定是这道人提前在这一带通过其他人打听过,然后今日故意过来装神弄鬼,以后说出去他真有腹上一疤也反驳不得! Definitely is this! 肯定是这样! The most important thing is, three article money are also very to him important! Just now threw to lose several articles, now on the remaining five articles, gave this physiognomist, oneself one bowl of surface could not eat! 最重要的是,三文钱对他来说也很重要!方才掷枚输了几文,现在手里就剩下五文,給了这相士,自己就连一碗面都吃不起! Thinks of here, the natural disposition of green skin manifests suddenly, forgot this daoist early to his past mysterious judgment, actually must carry through to the end the entertainment, depended on his trigram, makes the surrounding neighbors know the bludger true colors of his two skins! 想到这里,青皮的本性发作,早忘了这道人对他过去的神奇判断,却要把娱乐进行到底,赖了他这一卦,也让周围邻居们知道他二皮的混混本色! Therefore the hand plans to throw , a foot pedal stone, a fork waist, points at somebody shouts: 于是把手中筹枚一掷,一脚蹬石,一手叉腰,戟指喝道: I false daoist that your mouthful talked nonsense, dog that said- fart did not pass, said things just to frighten people, the wealth that must deceive the young master, today I must rid the people of an evil, reveal the true colors of your swindler, destroyed your signboard, looked that who also dares to ask you to divine according to the diagrams again!” “我把你个满嘴胡说八道的假道人,说的狗-屁不通,更是危言耸听,要骗小爷的钱财,今日我就要为民除害,揭穿你这骗子的真面目,毁了你的招牌,看谁还敢再找你算卦去!” A numerous green skin early while you are at it itchy, waited for quite a while, actually waits is last punches fat, if the luck is good, perhaps can also plunder some properties on this poor and pedantic physiognomist, how could it not be beautiful? 一众青皮早就手痒,等了半天,其实等的就是最后一通胖揍,如果运气好,说不定还能在这穷酸相士身上搜刮出些财物,岂不美哉? The green skin encircled, surrounds the people very excitedly, such ganging up to surround and beating up, so long as the physiognomist knows the machine not to revolt, suffers several experience and skill in the meat thick place, cannot offend somebody, in the place of this good and bad people mixed up has been commonly seen. 青皮围了上去,围观众人十分的兴奋,这样的围殴,只要相士知机不反抗,也就是在肉厚处挨几下老拳而已,伤不了人,在这种鱼龙混杂的地方早已是司空见惯。 But has not waited for the people to begin, the physiognomist coils the head actually transmits one clearly the sound, people even/including Mang looked at the past, was actually an arm thick big snake occupied there, is raising head to spit the letter/believes. 但还没等众人动手,相士蟠头上却传来一阵清晰的咝咝声,众人连莽看过去,却原来是一条手臂粗的大蛇盘踞在那里,正仰头吐信。 No one makes clear this snake is in coiling the plate, the physiognomist makes the camouflage pull out the self-defense temporarily ; But that snake head is fierce, the shape of triangle looks is the poisonous snake, colorful, looks is a fierce poison. 谁也搞不清楚这蛇是一直就在蟠上盘着的呢,还是相士使障眼法临时掏出来防身的;但那蛇头狰狞,三角之状一看就是毒蛇,色彩斑斓,一看就是个厉害的毒物。 Suddenly no one dares to approach, their such others, once were kissed to injure by the snake, where also looks the doctor of Chinese medicine, can very , unable to support dead, actually no one excellent life waste here, eventually, but is a pleasure. 一时间谁也不敢靠近,他们这样的人家,一旦被蛇吻所伤,又哪里看的起郎中,能挺则挺,挺不过去就死,却没人把大好生命浪费在这里,终究,不过是场乐子罢了。 Li Ji sighed, coiling to shoulder on the shoulder, left slowly, 李绩就叹了口气,把蟠扛在肩上,缓缓离开, Truth seldom sounds pleasant, unpalatable advice benefits one's conduct, for the humble vulgar thing, actually in does not attend to the danger, alas, pitiful, lamentable!” “忠言逆耳,良药苦口,为陋鄙之物,却致危险于不顾,呜呼哀哉,可悲,可叹!” Slowly, the person has walked was far, single coils alone, in the light that in shoots by far pulls out the long shadow, indistinct calling coils to transmit, 慢慢的,人已走的远了,单人独蟠,在远远射来的灯光中拉出长长的阴影,一声隐约的叫蟠传来, Iron gate god breaks, Li Clan cotton garment, distinguishes, will sentence in the future......” “铁口神断,李氏布衣,既辨过去,也判未来……”
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