SR :: Volume #23

#2239: Cotton garments 【Asked to guarantee a minimum monthly ticket】

Takes to the streets first day, Li Ji knows oneself violated greatly wrongly, he did not have beforehand investigation and study to have such a name that seemed like the eye-catching, the result took to the streets actually to find, the cotton garments were really many! 上街第一天,李绩就知道自己犯了个大错误,他没有事先调查研究就起了这么一个看似拉风的名字,结果一上街却发现,布衣们实在是太多了! Li Buyi, the king cotton garment, the good cotton garment, the horse cotton garment, the white cotton garment, the black cotton garment...... wait/etc., seems the cotton garment the proper noun that hangs to calculate? 李布衣,王布衣,牛布衣,马布衣,白布衣,黑布衣……等等,似乎布衣就是挂算的专有名词? If we had known called the hempen garments to be good. 早知道叫麻衣好了。 Wrote to write, he was a lazy person, lazy changing. Therefore supports such bamboo pole to drop from house to house, three days get down, have achieved nothing ; In this type of lane is a poor person, rarely has future that is willing to spend dough money to come to guess own, because also knows that own future, most people cannot jump out of this stretch of low shantytown lifelong. 写都写上去了,他是个懒人,也懒的改。于是就撑着这么个竹杆走街串巷,三日下来,一无所获;这种巷子中都是穷人,很少有愿意花一张面饼钱来猜测自己的未来的,因为也知道自己的未来,其中大部分人终身也跳不出这片低矮的棚户区。 Li Ji does not worry, time some are, only walks the revolutions also good, thinks some concerns, deliberates the destiny, listens to surrounding left near every word proverb, he has insisted cultivator of marketplace route, this insistence not for attire, but is true liking. 李绩也不着急,时间有的是,只这么走走转转也蛮好,想些心事,推敲命运,听周围左近的凡言俗语,他是个一直坚持市井路线的修士,这种坚持不是为了装,而是真正的喜欢。 The first business from several ilex macropodas that an alley corner gambles, mixes in this place , is unpleasant, but they who mixes come to compared with ordinary citizens bracelet some, possibly also displays own difference by this, said again, is not necessarily able really to money, works as a pleasure to play. 第一个生意来自一条小巷拐角处耍钱的几个青皮,在这种地方混,也是混的不如意的,但他们比起寻常百姓来要更跳脱些,可能也是以此表现自己的不同,再说,也未必会真的給钱,当个乐子耍耍。 All around is gathering some idlers, does not fear them, what big imposing manner can have in this small place? Even occasionally also had the elder to pass by since then, scolded them to ignore a proper occupation to a neck while convenient smooth. 四周聚着些闲人,也不是太怕他们,在这种小地方又能生出什么大气势来?甚至偶尔还有自家长辈从此路过,顺便給一脖溜骂他们不务正业。 Bored that several ilex macropodas are idling, throws is also worn out because of gambling stake limited not many copper, when is bored, sees the distant place to limp a fortune-teller, brings very strange eye cover, cannot see the age look, but from the walking stance, felt that is not quite as if old, for entertainment, after some entertainment surrounding dinners neighbor neighbor who whiles away the time nowhere, big miss young wife, 几个青皮正闲的无聊,掷枚也是因为赌资有限的不多铜子而有气无力,正无聊时,就看见远处蹩过来一个算命先生,带着个很奇怪的眼罩子,看不出年纪相貌,不过从走路姿态上,感觉年纪似乎不太大,为了娱乐自己,也为了娱乐周围些晚饭后无处消遣的街坊邻居,大姑娘小媳妇, An green skin then shouted the sentence complacently, that told fortunes, your had the luck, the man is happy today, planned to consider your business, has not come a bit faster!” 一个青皮便得意洋洋的喊了句,“那算命的,你今次有福了,爷们儿今天高兴,打算照顾照顾你的生意,还不快点过来!” Li Ji hears word, not slow not anxious walked slowly and aimlessly, this time he may not have to have regularly forced smile, cannot smile to this occupation, must act with constraint, wants the aloof, an appearance of extra mundane person of high skill ; Although he is actually the extra mundane person of high skill, but more than 4000 years of cultivate Dao gets down, actually without cultivating that unique makings, particularly is reserved the fine qi gods of whole body after the soul, seemed ordinary. 李绩闻言,不徐不急的踱了过来,这次他可没带着惯常的假笑,对这个职业来说是不能笑的,要矜持,要高冷,一副世外高人的模样;虽然他其实就是世外高人,但四千余年修道下来,却没修出那份独特的气质,尤其是在把全身的精炁神都内敛于性灵中后,就更显得普通了。 Hempen garments god 89 th generation of successors, Li Buyi. “麻衣神相第八十九代传人,李布衣。 Asked gold/metal Sanwen, calculation that if the guest thought that hit to enjoy by the heart ; Then, is that guest must tell fortunes by physiognomy to divine according to the diagrams? ” 问金三文,如果客人觉的算的准,打赏由心;那么,是那位客人要看相算卦?” On the street the idlers gathered, enough dozens people, moreover some people drill unceasingly from the surrounding humble awning ; This world many recreational activities, limited some have not been melt metal the kiln, they cannot go, therefore has the opportunity of like this watching the fun rarely, no one is willing to miss, the total ratio treats in the room makes villain, making villain are also many to open mouth...... 街上闲人都聚了过来,也足足有数十人之多,而且还有人不断从周围陋棚中钻出来;这个世界没多少娱乐活动,有限的一些都是销金窑,他们也去不起,所以难得有这样看热闹的机会,就没人肯错过,总比待在屋子里造小人强,造出小人儿又多出一张嘴…… That shouted the green skin that makes noise has the show-off desire very much, exciting standing up, under both hands the pressure hints everyone to be peaceful, he self-examined that has seen the world, knows that physiognomist trigram in these fixed places are not he can provoke, either has the backstage, either is a little practicing skill, pinching him such as the ant is common, but without having skill will drop from house to house to this place, if came, that does not certainly have the skill not backstage, 那个喊出声的青皮很有表现欲,兴奋的站起身,双手下压示意大家安静,他自问是个见过世面的,知道那些固定场所的相士卦者不是他能招惹的,要么有后台,要么是有点修行本事,捏死他就如蚂蚁一般,但没有有本事的会走街串巷到这地方来,如果来了,那就一定是个没本事没后台的, Conforms to the inference of logic very much. 很符合逻辑的推理。 Then was the young master I! Thus, you first said absolutely my past, then my future, said enjoyed, talks nonsense do not want an income of article, but must be careful the fist of man!” “便是小爷我了!这样,你先说说我的过去,然后再断断我的未来,说的准就有赏,胡说八道就别想有一文的进项,还得小心爷们儿的拳头!” Surrounds the people to exude haha the laughter, this place you cannot request the quality of people, naturally has the poor reason poorly, possibly has exterior various unfair, but oneself were still the subject matter, could not complain about anyone. 围观众人发出哈哈笑声,这种地方你也不能要求人们的素质,贫穷自然有贫穷的原因,可能有外部的各种不公,但自身仍然是主要问题,也怨不得谁。 Li Ji is not angry, has anything to haggle over with this bludger, 李绩也不恼,和这种小混混有什么计较的, „, This poor Daoist calculates with great courage, and you extend come excessively!” “也罢,贫道就斗胆一算,你且伸过头来!” The divination, the way varies, has to look at the hand, has to pinch the bone, has to practice physiognomy, has the glyphomancy, has the polite talk...... he does not need to do that troublesome, actually to him, matter that also shades the eyes with the hand, but he cannot display, must obey the tradition of physiognomist. 占卜么,方式各异,有看手的,有捏骨的,有相面的,有测字的,有套话的……他不需要搞那么麻烦,其实对他来说,也就是一搭眼的事,但他不能表现出来,必须遵照相士的传统。 Reason that does not look at the hand, is really because that both hands are too dirty, has to practice physiognomy, but that green skin first extends, the bubbles sour smell that one moon/month has not washed heads on, is no better compared with his hand. 之所以不看手,实在是因为那双手太脏,就只好相面,不过那青皮头一伸过来,一股月余未洗的沤馊味就扑面而来,也比他手强不到哪里去。 Slightly looks at carefully, immediately closes eyes the ponder, the supplementary assumes an air of self approbation, this time crowd was on the contrary quiet ; The common people are not strange to the technique, know these in Daoist temple temple field telling fortunes has, there is such as at present this person of general that the real skill calculates, plays tricks to deceive the wealth, at this time is thinking that which type this daoist should be? 略一端详,随即闭目沉思,附带摇头晃脑,这时的人群反倒沉静下来;百姓们对相术并不陌生,知道那些在道观庙场算命的是有真本事算的准的,也有更多如眼前这人一般,装神弄鬼欺骗钱财的,这时都在想这道人到底应该算是哪一种? From experience, is a swindler could be bigger ; If so, then possibly also the acrobatic fighting play, can provide the extra pleasure for spiritual barren them. 从经验上来看,是骗子的可能要更大些;如果是这样,那么接下来可能还有一场武打戏,能为精神贫瘠的他们提供额外的乐趣。 Fakes to hesitate, opens both eyes, naturally, wears his bystander of eyeglasses not to see clearly his artificiality, 假作沉吟,睁开双目,当然,戴着眼镜的他外人也看不清楚他这番做作, Grandson two skins, is this your name?” “孙二皮,这是你的名字吧?” Li Ji a few words make all the people of surrounding shut up, they have not seen this physiognomist, definitely is not the familiar person plays the role . Moreover the behaviors of two skins are also pure temporary emerging, then, how this person knows the names of two skins? 李绩头一句话就让所有围观的人闭了嘴,他们从来也没见过这个相士,肯定不是熟悉的人所扮,而且二皮的行为也是纯粹的一时兴起,那么,这个人是怎么知道二皮的名字的呢? Your past, the parents were not, had the consanguineous elder to foster ; Good to fight, is loyal, hopes very much others like and respect you ; “你的过去,双亲不在,有同族长辈抚养;好殴斗,讲义气,很希望别人喜欢并尊重你; You have many to become the ability of your advantage not to display, simultaneously some of some of your also shortcomings, but you can overcome them generally. 你有许多可以成为你优势的能力没有发挥出来,同时你也有一些缺点,不过你一般可以克服它们。 You and female associate somewhat difficultly, although in the semblance seems very calm, actually you anxious seat. 你与女性交往有些困难,尽管外表上显得很从容,其实你内心焦急不安。 You suspected the matter that the decision that sometimes oneself make or does is whether correct. You like living some changes, loathes is limited. 你有时怀疑自己所做的决定或所做的事是否正确。你喜欢生活有些变化,厌恶被人限制。 You can the independent thinking be proud by yourself, if others' suggestion does not have the ample evidence you not to accept. 你以自己能独立思考而自豪,别人的建议如果没有充分的证据你不会接受。 Your some aspirations often very not realistic...... ” 你的有些抱负往往很不现实……” What grandson two skin Hear is dumbfounded, he discovered each few words that this physiognomist spoke clear hit in he to hide the deepest that part, may not only be his name. 孙二皮听的是目瞪口呆,他发现这个相士说的每一句话都真真切切的击中了他内心中隐藏最深的那一部分,可不仅仅是他的名字。 He somewhat was afraid this physiognomist to say will again speak in his heart more cannot mention, shame in making clear thing, these were not the things that his floor bludger should vainly hope, for example, practice the change life, for example, got rich to become the cause city wealthiest person, for example, married outside Santiao Street the Wang Dahu as pretty as a flower three young ladies, many many toads want to eat the dream of day of goosemeat...... 他都有些害怕这相士再说下去会说到他心中更多不可言及,耻于昭示的东西,那些不是他这种底层混混应该梦想的东西,比如,修行改变人生,比如,发财成为因缘城最富裕的人,比如,娶得三条街外王大户家如花似玉的三小姐,还有很多很多癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉的梦想……
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