SR :: Volume #23

#2219: Ambush

Several days time to Half Immortal cultivator is the flash, quick, lunar new year's day arrives, human cultivator comes is quite early, but the antique ominous beasts are not accustomed to appear in public in the human state, therefore almost chooses arrives finally. 数日时间对半仙修士来说就是一瞬间,很快,正日到来,人类修士来的比较早,而太古凶兽们并不太习惯于在人类国度抛头露面,所以几乎都选择最后到达。 The yellow light flashes through together, Mr. land big treads the cloud. 一道黄光闪过,陆大先生踏云而来。 Land I, person surface tiger body nine, in its surroundings, but also is surrounding one crowd of gods and ghosts elf, has the earth wisp, like sheep, but is growing four corners/horns, eat the person to happily ; Also there is phoenix respect Yuan, it stings the person like the bee, but greatly like affectionate couple. By it, as soon as stings, any birds will die, any tree must wither. 陆吾,人面虎身九尾,在它的周围,还环绕着一群神异的精灵,有土缕,像羊而长着四只角,食人为乐;也有神鸟钦原,它像蜂一样蜇人,但大如鸳鸯。被它一蜇,任何鸟兽都会死去,任何乔木都必枯萎。 These elves, but is the land my whole body essence, is it fights the powerful method that the war slaughters. 这些精灵,不过是陆吾浑身精气所化,也是它斗战厮杀的强有力的手段。 Mr. land big this name is very elegant, has ancient interest very much, actually selected in the day was long, antique ominous beasts that the mainland treated more or less had the bad habits of some human, so-called was influenced by the surroundings, said was they. 陆大先生这个名字很风雅,很有古趣,其实在天择大陆待的久了,太古凶兽们或多或少的都染上了一些人类的臭毛病,所谓近朱者赤,说的就是它们。 This time to encircling and hunting of Main World phoenix is not unification under some frame, the antique ominous beasts come in many different varieties, various line of its matters, are not convinced, human is the internal fight frequent race, the antique ominous beasts are so, only then crosses, without unity. 这次对主世界凤凰的围猎并不是一个在某种框架下的统一活动,太古凶兽们种类繁多,各行其事,互不服气,人类已经是个内斗频繁的种族,太古凶兽们更是如此,只有更过,没有团结。 Even in Main World of some slightly orders, these with the antique Saint beasts of their same clan, is still same acting as one thinks fit, sticks to one's own way of doing things, so-called king of the beasts phoenix Kunpeng, needs the immortal to bestow the immortal law to suppress to a certain extent, but also cannot achieve absolutely, Main World so, in disorder day selects the mainland can be imagined. 就算是在稍微一些秩序的主世界,那些和它们同族的太古圣兽们,也是一样的自行其是,我行我素,所谓的万兽之王凤凰鲲鹏,也需要仙人赐下仙法才能在一定程度上有所压制,还做不到绝对,主世界都如此,无秩序的天择大陆就可想而知。 The big disaster appearance that only if some can create to the entire antique ominous beast population, has the possibility to get up these temperament generally not good ominous beasts integrations truly. 除非某个对整个太古凶兽种群都会造成的大劫难出现,才有可能真正把这些脾气普遍不好的凶兽们统合起来。 However, to Main World these so-called Saint beasts, their once same clan, the hatred was common, this also had the rumor to have the phoenix to enter a country, reason that one batch of ominous beasts were ready to make trouble. 但是,对主世界那些所谓的圣兽,它们曾经的同族,仇恨却是普遍的,这也是有传言有凤凰入境,就有一批凶兽蠢蠢欲动的原因。 Does not have any organization, everyone is voluntarily, the reason has the difference respectively, having in the beast clan wants to fish for the prestige, having cruelly is constantly good to kill, has to hang birth Phoenix Monster Core, instead is the evil that because the phoenix once made to them but retaliates accounted for a few...... 没有什么组织,大家都是自觉自愿,原因各有不同,有想在兽族中捞取声望的,有一味残忍好杀的,有垂诞妖丹的,反而是因为凤凰曾经对它们所做的孽而去报复的占了少数…… Several million years later, even if also inherited many generations to their these age remote antique bloodlines, as the hatred inheritance thin slowly, starts to dope the selfish thing. 数百万年下来,哪怕是对它们这些寿数久远的太古血脉来说也传承了很多代,仇恨随着传承慢慢的稀薄,开始掺杂进更多自私的东西。 Especially, with was long, the good custom that human treats the meeting that is not necessarily able to study, bad problem that is certain! 尤其是,和人类待的久了,好习惯未必能学的会,坏毛病那是一定的! Mr. land big is such a, selects in the antique ominous beast circle calculates on to be prestigious in the day, his position can be approximate in nine infants, what nine Ying Ping is the individual strong strength, but Mr. land big depends upon is the ethnic group, with its widespread beast lineage/vein, its strength, although is not weak, but compares in a big way to be inferior with the ominous prestige dreadful nine infants. 陆大先生就是这么一个,在天择太古凶兽圈子里算的上威名赫赫,他的地位可以近似于九婴,不过九婴凭的是个体强大的实力,而陆大先生依靠的则是族群,和本身广泛的兽脉,它的实力虽也不弱,但和凶威滔天的九婴比起来还是大有不如。 It obtained this news, immediately made reaction, thinks that this is one boosts it, boosts the land my clan prestige the good opportunity ; In various antique ominous beast population must divide the height high and low, has the rank, has the right to speak, but these things, will not fall from the space, can only strive, from the battle of human, or good opportunity like phoenix. 它得到了这个消息,在第一时间内做出了反应,认为这是一个提振它本人,提振陆吾一族声望的好机会;太古凶兽各种群中也是要分高低上下的,也是有排位,有话语权的,而这些东西,不会从天上掉下来,只能自己去争取,从和人类的交战中,或者像凤凰这样的好机会。 To the phoenix, they are very strange, is not strange ; What is strange is they have not truly contacted, what is not strange, their ancestors had paid the deeply grieved price in the fight. 对凤凰,它们很陌生,也不陌生;陌生的是它们确实从来也没接触过,不陌生的是,它们的祖先曾经在战斗中付出过惨痛的代价。 The ability of phoenix, mainly lies in it to the suppression of destiny, is so high-end, even if few people practices the obtained domain in human, naturally had the overwhelming advantage to the entire antique beast group ; Actually the skin of phoenix thick, the claw has Tolgot, the strength strongly, wins in the aspects of these foundations in the antique variety of phoenix has innumerable, but has no one type to thoroughly understand the destiny big on thing! 凤凰的能力,主要在于其对命运的压制,这么高端的,哪怕在人类中都很少有人习有所得的领域,当然就对整个太古兽群产生了压倒性的优势;倒不是凤凰的皮有多厚,爪有多利,力量有多强,在这些基础的方面强胜于凤凰的太古品种有无数,但却没有哪一种能通晓命运这种高大上的东西! They do not understand the say/way of destiny, but in the antique beast group, has few to the say/way of immunity destiny population, they call it the body of dying, did not depend on the past, will not cultivate/repair the future, only cultivated today, living for a day was one day, rubbing for a year was one year, every day in dozens over a million years of life, regarded in the life last day, is the present has the model that the liquor is drunk in the present. 它们不懂命运之道,但在太古兽群中,却有极少数对命运之道免疫的种群,它们称之为绝命之体,不凭过去,不修未来,只修今日,活一天算一天,蹭一年是一年,把数十上百万年生命中的每一天,都当成了生命中的最后一天来过,是今朝有酒今朝醉的典范。 Such personality was doomed their strength unable to reach the summits of crowd of beast, can only become ordinary one in immemorial community, but, facing phoenix such destiny Great Dao Saint beast, such bloodlines inheritance was actually just right! 这样的性格特点就注定了它们的实力不能登顶群兽之巅,只能成为太古群落中的普通一员,但是,在面对凤凰这样的命运大道圣兽来说,这样的血脉传承却是正好! The land I, am one in such characteristics antique beast! It also seperately made a horns end, a ba snake, is the body of dying, can in play the main force of establishing a capital city with the fight of phoenix, in addition other ordinary antique beasts, for example fly inexpensively, the fertilizer loses, while yellow, altogether 11 heads, cope with the phoenix not to have the issue in the destiny space, only if the phoenix is separated to evade on own initiative. 陆吾,就是这样特点太古兽中的一个!它还另外约了一头角端,一条巴蛇,都是绝命之体,能在和凤凰的战斗中起到定鼎的主要力量,再加上其他一些普通太古兽,比如飞廉,肥遗,乘黄等,一共十一头,在命运空间内对付凤凰是没有问题的,除非凤凰主动脱离逃避。 But a character of Laifeng phoenix is impossible to evade on own initiative, secondly is separated even, the phoenix could not realize from experience destiny Great Dao, that day that always also had, their indigenous antique beast of! 但一来凤凰的性格不可能主动逃避,二来即使脱离,凤凰体悟不了命运大道,那就总还有回来的那一天,它们土著太古兽等的起! Flawless plan! 天衣无缝的计划! Mr. land big is very proud, because this is its plan! 陆大先生很自豪,因为这就是它一手策划的! Has been close to light/only the valley quickly, is the place that the destiny Great Dao tablet is at ; To most immemorial ominous beasts, they are not willing to be too much with the human cultivator contact, because always suffers a loss...... 已经快接近光谷,也就是命运大道碑所在的地方;对大部分太古凶兽来说,它们不愿意和人类修士接触过多,因为总是吃亏…… The time of stay grew, always has human cultivator to gesticulate to their strange appearances, whispers, probably only then human long is authentic, other lifeform are the anomaly...... the aesthetic routine of this Natural Self make the antique beasts very discontented completely, but also has no means that the overall strength of human truly wants them high. 停留的时间长了,就总是有人类修士对它们奇奇怪怪的长相指手划脚,交头接耳,好像就只有人类长的才是正宗,其他的生物都是怪胎……这种完全自我的审美习惯让太古兽们都很不满,不过也没什么办法,人类的整体实力确实要高过它们。 Front has daoist kind of cultivator aura approaches , the speed is not fast, swayingly, the feeling of does not have any hostility ; In present this position, this time, meeting human cultivator is also normal, others' domain! 前面有一道人修士气息在接近中,速度不快,晃晃悠悠,没有任何敌意的感觉;在现在这个位置,这个时间段,遇到人类修士也再正常不过,别人的地盘嘛! both sides in interlocking slowly, making Mr. land big quite discontented, is this cultivator that curious eye , left and right, from all sides sizes up it! 双方在慢慢的交错,让陆大先生极为不满的,是这修士那一双好奇的眼睛,上上下下,左左右右,前前后后的打量它! Attractively what has? Low-order cultivator has not seen the antique ominous beast to be excusable, but your Half Immortal level also displayed a manner of such curious baby to the antique ominous beast, is what meaning? 有什么好看的?低阶修士没见过太古凶兽还情有可原,但你都半仙层次了还对太古凶兽表现出这么一副好奇宝宝的神态,是什么意思? Is the antique beast of sleep/felt is too ugly? 是觉的太古兽太丑? Me the antique beasts including the land most intolerable are of human curious conceal the vision of ridicule! 包括陆吾在内的太古兽们最不能容忍的就是人类的这种好奇中隐含嘲笑的目光! It has nothing to fear that now, on the overall effective strength, the battle efficiency of antique ominous beast above human, human is by the quantity win race, naturally, the outstanding elite discussed separately. 它现在没什么好怕的,就整体战斗实力而言,太古凶兽的战斗力在人类之上,人类不过是个靠数量取胜的种族,当然,其中出类拔萃的精英另说。 Moreover, now near the light valley, ten antique beasts is been close! 而且,现在在光谷附近,还有十多头太古兽正在接近中! Therefore, originally has not constrained own mood...... the eye to stare very not politely on spirit full Mr. land big...... 为此,本来就意气满满的陆大先生就没有压抑自己的情绪……眼一瞪就很不客气…… What do you take a look at?” “你瞅啥?” How takes a look at your place?” “瞅你咋地?” Opposite person cultivates unrestrained/no trace of politeness! 对面的人修毫不客气!
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