SS :: Volume #13

#1208: The war of destiny ( 4 )

Along with fleeing in disorder of Sikong Qing, Eight Sides Temple and strength sharp decline of Illusion God Sect people, not having his impeding, Ye Wuhen then to set aside the hand to deal with other people, but that Illusion God Sect Sect Master Lin Huantian, although obtained in addition that Sol soul lord has returned nurturing to parents to hold, but in becoming famous in front of a long time Ye Wenjun, cannot turn any wave to come, suffering a defeat and fleeing was only the time issue. 随着司空青的窜逃,八方圣殿幻神宗众人的实力锐减,没有了他的掣肘,叶无痕便是腾出了手来对付其他人,而那幻神宗宗主林幻天,虽然得到了索尔魂主反哺的加持,但在成名已久的叶文俊面前,也翻不起什么浪来,败亡只是时间问题。 Sect Master, Sikong Qing ran, should we remove? Died six elders, pesters again, perhaps we also......” 宗主,司空青已经跑了,我们是不是该撤了?已经死了六名长老,再纠缠下去,恐怕我们也……” Participates to besiege Ye Guangjian Illusion God Sect cultivator to run up to by Lin Huantian , helping the forest imaginary day of obviously not beating to cope with Ye Wenjun, while the respite makes noise. 一名参与围攻叶光鉴幻神宗武者跑到林幻天旁边,一边助明显不敌的林幻天对付叶文俊,一边喘息出声。 Really is the waste!” Lin Huantian makes noise gloomy, does not know what said is running away Sikong Qing, said that these do not beat, but death Illusion God Sect elder. “真是废物!”林幻天阴沉出声,也不知道说的是跑掉的司空青,还是说那些不敌而死的幻神宗长老。 Deeply inspires, Lin Huantian clenches teeth saying: Insists the moment again, we constrain every time for one point, the strength of master can restore a point much, when the time comes all of them must die!” 深吸一口气,林幻天咬牙道:“再坚持片刻,我们每拖住一分时间,主人的实力就能多恢复一分,到时候他们所有人都要死!” „It is not good Sect Master, our people are getting fewer and fewer, Nine Flowers Alliance these person of each are the peak powerhouses, did not have the population superiority, we completely will not be the matches!” “不行啊宗主,我们人越来越少,九华盟这些人每个都是顶尖强者,没有了人数优势,我们完全不会是对手!” During speeches, is two pitiful yell sounds transmits, Lin Huantian finds time to turn the head to look that is actually saw Ling Jin strikes to kill them with Lu Xuan successively once again, before comparing, now they became with the population disparity of Nine Flowers Alliance people getting smaller, only remaining 15-16 people. 说话间,又是两声惨叫声传来,林幻天抽空转头看去,却是看到凌瑾陆轩先后再度击杀两人,相比起之前,如今他们跟九华盟众人的人数差距已经变得越来越小,仅剩下了十五六人。 Courage is not small, dares to lose concentration under my sword!” Ye Wenjun sneers, the long sword flings, two sword qi one on the left and other on the right salvos, are actually circle a semicircle simultaneously toward the forest imaginary day assault. “胆子不小,在我剑下还敢分神!”叶文俊冷笑一声,长剑一甩,两道剑气一左一右齐射而出,却是绕成一个半圆形同时朝林幻天袭去。 Lin Huantian just lost concentration examination war, is without enough time has actually gotten rid to prevent, when this instant, he pondered radically without enough time that the right hand leaves the move to block sword qi, the left hand holds the person of Illusion God Sect that together suddenly, furiously toward Ye Wenjun in addition on sword qi discards together. 林幻天刚刚分神查看战局,却是已经来不及出手阻挡,这刹那之际,他根本来不及细想,右手出招挡住一道剑气,左手却是猛然抓住身旁的那么幻神宗之人,奋力的朝叶文俊的另一道剑气上丢去。 Sect Master you......” that cultivator completely panic-stricken looks to the forest imaginary day, but the voice hence then thoroughly fades certainly, the whole person had cut off by Ye Wenjun sword qi around the middle, he has not thought of Lin Huantian unexpectedly suddenly with himself, when the shield, cannot die in the enemy subordinate, on the contrary by person on one's own side harming. 宗主你……”那名武者满是惊骇的看向林幻天,不过话音至此便是彻底衰绝,整个人已经被叶文俊剑气拦腰斩断,他根本没想到林幻天竟会突然间拿自己当挡箭牌,没能死在敌人手下,反倒是被自己人给害了。 Lin Huantian actually radically looked that has not looked at his one eyes, he can bring the sacrifice including Illusion God Sect that many disciples, these elders, what was also considered as? 林幻天却是根本看都没看他一眼,连幻神宗那么多弟子他都能拿来牺牲,这些长老,又算得了什么? However after this, his fighting intent is actually thorough vanished, the short time connects buckle three cultivator, the Illusion God Sect elder who just like just died said that the person who they remained has been incapable of preventing the Nine Flowers Alliance people radically, remained is also the futile effort brings death. 不过经此一下,他的战意却是彻底的消失了,短短时间接连折损三名武者,正如刚刚死去的这名幻神宗长老所言,他们剩下来的人根本已经无力阻挡九华盟众人了,留下来也是徒劳送死。 Not slightly hesitant, even has not left behind a few words, Lin Huantian uses the imaginary technique from disappear in an instant same place, a few words have not stayed behind then escape to walk, he must fly upwards with Sol together the Heaven Territory person, how can at risk of life here? 没有丝毫犹豫,甚至没有留下一句话,林幻天刹那间施展幻术从原地消失,一句话都不曾留下便是远遁而走,他可是要跟索尔一起飞升天域的人,怎能拼死在这里? Ran away?” Ye Wenjun cannot help but knits the brows to make noise, Illusion God Sect Martial Skill to be famous strangely, this Lin Huantian iron core must run away, he really could not suddenly have found out any means. “逃了?”叶文俊不由得皱眉出声,幻神宗武技以诡异著称,这林幻天铁了心要逃,他一时间还真想不出什么办法。 But at this moment, discovered that Lin Huantian actually did not say a word escaped, in the remaining cultivator hearts fighting intent dissipated immediately, even|connected mostly ran, did they also stay here to bring death? Makes the birds to be loose at once, two besiege Ye Ruida cultivator panic-strickenly under to visit escaping, before directly has actually hit the Ye Wuhen body, by Ye Wuhen convenient killing. 而此刻,发现林幻天竟然一言不发就逃跑了,剩下的武者心中战意顿时消散,连老大都跑了,他们还留在这里送死吗?一时之间纷纷做鸟兽散,其中两名围攻叶睿达武者心慌意乱之下光顾着逃跑,却是直接撞到了叶无痕身前,被叶无痕顺手给杀了。 Snort, wants to run away, perhaps is not easy!” A Lu Xuan cold snort sound track, just ran by Sikong Qing , because is extremely unexpected, now Lin Huantian wants to withdraw with the imaginary technique together safely, is not easy! “哼,想逃,恐怕没那么容易!”陆轩冷哼一声道,刚刚被司空青跑了,是因为太过出乎意料,如今林幻天凭着一道幻术就想安然脱身,却是没那么容易! The voice falls, Lu Xuan Soul Shaking Technique gets rid without difference, the Soul Strength bee cocoon of rushing, is similar to hurricane sweeps away the surrounding area hundred zhang (333m). 话音落下,陆轩撼魂术无差别出手,澎湃的魂力蜂蛹而出,如同一阵飓风横扫方圆百丈。 Perhaps Lin Huantian has not expected this point, on Celestial Sword Continent, finishes Soul Technique takes Illusion God Sect as many, but Nine Flowers Alliance always grows perceptibly by sword technique, he has not actually thought that left Lu Xuan such different races, Lin Huantian the form was compelled in a flash. 林幻天或许根本没料到这一点,天剑大陆上,精修魂术的以幻神宗为最多,而九华盟向来以剑术见长,他却没想到出了陆轩这么一个异类,一瞬间,林幻天的身影便是被逼了出来。 Catches the forest imaginary day form, Ye Wenjun cannot help but laughs to make noise: Xuan'er, does attractively!” 捕捉到林幻天的身影,叶文俊不由得哈哈大笑出声:“轩儿,干得漂亮!” The sword leaves like the dragon, the Ye Wenjun personal appearance goes toward the forest imaginary day quick firing with the long sword instantaneously, the person has not arrived, sword qi, in the midair, Ye Wenjun has urged to send to the acme the reality, first company 19 swords, composition together dense and numerous sword curtains. 剑出如龙,叶文俊的身形伴随着长剑瞬间朝林幻天急射而去,人未到,剑气已至,在半空之中,叶文俊将实力催发至极致,一连19剑,组成一道密密麻麻的剑幕。 Does not need to turn head to look that Lin Huantian can feel that bone-chilling cold incomparable sword intent that behind oneself transmits, but follows, is a severe pain transmits, immediately whole body strength rapid passes...... 根本不需要回头看,林幻天都能感觉到自己背后传来的那一阵凛冽无比的剑意,而紧随其后,便是一阵剧痛传来,随即浑身的力量飞速的流逝…… Lin Huantian lowers the head slowly, saw oneself chest sword qi penetrates big hole thoroughly, the five main internal organs (entrails) already is stirred broken, finally at present one black, corpse straight crash, his all dreams and pursues, end to this. 林幻天缓缓低头,看到了自己胸口被剑气穿透出了一个大洞,五脏六腑已经彻底的被搅碎,最后眼前一黑,尸体直直的坠落,他的所有梦想与追求,到此终结。 cultivator that these escape......” Ye Haoran looks at these ran Illusion God Sect and Eight Sides Temple of some distances the person of survival make noise. “那些逃跑的武者……”叶浩然看着那些已经跑出一些距离的幻神宗八方圣殿的幸存之人出声。 Does not need to pursue again.” Ye Guangjian shook the head: They no help regarding the entire war, does not need to waste the time, urgent matter, needs to cope with Sol first.” “不必再追了。”叶光鉴摇了摇头:“他们对于整个战局于事无补,不必浪费时间,当务之急,还是需要先对付索尔。” Then, all people simultaneously look to the summit, there Soul Strength, became the incomparable congealing reality, just the time in the forest imaginary day and Sikong Qing delaying, Sol perhaps restored many strengths. 说罢,所有人同时看向山顶,那里的魂力,已经变得无比的凝实,刚刚在林幻天与司空青拖延的这点时间了,索尔恐怕恢复了不少的实力。 Bang!” A huge incomparable sword qi light beam from airborne flashes through, dazzling incomparable, finally rumbled above this summit, the formidable destructive power, almost blasted open the entire summit thoroughly, the entire mountain peak therefore lowered enough three feet. “轰!”一道巨大无比的剑气光柱从空中闪过,耀眼无比,最后轰在了这座山顶之上,强大的破坏力,几乎是将整个山顶彻底炸裂,整座山峰都因此低了足足三尺之多。 This has gathered seven people of strength, executed a sword that an immortal institute sent by seven Saints, regardless of Sol how hateful, but his strength eventually was not be ignored, after the simple discussion, Lu Xuan and the others decided to force in this manner Sol, if walked into the mountain rashly, perhaps instead was meeting Sol's [say / way]. 这是集合了七人之力,以七圣诛仙阵所发出来的一剑,无论索尔多么的可恨,但他的实力终究是不可小视的,在简单的商议之后,陆轩等人决定以这样的方式将索尔逼出来,若是贸然进山,恐怕反而会着了索尔的道。 Innumerable remnant flutter, dust flies upwards, when the mist and dust diverges gradually, sees only together the to stand high in the sky form, appearance slowly in people at present, is not Sol, but who can also? 无数的残枝飘飞,尘土飞扬,当烟尘渐渐散去,只见一道当空凌立的身影,缓缓的出现在了众人的眼前,不是索尔,还能有谁? Really is skillful, met.” Sol looks at exhibits the battle formation Lu Xuan and other people, a corners of the mouth check, the smiling face of revealing pondering. “真是巧啊,又见面了。”索尔看着摆开阵势的陆轩等七人,嘴角一勾,露出一丝玩味的笑容。 The appearance that sees clearly Sol, the people do not have successfully the good mood that Sol forces, a heart was instead heavier. 看清索尔的容貌,众人却丝毫没有成功将索尔逼出来的好心情,一颗心反而是更加的沉重了。 Sol when at this moment, compared with their first time sees Sol, had the greatest change, initially sees Sol, he such as an old man of being terminally ill, but now, Sol became was young, if not can identify as before from his outline that is hard to speak, otherwise, this is two people are simply ordinary. 此刻的索尔,比起他们第一次见时的索尔,已经有了莫大的改变,初见索尔,他如一个病入膏肓的老头般,而如今,索尔已经变得难以言说的年轻了,若非从他的轮廓上依旧能辨认出来,否则的话,这简直就是两个人一般。 Soul Race life almost it can be said that boundless, limits only their is Soul Strength, when Soul Strength declines, they start gradually is not then able to maintain own soul body, becomes more and more senile, until death, but the change that Sol so several nearly feels rejuvenated now, without a doubt, represented his strength to have the tremendous changes! 魂族的生命几乎可以说是无垠的,唯一限制他们的便是魂力,当魂力衰颓,他们便会渐渐的开始无法维持自己的魂体,变得越来越衰老,直至死亡,而索尔如今这般几近返老还童的改变,毫无疑问,代表着他的实力发生了翻天覆地的变化!
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