SS :: Volume #13

#1207: The war of destiny ( 3 )

Father was careful!” Lu Xuan calls out in alarm, the Wind-Thunder Transformation instantaneous revolution, speed suddenly to increase, is similar to flickers to move flushes away toward Ye Wuhen side generally. “父亲小心!”陆轩一声惊呼,风雷变瞬间运转,速度暴增,如同瞬移一般朝叶无痕身边冲去。 However some people are quicker than him, see only the slender form are similar to the meteor crash together, a foot kicks suddenly above the shoulder of Sikong Qing, Sikong Qing was trampled dozens zhang (3.33 m) far immediately, gathers the strength thoroughly that type Qingmu northern heavens vigor also leaning, the bang above this mountain peak, has destroyed but actually a piece of big tree immediately. 不过却是有人比他更快,只见一道纤细的身影如同陨星坠落,一脚猛然踢在司空青的肩膀之上,司空青顿时被踹出数十丈之远,蓄力的那一式青木玄天劲也彻底的偏了,轰在了这座山峰之上,顿时摧倒一片大树。 Can have such strength and speed, naturally is the body is far from Human Race may compared with Ling Jin, Lu Xuan has just wanted to express gratitude, is hears the Ling Jin icy sound saying: Does not need to thank.” 能有如此力量与速度的,自然是身体远非人族可比的凌瑾了,陆轩刚想道谢,便是听到凌瑾冷冰冰的声音道:“不用谢。” Lu Xuan this arrived at the words of mouth cannot help but to give to have food stuck in the throat, afterward Ling Jin was opens the mouth saying: These people had been planted the seal of soul slave by Sol, can obtain soul main returning nurturing to parents, before the strength, can compare, your limelight.” 陆轩这到嘴的话不由得给噎住了,随后凌瑾又是开口道:“这些人被索尔种下了魂奴之印,能得到魂主的反哺,实力绝非之前能比,你们注意点。” The voice falls, Ling Jin then once again rapidly jumps out, raids to another enemy, because the strength of enemy far exceeds their estimates, Nine Flowers Alliance and the others unexpectedly by the opposite sphering, not to have been able the earliest possible time to open up the perspective. 话音落下,凌瑾便是再度飞速窜出,袭向另一名敌人,因为敌人的实力远远超出他们的预估,以至于九华盟等人竟是被对面给围住了,没能第一时间打开局面。 This moment Sikong Qing actually once again flew, although just Ling Jin this foot was swift and fierce, but she was for the purpose of saving others, although speed was quick, the strength was actually not such foot, cannot bring the too big damage to Sikong Qing. 此刻司空青却已经再度飞了回来,刚刚凌瑾这一脚虽然凌厉,但她旨在救人,速度虽快,力道却不是那么的足,没能给司空青带来太大的损伤。 Father, or does Sikong Qing give me to cope? My method are quite many, he does not have the means with me.” Lu Xuan suggested. “父亲,要不司空青还是交给我来对付吧?我手段比较多,他拿我没办法。”陆轩建议道。 „Does brat, such quickly dare to look down on your father?” Ye Wuhen squints Lu Xuan to say slantingly: Just was to the Sikong Qing strength estimate mistake, you also really think that father these years were eating without working, looked that my dew point method took a look to you.” “臭小子,这么快就敢小瞧你爹了?”叶无痕斜觑着陆轩道:“刚刚不过是对司空青的实力估算错误,你还真以为老爹这些年来都是在吃干饭啊,看我露点手段给你瞧瞧。” Ye Wuhen, it seems like your years had a high and respected position, the strength dropped quickly, must depend on others' hand to be able unexpectedly to avoid a tribulation.” The Sikong Qing taunt said. 叶无痕,看来你这些年养尊处优惯了,实力下降得很快啊,竟然还要依托别人的手才能躲过一劫。”司空青嘲讽道。 Ye Wuhen has patted the shoulder of Lu Xuan, hints him to deal with other person, treads two footpaths baseless: You are also relying on returning nurturing to parents of your Soul Race lord, dares so to clamor with me, even if so, I want to kill you, is actually not the difficult matter.” 叶无痕拍了拍陆轩的肩膀,示意他去对付别的人,凭空踏出两步道:“你也就凭借着你那魂族主子的反哺,才敢跟我这般叫嚣罢了,不过即便是如此,我想要杀你,却也不是难事。” Snort, said actually dexterously, we, under the hand see the true facts!” azure light like the electricity, in the Sikong Qing hand the long whip has pulled out suddenly, potential like Startling Thunder. “哼,说得倒是轻巧,咱们,手底下见真章吧!”青光如电,司空青手中长鞭猛然抽了过来,势如惊雷 Kills you, only needs seven swords!” The Ye Wuhen long sword raises, wields together sword qi, broke Sikong Qing this whip, the left hand has compared with the sword to refer, has delimited from the sword blade fast, in the mouth drank to make noise greatly: Sword leaves!” “杀你,只需七剑!”叶无痕长剑一扬,挥起一道剑气,破了司空青这一鞭,左手比作剑指,从剑身之上快速划过,口中大喝出声:“剑出!” Only hears whiz one, seven Yuan Energy long swords emerge out of thin air instantaneously, hang in the Ye Wuhen top of the head, in an instant, Ye Wuhen sword intent rises suddenly, becomes the domain. 只听得嗖的一声,七道元力长剑瞬间凭空出现,高悬于叶无痕头顶,刹那间,叶无痕身上剑意猛涨,自成领域。 Early sensed own domain including Lu Xuan, Ye Wuhen has been Great Void Realm these many years, how also to condense own domain? 陆轩都早早的感悟了属于自己的领域,叶无痕达到太虚境这么多年,又岂会没有凝聚出属于自己的领域呢? Feels the Ye Wuhen power and influence to rise suddenly, after Lu Xuan turned head to look at one, then felt relieved that this type he has seen, at the Central State Anping City banquet, that Ye Wuhen then has told the name of this type, was called seven sword broken ten thousand laws. 感受到叶无痕的威势猛涨,陆轩回头看了一眼之后,便是放下心来,这一式他见过,就在中州安平城的宴会上,那次叶无痕便告诉过他这一式的名字,叫做七剑破万法。 But the Ye Wuhen domain, is specially serves for this type, are not many, only then seven swords, many, because only needs seven swords. 叶无痕的领域,便是专为这一式服务的,不多,只有七剑,不少,因为只需七剑。 Sword one, the day clashes!” “剑一,天冲!” The Ye Wuhen long sword wields, the first handle sword whole body shivers, expresses a clear sword cry, suddenly before clashes, the Sikong Qing complexion changes, subconscious told him Ye Wuhen this type to be very formidabe. 叶无痕长剑一挥,第一柄剑浑身颤抖,发出一阵清脆的剑鸣,骤然前冲,司空青脸色微变,潜意识里告诉他叶无痕这一式十分难对付。 Sees only his hand to shake like the illusory image, in an instant flings dozens whips, tries to break Ye Wuhen the sword, but Ye Wuhen this sword is actually is above the flexibility of imagination, moves aside, stiffly breaks through from the Sikong Qing whip net, center a sword forehead of Sikong Qing. 只见他手抖如幻影,刹那间甩出数十鞭,试图破掉叶无痕的这一剑,但叶无痕这一剑却是超乎想象的灵活,左躲右闪,硬生生的从司空青的鞭网中突破而出,一剑正中司空青的头部。 A sword penetrates, is hidden thoroughly, Sikong Qing is panic-stricken, actually the surprise discovered that Ye Wuhen this sword, seems an impressive on the outside but lacking substance, has not brought anything to damage to oneself, is wanting to in him opens the mouth to taunt, the Ye Wuhen second sword already got rid. 一剑穿透而过,彻底隐没,司空青惊恐无比,却诧异发现,叶无痕这一剑,似乎是虚有其表,并没有给自己带来什么损伤,正在他欲要开口嘲讽之际,叶无痕第二剑已然出手。 Sword two, keenly intelligent!” “剑二,灵慧!” In the Sikong Qing heart sneers, actually he must have a look at Ye Wuhen to install any god but actually, makes any ghost. 司空青心中冷笑,他倒要看看叶无痕究竟在装什么神,弄什么鬼。 The second sword, Sikong Qing lets slip once again, cannot intercept, but is similar to the first sword is as before ordinary, is intact to him. 第二剑,司空青再度失手,未能拦截,但依旧如同第一剑一般,对他丝毫无损。 Sword three, air/Qi!” “剑三,气!” Sword four, strength!” “剑四,力!” The first company four swords all, Sikong Qing finally felt that some were not quite right, he felt that his Yuan Energy revolution as if slowed down, presented a sluggishness, when gets rid, the power and influence also drops very obviously, he felt subconsciously a fear, how many swords wanted under the interception the Ye Wuhen following, can his beforehand condition unable to succeed, by his present condition, how can also achieve? 一连四剑皆中,司空青终于感觉有些不大对了,他感觉自己的元力运转似乎变慢了,出现了一丝迟滞,出手之际,威势也下降得十分明显,他下意识的感觉到了一丝恐惧,想要拦截下叶无痕接下来的几剑,可以他之前的状态都未能成功,以他如今的状态,又如何能做到? Killing of Ye Wuhen incurs approaches finally, only hears him to open mouth puts out four characters slowly: Sword five, center!” 叶无痕的杀招终于来临,只听得他张嘴缓缓吐出四字:“剑五,中枢!” Sikong Qing felt that a whole body hemp, the whole body muscle did not listen to direct. 司空青感觉浑身一麻,浑身肌肉已经不听使唤。 Sword six, fine!” “剑六,精!” The Sikong Qing whole body is weak, could not mention any strength. 司空青浑身酥软,已经提不起任何力量。 Sword seven, brave!” “剑七,英!” This sword, just likes crushes the camel last last straw, Sikong Qing felt this sword as if straight thrust own mind deep place, soul thorough disappeared generally, realizes thoroughly during fell into was fuzzy, whole person weak fluttering in airborne, just like good-for-nothing. 这最后一剑,恍若压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草,司空青感觉这一剑仿佛直刺自己的脑海深处,灵魂都被彻底的泯灭了一般,意识彻底的陷入了模糊之中,整个人无力的飘荡在空中,宛若行尸走肉。 But when he feels the consciousness is fuzzy, in this boundless chaos, he suddenly saw luminous, immediately was similar to catches the straw to grasp to be ordinary, going all out has depended toward this luminously, in a flash, rays of light writings, thorough illuminated this chaos, the soul has met again! 而就在他感觉意识模糊之际,在这无边的混沌中,他突然看到了一丝光亮,顿时如同抓到了救命稻草一般,拼命的朝这道光亮靠了过去,一瞬间,光芒大作,彻底的照亮了这片混沌,魂魄重聚! Um?” looks at Sikong Qing of Ye Wuhen incomparable surprise, sees is only similar to good-for-nothing general Sikong Qing, restored suddenly once again, has controlled own body. “嗯?”叶无痕无比诧异的看着司空青,只见如同行尸走肉一般的司空青,突然间再度恢复了过来,重新掌控了自己的身体。 His some are not clear, why just clearly flashed on and off to kill the Sikong Qing seven inferior souls, why he can also restore. 他有些不明白,为什么自己刚刚明明灭杀了司空青的七魄,为何他还能恢复过来。 But looks at present Ye Wuhen, Sikong Qing cannot help but felt that fear, were almost just beyond redemption, sign that his clear understanding, just own that feeling, clearly must be frightened out of one's wits! 看着眼前的叶无痕,司空青不由得感到一阵后怕,刚刚自己差点就万劫不复了,他清晰的明白,刚刚自己的那种感觉,分明就是要魂飞魄散的迹象! He does not know that Ye Wuhen the so swift and fierce swordsmanship of which from studying, but he did not have the guts to clamor with Ye Wuhen once again, that bright that just he felt, is in Sol the Soul Strength seed in own mind, is relying on this seed, he has the opportunity to gather the soul, but present he, radically no longer beforehand strength. 他不知道叶无痕从哪来学来的如此凌厉的剑法,但他已经没有了胆量再度跟叶无痕叫嚣了,刚刚他感受到的那道亮光,乃是索尔中在自己脑海中的魂力种子,正是凭借着这颗种子,他才有机会重新聚拢魂魄,但如今的他,根本不复之前的实力。 Has not left behind a few words, Sikong Qing turns around then to run away, displays oneself 12 strength, he always does not know that originally escape to run such quickly. 没留下一句话,司空青转身便逃,发挥出了自己12分的力量,他从来都不知道,原来自己逃跑可以跑得这么快。 Because that hesitation with the doubts, Ye Wuhen pursued it to be inferior, in addition, chases down Sikong Qing but is actually not the first important matter, broke the stop of this group of people, copes with Sol is they must do truly. 因为那一丝的迟疑跟疑惑,叶无痕已经追之不及,再加上,追杀司空青倒也并非是第一要务,破了这群人的阻拦,对付索尔才是他们真正要做的。
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