SOD :: Volume #9

#833: Cecil block

The open wilderness plain delays in the line of sight, on the vast wilderness, has does not fear the cold wind the early spring vegetation flood aliquation level sight of green, the wheel steamroll of magical car(riage) hardened road/s, the roadside lamp post and product label is retroceding outside the glass unceasingly, but is farther place, the city wall that Fort Accord stands tall and erect palatially has heaved in sight. 开阔的旷野平原在视线中延展开来,一望无际的原野上,已经有不惧寒风的初春植被泛起层层绿意,魔导车的车轮碾压着硬化道路,路旁的灯柱和标牌在车窗外不断后退着,而更远一些的地方,缔约堡巍峨高耸的城墙已经映入眼帘。 Wears the palace long skirt and black hair shawl, but below Matilda is looking at the wilderness outside glass, the facial features are tranquil, the eye pupil is profound, resembles is thinking. 身穿宫廷长裙、黑发披肩而下的玛蒂尔达望着车窗外的旷野,面容平静,眼眸深邃,似在思索。 The diplomatic envoy that she and she leads has completed in the Cecil's visit duty, at this moment is travelling by the magical car(riage) that Longwind Fortress sends out to go to Fort Accord, but the Winterwolf Castle aspect sends out aids personnel to wait in that side at this moment- that to sign Ainz Typhon palatial castle that peace agreement constructs is still playing the role today, the landmark as two Empire boundary, it today was still peace symbol, but signed King of peace agreement to elapse past, a dynasty also dropped the curtain in the flames of war, now only has the stone construction castle still to stand erect in the border area, is hanging the new Empire flag, Is showing the peace of new times. 她和她带领的使节团已经完成了在塞西尔的访问任务,此刻正搭乘长风要塞派出的魔导车前往缔约堡,而冬狼堡方面派出的接应人员此刻已在那边等候-那座为了签订安苏-提丰和平协议而建的巍峨城堡今日仍然发挥着作用,作为两个帝国边界处的地标建筑,它在今日仍然是“和平”的象征,只是昔日签下和平协议的国王已经逝去,一个王朝也在战火中落下了帷幕,如今只剩下石头建造的城堡仍然屹立在边疆,悬挂着新的帝国旗帜,彰显着新时代的和平。 Place that how many are worth sighing with regret , how many historical scholar and will the philosophers leave behind the words for this reason? 这其中有多少值得慨叹的地方,又有多少历史学者和哲人们会为此留下笔墨? Matilda takes back the line of sight, looks to sitting in opposite Officer dignified Longwind Fortress Commander, General Maryland is escorting the mission personally, this is the symbol of Cecil Empire sincerity. 玛蒂尔达收回视线,看向坐在对面的威严军官-长风要塞指挥官,马里兰将军亲自护送着使团,这是塞西尔帝国诚意的象征。 Your Highness Matilda, we must arrive,” General Maryland notices opposite line of sight, the slight nod said, hopes the tour of this Cecil made the good impression on you.” 玛蒂尔达殿下,我们就要到了,”马里兰将军注意到对面的视线,微微点头说道,“希望这趟塞西尔之行给您留下了良好的印象。” This is one time impressive and happy travel,” Matilda shows a smile, General Maryland, thanked your escorting.” “这是一次令人印象深刻且愉快的旅行,”玛蒂尔达露出一丝微笑,“马里兰将军,感谢您的一路护送。” The motorcade drove the slopeway before Fort Accord steadily, Typhon and Cecil's flag flutters high above the iron grey city wall and tower, the Matilda vision has swept slopeway one side vacant place, in open area that in having the soldier stood guard, she saw several black spread to play the part of the shield and imperial crown crest magical vehicles. 车队平稳地驶上了缔约堡前的坡道,提丰塞西尔的旗帜高高飘扬在灰白色的城墙和塔楼上方,玛蒂尔达的目光扫过坡道一侧的空场,在有士兵站岗的空地上,她看到了数辆黑色且涂饰着盾与皇冠徽记魔导车辆。 That is the magical car(riage) that Winterwolf Castle sends, is Typhon makes. 那是冬狼堡派来的魔导车,是提丰自己制造出来的。 The ash sends Adesha of shawl Wendell leads her Knight to stand in the chilly cold wind of early spring, the looks at Cecilian motorcade arrives in the Winterwolf Castle square, from the vehicle, Your Highness Princess and Empire who scholar and aristocrat representatives successfully complete the visit mission. 灰发披肩的安德莎温德尔带领着她的骑士们站在初春的料峭寒风中,看着塞西尔人的车队抵达冬狼堡的广场,从车上下来的,是顺利完成访问使命的公主殿下和帝国学者和贵族代表们。 And Longwind Fortress Commander, Maryland General Onar. 以及长风要塞指挥官,马里兰奥纳尔将军。 Quick, both sides personnel conducted the connection according to the agreement flow, after signing and exchanging necessary document, Maryland has time earnest sizing up stands before oneself young Wolf General- on this long border line, he already and this young lady had more than once the social dealings, but both sides so calm, and short distance opportunity face-to-face is not easy to appear, his looks at almost can work as daughter's Adesha at present, shows a faint smile: General Adesha, my duty was accomplished- the mission of your country has arrived in the border safely.” 很快,双方人员按照约定的流程进行了交接,在签署且交换了必要的文件之后,马里兰才有时间认真打量站在自己面前的年轻的“狼将军”-在这条漫长的边境线上,他已经和这位年轻的女士打了不止一次交道,但双方如此平心静气且近距离面对面的机会却不易出现,他看着眼前几乎能当自己女儿的安德莎,微微一笑:“安德莎将军,我的任务完成了-贵国的使团已平安抵达边境。” The Adesha light gray pupil stayed on Maryland similarly was very long, later she nods: Thank your escorting.” 安德莎浅灰色的眸子同样在马里兰身上停留了很久,随后她点点头:“感谢您的护送。” Two people also put out a hand, two hands grasp in the same place, and after stopping just right one second separated. 两人同时伸出手,两只手握在一起,并在停顿了恰到好处的一秒钟后分开。 Cecilian left. 塞西尔人离开了。 Adesha stands on the Winterwolf Castle high ground, the vision pursues these to diagram the Deep Blue color crest magical vehicles for a long time, Matilda stands by her, long time opens the mouth to ask: What is thinking?” 安德莎站在冬狼堡所处的高地上,目光长久追逐着那些绘有深蓝徽记魔导车辆,玛蒂尔达站在她旁边,良久才开口问道:“在想什么?” „...... It‘s nothing, but thought that General Maryland......” Adesha told only half, shakes the head, turns around looks at Matilda, „were all smooth?” “……没什么,只是觉得那位马里兰将军……”安德莎说到一半,摇了摇头,转身看着玛蒂尔达,“一切还顺利么?” Had the good harvest,” Matilda has the light happy expression, as if nonchalant is saying, General Bard was missing for almost 20 years...... that General Maryland to look like to the age with him from the makings very much. Then, if not missing of during that time, at this moment guards this border should be the person of father's generation, rather than young you.” “有了不错的收获,”玛蒂尔达带着淡淡的笑意,又仿佛不经意般说着,“巴德将军失踪已经差不多二十年了吧……那位马里兰将军从气质到年龄都和他很像。说起来,如果不是当年的失踪,此刻镇守这条边境的本就应该是父辈,而不是年轻的你。” Adesha knits the brows, is putting on a serious face looks at own good friend: Your Highness Matilda, this topic not amusing.” 安德莎皱了皱眉,板着脸看着自己的好友:“玛蒂尔达殿下,这个话题并不有趣。” I was sorry,” Matilda says immediately, later seemingly shifted the topic at will, we first returned to Winterwolf Castle- I many days have not set foot on the Typhon land.” “我表示歉意,”玛蒂尔达立刻说道,随后貌似随意地转移了话题,“我们还是先返回冬狼堡吧-我已经很多天没有踏上提丰的土地了。” Adesha nods- she knows, then should exchange the tour of this Cecil. 安德莎点了点头-她知道,接下来就应该交流这次塞西尔之行了。 This is located in the two countries boundary Fort Accord, eventually half of under the Cecilian eye hides. 这座位于两国边界的“缔约堡”,终究有一半是在塞西尔人眼皮子底下的。 On returning to the Winterwolf Castle road, Matilda and Adesha with riding a car(riage). 在返回冬狼堡的路上,玛蒂尔达安德莎同乘一辆车。 How said you in the Cecil's story?” After leaving Fort Accord, and periphery does not have the bystander, the Adesha obvious attitude relaxed, her looks at sits in opposite good friend curiously, on the face has the light happy expression to ask. “说说你在塞西尔的见闻如何?”在离开缔约堡且周围没有外人之后,安德莎明显态度放松了一些,她好奇地看着坐在对面的好友,脸上带着淡淡的笑意问道。 Matilda also has the smile: Story needs to go back to say slowly, before then, I have one thing to make you actually have a look.” 玛蒂尔达同样带着笑容:“见闻需要回去慢慢说,在此之前,我倒是有一样东西想让你看看。” Is saying, she while took out a palm of the hand in a big way, as if the cube that becomes by exactly the same metal dice assembly, shows it in front of Adesha. 一边说着,她一边取出了一个只有巴掌大的、似乎由许多一模一样的金属小方块组装而成的立方体,将它展现在安德莎面前。 Adesha opened the eye curiously, she has felt indistinct mana fluctuation from that strange cube, actually cannot see this is what magic item: What thing is this......?” 安德莎好奇地睁大了眼睛,她已经从那怪异的立方体中感受到隐隐约约的魔力波动,却看不出这是什么魔法道具:“这是……什么东西?” Gawain Cecil your majesty gives my gift, mysterious Cecil block,” Matilda is saying, the finger while provokes these to inscribe the rune metal block gently, Adesha, if I have not remembered incorrectly, you have not discharged the magic spell talent, right?” 高文·塞西尔陛下送给我的礼物,一个神奇的‘塞西尔方块’,”玛蒂尔达一边说着,手指一边轻轻拨弄着那些刻有符文的金属方块,“安德莎,如果我没记错的话,你并没有施放法术的天赋,对吧?” Is this,” Adesha nods, „, therefore I do choose to become to ride......?” “是这样,”安德莎点点头,“所以我才选择成为骑……嗯?” Her latter half a word words have not said that because she noticed surprisedly that strange metal block surface suddenly has the flowing light to reappear, after the one by one rune grading lightens, this was average was not wonderful and weak mana fluctuation metal creation open a light cyclone unexpectedly- this is the Wind Shield effect! 她的后半句话没有说出口,因为她惊讶地看到那个怪异的金属方块表面突然有流光浮现,一个个符文次第点亮之后,这原本平平无奇、只有微弱魔力波动的金属造物竟然张开了一道淡淡的气旋-这是微风护盾的效果! Its interior has a small-scale magic circuit installment, but rune of its surface can combine according to the rule, forms various foundations the magic effects......” “它内部有一个小型的魔网装置,而它表面的符文可以按照规律组合,形成各种各样基础的魔法效果……” The eye of Matilda looks at Adesha, is saying at a moderate pace, but sits, in her opposite Wolf General after the initial astonishment was curious quick then showed look looking pensive, her pair of light gray pupil became deep deep and quiet, for a very long time has not spoken. 玛蒂尔达看着安德莎的眼睛,不紧不慢地说着,而坐在她对面的狼将军在最初的惊愕好奇之后很快便露出了若有所思的神色,她那双淡灰色的眸子变得深沉幽邃,久久没有说话。 Matilda rotates the block gently, shut off the Wind Shield magic effect, having the sigh tone saying: It seems like your also conscious to...... the significance that this thing showed.” 玛蒂尔达轻轻转动方块,切断了微风护盾魔法效果,带着叹息般的语气说道:“看来你也意识到这东西所展现出来的……意义了。” Makes rune combine formation, presents the magic effect stably, and engraves these rune in more than 20 blocks, simultaneously guaranteed the disturbances of all rune will not surpass these blocks the withstanding limits......” the Adesha tone to be deep, even has one with deep veneration, I, although does not have the spell casting talent, but the cardinal magic principle I have studied, Matilda, this cube altogether many types......” “让符文组合成法阵,稳定呈现出魔法效果,且将这些符文刻印在二十余个方块上,同时保证所有符文的干扰都不会超过这些方块的承受极限……”安德莎的语气深沉,甚至带着一丝肃然,“我虽然没有施法天赋,但基本魔法原理我还是学习过的,玛蒂尔达,这个立方体一共有多少种……” „The combination type that these dice can present is your I for the digit that it exclaims in surprise,” Matilda said in a soft voice, any head easy-to-use person after contacting it, quick conscious to wanting to depend upon luck to exhaust sorting of these rune is a not possible matter- wish makes them combine the specific magic spell effect, must abide by the strict mathematical rule.” “这些小方块能够呈现出来的组合种类是一个你我都会为之惊叹的数字,”玛蒂尔达轻声说道,“任何脑袋好使的人在接触到它之后,都会很快意识到想要依靠‘运气’来穷举出这些符文的排序是一件不可能的事-想要让它们组合出特定的法术效果,必须遵循严格的数学规律。” Mathematical rule......” Adesha subconsciously shut an eye, „, therefore...... you did decode this rule?” “数学规律……”安德莎下意识闭了一下眼睛,“所以……你破解了这个规律?” Also no, but had mastered portion,” Matilda sighed in a soft voice, Adesha, the mathematical rule was only portion, the thing that behind this cube showed were too many, from some angle, this ‚the rune Rubik's cube even is symbolizing magical technology some essences, but merely was some essences, then has perplexed almost everyone in mission......” “还没有,但已经搞懂了一部分,”玛蒂尔达轻声叹息,“安德莎,数学规律只是一部分,这个立方体背后展现出来的东西太多了,从某个角度上,这个‘符文魔方’甚至象征着魔导技术的部分本质,而仅仅是这部分本质,便已经难住了使团中的几乎每一个人……” Adesha decides the Rubik's cube in looks at Matilda hand, a moment later breaks silent: That Cecilian makes this cube is used......” 安德莎定定地看着玛蒂尔达手中的魔方,片刻之后才打破沉默:“那塞西尔人制造这个立方体是用来……” Toy.” “玩具。” Matilda did not wait for Adesha saying that then replied on own initiative, after the latter expression was stiff she smiled: Adesha, this cube is inexpensive, the structure is also much simpler, its value that you imagine lies in its behind knowledge, but these blocks...... in Cecil, it are bring to give the children to play, is used to inspire their interest and elaborative faculty to the rune, is an initiation toy.” 玛蒂尔达不等安德莎说完便主动答道,在后者表情僵硬之后她才笑了一下:“安德莎,这个立方体非常廉价,结构也比你想象的简单得多,它的价值在于其背后的‘知识’,而这些方块本身……在塞西尔,它是拿来给孩子们玩的,用来启发他们对符文的兴趣和思考能力,属于一种启蒙玩具。” This is only a toy......” Adesha brow tight wrinkle, is hard to accept said in a low voice, this thing is only......” “这只是个玩具……”安德莎眉头紧皱,难以接受般低声说道,“这东西只是个……” The Matilda tone is lighter than Adesha: Gawain Cecil takes it to give to me as the gift, this perhaps is a demonstration and deterrent in disguised form, but since, on the other hand, it actually is also one truly valuable, precious gift.” 玛蒂尔达语气却比安德莎平淡很多:“高文·塞西尔把它作为礼物送给我,这或许是一种变相的展示和威慑,但从另一方面,它却也是一件真正有价值的、珍贵的‘礼物’。” She once thinks that Gawain to her will demonstrate that powerful magical legion, or makes her visit that type to shock high level Extraordinary motion machinery fortress sufficiently, but the opposite party actually gave her one small rune Rubik's cube, but this average not wonderful cube soon then demonstrated that it might, Matilda had manipulated this Rubik's cube several days, every day, this Rubik's cube takes to her touching and shock and awe is increasing, but to today, she can actually tranquilly looks at it, even deterrent has harvested from this. 她曾以为高文会给她展示那强大的魔导军团,或者让她参观那种足以震慑高阶超凡者的移动机械要塞,但对方却给了她一个小小的“符文魔方”,而这个平平无奇的立方体很快便展示出了它的“威力”,玛蒂尔达已经摆弄了这个魔方好几天,每一天,这个魔方带给她的触动与震慑都在增加,但到今日,她却能平静地看着它,甚至从这“威慑”中有所收获。 Demonstrated strength of own country, this is each normal rule will do, but Gawain Cecil not pure is rule,” Matilda is manipulating in the hand the Rubik's cube while says, he is also using this way to demonstrate the precious knowledge. Adesha, you should be able to look, this Rubik's cube is very easy to imitate, if places these to be skilled in the scholar hand of mathematical science , must decode its mathematical rule not difficultly also-, although I have not summarized in these blocks completely the rule of conceals, but I can feel, Cecilian has grasped some rune domain truth, this cube biggest significance, told us this matter.” “展示自己国家的实力,这是每一个正常的统治者都会做的,但高文·塞西尔并不单纯是个统治者,”玛蒂尔达一边摆弄着手中魔方一边说道,“他也在用这种方式展示宝贵的知识。安德莎,你应该能看出来,这个魔方很容易仿制,如果放在那些精通数理学者手中,要破解它的数学规律也并不困难-虽然我还没有完全总结出这些方块内藏的规律,但我能从中感觉到,塞西尔人已经掌握了某种符文领域的‘真相’,这个立方体最大的意义,就是把这件事告诉了我们。” „Do you go back to this ‚the Cecil block give the Empire labor to make the association?” The Adesha state of mind has returned to normal, her looks at Matilda, that side person should be good at dealing with this surpassing tradition magic domain curiously new thing.” “你回去要把这个‘塞西尔方块’交给帝国工造协会么?”安德莎的心绪已经平复下来,她好奇地看着玛蒂尔达,“那边的人应该更擅长应对这种超出传统魔法领域的‘新玩意儿’。” Naturally, Windsor Mapel lady and Grandmaster Daniel will certainly be interested in it,” Matilda said without hesitation, besides the research, I also prepares to duplicate it massively, produces with the factory, making it flow to the folk......” “当然,温莎玛佩尔女士丹尼尔大师一定会对它感兴趣,”玛蒂尔达毫不犹豫地说道,“除了研究之外,我还准备大量复制它,用工厂去生产,让它流向民间……” Like Cecil in doing such?” Adesha said looking pensive, treats as...... some type of it toy that has the initiation function?” “就像塞西尔在做的那样?”安德莎若有所思地说道,“把它当做……某种带有启蒙作用的玩具?” At least compared with the hunting and cocktail party, these blocks is the citizen class can enjoy the entertainment. magical technology development Church my matter, that was once classical knowledge time had passed by, in this time, if a knowledge is unable to make the contact with the society as a whole, then its development speed will certainly be greatly affected, will bog down momentarily......” “至少比起狩猎和酒会,这些方块是市民阶层更能享受得起的娱乐。魔导技术的发展教会我一件事,那就是曾经的‘古典知识时代’已经过去了,在这个时代,如果一种知识无法和社会整体建立联系,那么它的发展速度一定会大受影响,甚至随时会停滞不前……” You always compared with long-term that I consider,” Adesha said with a smile, no matter what, I thought you are very reasonable, I support your decision.” “你总是比我考虑的长远,”安德莎笑着说道,“但不管怎样,我觉得你很有道理,我支持你的决定。” Matilda nods, has not spoken again, rune Rubik's cube that but in the looks at hand rotates dedicated unceasingly, whatever outside the car(riage) the scenery retrocedes fast, fell into the long-time thinking. 玛蒂尔达点点头,却没有再说话,只是专注地看着手中不断转动的符文魔方,任凭车外景色飞快后退,陷入了长久的思索。 ...... …… Cecil Empire, Northern Region. 塞西尔帝国,北境 When magnificent Giant Sun rises the summit, that dim, and brings the disc of light wood grain such as a round of royal crown embed when the summit of Northern Region hills, the visitors from Sacred Dragon Duchy also finally arrived in the northern boundary. 当辉煌的巨日升上山顶,那朦胧且带着淡淡木纹的圆盘如一轮冠冕般镶嵌在北境群山之巅时,来自圣龙公国的访客们也终于抵达了北方边界。 The Coldwinter Castle northeastern checkpoint, wind shield fortress the heavy firm magic front door opens along with the sound slowly, covers entire fortress energy barrier to exude the small ripples, mysterious Dragon descendant for a lot of years first official sends out the mission, stepped into the Human Race state. 凛冬堡东北部关卡,“风盾要塞”沉重坚固的魔法大门伴随着吱吱嘎嘎的声响缓缓打开,笼罩整个要塞的能量屏障泛起微小涟漪,神秘的龙裔们千百年来第一次正式派出使团,踏入了人类的国度。 Byron and Victoria Duchess is leading the official team of welcome, gazes at after the fortress front door is stepping into fortress Dragon descendant. 拜伦维多利亚女公爵率领着迎接的官员队伍,在要塞大门后注视着正踏入要塞龙裔们。 They have a curiosity to the opposite party unavoidably. 他们对对方难免有着一丝好奇。 Sir Gorosh rides on the big Land Dragon beast, expression dignified stepped into this Human Race fortress calm, what in his behind is also maintains Dragon descendant of solemn and respectful order, makes for this reason line Human Race adviser Dragon Rune Witch Ashlina lady leads the way with him shoulder to shoulder. 戈洛什爵士骑在高大的地龙兽上,表情威严沉稳地踏入了这座人类要塞,在他身后的是同样维持肃穆秩序的龙裔们,作为此行“人类事务顾问”的龙印女巫阿莎蕾娜女士则与他并肩前行。 Suddenly, he felt that nearby Dragon Rune Witch is somewhat unusual. 突然间,他感觉旁边的龙印女巫有些异样。 Sir Gorosh has turned the head curiously, actually saw that red hair proud lady stared in a big way the eye, the expression quite strangely looks at front. 戈洛什爵士好奇地转过头,却看到那位红发的骄傲女士瞪大了眼睛,表情颇为古怪地看着前方。
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