SOD :: Volume #9

#801: Record that the distant seas explore

Feeling of having no way out. 走投无路的感觉么。 Gawain has not spoken suddenly. 高文一时间没有说话。 But he can understand probably the meaning of Selena, can understand for 700 years ago these by luck survival under big impact, struggles in crazy and in the mutation shadow, the spirit pillar/backbone crashes completely, even is unable to return to civilization world the mentality of Priest. 但他大概能够理解赛琳娜的意思,能够理解七百年前那些在大冲击下侥幸存活的、挣扎在疯狂变异阴影中、精神支柱完全崩塌,甚至无法回归文明世界的神官们的心态。 Last minute before on such as his crossed over, when the airplane disintegrates gradually ; Arrives at this world on such as him, was stranded by satellite viewpoint in the space innumerable years. In that case, anyone, gives him any uncertain hope, even if does not have any commitment and evidence, he cannot help but will also move, the person who such as is drowned meets subconsciously to grab the side has floated the straw. 就如他穿越前的最后一刻,当飞机渐渐解体时;就如他来到这个世界,以卫星视角被困在天上无数年时。在那种情况下,任何一个人,给他任何一点渺茫的希望,哪怕没有任何承诺和证据,他也会不由自主地动心,就如溺水的人会下意识抓住身边漂过的稻草。 Let alone, during that time these Priest believers are also withstanding spirit and soul dual contamination and suffering, their judgment and willpower has reduced the bottom. 更何况,当年的那些神官教徒们还承受着精神灵魂双重的污染和折磨,他们的判断力和意志力本身就已经降低到了最低点。 Returns from Ancestral Peak, claimed that found the outlet, to be willing to provide the help Gawain Cecil, to them is that last straw. 先祖之峰返回,声称找到了出路、愿意提供帮助的高文·塞西尔,对他们而言就是那最后一根稻草。 In the heart sighs with emotion fluctuates, finally only changes into the sigh that has not said that Gawain nods: I can understand that you chose at that time.” 心中感慨起伏,最终只化为一声没有说出口的叹息,高文点了点头:“我能理解你们当时的选择。” Meanwhile, he also guessed correctly Selena raised, 700 years ago Gawain Cecil displayed some type suddenly seeing clearly the truth of ability- 与此同时,他也猜到了赛琳娜提起的、七百年前高文·塞西尔突然表现出某种“洞察”能力的真相- That is obviously related with monitoring satellite of space! 那显然与天上的监控卫星有关! As the matter stands, even if not know that actually Gawain Cecil during that time discovered anything on Ancestral Peak, he can also roughly speculate that discovery is definitely related with the satellite array of sky. 这样一来,哪怕不知道高文·塞西尔当年先祖之峰上究竟发现了什么,他也能大致推测到,那发现肯定与天空的卫星阵列有关。 In thinking, eye of Gawain looks at Selena Gehrfen: „Do you go to sea with Gawain Cecil together?” 思索中,高文看着赛琳娜·格尔分的眼睛:“你是与高文·塞西尔一同出海的?” Some angle comes to see...... is this,” Selena nods, as a soul body, I am not able to follow they to depart at that time truly, but I storm Priest on team left behind the spirit brand mark at that time, this can protect their mind in Gods contamination, lets me to look to them, as the matter stands, although is unable to take person independent action, but I also calculate one of the search party.” “某种角度来看……是这样,”赛琳娜点了点头,“作为一个魂体,我当时无法真正地跟着他们出航,但我在当时队伍内的风暴牧师们身上留下了精神烙印,这可以在神明污染中保护他们的心智,也让我能‘看’到他们,这样一来,虽然无法作为‘人’独立行动,但我也算探索队的一员。” Selena really also participated in the follow-up exploration action! 赛琳娜果然还参与了后续的探索行动! Gawain felt that own heartbeat is half beat ahead suddenly, he is maintaining in the surface tranquil dignified, the sinking sound asked: Actually did you discover what in Endless Sea?” 高文感觉自己的心跳骤然快了半拍,他维持着表面上的平静泰然,沉声问道:“你们在无尽之海究竟发现了什么?” The Selena silent moment, is reorganizing the language in the recollection, later says slowly: 赛琳娜沉默片刻,在回忆中整理着语言,随后慢慢开口说道: At first, is only a normal navigation, after the land, we entered by the storm and sea of chaos mana control, the strength and profound understanding of sea that but storm Priest survives with them are planning the safety lane unceasingly, we bypassed the storm area and mana turbulent flow, is thorough toward east Sea Territory. “起初,只是一段正常的航行,远离陆地之后,我们进入了被风暴和混乱魔力统御的海洋,但风暴牧师用他们残存的力量和对海洋的深刻了解不断规划着安全航线,我们绕过了风暴聚集区和魔力乱流,一路向着东部海域深入。 In this process, we also once passed by Typhonian several colonizing islands- at that time storm Church had disintegrated, only saves powerful Priest that a few serves the military can also maintain the reason reluctantly, the normal sea lanes will soon cut off, Typhonian is evacuating in seize the moment...... “在这个过程中,我们还曾路过提丰人的几处殖民岛屿-当时风暴教会已经瓦解,仅存少数服务于军方的强大神官还能勉强保持理智,正常的海上通路即将断绝,提丰人正在抓紧时间撤离…… When will soon cross the colonizing islands of Typhonian most edge, Dyson Count of control that islands sends an express steamer, the attempt to advise against us, he said that in the distant seas is starting more and more big storm, the celestial phenomenon becomes extremely not normal, this moment challenge distant seas, are no different than the suicide, but we have not paid attention...... “在即将越过提丰人最边缘的殖民岛屿时,统御那座岛屿的戴森伯爵派来一艘快船,尝试劝阻我们,他说远海中正掀起越来越大的风暴,天象变得极不正常,此刻挑战远海,无异于自杀,但我们没有理会…… We enter Human Race had not visited the distant seas, entered does not have any nautical chart labelling, completely strange Sea Territory, storm Priest are unable to provide the guidance in the route again, can only with the aid of the perception help team to the storm and mana dodges the danger. Gawain Cecil instructed that we continue to east go forward, and after passing through piece of Sea Territory that is full of the cyclone and mana turbulent flow booklet to South- that is his first going to sea, but where he seems to have had long known the destination, his goal is so clear, eased the restless emotion of team greatly. “我们进入了人类未曾造访过的远海,进入了一片没有任何海图标注的、完全陌生的海域,风暴牧师们无法再在航线上提供导航,只能借助对风暴和魔力感知帮助队伍规避危险。高文·塞西尔指示我们继续向东前进,并在经过了一片充满气旋和魔力涡流的海域之后折向南方-那是他第一次出海,但他似乎早已知道目的地在什么地方,他的目标如此明确,也大大地减轻了队伍的不安情绪。 But in navigation 32 nd day, had the accident/surprise. “但在航行的第三十二天,还是发生了意外。 First is storm Priest on ship falls into the nightmare suddenly, repeatedly some people in chaos and absent-minded has the fearful mutation, even plunges into the sea to be swallowed by the ocean waves on own initiative, “先是船上的风暴牧师们突然陷入梦魇,在混乱恍惚中不断有人发生可怕的异变,甚至主动跳入海中被海浪吞噬, Half Priest were killed, remaining maintains sane Priest reluctantly also becomes hysteric, several will quite firm Storm Priest said that we are navigating above the nightmare of god, moreover ‚the fearful strength of deep sea had detected the arrival of desecrater, and will swallow everyone, they suggested that the ships leave current Sea Territory immediately, but when the sailors prepares to do that the discovery sea will actually have put in order a ship imprisonment in same place, has the ocean waves of mysterious strength to well up overlapping, preventing the ships from leaving. ” Navigation above the nightmare of god...... 半数的神官就此丧命,剩下勉强保持理智的神官也变得歇斯底里,数名意志较为坚定的风暴祭司说我们‘正航行在神的噩梦上方’,而且‘深海的可怕力量已经察觉了亵渎者的到来,并会吞噬所有人’,他们建议船只立刻离开当前海域,但当水手们准备这么做的时候,却发现海洋已经将整艘船‘禁锢’在原地,带有神秘力量的海浪层层叠叠涌来,阻止着船只离开。”航行在神的噩梦上方…… In the Gawain heart repeats the phrase that Selena is mentioning, guessed correctly indistinctly actually initially explored the team to arrive where- 高文心中重复着赛琳娜提到的字眼,隐约猜到了当初探索队伍究竟抵达了什么地方- Above Lord of Storms God's Corpse! 风暴之主神尸上方! Perhaps that was really these storm believer...... the Gawain expression shook the head to their god recent one time of” subtly, what did later have?” “那恐怕真是那些风暴信徒们离他们的神最近的一次了……”高文表情微妙地摇了摇头,“之后发生了什么?” Selena detected indistinctly from the Gawain's attitude the opposite party possibly knows certain Gods levels the secret, but she has not closely examined, but continues saying: We are attacked by sea strength, the ships are damaged seriously in the storm, but when the situation is most critical, the unexpected aid appeared.” 赛琳娜高文的态度中隐约察觉到对方可能知晓某些神明层次的秘密,但她没有追问,而是继续说道:“我们遭到海洋力量的攻击,船只在风浪中受损严重,但在局势最危急的时候,意想不到的援手出现了。” Gawain lifts the eyelid: Is Siren?” 高文抬起眼皮:“是海妖?” Is Siren,” Selena profoundly looked at Gawain one, the nod, they come from the ocean waves gently suddenly, and subsided trim Sea Territory with the strength that some we are unable to understand......” “是海妖,”赛琳娜深深地看了高文一眼,轻轻点头,“她们突然从海浪中现身,并用某种我们无法理解的力量平息了整片海域……” Gawain responded the opposite party instantaneously why when mentioned Siren to meet the eye including the profound meaning place to look own eyes-, because in Cecil city, lives in Siren! 高文瞬间反应过来对方为何在提到海妖的时候会眼含深意地看自己一眼-因为塞西尔城里,就住着一根海妖 Tyre's exists is not the secret, and before the Eternal Sleepers influence was expelled Empire massively has publicized, Selena is knows between obviously Cecil and Siren have union relations, but the foundation of this union can definitely fall on alien traveller on, 700 years ago Gawain Cecil and the others went to sea to meet the danger, at that time helped is also Siren, but the goal that Gawain Cecil went to sea at that time seems and alien traveller achieves some pen to trade...... 提尔的存在本就不是什么机密,且早在永眠者势力被大规模逐出帝国之前就已经公开,赛琳娜显然是知道塞西尔海妖之间存在“同盟”关系的,而这份同盟的基础完全可以落在“域外游荡者”头上,七百年前高文·塞西尔等人出海遇上危险,当时施以援手的也是海妖,而高文·塞西尔当时出海的目的似乎就是和“域外游荡者”达成某笔交易…… This, as if many clues can correspond in the course of contacts. 这一来二去的,似乎很多线索都能对应上。 But only Gawain knows that these also really have no relation- that helps Siren exuberant, but is, how god knows their during that time thinks, on Feudal Territory that Siren was the time roaming of going home counter- became lost simply, did not have with what ancient times treaty of alliance relations...... 但只有高文知道这其中还真没什么联系-那帮海妖率性而为,天知道她们当年是怎么想的,领地上那根海妖干脆就是回家的时候游反了迷路过来的,跟什么古代盟约一点关系都没有…… But these things explained that is also troublesome, he has not then broken narration of Selena, listening to the opposite party to continue saying: 但这些事情解释起来也是麻烦,他便没有打断赛琳娜的讲述,听着对方继续说道: Siren helped the exploration team resolve the crisis, and treated and cured the portion crew, they added some strange words, said that we disturbed them to eat food, moreover disturbed their food...... 海妖帮探索队伍解除了危机,并救治了一部分船员,她们还说了一些很奇怪的话,说我们打扰了她们进食,而且打扰了她们的食物…… Although as if has some exchange barrier, Gawain Cecil launched the negotiation with these Siren, he specifically described the goal of search party, transmitted the peace wish, and described some type to Siren...... unusual ancient ruins. “尽管似乎存在某种交流障碍,高文·塞西尔还是和那些海妖展开了交涉,他详细说明了探索队的目的,传达了和平的意愿,并对海妖们描述了某种……奇特的古代遗迹 He described tower, is huge, seems connecting the sky and land, and has then stood and waited for a long time from ancient era in the world. “他描述了一座,非常巨大,仿佛连接着天空和大地,且从上古时代便已经伫立在世界上。 Crew feel inconceivable, does not dare to imagine in the world to have such thing, but after Siren hear the description of Gawain Cecil, actually appears somewhat excited- they know existence of that tower, moreover as if has had to do with it, to its some dreaded. “船员们都感觉不可思议,不敢想象世界上存在那样的东西,但海妖们听到高文·塞西尔的描述之后却显得有些激动-她们知道那座的存在,而且似乎与其打过交道,对其有一些忌惮。 After a negotiation, several brave Siren accepted the request of Gawain Cecil finally, becomes the guide of search party, they said cannot the team belt/bring to tower, but can lead to arrive at the nearby us, belt/bring to correct direction. “在一番交涉之后,几个胆大的海妖最终答应了高文·塞西尔的要求,成为探索队的向导,她们说不能把队伍带到下,但可以把我们带到附近,带到正确的方向上。 Our ships conducted a temporary conditioning, later continues to set sail, under the Siren guide's leadership, starts to turn toward eastern South to the navigation. “我们的船进行了一番临时修整,随后继续起航,在海妖向导的带领下,开始向着东南方向航行。 Because obtains the help of Siren, the ocean waves start to become our boost, our cruising speed is quick, and arrived in one piece shortly after...... the continent edge.” “由于得到海妖的帮助,海浪开始成为我们的助力,我们航行速度很快,并在不久后抵达了一片……大陆边缘。” Gawain is only calmly was listening, at this time suddenly opened the eye: continent? Did you say continent a moment ago?!” 高文原本只是静静听着,这时候突然睁大了眼睛:“大陆?你刚才说‘大陆’?!” Yes, piece of continent, rather than the islands, I am very definite, we saw very long coastline, as well as unusual birds that flies from the land direction.” “是的,一片大陆,而不是岛屿,我很确定,我们看到了非常漫长的海岸线,以及从陆地方向飞来的奇特鸟类。” Piece of new continent! Piece of Gawain has never heard land! Southeast situated in Loren Continent, Endless Sea deep place! 一片新的大陆!一片高文从未听说过的陆地!就位于洛伦大陆的东南,无尽之海的深处! In the Gawain mind cannot bear outline to speculate at present intelligence that the land and sea distribution of this star, until now, he grasps gathered a prospect that gradually has the approximate outline, was counted just intelligence that obtained from the Selena mouth, in his mind outlined four stretches of lands- 高文脑海中忍不住勾勒着目前能够推测出的、这颗星球的陆地和海洋分布,至今为止,他所掌握的情报渐渐汇聚成了一幅有着大致轮廓的图景,算上刚刚从赛琳娜口中得到的情报,他脑海中勾勒出了四片陆地- Human Race and other wisdom race housings, wholes situated in equator northern Loren Continent ; 人类等诸多智慧种族居住的、整体位于赤道北部的洛伦大陆; Possibly situated in Loren Continent due north, by Great Dragon rule Tollund ; 可能位于洛伦大陆正北方的、被巨龙统治塔尔隆德; According to the Tyre's view, situated in Loren Continent due east, by Siren rule IO Continent ; 按照提尔的说法,位于洛伦大陆正东方的、被海妖统治艾欧大陆; In addition Selena just mentioned that needs to go to sea after the east can arrive to south navigation, situated in the Endless Sea deep place, southeast new continent situated in Loren Continent. 再加上赛琳娜刚刚提到的,需要从东部出海之后再向南航行才能抵达,位于无尽之海深处,位于洛伦大陆东南的新大陆 His again conscious to the stretch of land that Human Race survived is how narrow unenlightened, raises again to exploring the intense hope of sea. 他再一次意识到了人类所生存的这片陆地是多么狭窄闭塞,再一次升起了对探索海洋的强烈渴望。 Only at present known, on the star has then had the land that three Human Race have not visited, he is very curious, whether this world also has domain that Human Race does not know...... 仅目前已知的,星球上便已经存在三处人类未曾造访的陆地,他真的很好奇,这个世界是否还有更多人类所不知道的领域…… With to the curiosity of new continent, Gawain controlled the exciting mood, continued to ask: „Did you explore that piece of new continent? What on that piece of continent has?” 怀着对新大陆的好奇,高文控制住了激动的情绪,继续问道:“你们探索了那片新大陆?那片大陆上有什么?” The reply of Selena actually threw basin cold water to him: I do not know, only then a Gawain Cecil person penetrated land- other sailors and Priest stayed in the coast.” 赛琳娜的回答却给他泼了一盆冷水:“我不知道,只有高文·塞西尔一个人深入了陆地-其他所有水手和神官都留在了海岸上。” Gawain knits the brows: Why?” 高文皱起眉:“为什么?” On land has the guard, the high antiquity then existed, revolution until now guard,” Selena said slowly,in fact also had the guard in the land surrounding sea, but these guards also calculated to cope, so long as did not provoke on own initiative, will not be attacked, but these on land...... were especially virulent. “陆地上存在守卫,远古时代便存在,运转至今的守卫,”赛琳娜慢慢说道,“事实上在陆地周围的海洋中也存在守卫,但那些守卫还算好对付,只要不主动招惹,就不会受到攻击,但陆地上的那些……格外充满敌意。 „ The crew and Priest search party are elite in mortal world, even many high level Extraordinary, but in these guard front, the strength of mortal still seemed small and weak, let alone, the numbers of these guards as if went far beyond our teams- entire new continent under their controls, they originated unclearly , seemed to be inexhaustible, the search party is unable to penetrate the land. “探索队中的船员和神官们已经是凡人世界中的精锐,甚至不乏高阶超凡者,但在那些守卫面前,凡人的力量仍然显得过于弱小,更何况,那些守卫的数量似乎远远超过我们的队伍-整个新大陆都在它们的控制下,它们来源不明,又似乎无穷无尽,探索队根本无法深入陆地。 What is strange, these guards will not attack Gawain Cecil.” “但奇怪的是,那些守卫并不会攻击高文·塞西尔。” Gawain knits the brows: Won't attack Gawain Cecil?” 高文皱起眉:“不会攻击高文·塞西尔?” In long time after Gawain Cecil oneself pose as, he today and Selena conversation time always feels a little irritably...... 在长时间以“高文·塞西尔”本人自居之后,他今天和赛琳娜交谈的时候总觉得有点别扭…… Selena affirmed own view again: „ Yes, this is in confirmed the matter after the guards initial contact on that continent. 赛琳娜则再次肯定了自己的说法:“是的,这是在和那片大陆上的守卫们初次接触之后得到确认的事情。 These guard active offenses any will enter the person who they stand guard the range, besides Gawain Cecil. “那些守卫会主动攻击任何进入它们警戒范围的人,除了高文·塞西尔之外。 At that time had the search party members to inquire the matter in this aspect, he expressed own not clear specific reason.” “当时有探索队成员询问过这方面的事情,他却表示自己也不清楚具体原因。” Therefore, finally only then a Gawain Cecil person penetrated new continent, but from the result, he should find him the thing that wants to look for......” Gawain brow slightly wrinkle, having the thinking saying that amusing...... original these to closing the important memory were eliminated......” “所以,最后就只有高文·塞西尔一人深入了新大陆,而从结果来看,他应该是找到了他想要寻找的东西……”高文眉头微皱,带着思索说道,“有趣……原来这些至关重要的记忆都被清除了……” Is saying, he while looks to Selena Gehrfen. 一边说着,他一边看向赛琳娜·格尔分 If I have not guessed that wrong, you should not know that he in being separated from the team goes to the specific experience after continent deep place alone, because these contents are also danger.” “如果我没猜错的话,你应该也不知道他在脱离队伍独自前往大陆深处之后的具体经历,因为这些内容也是‘危险’的。” In team some people have inquired, but his anything had not said, Selena replied, the side definitely the Gawain's view, „ I can only tell you part that I knew: “队伍里有人询问过,但他什么也没说,”赛琳娜答道,侧面肯定了高文的说法,“我只能把我知道的部分告诉你: „ Before his set off, told others, safe area waiting in coast for half a month, if he had not returned half a month later, everyone do not wait again, must leave that piece of continent immediately ; “他出发前告诉其他人,在海岸的安全区等待半个月,如果半个月后他还未返回,所有人不要再等,要立刻离开那片大陆; He returns in 21 st day, returning is exhausted and excited, obviously had achieved own goal. “他是在第二十一天返回的,返回的时候疲惫又兴奋,显然已经达成了自己的目的。 He told everyone, said that he conducted soul to trade, this transaction can trade one opportunity, but he had not disclosed more details of transaction to anybody at that time.” “他告诉大家,说他进行了一次灵魂交易,这次交易能够换来一个‘机会’,但他当时并未对任何人透露交易的更多细节。” Gawain is gazing at Selena: But you actually know that more inside stories, you know my alien traveller existence.” 高文注视着赛琳娜:“但你却知道更多内幕,你知道我这个‘域外游荡者’的存在。” Yes, because he told me the portion content alone.” “是的,因为他把一部分内容单独告诉了我。”
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