SOD :: Volume #6

#548: Witnesses again

Leaves after the mind network, Gawain first then received the report of Amber. 从心灵网络中脱出之后,高文第一时间便接到了琥珀的报告。 „...... Basically such situation,” Miss Half-Elf said in the report finally, at present Wall of Magnificence situation all normal, does not have the sign that Aberrant Body approaches, seemed the Dark Mountain Range south and Black Forest intersection point had collapsing merely- as a result of appearance of the mountain influence, the outpost could not see the special details.” “……基本上就这么个情况,”半精灵小姐在汇报最后说道,“目前宏伟之墙的情况一切正常,也没有畸变体靠近的迹象,似乎仅仅是黑暗山脉南麓和黑森林交界处发生了坍塌-由于山势影响,哨站看不到具体情况。” „...... I understood,” Gawain slightly hesitates, the nod said, watch out for the Wall of Magnificence situation, moreover arranges south security patrol team fortress in Fortress Defiance, if is really the mountain massif collapses, the Fortress Defiance south corridor may be affected.” “……我明白了,”高文略一沉吟,点头说道,“密切注意宏伟之墙的情况,另外安排忤逆要塞内的安保队伍巡视一下要塞南部,如果真是山体坍塌,忤逆要塞南部走廊可能会受到影响。” After arranging these, Gawain has not stopped in Magical Technology Research Institute, but on the grounds of needing rest returned to Feudal Lord Mansion directly. 安排完这些之后,高文没有在魔导技术研究所多做停留,而是以需要休息为由直接返回了领主府 After returning to the environment quite stable study room, he then calls the satellite channel in mind immediately. 回到环境较为安定的书房之后,他立刻便呼叫了脑海中的卫星频道。 The special outer space overlooks the field of vision to reappear in the mind, the picture from orbital monitoring satellite presents in Gawain at present, he is controlling this ancient system cautiously, aimed at the position of Dark Mountain Range south and Black Forest common border the monitoring focus. 特殊的太空俯视视野浮现在脑海中,来自轨道监控卫星的画面呈现在高文“眼前”,他小心翼翼地控制着这套古老的系统,把监控焦点对准了黑暗山脉南麓和黑森林交界的位置。 He is seeking for the trace that the landslide or the earthquake stay behind, obsolete satellite system is revolving difficultly, in not really clear picture presents slowly movement an image of rotten wasteland, after several minutes of glance and difficult contrast, his line of sight stopped suddenly. 他寻找着山体滑坡或地震留下的痕迹,过于老旧的卫星系统艰难地运转着,不甚清晰的画面上呈现出一片缓缓移动的腐烂废土的影像,在数分钟的扫视和艰难对比之后,他的视线突然停了下来。 There has the thing, in the Cecil city aims in the South production, in the Black Forest range, there is a thing, but is not the vestiges that the landslide, the precipice landslide or the earthquake leave behind, but is piece of a trace that seems like some impact pit. 那里有东西,在塞西尔城指向正南方的延长线上,在黑森林范围内,有东西,但并不是什么山体滑坡、山岩塌方或者地震留下的残迹,而是一片看起来像某种冲击坑的痕迹。 The lens pull closer the later picture and insufficiently clear . Moreover the rotten deep wasteland background color also causes to distinguish the picture detail is quite difficult, but Gawain can see that around that annular region around radiated fold as well as impact pit outward the Giant wood of lodging- can destroy dozens meters high Giant wooden orderly, this explained that the impact is quite powerful, but has not cleared the mist and dust that to judge from the midair that impact pit appeared some time ago. 镜头拉近之后画面并不够清晰,而且腐烂深沉的废土背景色也导致想要分辨出画面细节极为困难,但高文还是能看到那一片环形区域周围放射状的褶皱以及冲击坑周围向外倒伏的巨人木-能将数十米高的巨人整齐摧断,这说明冲击极为强烈,而从半空中尚未散尽的烟尘判断,那冲击坑正是不久前才出现的。 What thing is that? Is what fell from the space? 那是什么东西?难道是什么从天上掉下来了? Gawain with astonishment looks at that scale giant impact pit, although does not know that the item body had anything, but he is almost certain that shape the impact pit is not magic tide creates. 高文惊愕地看着那规模巨大的冲击坑,尽管不知道具体发生了什么,但他几乎可以肯定那种形态的冲击坑不是魔潮造成的。 At this moment, he incomparably hopes that can go to the scene immediately, investigates to be clear that is anything, however impact pit position actually south Dark Mountain Range- must surmount this grand mountain range, goes straight to magic tide corrupt most front, that position was too dangerous. 这一刻,他无比希望能够立刻前往现场,去调查清楚那到底是什么东西,然而冲击坑的位置却在黑暗山脉南麓-要翻越这道宏伟的山脉,直抵魔潮腐化的最前沿,那个位置太危险了。 As although the Feudal Territory development marches into the right track, the strength in the hand grasping is gradually abundant, Gawain has taken the quite positive action in the consideration to Gondor Wasteland, formulated established the observation station or the forward base plan south Dark Mountain Range, but was very obvious, these plans were also only the plan- currently speaking, the Cecil duchy has not prepared for surmounting Dark Mountain Range. 尽管随着领地发展步入正轨,手上掌握的力量逐渐雄厚,高文已经在考虑对刚铎废土采取较为积极的行动,也制定了一些在黑暗山脉南麓建立观察站或前进基地的方案,但很显然,这些计划也只是计划而已-就目前而言,塞西尔公国还没有做好翻越黑暗山脉的准备。 The soldiers carry the equipment to walk from the steep precipitous mountain range, the middle must pass through the big piece structure frail corrupt mountain road and poisonous demon vegetation area of coverage, the descending the mountain difficulty is extremely high, no matter carries the commodity to call the depot support is quite difficult, once meets the crisis, is almost hard to return alive...... 士兵携带装备从陡峭险峻的山脉南麓行走,中间要穿过大片结构脆弱的腐化山道以及有毒的魔化植被覆盖区,下山难度极高,不管是携带物资还是呼叫后方支援都极为困难,一旦遇上危机,几乎难以生还…… However can also not set out the soldier, how many tops sent elite in the past, or went to one personally also- legendary expert can move south Dark Mountain Range, but...... was that impact pit worth taking this risk? 不过也可以不出动士兵,派几个顶级精锐过去,或者自己亲自去一趟也可以-传奇强者黑暗山脉南麓还是可以活动的,只不过……那个冲击坑值得冒这风险么? Gawain thinks to pay, that sudden impact pit makes him highly care, but at this moment . Moreover the same thing actually suddenly intruded his monitoring field of vision. 高文思付着,那个突然出现的冲击坑让他非常在意,但就在这时,另外一样事物却突然闯入了他的监控视野。 ...... …… The thin cloud layer rapid passed over gently and swiftly from both sides, the cold air current was cut by the giant pair of wings, howls has been blowing by the huge body that the scale covers, has grown Great Dragon of blue scale to circle in the upper air, in her gigantic, in as if gem eye, is producing an inverted image under the land scene of that sores all over the eye. 稀薄的云层飞速从两旁掠过,寒冷的气流被巨大的双翼切割开来,呼啸着吹过被鳞片覆盖的庞然身躯,拥有蓝色鳞片的成年巨龙在高空盘旋着,在她那硕大的、仿佛宝石般的眼睛中,倒映着下方那片满目疮痍的大地景象。 The corrupt precipice is overlapping, the demon plant that twists mutation variously grows in the rock layers recklessly, the soil presents the unclear purple black, and is fluctuating thin mist above, this piece Was extended Black Forest from Dark Mountain Range to south by the chaotic mana corrupt region, the belt-shaped plain, Wall of Magnificence, finally is Gondor Wasteland- continuously spread to that fearful Deep Blue mana storm, that will be including Great Dragon to feel place that will dread. 腐化的山岩层层叠叠,各种各样扭曲变异的魔化植物在岩层之间肆意生长,土壤呈现出不详的紫黑色,并在其上浮动着一层稀薄的雾气,这片被混沌魔能腐化的区域从黑暗山脉一路向南延伸-黑森林,带状平原,宏伟之墙,最后是刚铎废土-一直蔓延到那可怕的深蓝魔力风暴中,那是连巨龙都会感到畏惧的地方。 The Great Dragon agitation pair of wings, from the sky adjusted an angle, her line of sight has swept the Black Forest boundary, huge, still in emitting the mist and dust impact pit appeared in her field of vision. 巨龙鼓动双翼,在空中调整了一个角度,她的视线扫过黑森林边界,一个规模巨大、仍然在冒出烟尘的冲击坑出现在她视野中。 She in upper air hovering, starts to summon obscure ancient Dragon Language Magic, surges along with mana, the pale golden rune illuminant shield also appears in in the air, magic power protects the wind sound/rumor that the shield isolated exterior howled, prepared the stable conversation environment for the communication. 她在高空悬停下来,开始呼唤晦涩古老的龙语魔法,伴随着魔力涌动,淡金色的符文光屏随之浮现在空中,法力护盾隔绝了外部呼啸的风声,为通讯准备出了安定的交谈环境。 Made the female sound from the Great Dragon mouth: Has arrived in the coordinates, south Dark Mountain Range, witnesses the crash pit, the scale is very big.” 巨龙口中发出了女性的声音:“已抵达坐标,黑暗山脉南部,目击到坠毁坑,规模很大。” The pale golden rune illuminant shield surface is beating complex symbol and line, slightly has the sound of distortion to transmit from the illuminant shield: „...... Receives...... please near the observation. The attention security, there approaches magic energy Area contamination very much, do not fall in inside.” 淡金色的符文光屏表面跳动着复杂的符号和线条,略有失真的声音从光屏中传来:“……收到……请抵近观察。注意安全,那里很靠近魔能污染,别掉在里面了。” Knows, I will be careful,” blue dragon slightly somewhat said carelessly, actually this place leaves true Area contamination is very far, I thought that flies should toward the south side also......” “知道,我会小心的,”蓝龙略有些大大咧咧地说道,“其实这地方离真正的污染还挺远的,我觉得往南边飞一飞应该也……” blue dragon finishes barely the words, in the illuminant shield broadcasts the serious sound immediately: Do not do unnecessary matter- did you forget the previous lesson?” 蓝龙话音未落,光屏中立刻传来了严肃的声音:“不要做多余的事-你忘记上次的教训了么?” „The previous that is not my mistake, moreover I land not to aim......” “上次那又不是我的错,而且我只是迫降没瞄准好么……” council is profound to your crash type forced landing impression, but in a short time we did not plan to watch again one time- please concentrate on at present in the duty.” 评议团对你的坠毁式迫降印象深刻,但短期内我们并不打算再观赏一次了-请把精力放在眼前任务上。” About blue dragon shook the head, as if the quite impatient appearance, she shuts off the communication later, the pair of wings wields suddenly, starts to decrease in the altitude fast. 蓝龙左右晃了晃脑袋,似乎颇为不耐烦的样子,随后她切断通讯,双翼猛然挥动,开始飞快地降低高度。 The Black Forest edge, in a piece of giant impact pit the mist and dust was still billowing, the powerful blow strength that before erupted raised to fly around the endocrater big piece vegetation, and left behind the radiated turtle crack in the pit edge, but in the endocrater center, most deep place that the mist and dust filled, metal wreckage of one group of twist deformations still burning hot. 黑森林边缘,一片巨大的冲击坑中仍然烟尘滚滚,之前爆发的强大冲击力将巨坑周围的大片植被掀飞了出去,并在坑边缘留下了大片大片放射状的龟裂纹,而在巨坑中央,烟尘弥漫的最深处,一团扭曲变形的金属残骸仍然炙热。 The strong winds blow suddenly, scattered the impact pit bottom mist and dust, blue Great Dragon dropped from the clouds, along with the heavy landing sound, that huge body stopped together safely in the impact pit. 狂风骤然吹起,驱散了冲击坑底的烟尘,蓝色巨龙从天而降,伴随着一道沉重的落地声,那庞大的身躯稳稳当当地停在了冲击坑内。 I am very steady.” “我还是挺稳的嘛。” blue dragon underestimated in a soft voice, the starting to walk footsteps, arrived at the impact pit bottom later, before arriving at that group still the metal wreckage of burning hot . 蓝龙轻声低估了一句,随后迈开脚步,来到了冲击坑底,来到那团仍然炙热的金属残骸前。 That is one length about 2-3 meters and diameters is less than half meter alloy installment, although it experienced when the superhigh temperature of breaking in atmosphere and falls down fearful impact, the basic shape of wreckage was still complete, it roughly assumes the circular cylinder, both sides have broken, extends many from the fracture already the copper-cored cable and control that scorches, but circular cylinder surface, then can also see that some bulge structures- all sorts of characteristics showed, this wreckage flakes from a bigger individual. 那是一个长度约有2-3米、直径不到半米的合金装置,尽管它经历了冲入大气层的超高温和坠地时的可怕冲击,残骸的基本形状却仍然完好,其大致呈圆柱体,两端已经断裂,从断口中延伸出来许多已经烧焦的线缆和管束,而圆柱体表面,则还能看到一些凸起结构-种种特征表明,这块残骸是从一个更大的个体上剥落下来的。 „...... Oh...... really......” “……唉……果然……” In the blue dragon mouth sent out a sigh, later she stretches out the giant claw, held that still to have the alloy installment of astonishing heat. 蓝龙口中发出了一声叹息,随后她伸出巨大的爪子,抓住了那个仍然带有惊人热量的合金装置。 Recycling wreckage.” “回收残骸。” The giant pair of wings is agitating the mana in air as well as air, had the upper air the Great Dragon huge body, after arriving in signaling altitude, she first circled same place a meeting, as if in hesitated must investigate to a farther place, but hesitant a moment later, she opened the communication. 巨大的双翼鼓动着空气以及空气中的魔力,将巨龙庞大的身躯带到了高空,在抵达信号传输高度之后,她首先原地盘旋了一会,似乎在犹豫着要不要向更远的地方探查一下,但犹豫片刻之后,她还是打开了通讯。 The pale golden rune illuminant shield appears again in the air, spreads a rapid sound from the rune illuminant shield: Situation how? Thing confirmation?” 淡金色的符文光屏再次浮现在空气中,从符文光屏内传出略带一丝急促的声音:“情况怎么样?东西确认了么?” Crash thing had confirmed, is fragment that the glow Platform 1 or the glow stand to fall off on the 2nd, seems like portion of attraction calibrator- perhaps it is still working in crash, falls down the great quantity energy that releases instantaneously to explode an astonishingly huge big hole here. Oh, but also was really said by scholars right.” “坠落物已确认,是辉光一号站或辉光二号站上脱落的碎片,看起来很像是引力校准器的一部分-它在坠落的时候恐怕还在工作,坠地瞬间释放出的巨量能量在这里炸出了一个规模惊人的大坑。唉,还真被学者们说对了。” Really was the glow space station......” the sound in rune illuminant shield stopped the moment, „the installment that Voyager left behind...... one by one must arrive in the life span limit.” “果然是辉光空间站么……”符文光屏内的声音停顿了片刻,“起航者留下的装置……一个个都要抵达寿命极限了啊。” One day will go bad, we do not have the preparation.” “总有一天会坏的,咱们不是早就有心理准备么。” Being mentally prepared and is ready to be different,” spreads the helpless sound from the illuminant shield, „the present key question is, heritage that Voyager stays behind possibly before this season cycle ended damages massively, but until now, this Season of Civilization each race still could not see the hope that collapses slightly......” “做好心理准备和做好准备可不一样,”从光屏中传出无奈的声音,“现在的关键问题是,起航者留下的遗产可能会在这一季周期结束之前就大量损毁,但直到现在,本季文明的各个种族仍然看不到丝毫破局的希望……” blue dragon is silent, she in the strong winds of upper air hovering, as if had nothing to say in reply, but after a half minute, she broke suddenly silent: Is uncertain.” 蓝龙沉默下来,她在高空的狂风中悬停着,似乎无言以对,但半分钟后她突然打破了沉默:“也不一定。” Un?” “嗯?” perhaps these has the favorable turn time.” 或许这一次有转机。” The sound that in the illuminant shield spreads somewhat is immediately surprised: Favorable turn? You said that which...... may let alone be these Siren in these Elf or distant seas, the inheritance of these Elf have interrupted, these Siren...... god knows these Siren are thinking anything all day.” 光屏中传出的声音顿时有些惊讶:“转机?你说哪个……可别说是那些精灵或者远海里的那些海妖啊,那些精灵的传承早已经中断了,那些海妖……天知道那些海妖整天都在想什么。” „It is not they, is Human Race,” about blue dragon is rocking the head, strictly speaking, is the state that dying and being reborn Human Race establishes...... seems like some meanings.” “不是他们,是人类,”蓝龙左右晃动着脑袋,“严格来讲,是那个死而复生的人类所建立的国度……似乎有些意思。” That Human Race named Gawain Cecil?” Some sound slightly accidents/surprises in illuminant shield, „, his resurrecting was impressive, moreover his development was truly unexpected......, but did you see the hope of collapsing from him? Did you confirm?” “那个叫高文?塞西尔人类?”光屏中的声音略有一些意外,“啊,他的复活令人印象深刻,而且他的发展确实出人意料……但你从他身上看到了破局的希望?你确认?” Did not confirm, but the phenomenon I say your possibly startled,” blue dragon said, in his Cecil duchy, the Holy Light strength is developing, but the God of Holy Light strength...... is actually dropping.” “不确认,但有一个现象我说出来你可能会吓一跳,”蓝龙说道,“在他的塞西尔公国,圣光的力量正在发展,但圣光之神的力量……却在减退。” „...... Unbelievable!” “……难以置信!” But this is real.” blue dragon said assuredly, but when she prepared to continue anything, an unusual palpitation feeling actually broke her suddenly. “但这是真的。”蓝龙笃定地说道,可就在她准备继续说些什么的时候,一股奇特的心悸感却突然打断了她。 In some under intuition function that surpasses the Human Race understanding, blue dragon determines immediately the origin of this palpitation feeling, she fluttered to leave the hovering position suddenly, later circled while diligently looked up, looked to the upper air. 在某种超出人类理解的直觉作用下,蓝龙立刻确定了这股心悸感的来源,她猛然振翅离开了悬停的位置,随后一边盘旋一边努力仰起头,看向高空。 Not, come?!” “不会吧,又来?!” The illuminant shield opposite dragon heard yelling of blue dragon, immediately asked about the situation: What had?!” 光屏对面的龙听到了蓝龙的喊叫,马上询问情况:“发生什么了?!” Is the spying on feeling from unchecked sources...... came from the above!” blue dragon batters in the upper air, the tone quite somewhat goes wild, damn...... I thought that is...... you who passes from the satellite direction really confirmed Voyager hasn't come back?” “又是来源不明的窥探感……来自正上方!”蓝龙在高空横冲直撞,语气颇有些抓狂,“该死……我还是觉得那是从卫星方向传过来的……你们真的确认起航者没回来?” Definitely can confirm that- in brief you need to leave the current position as soon as possible. Casts off tracing, goes to the western polymerization point, will have the clansman to aid you there.” “完全可以确认-总之你需要尽快离开当前位置。甩开追踪,前往西部聚合点,会有族人在那里接应你。” I want to cast off...... blue dragon actually goes all out to change in the in the air flight trajectory while is shouting, the key does not cast off...... damn, perhaps I must perform one time that...... ” “我倒是想甩开……”蓝龙一边拼命改变着自己在空中的飞行轨迹一边嚷嚷着,关键是甩不开……该死,恐怕我又要表演一次那个了……” „?! You may, if wants good......” “啊?!你可要想好……” It‘s nothing, if wants, hesitant, will crash- I thought that my time can definitely succeed.” “没什么要想的了,犹豫,就会坠毁-我觉得我这次肯定能成功。” ...... …… Gawain slightly somewhat exhaustedly and dejectedly cut off the satellite connection. 高文略有些疲惫和沮丧地切断了卫星连线。 Also with losing. 又跟丢了。 With the previous identical situation: After monitored some time continually, Great Dragon then detected that spying from outer space, ta rapidly changed the flight direction in an unreadable maneuver manner later, vanishes in the field of vision thoroughly. 与上次如出一辙的情况:在持续监视了一段时间之后,巨龙便察觉到了来自外太空的窥探,随后ta以一种令人难以理解的机动方式迅速改变了飞行方向,彻底消失在视野中。 But matter Gawain is certain: Great Dragon that these presents time, with when monitoring Fort Accord, should be the same head that he sees previous time. 但有一件事高文可以肯定:这一次出现的巨龙,和上一次在监控缔约堡时他所看到的,应该是同一头。 ( Yo!!) (呦!!)
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