SOD :: Volume #6

#547: Earthquake?

The change of society is complex, but on the other hand, it in a disorderly way may follow in the special time change under section and special condition- will be doomed to touch landed noble benefit on such as the transformation of Typhon Emperor, such as the emergence of industry will definitely expedite childbirth to take the machine factory rather than the land as the emerging social class of capital, the young aristocrat who such as will join in the capital can definitely have the separate with the big aristocrat, the old-style raw materials provenance will definitely encounter the exploitation of industrial group...... all these is a complete chain, even if no one will promote, they will also happen naturally. 社会的变化是复杂的,但从另一方面看,它在特定时间段、特定条件下的变化又是有规律可循的-就如提丰皇帝的变革注定会触动土地贵族利益,就如工业的出现必然会催生以机器工厂而非土地为资本的新兴阶级,就如投身资本的小贵族必然会和大贵族产生割裂,旧式的原料产地必然会遭到工业集团的剥削……这一切都是一个完整的链条,哪怕没有任何人去推动,它们也会自然而然地发生。 So long as looks for the key points of these chains, so long as will push such a...... to accelerate slightly suddenly. 只要找准这些链条的关键点,只要轻微地推那么一下……一切就都会陡然加速。 Daniel must do, pushes in these key nodes, or guides slightly such, thus by smallest taking by force must the biggest achievement. 丹尼尔要做的,就是在这些关键节点推一把,或者稍微引导那么一下,从而以最小的力取得最大的成果。 But even so, must depend upon an old mage person of strength to affect the entire Typhon development process is still a very difficult matter, Gawain needed to confirm whether Daniel can successfully complete these bold plans. 但即便这样,要依靠老法师一人之力来影响整个提丰的发展进程仍然是一件很困难的事情,高文有必要确认丹尼尔是否能顺利完成这些大胆的计划。 Facing alien traveller the question, Daniel has not concealed itself in the Typhon domestic personal connection and influence: Although I far away from the Typhon Imperial Capital many years, but I also many available...... some Imperial Capital aristocrats and I have the old friendship...... many title low aristocrats to crave in the personal connection of imperial mage association in pull closer the relations with no faction mage of imperial mage association, I after returning to Imperial Capital already and many of them made the contact......” 面对“域外游荡者”的质疑,丹尼尔没有隐瞒自己在提丰国内的人脉和影响力:“虽然我远离提丰帝都多年,但我在皇家法师协会的人脉还有不少可用……部分帝都贵族和我有旧交情……不少爵位较低的贵族热衷于和皇家法师协会的无派系法师拉近关系,我在返回帝都之后已经和他们中的不少人建立了联系……” Done good,” the Gawain slight nod, such as I once warned your, you must operate your influence, I matter that wants you to handle, is far from a person of strength can complete.” “做的不错,”高文微微点头,“就如我曾告诫你的,你要经营起自己的势力,我要你做的事情,远非一人之力可以完成。” I have respectfully followed your will,” Daniel lowers the head immediately, later he slightly hesitant, probes is opening the mouth saying that My Lord, about increasing manpower, I have the matter to report to you.” “我一直谨遵您的意志,”丹尼尔立刻低下头,随后他略微犹豫了一下,试探着开口道,“吾主,关于增加人手方面,我有事情向您汇报。” Gawain nods: Said.” 高文点点头:“说吧。” My apprentice Mary, I think that she had adopted the inspection,” Daniel said discretely, she is very high in the mathematical science domain talent, the knowledge that you grant she has grasped most, moreover her loyalty can also guarantee, I think she meets your requirement.” “我的学徒玛丽,我认为她已经通过了考核,”丹尼尔谨慎地说道,“她在数理领域天赋很高,您赐予的知识她已经掌握大半,而且她的忠诚也可以保证,我认为她符合您的要求。” Gawain hesitates slightly: Mary...... you have truly mentioned her.” 高文略微沉吟起来:“玛丽么……你确实提到过她。” He knows Daniel several apprentice, especially to that named Mary some apprentice impressions, when is very early, he had said wants old mage to select the talent from apprentice, teaches the mathematical science knowledge, hoping can increase available manpower, but that female mage named Mary, seems like Daniel most satisfactory one. 他知道丹尼尔的几个学徒,尤其对那个叫做“玛丽”的学徒有些印象,在很早的时候,他就说过要老法师学徒中遴选人才,传授数理知识,以期能够增加可用人手,而那个叫做玛丽的女法师,似乎是丹尼尔最满意的一个。 Such being the case, when will meet with next time leads her to see me,” Gawain made the decision, also just right, we grasp non- implantation -type nerve rope technology now, can without conducting the nerve transformed does not use Repose of Eternity secret spell the network access.” “既然如此,那就在下次会面的时候带她来见我吧,”高文做出了决定,“也正好,我们现在掌握了非植入式的神经索技术,可以让人在不进行神经改造也不使用永眠秘术的情况下接入网络了。” Is saying, he while waves gently, then appears immediately the hologram projection of immersion type nerve cabin sky over the round table, also appears with the necessary blueprint and exhaustive technology material all around the projection. 一边说着,他一边轻轻挥手,在圆桌上空立刻便浮现出了浸入式神经座舱的全息投影,与之配套的蓝图和详尽的技术资料也随之浮现在投影四周。 Rebecca quite happily said: We are use this to connect.” 瑞贝卡颇为得意地说道:“我们就是利用这个连接进来的。” This is......” Daniel decides looks at that float in the hologram image of midair, in this flash, does not know that many complex mood welled up his heart suddenly. “这就是……”丹尼尔定定地看着那漂浮在半空的全息影像,在这一瞬间,不知多少复杂的情绪突然涌上了他的心头。 This is non- implantation -type connection technology, can let not have the person of Eternal Sleepers talent also to enter the mind network technology. 这就是非植入式的连接技术,可以让不具备永眠者天赋的人也能进入心灵网络的技术 He remembered himself in the body of real world, remembered these became by oneself with the monster same implantation type nerve rope, remembered that once almost to compel the insane sequela him, these illusions, these stabbing pain, these maddening noises...... 他想起了自己在现实世界的躯体,想起了那些让自己变得和怪物一样的植入式神经索,想起了那曾经几乎将他逼疯的后遗症,那些幻觉,那些刺痛,那些令人发狂的噪声…… The nerve rope takes root in the spine/ridge marrow, connects on the brain, his whole life was probably impossible to leave these nerve ropes. 神经索扎根在髓中,连接在大脑上,他大概这辈子都不可能离开那些神经索了。 But his non- implantation type nerve rope, was finally successful. 但他的“非植入式神经索”,终于是成功了。 His mentality, his theory, his research direction, is correct. 他的思路,他的理论,他的研究方向,是正确的。 At least, Mary need not like oneself, opens so many holes between the spine/ridge vertebra and brain stem. 至少,玛丽不用像自己一样,在椎和脑干之间开那么多洞。 Complete material here, I will also take them to save in this secure space, facilitates you to transfer momentarily,” the Gawain's sound takes Daniel to awaken from the thinking, on some spare parts use the Cecil's machine building, your side does not have the processing equipment of correspondence, but I labelled the detailed working condition, I believe that you have the ability to make them as high level mage.” “全部资料都在这里,我也会把它们存储在这个安全空间里,方便你随时调用,”高文的声音把丹尼尔从思索中惊醒,“这上面的一些零部件是利用塞西尔的机器制造的,你那边没有对应的加工设备,但我标注了详细的加工条件,我相信你作为一个高阶法师有能力把它们制造出来。” This is the extraordinary domain advantage-, although machine advantage quite a lot, but Extraordinary, so long as is willing to devote the time and energy, often can also bare-handed make to conform to the product of industrial request, at least in early stage of industrial development, Extraordinary, if wants the hand to rub several gear levers, even the hand rubs several engines and hands to rub a magical car(riage) to have the possibility. 这便是超凡领域的好处-虽然机器优势颇多,但超凡者们只要愿意付出时间和精力,往往也能徒手做出符合工业要求的产物,最起码在工业发展的早期阶段,超凡者们要想手搓几个齿轮杠杆,甚至手搓几台引擎、手搓一辆魔导车都是有可能的。 Daniel lowers the head respectfully: I must not make you disappointed.” 丹尼尔恭敬地低下头去:“我必不会令您失望。” ...... …… In the light and bright laboratory, Amber quite sits on Gawain nearby chair bored, in manipulates begins the small dagger while observes that one by one to be at the closed position Immersion Cabin, occasionally also turns head to look by one deep sleep Gawain, really cannot bear mumble finally: This group of people feared that do not rest the dead past......” 宽敞明亮的实验室内,琥珀颇为无聊地坐在高文旁边的椅子上,一边摆弄着手里的小匕首一边观察着那一个个正处于闭合状态的浸入舱,偶尔还扭头看一眼旁边沉睡着的高文,最后实在忍不住嘟囔起来:“这帮人怕不是要睡死过去哦……” The sound that has slightly the metal vibrato never the distant place transmits: This is not possible, the life detects rune to show that the life symptom of here everyone is very normal.” 一个带着微微金属颤音的声音从不远处传来:“这是不可能的,生命侦测符文显示这里每一个人的生命体征都很正常。” Amber lifts the eyelid, saw that diameter one meter many silver-white color funny egg is moving fast is inspecting the equipment situation in several Immersion Cabin, she curls the lip: Talked nonsense, Carmel that side life detected rune to be dark.” 琥珀抬起眼皮,看到一个直径一米多的银白色滑稽蛋正飘飘忽忽地在几个浸入舱之间检查着设备情况,她撇了撇嘴:“瞎说,卡迈尔那边的生命侦测符文就是暗的。” Nicholas Egg turned around to look at one calmly to float by Immersion Cabin, is maintaining connection ancient Sorcerer by more than ten arcane Thermal Energy Conversion and Immersion Cabin, made humming sound the sound: But Carmel oneself am bright.” 尼古拉斯蛋转身看了一眼正静静漂浮在浸入舱旁、以十几道奥术电流浸入舱保持着连接的古代魔导师,发出嗡嗡的声音:“但卡迈尔本人是亮的啊。” Your this ball is really is serious in the place that should not enforce, your smile, Amber could not bear show the whites of the eyes white/in vain blindly, later slightly somewhat looks at present Iron Ball Alien, however...... don't you feel curiously regrettably?” “你这球真是在不该严肃的地方严肃,白瞎你这幅笑脸了,”琥珀忍不住翻个白眼,随后略有些好奇地看着眼前的铁球星人,“不过话说回来……你就不感觉遗憾么?” Nicholas Egg is perplexed: What to regret?” 尼古拉斯蛋不明所以:“遗憾什么?” Many components of these installments are you make personally, but yourself do not have the means to use them,” Amber said, Carmel can directly through inducing the mana means network access, you not good...... isn't this regrettable?” “这些装置的很多零件都是你亲自造出来的,但你自己却没办法使用它们,”琥珀说道,“就连卡迈尔都能直接通过感应魔力的办法接入网络,你却不行……这不遗憾么?” Nicholas Egg slightly was silent, about is rocking the body: Without the matter of means- my life form was too special, I simply do not have so-called nervous system , the induction what mana fluctuation, makes time Pittman of nerve rope to experiment on me, I do not have to a that thing response. However on the other hand...... I did not think has what regret.” 尼古拉斯蛋略微沉默了一下,左右晃动着身体:“没办法的事-我的生命形式太特殊了,我根本没有所谓的‘神经系统’,也感应不到什么魔力波动,做出神经索的时候皮特曼就在我身上试验过,我对那东西一点反应都没有。不过话又说回来……我也不觉得有什么遗憾的。” „Oh?” “哦?” I know that in that mind network is the what kind world,” Nicholas Egg decreased in own altitude slightly, that is the world in Human Race Dreamland......, but that is Human Race Dreamland, is not my. My that world not here, is not in the dreams of your anyone.” “我知道那个心灵网络里面是个什么样的世界,”尼古拉斯蛋微微降低了自己的高度,“那是人类梦境中的世界吧……但那是人类梦境,不是我的。我的那个世界不在这里,也不在你们任何一个人的梦里。” This world has Shadow World, has Nether Shadow World, has Elemental World and many torn to pieces outer space, regarding person who can contact these knowledge, foreign land guest is not an unimaginable concept, even so, Nicholas Egg this surpassed the life body of general knowledge completely is still inconceivable, initially Feudal Territory just established, to prevent to cause the outside world excessively to pay attention, Gawain to this Iron Ball Alien arranged ancient Sorcerer the status, but this was also only the foreign public formulation, regarding the Cecil's high level, regarding obtains core personnel of Gawain trust, they knew some Nicholas Egg origins somewhat. 这个世界有着暗影界,有着幽影界,有着元素世界和许许多多支离破碎的外层空间,对于能够接触到这些知识的人而言,“异域来客”并不是个不可想象的概念,但即便如此,尼古拉斯蛋这样完全超出常识的生命体仍然是不可思议的,当初领地刚刚建立,为了防止引起外界过多关注,高文给这个铁球星人安排了“古代魔导师”的身份,但这也只是对外的公开说法而已,对于塞西尔的高层,对于已经得到高文信任的核心人员,他们多多少少是知道一些尼古拉斯蛋的来历的。 A marvelous foreign land guest. 一个奇妙的异域来客。 Amber looks at this foreign land guest, cannot bear ask suddenly: Words said, you do want to look for a partner?” 琥珀看着这位异域来客,突然忍不住问道:“话说,你要不要找个伴啊?” „......?” “……啊?” You are not lonely,” the thought of Amber has diverged, „, or I said one to old dumpling (corpse), looks for a partner to you......” “你不孤单么,”琥珀的思维已经发散开来,“要不我跟老粽子说一声,给你找个伴吧……” The Nicholas Egg entire ball is a little shocking: Which on you asks a partner to go to me!?” 尼古拉斯蛋整个球都有点震惊:“你上哪给我找个伴去!?” Amber opens mouth: With lathe car(riage) one......” 琥珀张嘴就来:“用车床车一个……” Nicholas Egg: „...... And other meetings, I think where you have make a mistake......” 尼古拉斯蛋:“……等会,我想你有哪搞错……” However Amber compares is not easy to stop ; Right, were you male ball female ball?” 然而琥珀比比起来可不是那么容易停下的;“对了,你是个男球还是女球啊?” „It is not, I thought that now is good, I in Machine Building the day is also very substantial......” “不是,我觉得现在就挺好的,我在机械制造所的日子也挺充实……” Amber is excited at this time, this easy intermittent stimulated Half-Elf to the Nicholas Egg software problem had the strong interest suddenly: Words said that my intuition you are a male ball, but thinks carefully, you divide the men and women......” 琥珀这时候却已经自顾自地兴奋起来,这个容易间歇性亢奋的半精灵突然就对尼古拉斯蛋的个人问题产生了浓厚的兴趣:“话说我一直觉得你是个男球,但仔细想想,你们分男女……” At this moment, slight rocking transmits suddenly, finally broke continuing of this goose to compare. 就在这时,一阵轻微的晃动突然传来,终于打断了这只鹅的持续比比。 But rocks along with this slightly, never knows the bellow that the far place hears indistinctly. 而伴随着这阵轻微晃动的,还有从不知多远的地方隐隐约约传来的轰鸣声。 Amber first responded, especially was sensitive to any slight rocking as Stalker her, but the sound that resounded was to let her ear knife edge all of a sudden set upright, the response of Nicholas Egg was slower: He floats in the midair, cannot induce the vibration to ground very well, therefore transmits him to ask until the sound curiously: Probably a little sound?” 琥珀第一个反应过来,作为潜行者的她对任何轻微的晃动都格外敏感,而紧接着响起的声音更是让她的耳朵都支棱一下子竖了起来,尼古拉斯蛋的反应则慢了一些:他漂浮在半空,并不能很好地感应到地面的震动,所以直到声音传来他才好奇地问道:“好像有点动静?” Earthquake......” Amber has stood up, her ear is vibrating in the air keenly, shifts unceasingly has the direction that the weak sound conveys one by one, simultaneously the hand has placed on the Gawain shoulder, the preparation awakens the latter momentarily. “地震了么……”琥珀已经站起身,她的耳朵灵敏地在空气中抖动着,不断转向各个有微弱声音传来的方向,同时手已经放在了高文肩膀上,准备随时把后者叫醒。 But the vibration continued a small little while merely, that low and deep remote sound also stopped quickly. 但震动仅仅持续了一小会儿,那低沉遥远的声音也很快就停了下来。 „It seems like from very far place transmits, moreover had stopped,” Amber looked at Nicholas Egg one, your looks at, I relate the outpost here.” “似乎是从很远的地方传来的,而且已经停了,”琥珀看了尼古拉斯蛋一眼,“你在这里看着,我去联系一下哨站。” The Elf keen hearing makes her judge that the final sound transmits from South, this brought the enormous anxiety to her. 精灵的敏锐听力让她判断出最后的动静是从南方传来的,这给她带来了极大的不安。 Nicholas Egg rubbish: Good.” 尼古拉斯蛋没有废话:“好。” The Amber form disappears in the air rapidly, but she has not left too far- is equipped with the magic circuit terminal that the communication uses in Magical Technology Research Institute, she arrived at the recent terminal engine room, later the direct call established the look-out station in Dark Mountain Range. 琥珀的身影迅速消失在空气中,但她并没有离开太远-在魔导技术研究所内便设置有通讯用的魔网终端机,她来到了最近的终端机房,随后直接呼叫了设置在黑暗山脉中的监视站。 Sky over the terminal appears the scene of look-out station, a thin and tall soldier appears in the hologram projection: Here is the Dark Mountain Range No. 1 gate house, salutes to you, Amber director.” 终端机上空浮现出监视站的景象,一名高高瘦瘦的士兵出现在全息投影上:“这里是黑暗山脉一号哨所,向您致敬,琥珀局长。” Outpost, does your side have the situation?” Amber asks immediately, here was shocked a moment ago.” “哨站,你们那边有情况么?”琥珀立刻问道,“这里刚才感到震动。” Yes, we are just about to report- south Dark Mountain Range, the Black Forest boundary had the change a moment ago, possibly is the earthquake or the landslide.” “是,我们正要汇报-在黑暗山脉南麓,黑森林边界刚才有异动,可能是地震或山体滑坡。” Is only that side Black Forest? Doesn't Wall of Magnificence have the sound?” “只是黑森林那边?宏伟之墙没动静?” Wall of Magnificence all normal, sun observation also all normal, mana environment all normal.” 宏伟之墙一切正常,日轮观测也一切正常,魔力环境一切正常。” Amber relaxes slightly, but thought somewhat felt strange: Earthquake or landslide? But how I thought that also heard as if exploded the same sound......” 琥珀略微松了口气,但还是觉得有些奇怪:“地震或山体滑坡?但我怎么觉得还听到了仿佛爆炸一样的动静……” Here also heard, but cannot see the explosion source, possibly was prevented by the appearance of the mountain. Moreover, a sentry sees western South to having the unclear flash, but is unable to confirm.” “这里也听到了,但看不见爆炸源,可能是被山势阻挡。另外,一名哨兵看到西南方向有不明闪光,但无法确认。” „...... I understood,” Amber shouted the tone, no matter first that is the earthquake or the landslide, in brief enhances vigilance, is staring at Wall of Magnificence, I the situation will report that gives Feudal Lord.” “……我明白了,”琥珀呼了口气,“先不管那是地震还是山体滑坡,总之提高警惕,盯着宏伟之墙,我会把情况报告给领主的。” Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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