SOD :: Volume #6

#534: Providing for a rainy day

Quick, Hetty and Rebecca then arrived at the Gawain's study room, catches up is Carmel and Pittman- besides Hetty that catches up with from the government affairs hall, other three people were called by Amber from the Magical Technology Research Institute laboratory. 很快,赫蒂瑞贝卡便来到了高文的书房,紧接着赶来的则是卡迈尔皮特曼-除了从政务厅赶来的赫蒂之外,其余三人都是从魔导技术研究所的实验室里被琥珀叫出来的。 Passing through the gate, Hetty the serious atmosphere that notices side Gawain to linger, this atmosphere enforced, even if side also stood the degree that Amber is unable to dilute, therefore she inquires immediately: Ancestor, what happened?” 一进门,赫蒂就注意到了高文身边萦绕的严肃气氛,这气氛严肃到了哪怕旁边还站着个琥珀都无法稀释的程度,于是她立刻询问道:“先祖,发生什么事了?” Before saying proper business, the matter I think that was the time tells you,” Gawain is saying, while observed the situation entire room: Here, is his side most trustworthy people, you should know that I had swallowed Eternal Sleepers soul.” “在说正事之前,有一件事我认为是时候告诉你们了,”高文一边说着,一边环视了整个房间一圈:在这里的,都是他身边最值得信赖的人,“你们应该知道吧,我曾经吞噬过一个永眠者灵魂。” Hetty nods: Yes, that was last year matter.” 赫蒂点了点头:“是的,那是去年的事。” From the Eternal Sleepers memory, I solved the secret of their mind network,” Gawain sinking sound said, „, I am always connecting their networks through the relation of mind level- about their many secret restricted data as well as their technology, is actually adopts this way to come.” “从永眠者的记忆中,我破解了他们心灵网络的秘密,”高文沉声说道,“一直以来,我都在通过心灵层面的联系接入他们的网络-关于他们的很多机密资料以及他们的技术,其实都是通过这个途径来的。” The voice falls, the person in room look at each other in blank dismay, the expression actually varies, Pittman revealed expected look, when Hetty in some were surprised showed the look of ponder, Amber had a face „your old man is really bad the drop very the expression to size up Gawain up and down, Carmel flashed 44 to pat Politeness Gawain has not understood his look is what meaning. 话音落下,房间中的人不禁面面相觑,表情却是各异,皮特曼露出了早有所料的模样,赫蒂则在些许惊讶之余露出了沉思的神色,琥珀带着一脸“你这个老头子果然坏滴很”的表情上下打量高文,卡迈尔则闪了个四四拍以示礼貌-高文没看懂他的神色是什么意思。 Rebecca cannot bear call out in alarm: Wā!!” 瑞贝卡忍不住惊呼起来:“哇!!” Obviously, everyone had more or less had an idea in this aspect or suspected, only has Rebecca this silly roe deer...... really to respond until today where Ancestor these unauthentic knowledge experiences from come. 显然,现场每一个人或多或少都曾经在这方面产生过一丝想法或者怀疑,只有瑞贝卡这傻狍子……是真的直到今天才反应过来老祖宗那些来路不明的知识经验都是从哪来的。 I had truly guessed what secret channel you through are investigating Eternal Sleepers, has not actually thought that you...... connected their network unexpectedly,” Hetty led to sigh, „before that you, had not said these with us, was because was worried to leak?” “我确实猜测过您在通过什么秘密途径调查永眠者,却没想到您竟然……接入了他们的网络,”赫蒂带着一丝感叹说着,“那么您之前一直没和我们说这些,是因为担心泄密?” Eternal Sleepers peeps at the ability of memory and knitting illusion is very thorny, I do not want to make them know that my network had been infiltrated, can only even person also conceal the truth together,” Gawain nods, the guess of Hetty, now has not definitely related, I have grasped their network the portion high-level jurisdiction, and removed the Eternal Sleepers believer in Cecil Lord city territory by this.” 永眠者窥视记忆和编织幻象的能力十分棘手,我不想让他们知道自己的网络已经被人渗透,就只能连身边的人也一起瞒着,”高文点点头,肯定了赫蒂的猜测,“不过现在已经没关系了,我已经掌握他们网络的一部分高级权限,并以此排除了塞西尔主城区域的永眠者教徒。” Afterward, Gawain described the Eternal Sleepers the general process of mind network as well as network access briefly and to the point- he hidden went to himself as remote thinking/proficiency special strength, but with dying and being reborn brought mental energy mutation explained own ability, 随后,高文言简意赅地描述了永眠者的心灵网络以及自己接入网络的大概经过-他隐去了自己作为“卫星精”的特殊力量,而是用死而复生所带来的精神力变异来解释自己的能力, Because must expand itself the strength sooner or later in Eternal Sleepers network, therefore Gawain before is very early plans to oneself connect the death network the situation to tell the portion reliable person, but had not found the opportunity, but intelligence that Daniel just transmitted lets his conscious, cannot waste the time. 因为迟早要扩大自己在永眠者网络中的力量,所以高文在很早之前就计划着要把自己接入永眠网络的情况告诉一部分可靠的人,只是始终没找到机会,而丹尼尔刚刚传来的情报让他意识到,已经不能浪费时间了。 After Gawain said some truth, has been contacting itself Eternal Sleepers technology Carmel then rapidly until now to study to connect, the two arcane flames of his head position became especially bright, and is gazing at the Gawain's eye: Since you have been able to connect the Eternal Sleepers mind network...... you to let the equipment that Magical Technology Research Institute makes by your strength are used......” 高文说出这部分真相之后,一直在接触永眠者技术卡迈尔便迅速把自己一直以来的研究串联了起来,他头颅位置的两点奥术火光变得格外明亮,并注视着高文的眼睛:“既然您已经能凭借自己的力量接入永眠者的心灵网络……那么您让魔导技术研究所制造的设备是用来……” Exploits the victory, the mind network is a good thing, we must use,” Gawain nods, and looks to standing in Carmel Pittman, „that non- implantation -type man-made nerve rope test how?” “扩大战果,心灵网络是个好东西,我们也要用,”高文点了点头,并看向站在卡迈尔身旁的皮特曼,“那么,非植入式的人造神经索测试情况怎么样了?” The man-made nerve rope is not from technology of zero research and development, since All Things Finally Die Society biochemical project personnel creates it, this lifeform pneumatic machinery creation had experienced dozens years of development and improvement in All Things Finally Die and All Things Finally Die liangs mission, Pittman as once double material Evil Cultist, is in itself grasping technology in this aspect, but that side Daniel is for more than ten years has been studying oneself nerve rope, and has simulated the structure of non- implantation type nerve rope, therefore Gawain is equal to having the ready-made material, ready-made technology personnel and ready-made experiment processing environment, must obtain available end product. How long does not need, spends the time only also to the test of sample. 人造神经索并不是个从零研发的技术,自从万物终亡会的生化工程人员将其创造出来之后,这种生物-机械造物已经在万物终亡个教团手里经历了几十年的发展和完善,皮特曼作为曾经的双料邪教徒,本身就掌握着这方面的技术,而丹尼尔那边则更是十几年来一直在研究自己身上的神经索,并已经模拟出了非植入式神经索的结构,所以高文这边等于有着现成的资料、现成的技术人员以及现成的实验加工环境,要得到可用的成品并不需要多长时间,唯一消耗时间的也只是对样品的测试而已。 In fact a while ago has trial produced the sample,” Pittman quite happily smiled, then looked at Rebecca one awkwardly, time being tested, the Miss Rebecca laboratory had the explosion, our that side also received some influences......, therefore the complete test and adjustment work have not been completed.” “事实上前阵子就已经试制出样品了,”皮特曼颇为得意地笑了起来,然后又尴尬地看了瑞贝卡一眼,“不过正在测试的时候,瑞贝卡小姐的实验室发生了爆炸,我们那边也受了一些影响……因此全部的测试和调整工作目前还没完成。” Rebecca shrank the neck immediately, Gawain remembered then situation simultaneously, discovered that really had such matter- 瑞贝卡顿时缩了缩脖子,高文则同时想起了当时的情况,发现确实有这么回事- Some time ago Rebecca for testing the laboratory of magic energy train power structure had the explosion, the experiment accident even caused the serious personnel damage, Druid and Alchemist that apprentices at that time Pittman and he led was the first batch rushes to the scene, at that time Pittman raised him to test the nerve rope...... 不久前瑞贝卡用于测试魔能列车动力结构的实验室发生了爆炸,实验事故甚至造成了严重的人员损伤,当时皮特曼和他带领的德鲁伊炼金师学徒们是第一批赶到现场的,那时候皮特曼就提过一句他正在测试神经索…… This is one regrettable and skull pain matter, but the accident had taken place, Gawain can only accept this fact: Then at present the test result of stage how?” 这是一件令人遗憾和脑壳痛的事,但事故已经发生了,高文只能接受这个事实:“那么目前阶段的测试结果怎样?” Non- implantation -type nerve rope is truly feasible, can establishes the connection of unaccurate between the human brain and Magic Guiding Device, simultaneously to the damage and pressure of human body also lowered the acceptable degree, but the shortcoming were also many,” Pittman said, first is the current anti-jamming ability is too bad, because between the nerve ropes and cranial nerves did not have the direct connection, subconsciousness of human brain is unable to be effectively controlled, thereforetester after immersion was very easy by external environmentawakening, this needed one to isolate the environment of external interference effectively, next had short time cognitive disorder the situation, portion tester After the connection ended had several minutes of illusion continually, we suspected that this is because the nerve rope directly is not connected with the brain, brain after experiencing one compared with the long-term connection unable prompt perception to linkage interrupt occurrence , to continue to immerse in the inertia illusion finally.” “非植入式的神经索确实可行,能在人脑和魔导装置之间建立稳定可靠的连接,同时对人体的损伤和压力也降低到了可以接受的程度,但缺点也不少,”皮特曼说道,“首先是目前的抗干扰能力还是太差,因为神经索和脑神经之间没有直接连接,人脑的潜意识无法得到有效控制,因此在‘浸入’之后测试者很容易被外部环境‘惊醒’,这就需要一个能有效隔绝外部干扰的环境,其次是发生了短时间‘认知紊乱’的情况,一部分测试者在连接结束之后持续产生了数分钟的幻觉,我们怀疑这是因为神经索没有和大脑直接相连,以至于大脑在经历了一段较长时间的连接之后无法及时感知到‘连接中断’的发生,结果继续沉浸在惯性的幻象内。” About this, I have a plan,” Pittman just said, nearby Carmel then added that we can design a scene that before the linkage interrupt had the intense prompt function- made the brain know that will then return to the real world, this perhaps can reduce the following cognitive disorder the duration.” “关于这个,我有个方案,”皮特曼刚说完,旁边的卡迈尔便补充道,“我们可以在连接中断之前设计一个具有强烈提示作用的场景-让大脑知道接下来将回到现实世界,这或许能减少后续认知紊乱的持续时间。” This interrupt scene how and does the flow of nerve rope broken line guarantee 100% correspondences?” Pittman asked the issue in view of the suggestion of Carmel, „, if interrupt scene happened, the nerve rope has not actually separated, or the nerve rope separated, interrupts the scene actually to have problems, the brain of connection will instead possibly be in a state of more serious cognitive disorder......” “这个‘中断场景’和神经索断线的流程怎么保证百分之百对应?”皮特曼针对卡迈尔的建议提出了问题,“如果‘中断场景’发生了,神经索却没断开,或者神经索断开了,中断场景却出了问题,连接者的大脑反而可能会陷入更严重的认知紊乱状态……” We can make three confirmations in this process, the nerve rope controller send out the signal that will soon interrupt, issues the imaginary technique generator matrix , indicating oneself have prepared to separate, after the imaginary technique matrix receives the signal, returns to the nerve rope controller , indicating the signal that oneself have been ready, after the nerve rope controller receives two times feedback signals, feedback confirms finally , indicating that both sides complete the synchronization, the imaginary technique matrix after receiving this signal to the prompt of brain production interrupt connection, the nerve rope closes down simultaneously- this can cut to slightly the synchronized wrong probability.” “我们可以在这个过程做三次确认,神经索控制器发出即将中断的信号,发给幻术生成矩阵,表示自己已准备断开,幻术矩阵收到信号之后再返回给神经索控制器,表示自己已做好准备,神经索控制器收到二次回馈信号之后再回传一个最终确认的信号,表示双方完成同步,幻术矩阵在收到这个信号之后再对大脑生成中断连接的提示,同时神经索关机-这样可以把同步错误的几率降低到最小。” „? Your this idea...... was right! We can also use this mentality in the magic circuit communication, such perhaps can solve at present the situation of remote areas signal dislocation......” “哦?你这个想法可以啊……对了!我们可以把这个思路也用在魔网通讯上,这样或许就能解决目前偏远地区信号错位的情况了……” Once technology personnel entered the technology discussion link then such as to change individual, Pittman started to prove various testing plans with Carmel seriously, Amber that stand side watched the fun actually after the topic suddenly shifted to the technology level was in a state of delay, her startled is listening to little old man and Pittman at a that your my place discussion, long time could not bear poke the arm of Rebecca: Their this discussed that what thing...... you can understand?” 技术人员一旦进入技术讨论环节便如换了个人,就连皮特曼都开始一本正经地跟卡迈尔论证起各种实验方案来,站旁边看热闹的琥珀却在话题突然转向技术层面之后陷入了呆滞状态,她一愣一愣地听着小老头皮特曼在那你一句我一句地讨论,良久才忍不住戳了戳瑞贝卡的胳膊:“他们这讨论什么玩意儿呢……你能听懂么?” Rebecca thinks, a face is natural: Can.” 瑞贝卡想了想,一脸理所当然:“能啊。” Amber: „......” 琥珀:“……” A huge frustration covered the Miss Half-Elf Innermost feelings Gawain noticed the expression change of this disgrace of all living things and deeply feels the understanding, he guesses that Amber mood at this moment with knew on the road maintenance crew probably suddenly that with the fellow of oneself together math not pass a test in fact is a leaning branch big shot who spoke 18 country languages was a feeling...... 一股巨大的挫败感笼罩了半精灵小姐的内心-高文注意到了这个万物之耻的表情变化并深感理解,他猜琥珀此刻的心情大概跟突然知道班上那个跟自己一起数学不及格的家伙事实上是个通晓十八国语言的偏科大佬是一个感觉…… But here is not a laboratory, Gawain has to break the discussion of Carmel and Pittman: Since you have the following plan, that completes the follow-up test as soon as possible, I need you to complete interconnection equipment that in the shortest time can practical.” 但这里并不是实验室,高文不得不打断卡迈尔皮特曼的讨论:“既然你们已经有了接下来的方案,那就尽快完成后续测试吧,我需要你们在最短的时间内完成可以实用的连接设备。” Carmel bends the waist slightly, sends out to have the sound of energy trembling: Such as you hope.” 卡迈尔微微弯下腰来,发出带着能量震颤的声音:“如您所愿。” Pittman asked one curiously: Was that side Eternal Sleepers has the situation? How do you worry suddenly?” 皮特曼则好奇地问了一句:“是永眠者那边发生情况了?您怎么突然这么着急?” Gawain shakes the head, the sinking sound said: Has the situation is not Eternal Sleepers, is Typhon.” 高文摇了摇头,沉声说道:“发生情况的不是永眠者,是提丰。” This time, Pittman is vacant. 这一次,就连皮特曼都茫然起来。 Can this also with the Typhon relation in? 这怎么还会和提丰联系上? That side Typhon, I arranged a concealed wiring,” around Gawain looks at the look of one by one doubts, said at a moderate pace, after „the special details of this concealed wiring me, told you, what now I must tell you, Typhonian...... must enter the magical industry the time.” “在提丰那边,我安排了一条暗线,”高文看着周围一个个疑惑的神色,不紧不慢地说道,“这条暗线的具体情况我之后再告诉你们,现在我要跟你们说的是,提丰人……也要进入魔导工业的时代了。” In everyone, the response is quickest, the simultaneous reaction also biggest person is Hetty. 在所有人中,反应最快,同时反应也最大的人是赫蒂 magical industry?!” This Cecil housekeeper calls out in alarm makes noise, „did they also make magic circuit and magical machine?” 魔导工业?!”这位塞西尔大管家惊呼出声,“他们也造出了魔网魔导机器?” They make magic circuit and magical machine are not fearful,” Gawain looked at Hetty one, in fact their magic circuit technology during I plan.” “他们造出魔网魔导机器并不可怕,”高文看了赫蒂一眼,“事实上他们的‘魔网技术本身就是在我计划之中的。” During you do plan?” Hetty is startled, later then noticed Gawain that faint smile look, she looking pensive, what did you...... have to plan?” “在您计划之中?”赫蒂又吃了一惊,随后便注意到了高文那似笑非笑的模样,她若有所思,“您……是不是有什么计划?” Really has,” Gawain nodded gently, says let the words that scene all people were startled, I prepared to help Typhon...... help them enter the magical industrial age, moreover was the big help.” “确实有,”高文轻轻点头,说出了让现场所有人大吃一惊的话,“我准备帮助提丰……帮助他们进入魔导工业时代,而且是大大的帮助。” Others cannot look, but Gawain Know Southern Region that magical industry, is actually he opens forcefully- depends upon the experience of previous life, depends upon the treasure in the mountain huge commodity, will depend upon disaster from now on situation to compel as well as this world ready-made technology accumulation, he jumped over the process that will need the time accumulation to proceed in an orderly way directly, leap-style pace of development lightened the technology line of magical industry, his development method can the enormous time of compression( because slightly crossed process that will try, way massively wrong), but has the foundation will rely on strong person politics weakly and hidden danger, the time of earlier saving, finally. Definitely must in making up for the processes of these hidden dangers reimburses as the price. 旁人看不出来,但高文自己知道-南境魔导工业,其实是他强行开启的-依靠前世的经验,依靠山中宝库的庞大物资,依靠灾难过后的局势所迫以及这个世界现成的技术积累,他直接跳过了很多需要时间积累才能循序渐进的过程,以跳跃式的发展步伐点亮了魔导工业的技术线,他的发展方式可以极大压缩时间(因为略过了大量试错、寻路的过程),但却有着基础薄弱、过于依赖“强人政治”的隐患,前期所节约的时间,最终必然要在弥补这些隐患的过程中作为代价进行偿付。 But Typhon...... it completed the normal accumulation. 提丰……它完成了正常的积累。 Even if the Roseta Great Emperor may take many tortuous paths, even if Typhonian must in trying the wrong process comes many croppers, Empire that this completed the normal accumulation after entering the industrial age will still form the potential of steamroll to Cecil quickly. Does not have him, person much broad grain Dowar...... 即便罗塞塔大帝可能会走很多弯路,即便提丰人要在试错的过程中栽很多跟头,这个完成了正常积累的帝国在进入工业时代之后也会很快对塞西尔形成碾压之势。无他,人多地广粮食多尔…… Under the general trend promotes, the Typhon magical industrial age is unable to prevent, they have known Cecil's magic circuit, its home continuously is also presenting the new technology breakthrough, they huge raised the grain yield, the education and system are also developing unceasingly, in this case, even if Gawain has not arranged Daniel, will have other Typhon scholar to do the clear magic circuit secret, does their magical machine, since cannot block, that instead might as well push. 在大趋势推动下,提丰魔导工业时代是无法阻挡的,他们已经知道塞西尔的魔网,本国国内也在不断出现新的技术突破,他们巨幅提高了粮食产量,教育和制度也在不断发展,在这种情况下,哪怕高文没有安排丹尼尔,也会有别的提丰学者搞明白魔网的秘密,搞出他们自己的魔导机器,所以既然拦不住,那反而不如推一把。 Hetty, but also remembers that I do let the thing that you count?” Gawain looks at oneself once xN big granddaughter, about our plant production historical data, the production planned the operation of committee, the progressive merchant and new aristocrat invested the situation of industry......” 赫蒂,还记得我让你统计的东西么?”高文看着自己的曾xN大孙女,“关于我们的工厂生产历史数据,生产统筹委员会的运作情况,进步商人和新贵族投资实业的情况……” Yes,” the Hetty response said that „, moreover is counting every month.” “是的,”赫蒂回应道,“而且每个月都在统计。” Gawain nods satisfied: Very good, I need these data, moreover need more various......” 高文满意地点点头:“很好,我需要这些数据,而且需要更多方面的……” Then, he must give a Typhon big ritual. 接下来,他要送给提丰一份大礼。 That is one compared with magic circuit a more delightful big ritual. 那是一份比“魔网”更甜美的大礼。
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