SOD :: Volume #6

#533: Angel Loom

In light and bright Magic Laboratory, wears research personnel of standard Magician long gown to gather around laboratory bench, the magic crystal bright light throws down from the above, illuminated material object in the laboratory bench clearly- together, in copper makes, on metal sheet of one foot square, mysterious element rune and magical line arranged the ordered mana array, the one by one node between arrays just like the breath to flash on and off generally the twinkle, formed the complete mana circulation, but each mana circulated, it is outputting the energy stably outward. 宽敞明亮的魔法实验室内,身穿制式魔法师长袍的研究人员聚集在实验台周围,魔晶石明亮的灯光从正上方投下,清晰地照亮了实验台上的实物-在一块紫铜制成的、一尺见方的金属薄板上,玄奥的元素符文导魔线条排列成了有序的魔力阵列,阵列之间的一个个节点犹如呼吸一般明灭闪烁,形成了完整的魔力循环,而每一次魔力循环,它都在稳定地向外输出着能量。 Starts once again , to continue stably, efficient is succinct. 周而复始,稳定持续,高效简洁。 Wore mages of standard long gown to elongate the neck, brought to be joyful and excited, has that metal sheet in a nervous feeling looks at laboratory bench, old mages also and young people were together calm, as if for fear that a breath affected the mana circulations of these rune, in a silent laboratory, only had young black hair female mage to report the digit clearly: 28, 29, 30......” 身穿制式长袍的法师们伸长了脖子,带着欣喜与激动,又有着一丝紧张感地看着实验台上的那块金属薄板,就连年长的法师们也和年轻人们一起屏息静气,仿佛生怕一个呼吸就影响了那些符文魔力循环,在一片寂静的实验室内,只有一个年轻的黑发女法师在清晰地报着数字:“二十八,二十九,三十……” , In surrounding mage some people broke gradually silent, very low voice following female mage together several: 31, 32......” 渐渐地,周围的法师中有人打破了沉默,很小声地跟着女法师一同数道:“三十一,三十二……” In the final several numbers, everyone could not bear open the mouth, in the big laboratory, one crowd of richest wisdom person like just learned/studied the register apprentice to read with one voice: 39, 40, 41...... 42!!” 在最后几个数字,所有人都忍不住开口了,偌大的实验室内,一群最富有智慧的人就像刚刚学习记数的学徒般齐声念着:“三十九,四十,四十一……四十二!!” The digit to 42 stops suddenly, after the short silence, almost all people cheers: 42! A cycle was completed!!” Stable running, without disturbance!” We succeeded!” 数字到四十二戛然而止,在短暂的寂静之后,几乎所有人都欢呼起来:“四十二!一个周期完成了!!”“稳定运行,没有干扰!”“我们成功了!” In one crowd of cheering Empire mage, young black hair female mage Mary slightly somewhat cautious and awkwardly and everyone is applauding together, she raised the head, looked that has not cheered person who to only one- that old high level mage stands by laboratory bench, was still throwing over that heavy/thick obsolete mage robe, when everyone cheers, the expression on his face on such as general of stone carving, seems and this curtain no outsider of relations. 在一群欢呼雀跃的帝国法师中间,年轻的黑发女法师玛丽略有些拘谨和尴尬地和大家一起鼓着掌,她抬起头,看向现场唯一一个没有欢呼的人-那位苍老的高阶法师站在实验台旁,仍然披着那身厚重陈旧的法师袍,当所有人都欢呼起来的时候,他脸上的表情就如石头雕刻的一般,仿佛是个和这一幕没什么关系的局外人。 Until everyone cheered for a half minute, old mage raises hand slightly. 直到大家欢呼了半分钟,老法师才微微举起手来。 Around the laboratory bench crowd is rapidly peaceful, they look one after another to the old person of that black robe, in the vision of everyone gradually were many a respect. 实验台周围的人群迅速安静下来,他们一个接一个地看向那位黑袍的老人,每一个人的目光中都渐渐多了一份敬重。 In the Magician world, only has the knowledge and strength is the respectable capital, but this old man named Daniel simultaneously has this difference/two kinds. 魔法师的世界里,唯有知识和力量是令人尊敬的资本,而这个名叫丹尼尔的老者同时具备这两样。 At least at this moment, everyone in this laboratory no longer cares about Daniel behind the man-made nerve ropes of these creeping motions, no longer cared about this old mage that Yin clear uncertain temperament and cunning unkind speech way. 至少此时此刻,这间实验室里的每一个人都不再在意丹尼尔身后那些蠕动的人造神经索,不再在意这位老法师那阴晴不定的脾气和刁钻刻薄的说话方式了。 This is magic circuit, Typhonian own magic circuit,” the eye of Daniel that pair of sinister and vicious has swept on scene each face, on his wrinkle face vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered as if squeezed out a happy expression, although is smiling, but how in that smile to see that leads to ridicule, but his temperament is strange, no one will have the suspicion, now, we have solved the secret of Ainz person, but this is just first step.” “这就是魔网,提丰人自己的魔网,”丹尼尔那双阴鸷的眼睛在现场每一个人脸上扫过,他那皱纹纵横的脸上似乎挤出了一丝笑意,虽然是在微笑,但那笑容中怎么看都带着一丝讥讽,不过他脾气古怪众所周知,谁也不会对此产生怀疑,“现在,我们已经破解了安苏人的秘密,但这只不过是第一步而已。” Surrounding mages nods in abundance, some people echoed what others say: Yes, if also wants the means miniaturization, how and fast mass production......” 周围的法师们纷纷点头,有人随声附和:“是啊,还要想办法小型化,以及怎么快速量产……” „Unit magic circuit of Ainz person it is said only then the palm is so big, the efficiency is equally matched with the big fellow who we make,” Daniel nods, how, therefore the next goal is its reduction....... We have trial produced the repulsion piston engine as for the mass production, currently also has the stable energy, so long as the first punch press revolves, magic circuit and machine naturally can duplicate itself.” 安苏人的魔网据说只有手掌那么大,效率却和我们造出来的这个大家伙不相上下,”丹尼尔点点头,“所以下一步目标就是如何将其缩小。至于量产……我们已经试制出了斥力活塞动力机,现在又有了稳定的能源,只要第一台冲压机运转起来,魔网和机器自然能够复制自己。” Makes the machine...... gray-haired Magician cheerful and committed to say with the machine, Grandmaster Daniel, you are really a talent.” “用机器来生产机器……”一名头发花白的魔法师心悦诚服地说道,“丹尼尔大师,您真的是个天才。” Pitifully the Ainz person starts us is earlier, walked is farther, it is said that they not only make the machine that can work, even made to be able the spell casting Machine Your Majesty The Emperor felt extremely anxious, therefore we have not been able to stop here.” “可惜安苏人比我们起步更早,走的更远,据说他们不但制造出了能够干活的机器,甚至制造出了能够施法的机器-皇帝陛下对此深感不安,所以我们还不能在这里停下。” Can the spell casting machine......” “能够施法的机器……” mages humming sound discussed, these came from across Typhon, has the outstanding mind and experience, was good at studying various unpopular domain Extraordinary naturally to be able profound meaning of conscious to the Daniel words, they were shocked because of the concept of this challenge general knowledge, even some panic-stricken and contradiction, but can imagine this technology back significance, to them, this thing just like rebel against orthodoxy taboo domain-, however now, Empire Emperor gives their mission is rebel against orthodoxy, studies the taboo. 法师们嗡嗡地讨论起来,这些来自提丰各地,有着卓绝的头脑和见识,又擅长研究各种冷门领域超凡者们自然能意识丹尼尔话中深意,他们因这个挑战常识的概念而震惊,甚至于有一些惊恐和抵触,但又能想象到这种技术背后的意义,对于他们而言,这东西宛如离经叛道的禁忌领域-然而现在,帝国皇帝给他们的使命就是离经叛道,就是研究禁忌。 An unusual exciting feeling is encouraging them, their nervous extremely, but is eager to try. 一种异样的刺激感在激励着他们,他们紧张万分,但又跃跃欲试。 Daniel left the laboratory, leaves behind these Empire Magician to gather round one pile of rune to continue excitedly excited, apprentice Mary follows in him behind. 丹尼尔离开了实验室,留下那些帝国魔法师围着一堆符文继续兴奋激动,学徒玛丽则跟在他身后。 Your Majesty The Emperor must recruit researcher from the imperial mage association no wonder,” Mary keeps up with the footsteps of teacher, she has worked some time in this Empire research facility, life of this being different from past in Mage Tower made she that rabbit personality also change slightly, at least, she dares to express the opinion now on own initiative, probably only then these people after hearing can the spell casting machine this concept not have that big contradiction, instead will raise the interest of research?” “怪不得皇帝陛下要从皇家法师协会之外招募研究者,”玛丽跟上导师的脚步,她在这座帝国研究设施里已经工作了一段时间,这种有别于从前在法师塔中的生活让她原本那兔子般的性格也稍稍有所改变,至少,现在她敢主动发表意见了,“大概只有这些人在听到‘能够施法的机器’这个概念之后才不会有那么大的抵触,反而会升起研究的兴趣吧?” That was still one group of idiots...... just compared the stupidest person intelligently,” Daniel commented causticically and meanly, this achievement can make them satisfy...... them unexpectedly not to know that behind this also had how astonishing math principle.” “那也仍然是一帮蠢货……只不过比最蠢的人聪明一点而已,”丹尼尔尖酸刻薄地评价道,“这种成果竟然都可以让他们满足……他们根本不知道这背后还有多么惊人的数学原理。” Mary wants saying that the matter must proceed in an orderly way, without contacting the person of rune logic after had seen for the first time magic circuit at all not possible all of a sudden to be so profound, but she knows, if said that the teacher will definitely be angry, therefore she closed the mouth very much wisely. 玛丽想说事情要循序渐进,没有接触过符文逻辑学的人在第一次看到魔网之后根本不可能一下子想那么深远,但她知道假如自己这么说了,导师肯定会生气,所以她很明智地闭上了嘴巴。 Daniel at this moment is quite happy, he raised the head, the line of sight looks at front, in looks at this Empire research facility is long and straight corridor, mage, scholar and Alchemist who as well as by the corridor the room of orderly arrangement and comes and goes. 丹尼尔此刻的心情则相当不错,他抬起头来,视线看着前方,看着这座帝国研究设施中又长又直的走廊,以及走廊两旁整齐排列的房间和来来往往的法师学者炼金师们。 This is „the Empire labor that was ordered to establish makes association by Typhon Emperor Roseta personally, only then can see from the name, this was one is different from the organization of imperial mage association, various smith association as well as scholar association completely, here, had the knowledge and skill person is conformed in together, devotes to together creating the practical new thing and new technology, since seven years ago the facility completed, here has delivered several to affect entire Empire, even epoch-making technology- for example already in national promotion burning carbolic acid technology, new-style road building craft, as well as cost reduction to first cost 1/10 new-style. White crystal produces technology. 这是由提丰皇帝罗塞塔亲自下令建立的“帝国工造协会”,仅从名字便可以看出,这是一个完全有别于皇家法师协会、各类工匠协会以及学者协会的组织,在这里,拥有知识和技能的人被整合在一起,共同致力于创造实用的新事物、新技术,自从七年前设施建成,这里已经产出了数个能够影响整个帝国的,甚至划时代的技术-比如已经在全国推广的燃石酸化技术,新式的筑路工艺,以及将成本降低到只有原始成本十分之一的新式白水晶生产技术 This facility is creates by the Roseta Great Emperor, but its concrete design- including laboratory style- , is imperial mage association president Windsor Mapel skill. The female association president who that has talent fame reformed the rules and regulations of traditional mage construction resolutely, replaced with the light and bright big laboratory old-style these gloomy, narrowed, the mysterious actually impractical private laboratory. 这个设施是由罗塞塔大帝所创,而它的具体设计-包括实验室的风格-则是皇家法师协会会长温莎?玛佩尔手笔。那位有着天才美誉的女会长大刀阔斧地改革了传统法师建筑的规制,用宽敞明亮的大型实验室取代了旧式那些阴暗、逼仄、充满神秘色彩却一点都不实用的私人实验室。 It is said many traditional mage make association in laboratory quite to disdain to the Empire labor, thinks that it lost the mysticalness and noble of mage, however looks like in Daniel- 据说很多传统法师对“帝国工造协会”里的实验室颇为不屑,认为它失去了法师的神秘和高贵,然而在丹尼尔看来- Windsor many also calculates a little good point on the design laboratory.” 温莎在设计实验室上多少还算有点可取之处。” His new-style laboratory to the Windsor Mapel design is very satisfied, because this light and bright environment lets that piece that his thinking of the master created experiment space. 他对温莎?玛佩尔设计的新式实验室很满意,因为这宽敞明亮的环境让他联想到了主人所创造的那片“实验空间”。 Mary follows side Daniel, at this time asked one low voice: Teacher, do we want to go back?” 玛丽跟在丹尼尔身旁,这时候小声问了一句:“导师,我们要回去了么?” Daniel slight nod: Un, you first go to the office data compilation.” 丹尼尔微微点头:“嗯,你先去办公室把资料整理一下。” Mary complied with one, but before she leaves, on one crowd of faces brought exciting expression research personnel to walk from the corner of front not far away suddenly, after recognizing these people, Daniel and Mary stop the footsteps immediately. 玛丽应了一声,但在她离开之前,一群脸上带着兴奋表情的研究人员突然从前面不远处的拐角走了出来,在认出那些人之后,丹尼尔玛丽立刻停下了脚步。 „! Grandmaster Daniel!” “啊!丹尼尔大师!” The crowd that not far away walks has noticed Daniel master and disciple two people-, no matter as a result of own strength and knowledge, was as a result of the imperial mage association president's introduction, Daniel has not the low position in this facility, therefore these people to are very far then to hit to call, nearby when they arrived, Daniel nods to be counted the response: I am preparing to go back- why are you excited?” 不远处走来的人群已经注意到丹尼尔师徒两人-不管是由于自身的实力和学识,还是由于皇家法师协会会长的介绍,丹尼尔在这座设施中都已然有了不低的地位,因此那些人在离着很远的时候便打起招呼来,而等到他们来到跟前,丹尼尔才点了点头算作回应:“我正准备回去-你们为何如此兴奋?” „, You should wait, we are having the thing to make you have a look!” scholar that wears the white long gown showed the bright smile, has bold and intelligent person- a clockmaker from angel brought a very amusing machine, the repulsion piston engine that if you invent solved the energy issue, that machine may be have the big use!” “啊,您应该等一等,我们正有东西想让您看看!”一名身穿白色长袍的学者露出了灿烂的笑容,“有个大胆又聪明的人-来自安格雷的一名钟表匠带来了一台很有趣的机器,如果您发明的斥力活塞动力机解决了能源问题,那台机器可就能派上大用场啦!” Machine that clockmaker brings?” The Daniel sparse eyebrow raises slightly, in the tone brings pondering, what is to make to use?” “钟表匠带来的机器?”丹尼尔稀疏的眉毛微微一扬,语气中带着玩味,“是做什么用的?” Under drive of water wheel, it can weave arrange/cloth to come!” “在水轮的带动下,它能织出布来!” The Daniel expression is unrelieved, he was only calmly stood a meeting, said in a soft voice: „...... This is really a good news.” 丹尼尔的表情毫无变化,他只是静静地站了一会,才轻声说道:“哦……这真是个好消息。” ...... …… Cecil city, in Feudal Lord Mansion. 塞西尔城,领主府内。 Gawain reviewed the document the pen to stop suddenly, he raised the head, the line of sight as if did not have the focus looks at front wall, a moment later, he sent out a slight sigh, the expression also became exceptionally enforces. 高文批阅文件的笔突然停了下来,他抬起头,视线仿佛无焦点般看着前方的墙壁,片刻之后,他发出一声轻微的叹息,表情也变得异常严肃起来。 Waited for first detected in side Amber Gawain's difference, she looked curiously: What's wrong? Also white written?” 守候在旁的琥珀第一时间察觉了高文的异样,她好奇地看过来:“怎么啦?又白写了?” Gawain shakes the head slightly: No, was the time suddenly becomes urgent.” 高文微微摇头:“不,是时间突然变得紧迫了。” In is not very remote Typhon, is called Angel Loom the machine appeared. 在并不是很遥远的提丰,一台被称作“安格雷织布机”的机器出现了。 loom is not too universally shocking creation, in fact in Cecil, the spinning machine and loom of practical application has been in the industrialization practical stage, but „a Typhon clockmaker creates the practical machine, and delivered to Empire research facility it this matter, such as an alarm bell reminded Gawain. 织布机本身并不是什么太惊世骇俗造物,事实上在塞西尔,实用化的纺纱机、织布机都早已进入工业化实用阶段,但“提丰的一个钟表匠创造出实用机器,并将其送到了帝国研究设施”这件事本身,却如一个警铃般提醒了高文 The development of Typhon will soon accelerate, it will enter the next time at any time. 提丰的发展即将加速,它随时会进入下一个时代。 Roseta Emperor built the advanced Empire system, this system is showing its might naturally- after experiencing dozens years of centralization, transformed, tried to find out, constructs and accumulates, the Typhon society seems to have saved the strength of working loose the agricultural stage, more and more has the knowledge and skill artisan has the ample force their experience transformation is the technology product, more and more scholar looked at the practical industry in the economical open environment, even Typhon Magicians...... has started to go out of Mage Tower. 罗塞塔皇帝打造了先进的帝国体制,这个体制正在自然而然地展现出它的威力-在经历了几十年的集权、变革、摸索、建设与积累之后,提丰的社会似乎已经积蓄起了挣脱农业时代的力量,越来越多具备知识和技能的匠人已经有余力把他们的经验转化为技术产物,越来越多的学者在经济开放的环境下把目光投向了实用产业,甚至就连提丰魔法师们……都已经开始走出法师塔了。 Experienced so many accumulations, finally the brave clockmaker delivered to the Empire research facility the machine that he invented, this machine will certainly gain attaching great importance to of Roseta Augustus- that great skill and strategy Emperor will not neglect the function of this machine, after this example, the drive that Typhon technology smith received was conceivable, Typhon development speed...... also conceivable. 经历了如此多的积累,终于有一个勇敢的钟表匠把他发明的机器送到了帝国研究设施,这台机器肯定会得到罗塞塔?奥古斯都的重视-那位雄才大略皇帝不会忽视这件机器的作用,而在这个实例发生之后,提丰技术工匠们所受到的激励可以想象,提丰的发展速度……也可以想象。 Has magic power in this, many technology are quicker much the world to the actual transformed speed from the theory, Industrial Revolution, once opens, its development speed will be only faster than Earth on. 在这个具备魔法力量,很多技术从理论到实际转化速度快得惊人的世界,“工业革命”一旦开启,它的发展速度只会比地球上更快。 At this moment, Gawain incomparably rejoiced that he sent Aldernan Daniel promptly. 这一刻,高文无比庆幸他及时把丹尼尔派到了奥尔德南 He raised the head, looks to side whole face curious Amber: You go to Pittman and Carmel call- Hetty and Rebecca.” 他抬起头,看向旁边满脸好奇的琥珀:“你去把皮特曼卡迈尔叫来-还有赫蒂瑞贝卡。”
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