SOD :: Volume #5

#403: Incorporation

Sword of main text Chapter 403 daybreak incorporates with can only the aristocrat allied armies that flees in panic between the wilderness and hilly ground be different, Cecil Battle Corps has been able to obtain and Leslie area from the support of native and Kant area, as a result of road/s and limit in transportation, these support is not freely prompt, but under this aspect, these support enough has made the soldiers have the respite and rotation slightly. 黎明之剑正文第403章收编与只能在旷野和丘陵地间仓皇逃窜的贵族联军不同,塞西尔战斗兵团一直都能得到来自本土以及莱斯利地区、康德地区的支援,尽管由于道路、交通方面的限制,这些支援并不及时,但在这个局面下,这些支援已经足够让战士们稍有喘息和轮换了。 In afternoon of tenth day, Knight Byron is leading Unit 1000 and a lot of commodity provisions from Cecil native place arrives in the west, converges with the first, second mix army corps that Knight Philip leads smoothly, but they converge, Walter Peric is leading the officers of second army corps the aristocrat allied armies prisoners of war in groups to bundle to escort to the rear area. 在第十天的下午,拜伦骑士带领着来自塞西尔本土的1000部队和大量物资给养抵达西部,和菲利普骑士率领的第一、第二混合兵团顺利汇合,而他们汇合的时候,瓦尔德佩里奇正带领着第二兵团的将士们将成群结队的贵族联军战俘捆起来送往后方。 Byron found leading Philip: I brought many ‚’ acceleration guide rail module that Persuader light shell and replace use- words saying that you seems like the situation to be good.” 拜伦找到了带队的菲利普:“我带来了更多的‘说服者’轻型炮弹和替换用的加速导轨组件-话说你这边看起来情况还不错啊。” As a result of the long time marching combat, on the Knight Philip face brings a feeling of weariness, but spirit was still spirited: These things come just in time- grain can depend upon the dry rations that carries and from enemy there seize, but shell thing truly consumes very seriously.” 由于多日的行军作战,菲利普骑士脸上带着一丝倦意,但精神仍然昂扬:“这些东西来的正是时候-粮食可以依靠携带的干粮和从敌人那里缴获,但炮弹这东西确实消耗挺严重的。” Byron raised the head, looks at these expressions are numb, step is stiff, walking corpse was bound the captive of both hands generally, from the spirit conditions of these captives, he knows that this chase war has soon arrived at the last act. 拜伦抬起头,看着那些表情麻木、步伐僵硬、行尸走肉一般被绑住双手的俘虏,从这些俘虏的精神状态中,他知道这场追逐战已经快要到尾声了。 Must as far as possible these to live, this is Feudal Lord explains,” he said to Philip, in aristocrat allied armies overwhelming majority is the farmer and hunting household who each region recruits, various serf soldier and slave soldier, these people are labour force.” “要尽可能让这些人活下来,这是领主交待的,”他对菲利普说道,“贵族联军里绝大部分都是各地征募起来的农民和猎户,还有各种农奴兵、奴隶兵,这些人都是劳动力。” I know, Philip is nodding, speaks the truth...... the enemy more to run is looser, particularly after entering open area, several aristocrats lead to run away in the different directions, we used the fire to eliminate and intercept portion, but several armies crashed in the western forest, I think that at least 1/4 arrived at the one-third enemy to escape.” “我知道,”菲利普点着头,“不过说实话……敌人越跑越散,尤其是在进入开阔地区之后,有好几个贵族带队朝着不同方向逃窜,我们用炮火消灭和拦截了一部分,但还是有几支部队冲进了更西边的森林里,我认为至少有四分之一到三分之一的敌人逃脱了。” This situation within the Feudal Lord expectation,” Byron nods, we have the powerful artillery and raygun, but the population is limited, must eliminate or incorporate the enemy is completely not realistic. However need not was worried, before my set off, Feudal Lord had said a few words- aristocrat has castle and real estate that they cannot put down, they are impossible to flee in all directions forever, one day we will solve the fellow who these run away.” “这种情况在领主预料之内,”拜伦点了点头,“我们有强大的火炮和射线枪,但毕竟人数有限,要把敌人全部消灭或收编都是不现实的。但是不用担心,我出发之前领主说过一句话-贵族有他们放不下的城堡和地产,他们不可能永远流窜下去,总有一天我们会解决掉那些跑掉的家伙的。” The captive team that let us hope so,” Philip profoundly vents anger, raised the head looks that long, almost cannot be seeing end, after this war ended, south entire Kingdom turned into a whole......” “但愿如此吧,”菲利普深深地出了口气,抬起头望着那长长的、几乎看不到尽头的俘虏队伍,“在这场战争结束之后,整个王国南部就变成一个整体了……” In pursuit 12 th day, core Extraordinary of aristocrat allied armies the aristocrats who Knight and mage that team composes, as well as supervises combat crash finally thoroughly. 在追击的第十二天,贵族联军的核心-超凡者组成的骑士法师队伍,以及督战的贵族们终于彻底崩盘。 Lacked the organization and disciplined aristocrat private soldier was impossible to insist today, they can escape, the most reason is Extraordinary in allied armies is still using the tenacious willpower and deterrent force is maintaining the aspect, but after these Extraordinary wills also arrive in the limit, crashing of entire allied armies team almost in flash. 本就缺乏组织和纪律性的贵族私兵原本不可能坚持到今天,他们之所以能一直逃亡下去,大半原因都是联军中的超凡者还在用强韧的意志力以及威慑力维持着局面,但当这些超凡者的意志也抵达极限之后,整个联军队伍的崩盘几乎就是在一瞬间。 The aristocrat allied armies start large expanse of Large expanse to surrender, and by Knight and mage even noble territory marriage go- from surrender of leading. 贵族联军开始成片成片地投降,并且是由骑士法师甚至贵族领主亲自带队的投降。 Actually according to the general rule, the surrender of aristocrats should easily be more right- according to usual War of the Aristocrats custom, surrenders the aristocrat who is captured to be conformed to its status in the battlefield the treatment, as the chip of exchange ransom money, their safety will be safeguarded, will have to deliver to castle of victor by the courteous reception, becomes the guest guest, but Cecilian fearful mode of operations as well as Gawain Cecil do not observe the style of aristocrat rule these to be scared, they do not dare to hand over in the hand of these Cecil soldier oneself life. 其实按照一般规律,贵族们的投降应该更加轻易才对-按照通常贵族战争的“规矩”,在战场上投降被俘的贵族将得到符合其身份的待遇,作为交换赎金的筹码,他们的生命安全将得到保障,甚至会被礼遇有加地送到战胜者的城堡里,成为座上宾客,但塞西尔人可怕的作战方式以及高文塞西尔不遵守贵族规则的风格让那些人吓破了胆,他们根本不敢把自己的性命交到那些塞西尔士兵的手上。 But after stamina and will were worn down the limit, even many apprehensions and frightened are unable to make them crawl to march forward from the ground. 但当体力和意志都被消磨到极限之后,即便再多的顾虑和恐惧也无法让他们从地上爬起来继续向前走了。 Aristocrat soldier who these lose the fighting spirit- and recruits soldier including Knight Corps- like being scared the goat treats on the plain, they mostly finished eating last food, even even/including once is riding the mouse that on the warhorse and road catch had been used to have a full stomach to appease hunger by them, they are unable to lie down to sleep and are unable eat and drink long time calmly and steadily, the brain has only had rumble the sound that the shell explodes, these person of some dozens one piles, several hundred people of one crowd, scattered everywhere is, but the Cecil soldier must do, on is runs on the broad plain everywhere is drawing in these person, Hands over in the rope their hands again, letting them oneself bunch. 那些失去斗志的贵族兵-包括骑士团和征召兵-就像吓傻了的山羊一样待在平原上,他们大多吃完了最后一口食物,甚至连曾经骑着的战马和路上抓到的老鼠都已经被他们用来果腹充饥,他们多日无法躺下睡觉、无法安稳吃喝,满脑子已经只剩下炮弹爆炸的隆隆声响,这些人有的几十个一堆,有的几百人一群,零零散散地到处都是,而塞西尔士兵所要做的,就是在广阔的平原上到处跑着收拢这些人,再把绳索交到他们手上,让他们自己把自己捆起来。 Second Battle Corps that Walter Peric and he leads is mainly responsible for drawing in these captives, and sends under custody it rear area, the quantity of captive is so huge, quantity that the person who is responsible for sending under custody also compares the captive who they send under custody, however their point need not was worried that the captive escapes on the halfway- these people had lost the will of resistance in long time escape thoroughly, even if they revolt, the weaponless recruiting soldier captured unable to cope with raygun and searing sword in Cecil battle soldier hand. 瓦尔德佩里奇和他带领的第二战斗兵团主要负责收拢这些俘虏,并将其押送到后方,俘虏的数量是如此庞大,以至于负责押送的人还比不过他们押送的俘虏的数量,然而他们一点都不用担心俘虏在半路上逃亡-那些人已经在多日逃亡中彻底失去了反抗的意志,而且即便他们反抗,手无寸铁的征召兵俘虏也对付不了塞西尔战斗兵手中的射线枪熔切剑 As the captive are getting more and more, the front is getting more and more long, an awkward and unexpected situation appeared: Cecilian understaff. 而随着俘虏越来越多,战线越来越长,一个尴尬而意外的情况出现了:塞西尔人手不足 The second Battle Corps convoy team starts to appear short, even Walter made Knight Corps adjust the reserve 1000 people to come the frontline from the Kant area to receive the prisoner of war also by far insufficiently, not only insufficiently sent under custody the manpower who needed, even safeguarded that tens of thousands of aristocrat to recruit the soldier prisoner of war in the plain area appears is also beset with problems. 第二战斗兵团的押运队开始出现短缺,甚至瓦尔德骑士团康德地区调来了后备的一千人来前线接收战俘也还远远不够,非但不够押送所需的人手,甚至就连在平原地区就地看管那成千上万的贵族征召兵战俘也显得捉襟见肘。 When south Philip and Philip liangs position orthodox Knight is the embarrassing situation outside this expectation worries, the Knight Byron volunteering region one team of troops went to assemble the aid. 菲利普位正统派骑士为这预料之外的尴尬局面而发愁不已的时候,拜伦骑士自告奋勇地带了一队人马前往南部调集援手。 Knight Philip usually in lacked the Knight integrity the conduct attitude quite to have the veiled criticism to Byron that carelessly, but he has to acknowledge, the senior colleague of this mercenary family background when solves some accidental/surprised aspects always to be eye-catching novel idea- sometimes, although his idea also makes people at present one black, but overall can solve the problem. 菲利普骑士平素里对拜伦那吊儿郎当缺乏骑士操守的行事作风颇有微词,但他不得不承认,这位佣兵出身的老同僚在解决一些意外局面的时候总有着令人眼前一亮的新奇点子-虽然有时候他的点子也令人眼前一黑,但总体而言还是很能解决问题的。 After hugging anticipated to wait for some days, Philip and Philip liangs position Knight wait/etc. Byron that returned to from the rear area- he was that team of troops who led to take away initially, in addition including a person not many. 抱着期待等了一些日子之后,菲利普骑士等来了从后方返回的拜伦-他还是带着自己当初带走的那队人马,除此之外连一个人都没多。 On already even more chaos the plain of Horsman area, Byron that Philip with astonishment looks at as if flies back without any results: „Hasn't Feudal Lord dialed the person to you? Training soldier also......” 在已经愈发混乱霍斯曼地区的平原上,菲利普惊愕地看着似乎无功而返的拜伦:“领主没有给你拨人么?训练兵也可以啊……” I do not have chapter of Cecil, where otherwise can come back is so quick,” Byron said complacently, I went to Leslie territory, saw Viscount Andrew......” “我就没回塞西尔,否则哪能回来这么快,”拜伦得意洋洋地说道,“我就去了一趟莱斯利领,见了见安德鲁子爵……” Then?” The Philip doubts asked that and looked freely to Byron behind, but carried off one team of people and many horse-drawn vehicles that and led at that time besides Byron, person who the manpower who he could not see any support, Viscount Andrew sent also in behind?” “然后呢?”菲利普疑惑地问道,并不住地看向拜伦身后,可是除了当时拜伦带走又带回来的一队人和许多辆马车之外,他看不到任何支援的人手,“安德鲁子爵派来的人难道还在后面?” I borrowed 5000 axes,” Byron points at these horse-drawn vehicles that are bringing, later Viscount Andrew will also send people to transport a number of grain to serve as transits temporarily, in addition does not have other Leslie territory that side manpower are not many, they also help looks at several thousand people that fishes from Clearwater River.” “我借了五千把斧头,”拜伦指着自己带来的那些马车,“之后安德鲁子爵还会派人运一批粮食过来用作暂时过渡,除此之外就没别的了-莱斯利领那边人手也不多,他们还帮忙看着白水河里捞出来的几千人呢。” Philip all of a sudden has not responded: Axe? Do you bring 5000 axes to come what are you doing?” 菲利普一下子没反应过来:“斧头?你带五千把斧头过来干什么?” Issues these captives, making them reduce the Horsman territory east side woods, constructs the base camp, moreover wait a moment you look from the prisoner of war, should have the person who side Count Horsman fortunately survives, leading them to receive nearby village and granary- , if no, that brought several artillery in the past.” “发给那些俘虏,让他们去砍掉霍斯曼领东侧的树林,就地建造战俘营,另外等一下你从战俘中找找,应该有霍斯曼伯爵身边幸存下来的人,带着他们去接收附近的农庄和粮仓-如果没有,那就多带几门炮过去。” Philip is listening to startled, cannot think how simply the mysterious operation of Byron this brain braves: „Is your meaning...... makes these capture itself to build the base camp to close oneself?” 菲利普听着一愣一愣的,简直想不到拜伦这满脑子的神奇操作都是怎么冒出来的:“你的意思是……让这些俘虏自己去盖个战俘营把自己关起来?” You can issue them the string to make them tie up yourself, why can't make them cover a camp to close oneself?” Byron beckons with the hand, these people had been worn down the fighting spirit thoroughly, at least in a short time is impossible to get back, must while them still in this condition, control these people with the shortest time thoroughly, later transports Cecil in turn- finally this is Feudal Lord explains.” “你都可以发给他们绳子让他们把自己绑起来了,为什么不能让他们自己盖个营地把自己关起来?”拜伦摆了摆手,“这些人已经被彻底消磨了斗志,起码在短时间内不可能恢复过来,要趁着他们还在这个状态,用最短的时间把这些人彻底控制,之后再分批输送到塞西尔-最后这句是领主交待的。” Philip had nothing to say in reply, has to acknowledge Byron said was very reasonable. 菲利普无言以对,只好承认拜伦说的很有道理。 Therefore, in this long pursuit last day, on the Horsman plain the final aristocrat allied armies ended they long and painful escape with an unprecedented theatrical way. 于是,在这场漫长追击的最后一天,霍斯曼平原上最后的贵族联军用一种前所未有的戏剧化方式结束了他们漫长而痛苦的逃亡。 Under several thousand Cecil soldiers' supervisions, the allied armies prisoners of war brandish are lending their axes, the day and night three scheduled ships cut up the woods in Horsman territory edge for the place continuous, then oneself built a base camp, closed/pass oneself. 在数千塞西尔士兵的监督下,联军战俘们挥舞着借给他们的斧头,昼夜不休三班轮替地砍光了霍斯曼领地边缘的一片树林,然后自己盖了一座战俘营,把自己关了起来。 When this last group of allied armies prisoners of war were received by Cecilian, Carol Viscount and his final attendant and partner are climbing mountains and crossing rivers in the wetland of mud north the Horsman area. 而在这最后一批联军战俘被塞西尔人接收的时候,卡洛尔子爵和他最后的亲随、伙伴正跋涉在霍斯曼地区北部泥泞的湿地中。 This once high-spirited young Viscount the scenery no longer, his magnificent coat has become could not withstand dirtily, the breeches and boots by tattered that the thorn tears, has on the complicated pattern cloak also heat-ray gun of several by the bullet hole that passes through, the hair that does not wash long time pastes like the greasy water plant generally on his forehead, but side him, wants distressed Kansec Viscount and Mario Orlan Viscount compared with him. 这位曾经意气风发的年轻子爵已经风光不再,他华丽的外套变得肮脏不堪,马裤和长靴被荆棘撕扯的破破烂烂,有着繁复花纹的披风上还有几个被热能射线枪贯穿的枪眼,多日不洗的头发就像油腻的水草一般贴在他的额头上,而在他身边,是比他还要狼狈的康思科子爵马里奥兰子爵 They escape from the hungry wolf Cecilian hand by luck, but actually does not know where next should go, serious is exhausted is devastating the elaborative faculty of these three aristocrats, they only thought that own life also and wetland of this mud equally is pulpy bad, completely cannot see the hope. 他们侥幸从饿狼般的塞西尔人手中逃脱,但却根本不知道下一步该去往何方,严重的疲惫正摧残着这三位贵族的思考能力,他们只觉得自己的人生也和这泥泞的湿地一样糟糕稀烂,全然看不见希望。 At this moment, hoofbeat transmitted from the rear area suddenly, lets difficult journey Carol Viscount and his companions nervous stopped panic-stricken. 就在这时,一阵马蹄声突然从后方传来,让正在艰难跋涉的卡洛尔子爵和他的同伴们紧张惊恐地停了下来。 If by any chance after they have turned head, what the discovery appears before oneself is not Cecilian. 但等他们回过头之后,却发现出现在自己面前的并不是塞西尔人 Lopenny Glen Viscountess stops before them, this Viscountess also follows quite to have the team of scale behind. 罗佩妮葛兰女子爵停在他们面前,这位女子爵身后还跟着一支颇有规模的队伍。 Glen Viscountess, did you also escape?!” Carol Viscount looks at present noble lady, he discovered situation who with amazement opposite party are much better, although seems somewhat also distressed, but she not only has Mark to ride, guard seems like also equips completely, really does not know how this Viscountess achieves this point in chaos, these people......” 葛兰女子爵,您也逃出来了?!”卡洛尔子爵惊讶地看着眼前的贵妇人,他发现对方的情况比自己要好的多,虽然看起来也有些狼狈,但她不但有马可骑,身边的护卫看起来也装备完整,真不知道这位女子爵是如何在混乱中做到这一点的,“这些人……” I drew in the person who on the plain disperses,” Lopenny is smiling, Carol Viscount, it seems like you dispersed with the team.” “我收拢了在平原上走散的人,”罗佩妮微笑着,“卡洛尔子爵,看来您又和队伍走散了。” This seems to have met before, Carol Viscount remembers vaguely, on the Brokenrock Ridge mountain road the army falls into chaos this Viscountess also appears before him like this, and drew in these being defeated and dispersed disorder teams, but this moment such situation actually reappeared completely, he has to sigh the marvelousness of destiny: My distressed look is always seen by you......” 这一幕似曾相识,卡洛尔子爵依稀记得,在碎石岭的山道上大军陷入混乱的时候这位女子爵也是这样出现在他面前,并且收拢了那些溃散无序的队伍,而此刻这样的情况竟然完全再现了,他不得不感叹命运的奇妙:“我狼狈的模样总是被您看到……” With- I also several unnecessary horses,” Lopenny Glen extends the aid to the aristocrat who these go down in the world at present, we must unite to be good.” “跟上来吧-我还有几匹多余的马,”罗佩妮葛兰对眼前这些落魄的贵族伸出援手,“我们要团结起来才行。” The final attendants who several meeting misfortune aristocrats as well as they lead will join the Lopenny team, Mario Orlan Viscount could not bear about the future of this team feel curiously: „Is our must go?” 几位落难的贵族以及他们带领的最后亲随们加入了罗佩妮的队伍,马里奥兰子爵忍不住对这支队伍的未来感觉好奇:“我们这是要去哪?” Toward north,” Lopenny Glen then looked at Mario Orlan Viscount one, we must go to Fort Boulder.” “往北,”罗佩妮葛兰回头看了马里奥兰子爵一眼,“我们要去磐石要塞。” Fort Boulder?” Carol Viscount hears this familiar name unable to bear hesitate immediately, that we must pass through my Feudal Territory...... these Cecilian......” 磐石要塞?”卡洛尔子爵听到这个熟悉的名字顿时忍不住迟疑起来,“那我们要穿过我的领地……那些塞西尔人……” Cecilian had left from there, they definitely cannot think after our with great difficulty escapes from the pursuit, will return,” Lopenny Glen said, their number is limited, the not possible short time to seize Feudal Territory of each aristocrat.” 塞西尔人已经从那里离开了,他们肯定想不到我们好不容易逃脱追击之后还会返回去,”罗佩妮葛兰说道,“他们数量有限,不可能短时间占领每一个贵族的领地。” They left......” Carol to hear the Lopenny words, suddenly could not bear in the heart move, that I......” “他们离开了……”卡洛尔听到罗佩妮的话,突然忍不住心中一动,“那我……” Do not think returns to your castle, Mr. Viscount,” Lopenny Glen knows that Carol is thinking anything, she has turned the head to warn immediately seriously, don't forget, these Cecilian bombed your first city wall before you- they can bomb your castle similarly.” “不要想着回到你的城堡里,子爵先生,”罗佩妮葛兰知道卡洛尔在想什么,她立刻转过头严肃地警告道,“别忘了,那些塞西尔人在你面前炸塌了你的第一道城墙-那他们同样可以炸塌你的城堡。” Is saying, she while has turned head, in the line of sight as if has infinite firm and resolute: Southern Region a place is not safe, mister, our only hopes, seek the help of Holy Spirit Plain, seeks the help of Pompeii Count, is goes to Fort Boulder- that is incomparably firm fortress, in its city wall is constructing magic metal, can resist the attack of Archmagician, is completely different from the Carol Territory city wall, Cecilian cannot break through it.” 一边说着,她一边回过头,视线中似乎有着无穷的坚毅:“南境已经没有一块地方是安全的,先生们,我们唯一的希望,就是寻求圣灵平原的帮助,寻求庞贝伯爵的帮助,就是前往磐石要塞-那是一座无比坚固的要塞,它的城墙中浇筑着魔导金属,能够抵御大魔法师的攻击,和卡洛尔领的城墙完全不一样,塞西尔人是攻不破它的。” perhaps is also confident about Fort Boulder, perhaps is serious exhausted is affecting the judgment of Carol Viscount, he was convinced by Lopenny Glen easily, he nods: Good, we go to Fort Boulder......” 或许是同样对磐石要塞充满信心,也或许是严重的疲惫影响着卡洛尔子爵的判断,他轻而易举地被罗佩妮葛兰说服了,他点点头:“好,我们前往磐石要塞……” Naturally, but before that we must draw in the separate companion as far as possible,” Lopenny Glen is smiling, that smile seems has the power especially, together also several teams that escapes from the pursuit of Cecilian, we must concentrate all separate people, only then our teams are big enough, the aristocrat of accumulation are many enough, Fort Boulder meets conscious to stern of situation, will receive us earnestly......” “当然,但在那之前,我们还要尽可能收拢失散的同伴,”罗佩妮葛兰微笑着,那微笑显得格外有感染力,“一同从塞西尔人的追击中逃出来的还有几支队伍,我们要把所有失散的人都集中起来,而只有我们的队伍足够大,聚集的贵族足够多,磐石要塞才会意识到情况的严峻,才会更加认真地接待我们……” Talent one second remembers the home station address:.. Cell phone version reading website: m. 天才一秒记住本站地址:.。手机版阅读网址:m.
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