SOD :: Volume #4

#370: New movement on Feudal Territory

In Fortress Defiance is also hiding a bigger secret? 忤逆要塞中是否还隐藏着更大的秘密? No one can talk clearly, even if during that time has worked in Fortress Defiance, even with the disobedient fortress situated in Nether Shadow World by seal millenniums Carmel, was not known the complete picture of this huge plan and huge construction together. 没有人能说得清楚,即便是当年忤逆要塞中工作过,甚至和位于幽影界的忤逆堡垒共同被封印千年的卡迈尔,也不知道这个庞大计划和庞大建筑的全貌。 during that time Fortress Defiance has strict access control and access control system, in fortress each region has the respective head, and by fortress council that has the maximum jurisdiction controls, these regions and departments, although jointly carries out the different parts of Project Defiance, but is actually at half isolation the condition, only if under the permission of highest council also to conduct the a series of extreme complex inspection and purification procedure/program, otherwise personnel of various regions refuse flowing, but according to the Carmel memory, must be under this permission to be difficult, basically only then has the possibility in the extreme special situation, in fortress 90% people never enter. They have been responsible for the region beyond range...... 当年忤逆要塞存在着非常严密的权限控制和门禁系统,要塞中各个区域都有各自的负责人,并由一个具备最高权限的要塞评议团进行控制,这些区域和部门虽然共同执行忤逆计划的不同部分,但相互之间其实处于半隔绝的状态,除非得到最高评议团的许可并且进行一系列极端复杂的检查和“净化”程序,否则各区域的人员严禁流动,而根据卡迈尔的记忆,要得到这种许可非常困难,基本上只有在极端特殊的情况下才有可能,要塞里百分之九十的人都从未进入过他们负责范围之外的区域…… The so strict internal control, Gawain can only think of a reason: In order to prevent to receive the invasion of Gods strength. 如此严格的内部控制,高文只能想到一个原因:为了防止受到神明力量的侵染。 Now the millenniums have crossed, according to the guess of Carmel, besides Gods specimen that the disobedient fortress and in the fortress relevant facility survives, entire fortress should be evacuated completely, all and Gods related thing not remaining, but in some regions, not too the important research data and security specimen should also be sealed, Gawain is very curious, if continues to send people thoroughly to explore, he can also discover anything in that giant ancient facility. 如今千年已过,根据卡迈尔的猜测,除了忤逆堡垒和堡垒相关设施中残存的神明样本之外,整个要塞应该已经被完全撤空,所有和神明相关的东西都不会剩下,但在一些区域,不太重要的研究资料和“安全样本”应该还被封存着,高文很好奇如果继续派人深入探索下去,他还能在那座巨大的古代设施中发现什么东西。 Byron nods, the preparation receives to continue to explore the Fortress Defiance duty, but nearby Throldin broke him suddenly: wait a moment- explores the Fortress Defiance duty to give me and steel ranger?” 拜伦点点头,准备接下继续探索忤逆要塞的任务,但旁边的索尔德林突然打断了他:“等一下-探索忤逆要塞的任务可不可以交给我和‘钢铁游骑兵’?” Gawain looks to Throldin, the latter explained: „The Battle Corps scale is getting bigger and bigger, moreover recently also the round of new expansions and training plans, Knight Byron is not suitable to carry out this exploration task as one of the Battle Corps commands personally, gave newly-built steel ranger would rather- this type under the unknown environment the squad in the duty that carried out also happen to conforms to the localization of steel ranger, I can be used to train oneself new Ding hand/subordinate.” 高文看向索尔德林,后者解释道:“战斗兵团规模越来越大,而且最近还有一轮新的扩充和集训计划,拜伦骑士作为战斗兵团的统帅之一已经不适合亲自去执行这种探索任务了,倒不如交给刚建立的钢铁游骑兵-这种在未知环境下小队执行的任务也正好符合钢铁游骑兵的定位,我可以用来训练自己手下的新丁。” Un...... truly,” a Gawain slightly thinking, then approved the view of Throldin, that this duty gave you. Byron, you connect with the beforehand exploration progress and detail. Moreover, Throldin you most before set off make the preparation, this duty is not urgent, in a week set off, the Fortress Defiance south and eastern region abandon quite seriously, the situation is complex, do not act rashly.” “嗯……确实,”高文略一思索,便认同了索尔德林的说法,“那这个任务就交给你了。拜伦,你把之前的探索进度和详细资料交接一下。另外,索尔德林你在出发前最好多做做准备,这个任务并不紧急,一周内出发都可以,忤逆要塞的南部和东部区域废弃比较严重,情况复杂不明,不要贸然行动。” Advised facing Gawain's, Throldin nods seriously-, although he is very experienced strength powerful Senior Ranger, but facing ancient ruins with a history of 1000 years, powerful Senior Ranger will not treat it lightly. 面对高文的忠告,索尔德林严肃地点了点头-虽然他是个经验丰富实力强大的高阶游侠,但面对一座有着1000年历史的古老遗迹,再强大的高阶游侠都不会掉以轻心。 ...... …… After ending the Feudal Lord Mansion conference, Throldin has not returned to the station of military area, but arrived at situated in the Feudal Territory eastern Machine Building institute. 在结束领主府的会议之后,索尔德林没有返回军事区的驻地,而是来到了位于领地东部的机械制造所。 Present Machine Building passed through expanded and transformed several times, no longer has been pure manufacturing plant, but was collection research and development, test and manufacture as one main facilities, the blueprint that Machine Building in had two big laboratories and several functionally different workshops, Gawain after the knowledge inferential reasoning added on the Eternal Sleepers network again simulates testing ground tested to draw up repeatedly in these laboratories and workshops is transformed as the manufactured products of deeds step by step, and pushed to entire Feudal Territory. 如今的机械制造所经过了数次扩建和改造,早已经不再是个单纯的制造厂,而是一个集研发、测试、制造于一体的大型设施,机械制造所内有两座大型实验室和数个功能不同的车间,高文通过知识推导再加上永眠者网络的“模拟试验场”多次测试之后所绘制出来的蓝图就是在这些实验室和车间中被一步步转化为事迹的工业产品,并推向整个领地的。 Throldin arrived at Machine Building directly smith hall- this is entire Machine Building the heart region, this circular hall in the past Machine Building just established the position of that wooden work shed, but its nowadays look already today we are no longer as we have been. In the occupying land area quite broad hall is distributing various types of machine-finishing stages and research tables scattered orderly, what is most striking is business hall that piece circular, slightly is higher than the terrace of ground. This terrace diameter about ten meters, the center has a small pit, in addition then has no infrastructure equipment, can only see that many different metal ingot casting were piled up in various terrace places, but the sunlight from above courtyard is shining the center of terrace at this moment- there empty. 索尔德林直接来到了机械制造所的“工匠大厅”-这是整个机械制造所的心脏区域,这间圆形的大厅就在昔日机械制造所刚建立时那座木质工棚的位置上,但它现今的模样早就今非昔比。占地颇广的大厅中错落有序地分布着各种机械加工台和研究桌,但最醒目的还是大厅中央那片圆形的、略高出地面的台地。这台地直径十米左右,中心有一处较小的凹坑,除此之外便没有任何设施设备,只能看到很多种类不同的金属铸锭被堆放在台地各处,而来自正上方天井的阳光此刻正照射着台地的中央-那里空荡荡的。 Throldin on has not seen the Nicholas Egg form in mechanic round stage, only in the nearby saw many busy Bachelor of Mechanics( some Cecil people study machine the name of magical technician to these specialized), he arrives by Bachelor of Mechanics that curiously wears the white work clothes: Mr. Egg not in?” 索尔德林没有在“机工圆台”上看到尼古拉斯蛋的身影,只在附近看到很多忙忙碌碌的“机械学士”(塞西尔部分民众对那些专门研究机器的魔导技师的称呼),他好奇地来到一位身穿白色工装的机械学士旁边:“蛋先生不在么?” This had the full beard, hands and feet sturdy Bachelor of Mechanics is gawking to respond: Mr. Egg......, did you say the manager? The manager just went out.” 这个留着大胡子,手脚粗壮的机械学士愣了一下才反应过来:“蛋先生……哦,你说所长啊?所长刚刚出去了。” Throldin knits the brows: Which did he go?” 索尔德林皱皱眉:“他去哪了?” That side gear square,” Bachelor of Mechanics said very rich industrial district characteristic geographic name, you pass now he definitely also.” “齿轮广场那边,”机械学士说了个很富有工业区特色的地名,“你现在过去他肯定还在呢。” Throldin cannot think that usually except for deals with beside almost never leaves Machine Building Nicholas Egg to go to the stream of people crowded square the metal what are you doing, but expresses gratitude: Gear square...... good, thanked.” 索尔德林想不到平常除了跟金属打交道之外几乎从不离开机械制造所的尼古拉斯?蛋总会去人流密集的广场上干什么,但还是道了声谢:“齿轮广场么……好的,谢谢了。” Afterward he then left the Machine Building institute, hurries to toward the gear square directly. 随后他便离开了机械制造所,径直向着齿轮广场赶去。 The gear square is not far, it situated in the Machine Building institute and steel casting opposite, between the squares and several workshops is away from is used to absorb the special bush tall wall of isolation noise together. After crossing the square, is several main inhabited areas that the Industrial Area workers and family members live, every day, will be occupied by the worker in inhabited area will pass through the entire gear square and bush tall wall goes to the factory to go to work, but in the ordinary day, the square will also be the Industrial Area residents kills the time the important place. 齿轮广场并不远,它位于机械制造所和钢铁铸造所对面,广场和几个厂房之间隔着一道用来吸收隔离噪音的特殊灌木高墙。越过广场之后,便是工厂区的工人及其家属们所居住的几个主要居民区,每天,住在居民区的工人都会穿过整个齿轮广场和灌木高墙去工厂里上班,而在平日里,广场也是工厂区居民们消磨时间的重要场所。 Used to isolate the bush tall wall of factory and inhabited area is Pittman and apprentices under Gawain incites the planter and catalysis. 用来隔绝工厂和居民区的灌木高墙是皮特曼及其学徒们高文授意下种植、催化出来的。 Throldin goes to the gear square, first then discovered that here is possibly holding anything to move. 索尔德林来到齿轮广场上,第一时间便发现这里可能正在举行着什么活动。 By the square has a stretch of very big open area, now many people encircle there, once for a while will also transmit from the crowd cheers with the scream intermittently, as if in the open area is conducting some competition to be the same, Throldin went through the crowd by the skill easily, then saw in the open area the bustling fighting for scenes: Two teams of people are moving in the open area of rectangle, the head ties the arms two types of color cloth strips to be divided into two teams, but the thing that some type makes the spheroid that is they fights for with the animal leather, they furiously kick around that thing, want to kick in the two rough wooden doorframes of air-to-surface edge it. 广场旁边有一片很大的空地,现在有很多人都围在那里,时不时还会从人群中传来阵阵欢呼和喊叫声,似乎空地上正进行某种比赛一般,索尔德林凭借身手轻而易举地穿过了人群,然后一眼就看到了空地上热火朝天的拼抢场面:两队人在长方形的空地上跑动着,头上绑着两种颜色的布条以分成两队,而某种用动物皮革制成的球体就是他们拼抢的东西,他们奋力把那东西踢来踢去,想要将其踢到空地边缘的两个粗糙木质门框里去。 Scene chaos, the fought for two teams of people almost do not have the order and coordination, moreover that stands in the air-to-surface, when referee the person seems like the also not too clear rule, whole time in yell with the surrounding audience together, jubilation that but these people still played, bustling, looks on the person who is also excited in the surroundings exceptionally, cheers always unceasingly- every so often they are not cheering for the goal, but merely is ugly face or that for in somebody makes suddenly splendid peerless throws down is cheering. 现场十分混乱,拼抢的两队人几乎毫无秩序和配合可言,而且那个站在空地边上当“裁判”的人似乎自己还不太明白规则,大部分时间都在跟着周围的观众一起喊叫,但这些人仍然玩的兴高采烈,热火朝天,在周围旁观的人也兴奋异常,欢呼声从来不断-很多时候他们都不是在为进球欢呼,而仅仅是为了场上某人突然做出的鬼脸或者一个精彩绝伦的摔倒欢呼着。 Even in the Human Race social life 700 years, Throldin still had seldom seen such scene, particularly in the civilians saw that such scene- their perhaps converges in together, perhaps will cheer for some reasons yells, but will not join in such a warm movement, the reason is very simple: Civilian even underclass that the food cannot eat to the full, how possibly the precious stamina waste in this movement? 即使已经在人类社会生活了七百年,索尔德林也很少见到这样的场面,尤其是在平民中见到这样的场面-他们或许会聚在一起,或许会因为某些原因欢呼喊叫,但绝不会投身于这样一场热烈的运动中,原因很简单:饭都吃不饱的平民甚至贱民,怎么可能把宝贵的体力浪费在这种运动上? Let alone, now or the season of chill in the air in early spring, stamina seems especially precious. 更何况,现在还是春寒料峭的时节,体力显得格外宝贵。 The movement in Throldin a little dumbfounded looks at open area, in the mind appears slowly the related information: This...... seems like calls the soccer, thing that the old friend was inventing a short time ago, moreover after the promotion, quick received on Feudal Territory the welcome of people...... 索尔德林有点愣神看着空地上的运动,脑海中慢慢浮现出相关的信息来:这个……似乎是叫足球吧,老朋友在前不久发明出来的东西,而且推广之后很快就受到了领地上人民的欢迎…… Gives the devil his due, Throldin several seed/type Qi that likes the old friend inventing plays actually, but he can still feel some inexplicable attraction from this seemingly barbaric crude sports at present, this movement...... continent west side these Dwarf in full vigour will be interested probably very much. 平心而论,索尔德林倒是更喜欢老朋友发明出来的几种棋牌游戏,但他仍然能从眼前这看似野蛮粗暴的体育运动中感受到某种莫名的吸引力,这种运动……大概大陆西边那些精力旺盛的矮人会很感兴趣吧。 At this moment, in the crowd the bright metal reflection interrupted this Senior Ranger train of thought together, he catches the eye, finally found itself to come this real Goal Nicholas Egg float in crowd, that huge, moreover sparkles the shining funny smile to leave clearly discernible again under the sunlight. 就在这时,人群中一道明亮的金属反光打断了这位高阶游侠的思绪,他抬眼一眼,终于找到了自己来此真正的目标-尼古拉斯蛋正悬浮在人群里面,那个巨大而且在阳光下闪闪发亮的滑稽笑容离再远都清晰可见。 After some time adaptation, the Cecil territory citizens as if fully have adapted to this uniquely-shaped Grandmaster smith, in fact Carmel of their recent even/including spark belt/bring lightning has adapted, only also not too adaptation is Miss Siren who that walking posture entrains very much- the number of times that after all Tyr goes out was too limited. 经过一段时间的适应之后,塞西尔领的公民们似乎已经完全适应这位造型奇特的“工匠大师”了,事实上他们最近连一路火花带闪电的卡迈尔都已经适应,唯一还不太适应的就是那位走路姿势很拽的海妖小姐-毕竟提尔出门的次数太有限了。 Throldin went through the crowd to depend quickly, side Nicholas Egg is greeting loudly( periphery cheers were too after all noisy): Mr. Egg, Mr. Egg!” 索尔德林赶快穿过人群靠了过去,在尼古拉斯蛋身边大声打着招呼(毕竟周围欢呼声太吵闹了):“蛋先生,蛋先生!” Shouted several, Nicholas Egg as if be like the first awakening after a dream rocked, later this metal great ball turns around slowly, spreads humming sound the sound from the spheroid: Mother...... too exciting......” 喊了好几声,尼古拉斯蛋才仿佛大梦初醒般晃动了一下,随后这个金属巨球迟缓地转过来,从球体内传出嗡嗡的声音:“妈耶……太刺激了……” Mr. Egg, what was too exciting?” Throldin is inquiring loudly, right, can we find the peaceful point place? I ask you to have the matter......” 蛋先生,什么太刺激了?”索尔德林大声询问着,“对了,咱们能找个安静点的地方么?我找你有事……” Good, good, leaves here......” Nicholas Egg to make humming sound the sound, but the body floats obviously is not very steady, you...... you hold my in side, I a little empty......” “好,好,离开这儿……”尼古拉斯蛋发出嗡嗡的声音,但身体漂浮的明显不是很稳,“你……你在旁边扶我一下,我有点虚……” Throldin looked at the Nicholas Egg plump smooth body, face confused- this does motherfucking hold? 索尔德林看了看尼古拉斯蛋圆滚滚光溜溜的身体,一脸蒙圈-这tm扶哪? But is good because of Nicholas Egg has not investigated the detail, after waiting for a Throldin face strange expression the hand places his body, he moves fast follows Senior Ranger to leave the crowd. 但好在尼古拉斯蛋自己也没有追究细节,等索尔德林一脸古怪表情地把手放在他身上之后,他就飘飘忽忽地跟着高阶游侠离开了人群。 After crowd outside, the Iron Ball Alien condition was good a point, is a sigh: Mother...... too exciting......” 等到人群外面之后,铁球星人的状态才好了一点,然后又是一声感叹:“妈耶……太刺激了……” Throldin turns head the looks at opposite party: What therefore was too exciting?” 索尔德林扭头看着对方:“所以到底是什么太刺激了?” 22 people rush to trample a ball- sometimes the referees come up to trample, too exciting......” in the Nicholas Egg tone has the feeling of lingering fear, soccer originally such cruel......” “二十二个人抢着踹一个球-有时候裁判都上去踹,太刺激了……”尼古拉斯蛋的语气中带着后怕的感觉,“足球原来这么残暴的么……” Bountiful travels the accumulated experience by the Throldin 700 years and thought breadth, he also responded quite a while guessed correctly Mr. Egg is what meaning, expression unprecedented strangeness of this Senior Ranger: You...... looked that this should with us look the facing the street murder does feel similarly?” 饶是以索尔德林七百年游历所积累的见识和思维广度,他也反应了半天才猜到蛋先生是什么意思,这位高阶游侠的表情前所未有的古怪:“你……看这个应该跟我们看当街杀人感觉差不多吧?” Compared with that serious- you kill people facing the street are less than 20 individual person cut a blade......” “比那严重-你们当街杀人也不是二十多个人一人砍一刀啊……” The corner of the eye of Throldin is vibrating: I understood that your feeling...... that you also watched the soccer specially, looks for the stimulation?” 索尔德林的眼角抖动着:“我理解你的感受了……那你还专程来看足球,是找刺激么?” Where has!” The Nicholas Egg tone nearly goes wild, I am heard that on Feudal Territory is popular a ballgame, I also think that prepares to me, just here wants to come to register- luckily has not reported! They are not short of manpower now, but almost every team spherical segment......” “哪有!”尼古拉斯蛋的语气近乎抓狂,“我就是听说领地上流行起一种球类运动,我还以为是给我准备的呢,刚想来这边报个名-幸亏没报啊!他们现在一点都不缺人,但几乎每个队都缺球……” The Throldin corner of the eye vibrates even more seriously, he sized up Nicholas Egg up and down, the heart said that perhaps opposite party completely need not such nervous, his build and real weight, ran in the appearance Giant in ancient legend to kick...... 索尔德林眼角抖动愈发严重,他上下打量了尼古拉斯蛋一番,心说对方完全不用这么紧张的,就他这个体型和真实重量,跑到场上恐怕得古代传说中的巨人才能踢得动吧…… The huge stimulation that but considering that this Iron Ball Alien just received, Throldin words at heart said embarrassedly, but hurried to shift the topic: Actually I ask you to have the matter to ask.” 但考虑到这位铁球星人刚刚受到的巨大刺激,索尔德林心里的话还是没好意思说出来,而是赶紧转移了话题:“其实我来找你是有事拜托的。” „......, Has the matter to ask?” Nicholas Egg responded, what matter?” “啊……啊,有事拜托?”尼古拉斯蛋反应过来,“什么事?” You should know me in forming steel ranger matter, moreover Feudal Lord also gives me a duty, making me act according to Ranger (Knight-errant) battle to experience the design or the improvement new-style magical equipment,” Throldin mentioned the proper business, keeping a serious look to be earnest, I asked you to have several order to make you help design the design.” “你应该已经知道我在组建‘钢铁游骑兵’的事了,而且领主还交给我一个任务,让我根据游侠战斗经验来设计或改进出新式的魔导武装,”索尔德林说起正事,表情严肃认真起来,“我找你就是有几个‘订单’想让你帮忙设计设计。” „? Can you also design magical equipment to come?” Talks about own specialty, Nicholas Egg spirit gets up immediately, the beforehand spirit wound as if healed instantaneously, had the concept map or the goal demand schedule?” “哦?你也能设计出魔导武装来?”谈到自己的专业,尼古拉斯蛋立刻精神起来,之前的精神创伤似乎瞬间就愈合了,“有概念图或者目标需求表了么?” Throldin shows a faint smile: Concept map I, but some goals have.” 索尔德林微微一笑:“概念图我给不出来,但一些目标还是有的。”
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