SOD :: Volume #4

#369: Cecil's preparation

Although is hearing the Gawain's words later the atmosphere slightly to have serious, Byron answered the issue unemotionally indifferently: After the winters and spring two rounds of expansions, the Cecil Battle Corps battle personnel quantity has achieved 5000 at present, 1000 people underwent the artillery training. However although we have 5000 soldiers, more than 3000 people are from head to tail recruit- only conducted the drill manual training of foundation, understood that uses heat-ray gun and grenade and landmine, the real combat experience is zero.” 尽管在听到高文的话之后现场气氛略有严肃,拜伦还是面无表情地淡然回答了问题:“经过冬季和春季的两轮扩充,目前塞西尔战斗兵团战斗人员数量已经达到五千,其中一千人接受了炮兵训练。不过虽然我们有五千士兵,其中三千多人还是彻头彻尾的新兵-只进行了基础的操典训练,懂得使用热能射线枪手雷地雷,实战经验为零。” Gawain slightly nodded, this result approximately in he expects in the range, moreover he is quite satisfied. 高文微微点了点头,这个结果大致在他预料范围内,而且他对此已经比较满意了。 Present Cecil territory has expanded again, particularly after Kant area official merges into Cecil, the population within Feudal Territory range has broken through 70,000- 30,000 people in the Cecil Lord city, the remaining people are distributed in the surrounding villages and small towns and broad Kant area, considering the development mode of magical industrial society, he will be centralized toward the Lord city in unceasingly more population, and continues to carry out the recruitment work of refugee. 如今的塞西尔领已经再度扩大,尤其是在康德地区正式并入塞西尔之后,领地范围内的人口已经突破七万-其中三万人在塞西尔主城,剩下的人则分布在周围的村镇以及广阔的康德地区,考虑到魔导工业社会的发展模式,他还在不断将更多人口向着主城集中,并持续进行着流民的招募工作。 In this population foundation, developement territory early that nearly eight people soldiers, might be called the exaggerating military and civilian proportion be eased finally, and as a result of existence and support of Feudal Territory of productive forces construction soldier system, at present the Cecil Battle Corps scale regarding Feudal Territory is quite reasonable and balanced. 在这个人口基础上,开拓领早期那种近乎八民一兵、堪称夸张的军民比例终于得到了缓解,而且由于建设兵制度的存在以及领地生产力的支持,目前塞西尔战斗兵团的规模对于领地而言还是比较合理、平衡的。 But in this army corps the larger part soldiers is a recruit, this is the fact that is unable to change. 而这个兵团中一大半的士兵都是新兵,这是无法改变的事实。 Besides the real combat test and time accumulation, the recruits in army not possible to become the veteran depending on the idle operation, although Battle Corps always has the high-intensity intensive training, to go to Feudal Territory peripheral to bandit suppression and exterminate magic beast to increase regularly sees blood experience, veteran to lead the tradition of recruit class as the seed, the training efficiency be higher than many many compared with the traditional private soldier of this time, but the efficiency is high, is impossible to arrive at to the drill these recruit spherical objects in two months. 除了实战考验以及时间积累之外,军队里的新兵不可能凭空转成老兵,虽然战斗兵团一向有着高强度密集训练、定期前往领地周边剿匪、剿灭魔兽来增加“见血经验”、老兵作为种子带领新兵班的传统,训练效率要比这个时代的传统私兵高出许多许多,但效率再高,也不可能在两个多月的时间里就把那些新兵蛋子给操练到位。 But Gawain knows, even the recruit proportion is very high, the Battle Corps the traditional private soldier of soldier and this time compared still to have a big advantage, this advantage counter-balanced Issue magical that many recruit proportions excessively brought high sufficiently equipment particularity. 高文知道,即便新兵比例很高,战斗兵团的士兵和这个时代的传统私兵比起来仍然有个巨大的优势,这个优势足以抵消很多新兵比例过高带来的问题-魔导武装的特殊性。 The traditional soldier of this time mainly relies on the cold weapons combat, when magic power is only in the army minority battle mage is often used to increase the battlefield, to counterattack the opponent embellishment, but the enlisted man training of use cold weapons combat is especially long and difficult, the complex wrestle and attack and defense skill need to temper year and year out, that short distance cuts the courage that kills to need face-to-face is not in a short period of time can discipline, is the magical soldier? 这个时代的传统士兵主要还是依赖冷兵器作战,魔法力量往往只是军队中少数战斗法师用来增益战场、反制对手时的点缀,而使用冷兵器作战的士兵训练起来是格外漫长且艰难的,复杂的格斗、攻防技巧需要经年累月的锤炼,那种近距离面对面斩杀所需的勇气更不是一朝一夕能磨练出来,可是魔导士兵呢? They from contacting heat-ray gun to can roughly hit the torso of person beyond dozens meters, only needs one month of practice on the line, among this can also accept discipline and systemization brainwashing type to instill into and learn/study of soldier integrity, but as for cold weapons wrestle...... 他们从接触热能射线枪到能够在几十米外大致打中人的躯干,只需要一个月的练习就行,这中间还能接受纪律化、制度化的洗脑式灌输以及士兵操守的学习,而至于冷兵器格斗…… The searing sword performance made up for many shortcoming sufficiently. 熔切剑的性能足以弥补很多短板了。 Let alone regarding the Cecil battle soldier, the cold weapons near body wrestle is not the main project: searing sword is only the secondary weapon. 更何况对于塞西尔战斗兵而言,冷兵器近身格斗本身也不是主要项目:熔切剑只是副武器而已。 Byron as Battle Corps main one of the Commander and earlier upbuilders, under the opponent the situation of soldier naturally also understood, therefore after reporting the recruit proportion then said: „A magical infantry who has undergone two months of training can kill several to be trained beyond dozens meters all the year round, even has experienced several times the battle traditional soldier, therefore our recruits, still have powerful combat power even- under having enough fire space premise.” 拜伦作为战斗兵团的主要指挥官和前期建立者之一,对手底下士兵的情况当然也了解,所以在报告了新兵比例之后紧接着便说道:“一个接受过两个月训练的魔导步兵就能在几十米外杀死数个受过长年训练,甚至经历过数次战斗的传统士兵了,所以即便是我们的新兵,也有强大的战斗力-在有足够射击空间的前提下。” Relatively speaking, artillery's training is more complex and slow,” he also said later, teams and groups coordinates, the rapid access firing table data, various memory battlefield instructions, the use, maintains the orbital accelerator, these are much more difficult than heat-ray gun.” “相比而言,炮兵的训练更复杂、缓慢一些,”他随后又说道,“班组配合,快速查阅射表数据,记忆各种战场指令,还有使用、养护轨道加速器,这些都比热能射线枪困难得多。” This is very normal, the formation speed of high-level branch of the services always so,” Gawain nods, „, so long as they can quickly grasp these small-scale artilleries to be good.” “这很正常,高级兵种的成型速度一向如此,”高文点点头,“只要他们能尽快掌握那些小型火炮就好。” This aspect can feel relieved, Byron said very much self-confidently, miniaturization Persuader linear accelerator cannon two people then control, the firing table is succinct . Moreover the aim device is also simpler, at present trained was very proper.” “这方面可以放心,”拜伦很自信地说道,“小型化的‘说服者轨道加速炮两人即可操控,射表简洁而且瞄具也更简单,目前已经训练的很到位了。” After Byron reports, Philip then opened the mouth: I am conforming with, old army corps of reconstitution from Kant area. After Kant Knight takes an oath gives loyalty, Walter? Peric Knight led retinue of Knight Corps as well as his subordinate merged into Cecil territory from, militiaman, some people had 3000 probably. They are the old-style aristocrat private soldier, combat power and sense of discipline are very disappointing, has no way to compare with our battle soldiers completely, but has 12 regular Knight in some people well, with the coordination of these Kant Knight, is very smooth to the conformity reconstitution work of old army corps.” 拜伦汇报完之后,菲利普接着开口了:“我正在整合、重编来自康德地区的旧兵团。在康德骑士宣誓效忠之后,瓦尔德?佩里奇骑士带领骑士团以及其下属的扈从、民兵并入了塞西尔领,这部分人大概有三千。他们都是旧式的贵族私兵,战斗力和纪律性很差劲,完全没法跟我们的战斗兵相比,但好在这部分人里有十二名正规的骑士,在这些康德骑士的配合下,对旧兵团的整合重编工作很顺利。” Is under intensive construction, particularly the ideological transformation work must be at the right place,” fully realized the aristocrat private soldier who this time what condition Gawain was stressed especially to the ideological remolding work of these old army corps, but well was the system is quite enlightened in beforehand Kant territory, order quite good Feudal Territory, the local old army corps did not have corrupt to the incurable degree, he somewhat was optimistic, „can this army corps after training as the second army corps, still by Walter? Peric Knight direction. I to Walter? Peric has had the contact and understanding, so long as he thought transformed, was the reliable and loyal person.” “加紧训练,尤其是思想转变工作必须到位,”深知这个时代的贵族私兵是什么状况的高文格外强调了对那些旧兵团的思想改造工作,但好在之前的康德领还算是制度比较开明、秩序比较良好的领地,当地的旧兵团没有腐化到不可救药的程度,他对此还是有些乐观的,“这支兵团在训练完之后作为第二兵团,会仍由瓦尔德?佩里奇骑士指挥。我对瓦尔德?佩里奇有过接触和了解,他只要思想转变好了,就是个可靠而忠诚的人。” „The issue of student and preliminary training program of steel ranger had arrived, but just started to train, thing that at present also nothing can report,” what the third opens the mouth is Throldin, I actually in secret according to own battle experience as well as magical weapon the characteristics pondered some materiel design plans, the preparation will look for Mr. Egg to discuss in the near future.” “钢铁游骑兵的一期学员和初步的训练计划已经到位了,但刚刚开始训练,目前还没有什么可以汇报的东西,”第三个开口的是索尔德林,“我自己倒是私下里根据自己的战斗经验以及‘魔导武器’的特性思考了一些装备设计方案,准备近期去找蛋先生商量一下。” After these reports ended, Gawain nods satisfied, but Hetty that has wanted to speak could not bear the opens the mouth finally: Ancestor, did we want...... the preparation war?” 等到这些汇报都结束之后,高文满意地点了点头,而早就想说话的赫蒂则终于忍不住开口了:“先祖,我们要……准备战争了么?” Yes, preparation, but at present is also only the preparation,” the eye of Gawain looks at Hetty, said honestly, I do not think to make developing Feudal Territory be involved in the flames of war now, but we must be ready that the situation changes.” “是的,准备,但目前也只是准备,”高文看着赫蒂的眼睛,“坦白说,我并不想现在就让正在发展的领地卷入战火,但我们要做好局势变化的准备。” Situation changes......” a Hetty slightly thinking, understands the Gawain's meaning, you meant, the peace talks of Typhon and Ainz instead can make the big trouble? Instead will cause to make war?” “局势变化……”赫蒂略一思索,明白了高文的意思,“您是说,提丰安苏的这场和平谈判反而会出大乱子?反而会导致开战?” I am only the somewhat anxious premonition,” Gawain affirmed from one side the view of Hetty, I like to believe leader conscious of two countries to the common threat from wasteland, can understand at this time both countries made war was not sane, but I suspected whether very much all will develop...... Eternal Sleepers smoothly, All Things Finally Die Society, two countries respective main action aristocrats, in rumor that Typhon Emperor insanity, had the too multi-factors to threaten this negotiated, once in the negotiation process has problems, after the war broke out, prepared on without enough time.” “我只是有些不安的预感,”高文从侧面肯定了赫蒂的说法,“我愿意相信两国的领导者都意识到了来自废土中的共同威胁,也能明白这时候两国开战的不理智,但我很怀疑一切是否会这么顺利地发展……永眠者,万物终亡会,两国各自的主战贵族,还有传言里那个提丰皇帝的‘疯病’,有太多因素在威胁这场谈判了,一旦谈判过程中出了问题,战争爆发之后再做准备就来不及了。” I understood,” Hetty nods slowly, government affairs hall will also start to take action- actually makes a connection after each trade route, stores up the work of commodity not to stop, but now I according to preparing for the standard will increase the commodity to store up strength.” “我明白了,”赫蒂缓缓点头,“政务厅也会开始行动的-其实从各个商路打通之后,囤积物资的工作就没停过,但现在我会按照备战标准加大物资囤积力度。” Cecil territory is a seemingly peaceful and prosperous place, but as a result of Gawain's crisis conscious, this lands to greet the war in fact from the beginning was ready-, no matter that enemy is Aberrant Body or Human Race. In the past year, Gawain made a connection with three directions trade routes, now various ore from Western Leslie territory and medicinal herb raw material and wheat from northern Kant area, Eastern Glen gets is delivered to the warehouse from the grain, fur/superficial knowledge and textile raw material that every day continuously. 塞西尔领是个看起来和平繁荣的地方,但事实上由于高文的危机意识,这片土地从一开始就为迎接战争做好了准备-不管那敌人是畸变体还是人类。在过去的一年里,高文打通了三个方向的商路,如今来自西方莱斯利领的各种矿石、来自北方康德地区的药材原料和小麦、来自东方葛兰领的粮食、皮毛、纺织原料每天都在源源不断地被送到仓库里。 The bystanders only know that Cecil territory earned the extraordinary wealth in alchemy medicine and magical machinery and other domain, perhaps but they could not imagine in these wealth to have the larger part actually to be spent at the similarly astonishing speed, turned into the preparation commodity in Gawain warehouse...... 外人只知道塞西尔领炼金药剂魔导机械等领域赚取了惊人的财富,但他们恐怕想象不到这些财富中有一大半其实都以同样惊人的速度被花掉了,变成了高文仓库里的备战物资…… Besides reserve material, but must consider, once makes war, Feudal Territory public order maintains, public opinion, logistics, material distribution wait/etc issues,” Gawain said that not only looks at Hetty, looks at everyone on the scene, Cecil has the far ultra prosperity and order, what we must prove, even if meets the war, this prosperous and order also far exceeds any place.” “除了储备物资之外,还要考虑一旦开战的话,领地治安维持、舆论、后勤、物资分配等等问题,”高文说道,并且不只是看着赫蒂,也看着在场的每个人,“塞西尔有着远超外界的繁荣和秩序,我们要证明的是,哪怕遇上战争,这份繁荣和秩序也是远超任何地方的。” After completing the preparation arrangements in various aspects, Gawain announced this conference ended, but the atmosphere some nervous were still serious. 在完成各方面的备战安排之后,高文宣布了这次会议结束,但现场的气氛仍然有些紧张严肃。 Sees this situation, he smiled: Naturally, we also provide for a rainy day here, perhaps this negotiations will end very much smoothly, perhaps anything will not happen, therefore other nervous excessive- day this/should has wanted.” 看到这情况,他笑了起来:“当然,咱们在这里也只是未雨绸缪罢了,或许这场谈判会很顺利地结束,或许什么都不会发生,所以别紧张过度-日子该过还是要过的。” Amber hears this saying unable to bear GuGu get up: How your saying saying I flustered......” 琥珀听到这话忍不住嘀嘀咕咕起来:“怎么你一说这话我更慌了……” Gawain stares this fellow one eyes immediately: How did this saying say?” 高文立刻瞪了这家伙一眼:“这话怎么说的?” Amber mumbled: Your previous time added that if Aberrant Body did not attack were good, finally in the winter has not ended comes more than 3000 monsters to attack a city......” 琥珀嘟嘟囔囔:“你上次还说要是畸变体不来进攻就好了,结果冬天没完就来了三千多怪物攻城……” Gawain a slap pats on this Half-Elf skull: „Isn't Rebecca responsible for an iron in you?!” 高文一巴掌拍在这个半精灵脑壳上:“瑞贝卡不在你就负责头铁是吧?!” Yeah mother- sore!” “哎妈-疼!” Thank the offer of Miss Half-Elf and sacrificed spirit, after Gawain this a slap got down, the atmosphere not so nervous is immediately serious...... 感谢半精灵小姐的奉献和牺牲精神,高文一巴掌下去之后,现场的气氛顿时就不那么紧张严肃了…… After waiting Amber pats is honest, Gawain remembers a matter, therefore looks to Byron: Said, in the winter had finished, ’ the explorations of remainder toFortress Defiance as if can start.” 等把琥珀拍老实之后,高文想起件事,于是看向拜伦:“说起来,冬季已经结束,对‘忤逆要塞’剩余部分的探索似乎可以重新开始了。” After Carmel joins Cecil territory, in the mountain ruins many secrets were decoded, its name also changed to the official name of Gondor Empire period Fortress Defiance, currently in Fortress Defiance has the one-third region to be applied again, after conducting modern magic circuit transformed the energy, turned into the weapon factory, fine sharp equipment manufacturing plant and location in war reserve warehouse, but it still had big portion region to hide in the unknown dark deep place. 卡迈尔加入塞西尔领之后,山中遗迹的很多秘密被破解,其名称也改为了刚铎帝国时期的正式名“忤逆要塞”,目前忤逆要塞中有三分之一的区域已经重新被派上用场,在进行现代魔网改造之后通上了能源,变成了兵工厂、精尖设备制造厂、战备物资仓库的所在地,但它仍有很大一部分区域隐藏在未知的黑暗深处。 Although Carmel was one of the Fortress Defiance past high-level technology personnel, but that ancient fortress scale was extremely really huge, the secret that the interior buried were also too many, only then the during that time Gondor imperial family is having knowledge of the fortress complete secret, therefore Carmel helped Gawain draw up the structure drawing of Fortress Defiance floor and disobedient fortress region, as for the fortress south and eastern situation, at present is a riddle. 卡迈尔虽然是忤逆要塞昔日的高级技术人员之一,但那座古老的要塞规模实在太过庞大,内部埋藏的秘密也太多了,只有当年刚铎皇室才掌握着要塞的全部秘密,所以卡迈尔只是帮着高文绘制出了忤逆要塞底层、忤逆堡垒区域的结构图,而至于要塞的南部和东部情况,目前还是一片谜团。 After beginning of winter, Gawain suspended the exploration work to Fortress Defiance unknown area, and life person blocked temporarily southern and corridor of eastern region to fortress, but the winter had finished now, the weather is warming up gradually, he thinks that was the time restarts this project. 入冬之后,高文暂停了对忤逆要塞未知地区的探索工作,并命人暂时封锁了通往要塞南部和东部区域的走廊,但现在冬季已经结束,天气正在渐渐转暖,他认为是时候把这个项目重启了。
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