ThisisRhemannia Ginseng, inmiddle grade medicinal ingredientslow-grade, does not compareYe Xinghad takenScarlet Blood Lingzhi.
这是一株地黄参,在中品药材中偏低档,比不上叶星曾经服用过的赤血灵芝。However, asmiddle grade medicinal ingredients, Rhemannia Ginsengefficacy, is far fromLow Grade Medicinal Ingredientscanplace on a par, regardingYe Xing'scultivation basebreakthroughMartial Dao Fourth Layer, becomestrueMartial Artist, has the functionvery much.
不过,作为中品药材,地黄参的药力,也远非下品药材可以相提并论,对于叶星的修为突破武道四重,成为真正的武者,很有作用。Ye XingateRhemannia Ginseng, thenrevolutionEvergreen Art, builds up the absorption!叶星将地黄参吃了下去,然后运转长青功,炼化吸收!Hadhas absorbed the experience of Scarlet Blood Lingzhiquickly, absorptionspeed of Ye Xing'sbodytomiddle grade medicinal ingredientsmany, bodyunceasinginto strengthen.
有过吸收赤血灵芝的经验,叶星的身体对中品药材的吸收速度快了不少,身体不断的在强化中。Severaldouble-hourpass by, Ye Xing the efficacy that rusheswithin the bodybuilds up, hiscultivation base, has promoted, has reached the Martial Dao Third Layerlimit.
数个时辰过去,叶星才将体内澎湃的药力炼化,他的修为,又有所提升,已经达到武道三重的极限。And, hecanfeel, infivemeridians that heopens, hasstrengthto surgeindistinctly, seems quite formidable.
并且,他能够感觉到,他打开的五条经脉中,隐隐约约有一股力量涌动,似乎极为强大。IsMartial DaoInternal Strength!
是武道内劲!Steps intoMartial Dao Fourth Layer, Four Dao Star Rings in dantianis the standard, but, before then, in the meridiansmustcultivateMartial DaoInternal Strengthfirst, thisrealm, was almost halffoothas stepped intoMartial Dao Fourth Layer.
The Ye Xingscanningdantian, Three Dao Star Ringsis radiant, does not divide the height, but, Fourth Dao Star Ring, has not appeared.叶星扫描丹田,三道星环都非常璀璨,不分高低,但是,第四道星环,却还没有出现。Ye Xing'scultivation basepromotesquickly, the flesh and bloodwas formidableenough, but, the timeexcessively is short, absorptionPower of Starsalsomissed, wantedto step intoMartial Dao Fourth Layerthoroughly, but alsoneededsome time.叶星的修为提升很快,血肉足够强大了,但是,毕竟时间过短,吸收的星辰之力还差了一些,想要彻底踏入武道四重,还需要一段时间。Thisis notonlymedicinal ingredientscanpile, butneedsto absorbPower of Stars, therefore, owncultivationis also important.
这不是单凭药材可以堆上去的,而是需要吸收星辰之力,所以,自身的修炼也非常重要。Ye Xingstoppedcultivation, the moodgood, ifletshimandYe Qingagainfights, does not needto utilize the Superbrainscanning, candepend on the absolutestrength, defeats the opposite party.叶星停止了修炼,心情甚好,若是再让他和叶青战斗,不必运用超脑扫描,也可以凭绝对的实力,击败对方。And, after hearrives atSky-Blue Citymain family, shouldhave more than enough the longtime, cultivation base will thoroughly step intoMartial Dao Fourth Layer, when the time comes, hebecomestrueMartial Artist, the strengthwill have the bigprogress.
并且,他到达天沧城主族之后,应该用不了多长的时间,修为就会彻底踏入武道四重,到时候,他成为真正的武者,实力又会有大的进展。„InGreen Leaf Town, myYe Xingisfirst, inSky-Blue City, absolutelynotweaklyinother people!”InYe Xingheartsecret passage.
“在青叶镇,我叶星是第一,在天沧城,也绝对不会弱于他人!”叶星心中暗道。„Young Master, your did cultivationend?”SawYe Xingto stopcultivation, Xiaoqingwalked, said: „Young Master, youhave not eaten the thingat noon, was certainly hungry, used the latemealsquickly!”
“少爷,你修炼完了?”见叶星停止了修炼,小青走了过来,道:“少爷,你中午没吃东西,一定饿了吧,快用晚膳吧!”cultivationdoes not know the time, this momentweather at nightfall, Ye Xinghas missed the time of lunchcompletely.修炼不知时间,此刻天色已经入夜,叶星完全错过了午饭的时间。On the table, Xiaoqinghas prepared the latemeals, is very sumptuous, canlook, has been bettercompared with the past.
桌子上,小青已经准备好了晚膳,十分丰盛,可以看得出来,比起以往要好了许多。Ye Xinghas absorbed the Rhemannia Ginsengefficacy, does not think the hungeractually, before setting outto arrive at the table, said: „Icould not eatthese many, Xiaoqing, youandIdividedare eating!”叶星吸收了地黄参的药力,倒是不觉得饥饿,起身来到桌前,道:“我吃不了这么多,小青,你与我分着吃吧!”Xiaoqingsomewhatis immediately embarrassed, said: „Young Master, thisisPatriarchandMistresstoldfornutritionbanquet that youmakespecially! Imaynot have the good fortuneto eat!”小青顿时有些不好意思,道:“少爷,这可是家主和主母特意吩咐为你做的营养大餐呢!我可没有福气吃!”Ye Xinghas shotherhead, said: „Imakeyoueat, youfeel relievedboldeating, whichthatmanywords.”叶星弹了一下她脑袋,道:“我让你吃,你就放心大胆的吃,哪那么多话。”„......, Young Master, Iam impolite!”Xiaoqingblinked, feeling pleased[say / way].
“哦……,少爷,那我可不客气啦!”小青眨了眨眼,喜滋滋的道。Quick, Xiaoqinghas addedonetableware, but, has not startedto eat, shehas as if rememberedanything, said: „Has almost forgotten, Young Master, Patriarchtoldmesomewords, wantedmeto transfersaidlistenedtoyou.”
很快,小青又添了一套餐具,不过,还没有开始吃,她似乎想起了什么,道:“差点忘了,少爷,家主跟我说了一些话,要我转说给你听。”„Said!”Ye Xingnods.
“说吧!”叶星点点头。Xiaoqingsaid: „PatriarchsaidthatYoung Masteryouarrived atSky-Blue CityMain Family, mustdefendcontentedalready, should not be arrogant, mustpay attention tooneElder that calledYe Wenying, PatriarchsaidoldPatriarchyoungtime, has taughtYe WenyinginSky-Blue CityMain Family, afterwardtheybecameMain FamilyElder, has actually disagreed, Patriarchsaid after oldPatriarchpassed away, Green Leaf TownYe Familyis not then ableto comparewithElder Ye Wenyingthis[lineage/vein], wantsyouto be careful, do not provoke the right and wrong, especiallymustpay attention toElder Ye WenyinggrandsonYe Yunkong, hewas the Main Familyyounger generationtalentjuniors, wantedYoung Lordyouwithhimdo not vie for supremacyto fight the victory, everythingmakes concessionsthreepointstohim, Um, Patriarchsaidwasthese.”小青说道:“家主说,少爷你到了天沧城主家,要安份守已,不要盛气凌人,并且,要注意一个叫叶文鹰的长老,家主说老家主年轻的时候,在天沧城主家教训过叶文鹰,后来他们都成为主家长老,却一直不和,家主说老家主去世后,青叶镇叶家便无法与叶文鹰长老这一脉相比,要你小心谨慎,不要招惹是非,并且,特别要注意叶文鹰长老的孙子叶云空,他是主家后辈的天才子弟,要少主你不要与他争强斗胜,凡事对他退让三分,嗯,家主说的就是这些了。”
The Ye Xing'seyebrowjumpsslightly, said: „It seems likeIwent toSky-Blue City, is hardsmooth and steady! Yeah......!”叶星的眉毛微微一跳,道:“看来我去了天沧城,也难以安稳啦!哎……!”
……When the early morningfirstwisp of sunlightdaybreak, twohorse-drawn vehiclesdrive out of Green Leaf TownYe Family, leftGreen Leaf Town.
当清晨的第一缕阳光破晓,两辆马车从青叶镇叶家驶出,离开了青叶镇。Twogrooms, areMartial Dao Fourth Layer of Martial Artist, came from Ye Familymain family, another came from Green Leaf TownYe Family.
The firstcarriage, is quite luxurious, whatsitsisYe ClanYoung LordYe Yunlong, as well ashisswordwaits on!
The secondcarriage, wantsto be ordinarierrelatively, but is also quite spacious, Ye Xing, Ye Feng, Ye QingandLiu Shuanglingfourpeople, allinthiscarriage.
第二辆马车,相对要普通一些,但也比较宽敞,叶星、叶峰、叶青、柳霜玲四人,皆在这辆马车之中。In the secondcarriage, atmosphereis somewhat strange, Liu Shuanglinglooks atYe Xing, fullissecret grudge, Ye Qinglooks atLiu Shuangling, thenYuQingnot, when the visionchanges to the Ye Xingbody, is having the anger.
第二辆马车中,气氛有些古怪,柳霜玲看着叶星,满是幽怨,叶青看着柳霜玲,则余情未了,不过,当目光转到叶星身上时,则带着怒火。Ye Fengfeels the atmosphere in compartmentto be awkward, heis the person of staying out, in the heartinsteadsomewhatis obviously anxious, for fear thatthesethreepeoplequarrelledin the compartment, evendeveloped the situation of beginning!叶峰感觉到车厢中的气氛尴尬,明明他才是置身事外的人,心中反而有些紧张,生怕这三人在车厢中吵起来,甚至发展到动手的地步!Infourpeople, lookusualperson, only thenYe Xing, hewas disinclinedwithYe Qing and Liu Shuanglingentanglement, when managestheylooktohisvision, isanymood.
四人中,神色如常的人,就只有叶星了,他才懒得和叶青、柳霜玲纠缠,管他俩看向他的目光时,是什么情绪。From the rear window the Ye FamilymansionmorecomesYue Yuan, Ye Xingto feelonelooked likedeparted the bird of prisoner's cage, has flown a broadersky.
The moodis very happy!
心情十分美好!Green Leaf TownleavesSky-Blue City, more than 100li (0.5km), Green Leaf Townbelongs to the mountainous areafully, the pathis impeded, the carriagewalks not quickly, arrives atSky-Blue Cityto requireall daytime.青叶镇离天沧城,足有100余里,青叶镇属于山区,道路不畅,马车行走不快,到达天沧城需要一整天的时间。
The worry of Ye Fengsomewhatconsidered thoroughlyobviously.叶峰的担心显然有些多虑了。Ye Qingdreads the Ye Xing'sstrength, even ifinheart the nestcatches fire, does not dareto provokeYe Xing, butLiu Shuanglingdoes not respondhim, hedoes not have the means.叶青忌惮叶星的实力,纵然心中窝着火,也不敢挑衅叶星,而柳霜玲不搭理他,他也没有办法。AlthoughLiu Shuanglingwantsto approachwithYe Xing, butalsoknows the Ye Xing'sregard, shehasherself-respect, impossibleto lag behind the honorinYe Feng and Ye Qingfront, is askingYe Xing.柳霜玲虽然想和叶星走近,但也知道叶星的心意,她有她的自尊,不可能在叶峰、叶青面前拉下脸面,来求着叶星。Therefore, Ye Xing, Ye Qing and Liu Shuanglingthreepeoplein the samecarriage, a matterdo not have.
所以,叶星、叶青、柳霜玲三人在同一个马车中,一点事情都没有。Afterinitialanxiety, Ye Fengfeels relievedslowlythattalkedwithYe Xing, theywere merryactually, remainingYe QingandLiu Shuanglingwere depressedin the one side.
经过起初的紧张之后,叶峰慢慢放心下来,和身旁的叶星交谈起来,两人倒是有说有笑,剩下叶青、柳霜玲在一旁闷闷不乐。On the way, had the lunchinsomesmall town, the carriagecontinuedleisurelytoSky-Blue Citywent forward.
When the longjourneyalsohasfinished, the toward evening, the carriageexitsafter a mountain peak, frontnot far away, presented a giantcity.
漫长的旅途也有结束之时,黄昏时分,马车从一座山峰后面转出后,前方不远处,出现了一座巨大的城池。IsSky-Blue City, compared withGreen Leaf Town, wantedin a big waytentimesto continue.
是天沧城,比起青叶镇,要大了十倍不止。Ye ClaninSky-Blue City, is the first-classrich and powerful familyinfluence, the occupying land areais really broad, hasdirectlyleaves the channel of city, the carriageentersinSky-Blue City, thendirectlyarrived in the Ye Clancourtyardterritory.叶族在天沧城,是第一流的豪门势力,占地甚广,有直接离开城池的通道,马车进入天沧城内,便直接到达了叶族的府院领地之中。„Thisis the greatdeacon, Martial Dao Fifth Layer of Martial Artist, hewill leadyou, goes toyourdwellings!”
“这位是叶维宏执事,武道五重的武者,他会带你们,前往你们的住处!”EntersYe Clancourtyard, then the deacongreets, after Ye Yunlongtoldone, thenandYe Xingand the othersseparated from each other.
进入叶族府院,便有一位执事迎接,叶云龙吩咐一句之后,便和叶星等人分道扬镳。Butgreat, thenledthemto go toanotherregion, on the way, cameinitial show of strengthtothem:
而叶维宏,则带着他们前往了另一片区域,在途中,就对他们来了个下马威:„YouinSub-Clan, perhaps is a sidetalent, perhapsis the child of Patriarch, isof the same generation the eminents, set up on highin the younger generationjuniors, to show off one's military strength, but, tomain family, all your superiority, will not have existed, the child of Patriarch? A sidetalent? Hereeverywhereis, not most valuableis the child and a sidetalentPatriarch, here, youare the ordinaryjuniors, mustchangetheseto think that the set up on highbad habit, main familyhas the main familycustom, youmustdefendcontentedalready, respectfully follows the custom, ifwhoto stir up trouble, chaoticcustom, someare the methodtidies upyou, knows......!”
“你们在分族之中,也许是一方天才,也许是家主之子,都是同辈翘楚,在后辈子弟中高高在上,耀武扬威,但是,到了主族,你们的一切优势,将不复存在,家主之子?一方天才?这里遍地都是,最不值钱的就是家主之子、一方天才,在这里,你们就是普通子弟,要改掉身上那些自以为高高在上的臭毛病,主族有主族的规矩,你们都要安份守已,谨遵规矩,谁若是惹事生非,乱了规矩,有的是手段收拾你们,知不知道……!”„Knows......!”Fourpeopledo not dareto touch the greatpoint, respectfulreply.
“知道……!”四人不敢触了叶维宏的锋芒,都恭敬的回答。Before, fourpeopleregardingYe Familymain family, heardin the talkthatdid not have a concept of direct observation, butcurrentlyhas.
以前,四人对于叶家主族,都只是在谈话中听说,没有一个直观的概念,但是现在有了。InGreen Leaf Town, Martial Dao Fifth Layer of Martial Artist, hastwo, oneisPatriarchYe Feihong, oneisGreat ElderYe Tianzhong.
在青叶镇,武道五重的武者,只有两位,一个是家主叶飞鸿,一个是大长老叶天重。MayinYe Familymain family, onlybe a deacon, hasMartial Dao Fifth Layercultivation base, obviouslyMartial Dao Fifth Layer of Martial Artist, the Ye Familymain familyquantityare absolutely many.
可在叶家主族,仅是一个执事,就有武道五重的修为,可见武道五重的武者,叶家主族数量绝对不少。Ye Familymain familyElder, definitelymanagingcultivation baseis higher, at least is also existence of Martial Dao Sixth Layer.叶家主族的长老,肯定比执事修为更高,至少也是武道六重的存在。As for the Ye Familymain familyclanlord, theyearlyhear, isMartial Dao Seventh LayerGreat Master!
至于叶家主族的族主,他们早有听闻,是武道七重的大师!ToGreen Leaf TownYe FamilySub-Clan, Sky-Blue CityYe Familymain family, simplyis a colossus, between strengthdisparity, more thantentimes.
相对于青叶镇叶家分族而言,天沧城叶家主族,简直就是个庞然大物,之间的实力差距,远不止十倍。Greathasfourpeopletopiece of rangeverybigcourtyard , the gateonflatwrites the Devided Clan Institutethreecharacters.
叶维宏将四人带到一片范围很大的府院之中,门扁上写着分族院三字。InDevided Clan Institute, there aremanysmallcourtyards, separatelyisBlue Mulberry Tree Institution, Sky Water InstitutionandHundred Justice Institution...... wait / etc.with the name of townname.
在分族院中,又有许多的小院子,分别是青桑院、天水院、百义院……等等以镇名命名的名字。Insomeyards, already the younger generationhousing that came from varioustowns, saw that Ye Xingand the othersarrived, extends the headto watchin the institute.
一些小院中,已经从各镇而来的后辈居住,看到叶星等人到来,在院中伸着脑袋观看。In a while, the peoplethenarrived atoneyard that calledGreen Leaf Institution, obviouslyconstructedforGreen Leaf Town.
没过多久,众人便来到了一个叫青叶院的小院,显然是为青叶镇而建的。Greathas not enteredin the institute, standssaidoutside the institute: „Green Leaf Institution is the place that youlive, insidehasfourrooms, choosesonerespectively, must some quickpeoplesend, today the journeyis tired, tonightfirstrests for day, tomorrowin the morning, will go to the square before Devided Clan Instituteto gather, can not be late.”
叶维宏没有进入院中,站在院外说道:“青叶院便是你们居住的地方,里面有四个房间,各选一间,必须品很快会有人送来,今日路途劳累,今晚先休息一天,明日清晨,前往分族院前的广场上集合,不得迟到。”Said that greatthenwalked, the Ye Xingfourpeopleenterin the institute, has chosen a roomrespectively, some quickthenpeople the quilt and unifiedclothing, as well as the dailythingsend, has sent alsoevening'sfood.
说完叶维宏便走了,叶星四人进入院中,各选择了一个房间,很快便有人将被子、统一的服装,以及日常用品送来,同时也送来了晚上的食物。Ye Xingis stayingin the room, in a whileYe Fengthencomesto look forhim, theytalked, Ye Fengalsotalked aboutYe WenyingandYe Yunkong, obviouslyYe Feitinghas also transferredtohim.叶星在房中呆着,没过多久叶峰便过来找他,两人交谈一阵,叶峰也谈到了叶文鹰和叶云空,显然叶飞廷对他也有所交待。„Wedo not provoke the right and wrongon own initiative, butdoes not needto be afraid, completes itself should doing, ifsomepeoplewantto bullyonus, wealso can only counter-attack, mustto knowthatweare not affable!”
“我们不主动招惹是非,但也无需害怕,做好自己该做的就可以,若果真有人想要欺压到我们头上,那我们也只能回击,要让人知道,我们不是好惹的!”Ye Xingpatson the shoulder of Ye Feng, sosaid.叶星拍在叶峰的肩膀上,如此说道。
After Ye Fengleaves, Ye XingthenstartscultivationEvergreen Art, will strive forsooncultivation basebreakthroughtoMartial Dao Fourth Layer, when the time comes, even iffaces the main familyGod's favored one, healsofearless.
待叶峰离开之后,叶星便开始修炼长青功,争取早日将修为突破至武道四重,到时候,哪怕是面对主族的天之骄子,他也无惧。Arrives at the Sky-Blue Citymain familyfirstevening, crossedin the peace!
来到天沧城主族的第一晚,在安安静静中渡过!Next morning, Ye Xingand the othershave then gotten out of bed, wears the main familyunifiedclothing, went to the Devided Clan Institutesquare.
```Excuse me, becausefixed timerenews, thereforehas made a Wulong, the chaptercontenthas made a mistake, toeverybodysaid that the soundwas sorry!
不好意思,因为是定时更新,所以闹了个乌龙,章节内容弄错了,向大家说声抱歉!Ye Xingwent out ofGreen Leaf Town, then, hewill have what kind ofexperienceinSky-Blue City?叶星已经走出了青叶镇,接下来,在天沧城他又会有怎样的经历呢?Newsplendidoffersimmediately, after tonightearly morning, newZhouHuanbang, will have the renewal!(
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