„Congratulates the paternal aunt, congratulates the uncle......! The Ye Xingcousin'sto amaze the world with a single brilliant featat the clanmeeting, techniquestartledfour, the unmannedenergyenemy, obtained the clanto meetfirst, was really maycelebrateencouraging, Shuanglingknowsvery early in the morningthat the Ye Xingcousinmannerwas extraordinary, was far from the pond the thing, todayis really confirmed that the Ye Xingcousin was really toofierce......!”
“恭喜姑妈,恭喜姑父……!叶星表哥在族会上一鸣惊人,技惊四座,无人能敌,获得了族会第一,真是可喜可贺,霜玲一早就知道,叶星表哥气宇非凡,绝非池中之物,今日果然得以证实,叶星表哥真是太厉害了……!”Ye Family's Main Hall, Liu Shuanglingin high spirittogivingYe FeihongandLiu Ereported good news!叶家正厅,柳霜玲正兴高采烈的向给叶飞鸿、柳娥报喜!Ye Feihongat the scene, naturallyisclear, alreadypassed through the shockingstage, butLiu E is actually eyefulshocks.叶飞鸿在现场,自然是一清二楚,早已经过了震惊的阶段,而柳娥却是满眼震撼。Shehad the secondchild, but alsoin the middle of the month, the youngest sonthenperishes, suffered the hugeattack, for serveral days has been very thin and pale.
她生了第二胎,还在月中,幼子便亡,遭受到了巨大的打击,这些天来一直很憔悴。Todayheardsuchgood news, onfacehas shone with the brilliance.
今日听到这样的喜讯,脸上才又焕发了光彩。„Shuangling, whatyousaidisreal, Xing'erhe is really Martial Dao Third Layercultivation base, andalsohas defeatedMartial Dao Fourth LayerYe Qing, obtained the clanto meetfirst?”
“霜玲,你说的是真的,星儿他真的已经是武道三重的修为,并且还打败了武道四重的叶青,获得了族会第一?”Liu Esomedo not dareto believeas before, asked.柳娥依旧有些不敢置信,不禁相问。„Real, absolutely true, the unclealsolooks that the Ye Xingcousinexperienced the extraordinaryfortuitous encounterinClear Sky Mountain Range, but after coming back, has actually hidden one's incompetence by remaining silent, foristoday'sto amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, mayshockYe Familypeople, has saying that the Ye Xingcousin was really toobad, has deceivedallpeople, but, no matter the Ye Xingcousinwere what kind, Ilike the Ye Xingcousin, hee hee......!”
“是真的,千真万确,姑父也看着呢,叶星表哥在青云山脉中经历了了不得的奇遇,但回来后却一直藏拙,为的就是今日一鸣惊人,可把叶家上上下下的人都惊呆了,不得不说,叶星表哥真是太坏了,把所有人都骗了,不过,不管叶星表哥怎么样,我就是喜欢叶星表哥,嘻嘻……!”Liu Shuanglingis holding the arm of Liu E, saying that sways.柳霜玲抱着柳娥的手臂,摇摇晃晃的说道。„Um, Shuanglingsaidallreal, Xing'erhewas the hideaway is quite indeed deep, has deceivedallpeople, if not forexposesat the clanmeetingtoday, no oneis ableto expectthathewas inso the situationunexpectedly!”
“嗯,霜玲所言皆真,星儿他的确是隐藏颇深,骗过了所有人,若不是今日在族会上展露,谁也无法料想,他竟然已经到了如此地步!”Ye Feihongsosaid.叶飞鸿如此说道。On the Liu Eface the appearanceglows, has shown the smiling facethoroughly, said: „Good, good, Xing'erhad prospects, Ifelt at ease, after the position of Patriarchinherits, Feihong, another dayIarrived under the dwelling place of the dead, finallyhad the face countenanceto meet the parents-in-law.”柳娥脸上神采焕发,彻底露出了笑容,道:“好,好,星儿有了出息,我就心安了,家主之位继承有后,飞鸿,他日我到了九泉之下,总算有颜面相见公公婆婆了。”For serveral daysshehas immersedin the sadness of death of Ye Chen, today'sjoy, clears offthatsadmoodfinally.
这些天她一直沉醉在叶辰之死的悲伤中,今日的喜悦,总算是将那悲伤情绪一扫而光。Ye Feihongarrives atsideLiu E, has pattedlatter'sshoulder, said:叶飞鸿走到柳娥身旁,拍了拍后者的肩膀,道:„Youhad a goodsontome, the father and motherthankyouwithout enough time, will not blameyour, in the pastwelooked after not manytoXing'er, neglects, from now on the future, actuallymustlook afterhim, hopes that inhisheartdo not bear a grudgeusto be good.”
When Liu EremembersYe Chenis born, she Ye Xing'smedicinal ingredientsresourceshas forwarded toYe Chen, sighed, said: „The laterdaymakes up forXing'erwell, what a pity, hemustgo toSky-Blue Cityalong withYoung Lordtomorrow......!”柳娥想起叶辰出世时,她将叶星的药材资源都转给了叶辰,不禁叹了一口气,道:“以后的日子好好弥补一下星儿吧,可惜,他明日就要随少主前往天沧城……!”
Speaking of Ye Chen, Liu Ereadscherished, has brought backBeiintent in heart, asked: „Feihong, actually the Chen'erdeathiswhobehavior, looked up? Has the relationswithYe Tianzhong?”
说到叶辰,柳娥念儿心切,又勾起了心中的悲意,问道:“飞鸿,辰儿的死究竟是何人所为,查出来了吗?与叶天重到底有没有关系?”Ye Feihongshook the head, sighs a sound track: „WasImisunderstandsYe Tianzhong, the Chen'erdeathhad nothing to dowithhim, Young Lordhas brought the news, Sky-Blue CityYe Familymain family, as well asotherSub-Clan, on the date of Chen'erbirth, as well asthe day before, younger generation that latterwas born on , was also assassinatedcompletely, thismatterwas a bigriddle, could not find the murderer.”叶飞鸿摇了摇头,叹息一声道:“是我误会叶天重了,辰儿的死与他无关,少主带来了消息,天沧城叶家主族,以及其他的分族,在辰儿出生之日,以及前一日,后一日出生的后辈,也全部被人暗杀掉了,这事是一个大迷团,找不到凶手。”Liu Efrowned, said: „Do somepeopleneedto cope with our entireYeclan?”柳娥皱起了眉头,道:“难道有人要对付我们整个叶氏一族?”„Perhaps, at presentSky-Blue CityXiong Familyis the biggestsuspiciousobject, myYe Familyis prosperousday after day, gradualthreatXiong Familyin the status of Sky-Blue CityfirstMartial Daoaristocratic family......!”
“也许是吧,目前天沧城熊家是最大的可疑对象,我叶家日渐兴旺,逐渐的威胁到了熊家在天沧城第一武道世家的地位……!”Ye Feihonglookpuzzledsaying: „But, ifXiong Familymustcope withourYe Family, assassinatesbaby who several were just born, did not help matters, cannot preventrising of Ye Family, was, if not for the hand under Xiong Family, reallycould not find outothersuspicionobjects, thiswas a mistery.”叶飞鸿神色不解的说道:“可是,如果熊家要对付我们叶家的话,暗杀几个刚出生的婴儿,根本无济于事,阻止不了叶家的崛起,可是,若不是熊家下的手,就真的想不出其他的怀疑对象了,这是一桩谜案。”
Here, Ye Feihongbeckoned with the hand, YuQi on facecleared off, thensaid: „Was good, Madame, Chen'erwent, do not readChen'eragain, nowXing'erhad prospects, ascends the skyeventuallynottous the dead end, wequitewill treat in the futureXing'er, trainshim, no matter whatPatriarch, wecanretire after meritorious service, AnXiangold age.”
说到这里,叶飞鸿摆了摆手,脸上的郁气一扫而光,接着道:“好了,夫人,辰儿已经去了,不要再念着辰儿了,如今星儿有了出息,上天终究是没有给我们绝路,日后我们好生对待星儿,将他培养成下任家主,我们就可以功成身退,安享晚年了。”Liu Enods, the deceasedgoes, inheartmissesthisis reading the living.柳娥点点头,逝者去矣,心中的挂念该是念着生者。As forYe Xing, ifbeforehandYe Xing, is a wastebody, the parentscanmisshim, thatonly then the wizardknew......
至于,叶星若还是以前的叶星,是个废体,父母会不会挂念着他,那就只有鬼才知道了……„Paternal aunt, Uncle, went toSky-Blue Citymain family, Iwellwill certainly take care of the Ye Xingcousin, serves the cousin, when the cousincomes backfrommain family, cultivation baseaffirmsto take it up a notch, the strengthalsowill becomefiercer, paternal auntuncle, will when the time comes inviteyoupresides over the weddingformeandYe Xingcousin, this, Ionlywill love for a lifetime a Ye Xingcousinperson, mustconsider the Ye Xingcousinentire life, will grow old togetherwithhim, but must have the talentgreatlyfatsonto the Ye Xingcousin, has passed around the position of Patriarch......!”
“姑母,姑父,去了天沧城主族,我一定会好好照顾叶星表哥,把表哥伺候好,等表哥从主族回来,修为肯定更上一层楼,实力也会变得更加厉害了,姑母姑父,到时候就请你们为我和叶星表哥主持婚礼吧,这一辈子,我只爱叶星表哥一个人,要照顾叶星表哥一生一世,和他白头到老,还要给叶星表哥生个天才大胖儿子,将家主之位一直传下去……!”Liu ShuanglingsawYe Feihong and Liu Etopicalsoto talk aboutonYe Xing, thensaying of become exhilarated.柳霜玲见叶飞鸿、柳娥的话题又谈到了叶星身上,便兴致勃勃的说道。Ye FeihongandLiu Elistened to the Liu Shuanglingwords, is very delighted, Liu Espoilsseesownniece, cheerfulsaying:叶飞鸿和柳娥听了柳霜玲的话,都很欢喜,柳娥溺爱的看着自己的侄女,乐呵呵的说道:„Good, good, Shuangling, whenyoucome backfromSky-Blue Citymain family, Iandyourunclethenpreside over the weddingforyou, youwill soon give you Ye Xingcousin, has a greatlyfatson, he he......!”
“好,好,霜玲,等你们从天沧城主族回来,我和你姑父便为你们主持婚礼,你早日给你叶星表哥,生个大胖儿子,呵呵……!”At this time, Ye Xingwent tooutsidemain hallexactly, heard the Liu Ewords, the personthenfirsthad not flutteredto the sound: „Whosaid that Ido wantto marryherfor the wife?”
The soundfalls, Ye Xingwalks into main hall.
The Ye Xing'swordsstem fromLiu Shuanglingto expectgreatly, latter'scomplexionimmediatelyonewhite.叶星的话大大出乎柳霜玲所料,后者的脸色顿时一白。Meanwhile, the brow of Ye FeihongandLiu Eis a wrinkle, the angerinstinct in Ye Feihongheartrose, the angry glarestares.
同时,叶飞鸿和柳娥的眉头都是一皱,叶飞鸿心中的火气本能的升了起来,怒目一瞪。But, thinksimmediately, presentYe Xing, before is not, thatdoes not have the wastebody of prospect, buthe, needswith the Ye Xingrepairrelations, therefore, Ye Feihonghotbarometric pressure.
可是,随即想到,现在的叶星,已经不是以前那个没有出息的废体,而他,也需要和叶星修复关系,所以,叶飞鸿生生将火气压了下去。Although before Liu E , is not goodtoYe Xing, butat leastdoes not haveto conflict, the relations are more moderate, said:柳娥虽然以前对叶星也不算多好,但至少没有过冲突,关系要缓和一些,道:„Xing'er, Shuanglingisyourfiancee, younaturallymustmarryherfor the wife, whomotherwise do youalsowantto marry?”
“星儿,霜玲是你的未婚妻,你当然是要娶她为妻了,不然你还想娶谁?”Ye Xinglightsmiles, said: „Fiancee? Beforeperhapswas, butfrom now on, shenot.”叶星淡淡的一笑,道:“未婚妻?以前或许是,但从现在开始,她不是了。”During the speeches, Ye Xingforwarded, puts out a folding the paperto fillin the Liu Shuanglinghand.
说话间,叶星向前,拿出一张折叠的纸塞到了柳霜玲手中。„Ye Xingcousin, I......!”
“叶星表哥,我……!”Liu Shuanglingis having the expression of acting like a spoiled brat, when heopens the folding the paperto lookthat the complexionimmediatelybecomespallid, following the words of acting like a spoiled bratcould not be justified.柳霜玲带着撒娇的语气,可是,当他打开折叠的纸张一看,脸色顿时变得煞白,后面的撒娇的话怎么也说不下去了。Sees onlyonthispaper, has writtenonein a big way‚resting’character, andsidealsohasoneline of small characters: Ye XingrestsLiu Shuangling!
只见这张纸上,写了一个大大的‘休’字,并且旁边还有一行小字:叶星休柳霜玲!„Cousin, you...... Have yourestedmeunexpectedly?”Scream that Liu Shuanglingdoes not dareto believe!
“表哥,你……你竟然休了我?”柳霜玲不敢置信的尖叫!Looks atthatpaperletter of divorce, Ye FeihongandLiu Ehasis also in a daze, thismarriageistheyandLiu Shuanglingdeceasedparents, has arrangedintwoman-yearin childhoods.
看着那一纸休书,叶飞鸿和柳娥都有也发愣,这门亲事可是他们与柳霜玲已故的父母,在两人年幼时就已经定好了。Now, did Ye Xingwork astheirsurfacerestingLiu Shuanglingunexpectedly? This...... Is thispossible?
现在,叶星竟然当着他们的面把柳霜玲给休了?这……这怎么可能?„Xing'er, thisisIandyour father, withengagement that youruncleandauntset, howyoucanrestShuangling!”
“星儿,这是我与你父亲,和你舅舅、舅妈定下的婚约,你怎么能休了霜玲!”Liu Eis madsomewhattrembles, Liu Shuanglingishermain familyniece, shehas promiseddeadYounger Brotherandsister-in-law, looks afterShuanglingwell, after lettingShuangling, becomesYe FamilyMistress.柳娥气得有些发抖,柳霜玲是她本家侄女,她答应过死去的弟弟、弟妹,好好照顾霜玲,让霜玲以后成为叶家的主母。„MylifeItake responsibility, sinceismyfiancee, whycan'trest? Iwantto restthenrest!”Ye Xinglightsaying.
“我的人生我自己做主,既然是我的未婚妻,为何不能休?我想休便休!”叶星淡淡的说道。„Yourthisdisobedient son, daressuchto speaktoyourmother!” The Ye Feihongangereruptedonce again, raises a palm of the handthento pull outtoYe Xing.
“你这个逆子,敢这么跟你娘说话!”叶飞鸿的火气再度爆发,扬起一巴掌便向叶星抽了过来。Thistime, Ye Xingmayno longermotionlessmakesYe Feihongslap a face, moves sidewaysto evadethatsaid:
这一次,叶星可不再是一动不动的让叶飞鸿抽一巴掌,闪身避过,道:„Mygoodfather, yousuchto takehittingyour sonashappily? Is it possible that the previousyourpalm of the handhas not hitto satisfy a craving, but alsowantsto comeagainonetime? If is really so, mythistimemakesyouhitall the way, so as to avoidIwent toSky-Blue City, youwantto hit the sonsnot to have the place to hit!”
“我的好父亲,你就这么以打你儿子为乐?莫非上一次你那个巴掌没打过瘾,还想再来一次?若真是如此,那我这次就让你打个够,免得我去了天沧城,你想打儿子都没处可打了!”Said that Ye Xingreachesfront the face.
说完叶星将脸庞伸向前方。„You......, Yourthisevil creature......!”Ye Feihongholds up a palm, is madtrembles, is actually not ableto hitagain.
“你……,你这个孽障……!”叶飞鸿举起一只手掌,气得发抖,却是无法再打下去。Crossedcounting breaths, seesYe Feihongnot to begin, Ye Xingholds the fist in the other hand, does obeisancetoYe Feihong, said: „Sonmany thanks the graciousness of fathernothitting, since the fatherdoes not hit, theresub-asked to be excused!”
The word, Ye Xingturns aroundthento walk.
言罢,叶星转身便走。„Cousin, the Ye Xingcousin, do not restme, Ilaterlistenyour, did not annoyyouto be angry, the cousin, Iaskedyou...... Do not restme......”
“表哥,叶星表哥,你不要休了我,我以后都听你的,再也不惹你生气了,表哥,我求求你……不要休了我……”SeesYe Xingto depart, Liu Shuanglingflushedimmediately, grasped the Ye Xing'sarm.
见叶星离去,柳霜玲顿时冲了上来,抱住了叶星的手臂。Sheknowsthatnowdoes not askYe Xingto withdraw an order, shewas restedbyYe Xing, Ye FamilyMistresshenceforthmisseswithher.
她知道,现在不求叶星收回成命,她就被叶星休定了,叶家主母从此与她无缘。Ye Xingis disinclinedto talk too much, the armflings, Liu Shuanglinggraspingdoes not live, histhenstride the line, walkstowardoutside.叶星懒得多言,手臂一甩,柳霜玲抓之不住,他便大步而行,向外面走去。Henceforth, henotworried, treadstointo the peerless expertpath, leaves behind a greatback.
从此,他了无牵挂,踏向成为绝世高手的道路,留下一个伟岸的背影。Looks atthatgreatandstrangeback, isLiu Shuanglingsitsin the groundcomplexionblanchincessantly, Ye Feihongandin the Liu Eeye, is the disconsolateanddesolatecolor!
看着那伟岸而又陌生的背影,不止是柳霜玲坐在地上脸色发白,叶飞鸿、柳娥眼中,亦是惆怅、落寞之色!Ye Xingis nottheirsighcomeseventually, klutz who abandoningthengoes, whentheydiscoveramong the distancewithYe Xingfar, was too late.叶星终究不是他们呼之则来,弃之便去的木头人,等他们发现与叶星之间的距离有多远,已经太晚了。Returns toowndwelling, the Ye Xing'smoodnotuncomfortably, on the contrary, in the heartinsteadhascarefree!
回到自己的住处,叶星的情绪并没有一点难受,相反,心中反而有一种畅快!Tomorrow, hemuststart, goes toSky-Blue City, goes tobroaderskywanderer, therehasmore formidableMartial Artsto wait forhim.
明日,他就要启程,前往天沧城,去更加广阔的天空闯荡,那里有更强大的武学等着他。Henceforth, the seadepends on the fish diveextravagantly, daytallPingniaoflies!
从此,海阔凭鱼跃,天高凭鸟飞!As forGreen Leaf TownYe Family, althoughbetweenheandYe Feihong, Liu Edid not have the parentalfriendship.
至于青叶镇叶家,虽然他与叶飞鸿、柳娥之间已经没有了父母情份。However, hearrives atStars Continent, hereishisbeginning, hehere, the firstfeelingstars, has learnedfirsttechnique, has stepped into the Martial Daofirststep, alsoobtainedwent to the Ye Familymain familyopportunity......
但是,他来到星辰大陆,这里是他的起点,他在这里,第一次感星辰,学到了第一种功法,踏入了武道的第一步,并且,也获得了前往叶家主族的机会……Thisplace, has the graciousnesstohim!
这个地方,对他有恩!Heis not the person who gratitude and grudgesdo not divide, in the futureday, hewill helpGreen Leaf TownYe Familywith every effort, butthatis notbecauseheis the Ye Feihongson, because, heis not an ungratefulperson!
A road aheadbroadness, becomes the peerless expertgoal, makingYe Xinganticipatethathismoodwas very happy, met the firstrewardmiddle grade medicinal ingredientsto take the clan.
前路一片广阔,成为绝世高手的目标,令叶星非常期待,他的心情十分美好,将族会第一奖励的中品药材拿了出来。New bookaskedrecommendationticket!(
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