SSG :: Volume #57

#5601: Familiar door!

I have checked many times, this stone wall, without the slit of least bit, we are , is close Space!” “我查过很多次,这石壁,没有半点的缝隙,我们所在的,是一个封闭的空间!” The Meng cedar opens the mouth to explain, these years, he comes to outside this territory to explore many times, explored an outcome this stone wall, but, absolutely does not have slightly the meaningful discovery. 孟楠开口解释起来,这些年,他来过这域外探索过很多次,也把这石壁探索了一个究竟,但是,根本就没有丝毫有意义的发现。 Close Space! 封闭的空间 Su Hang naturally also clear, the destiny had not made clear this stone wall in the past the origin. 苏航当然也清楚,就连命运当年都没有搞清楚这石壁的来历。 Actually is this stone wall natural or artificial? 这石壁究竟是天然还是人为? If natural, what this natural strength is, if artificial, who that is behavior? 如果是天然的话,这股天然的力量是什么,如果是人为,那又是何人所为? This point, Meng Nan is impossible to know that because he is a successor, why his he himself will rise, why can rise to is not clear with the degree that the destiny can contend, before thinks that among this is the destiny is being the promoter, but these year of Meng Nan thought more and more is not simple. 这一点,孟楠是不可能知道的,因为他是后来者,他连他自己为什么会崛起,为什么能崛起到和命运能够一较高下的程度都不清楚,以前以为这中间是命运在做推手,但是这些年孟楠越来越觉得没那么简单。 The rebirth of destiny, had proven existence of this strength, they must do now, discovers this strength. 命运的重生,已经证明了这股力量的存在,他们现在要做的,就是找出这股力量。 Su Hang looks that front stone wall is in a daze, the memory of destiny appears in the mind, that say/way stone door, takes down before this stone wall, in the memory of destiny, that stone door has to open. 苏航看着面前的石壁在发呆,命运的记忆浮现在脑海,那道石门,就是在这石壁前取下来的,在命运的记忆中,那石门是有开启过的。 However, was not opened by the destiny, but is automatic opening of no indication, but, that opening time, the destiny because to unknown dreading, has not chosen to enter. 不过,并不是被命运开启,而是毫无征兆的自动开启,只不过,那一次开启的时候,命运因为对未知的忌惮,并没有选择进入。 Waits to respond, some regrets time, stone door has closed. 等反应过来,有些后悔的时候,石门已经关上了。 The regret also without using, stone door since then would have no to open again. 后悔也没有用了,石门自那以后就没有再开启过。 Su Hang absorb that strange strength, is that stone door opens the time, flows from stone door, the destiny has suspected, perhaps, behind that stone door, can be high step world. 苏航吸收的那种奇异力量,也是那次石门开启的时候,从石门后面流出来的,命运有猜想过,或许,那石门后面,会是一个更加高阶世界 But pitifully, he does not have the means to confirm, wants completely all, even intends to train Meng Nan, is busy at work white/in vain, finally also oneself building. 但可惜,他没有办法去证实,想尽一切,甚至有意培养出一个孟楠,都是白忙活一场,最后还把自己给搭了进去。 Su Hang puts out a hand a move, then that say/way stone door in destiny galaxy incurring. 苏航伸手一招,便将天命星河中的那道石门给招了出来。 stone door heavy newly established in original position, quick, that stone door melted the stone wall, mounted in stone wall. 石门重新立在了原处,很快,那石门就融进了石壁,镶嵌在了石壁上。 This stone door, is here!” Su Hang said one. “这石门,原本就是在这里的!”苏航道了一句。 The original destiny was worried stone door one day suddenly will open again, brings what danger, will therefore carry off stone door, and seal. 原先命运是担心石门有一天会突然再次打开,带来什么危险,所以才会把石门带走,并封印的。 Now, stone door returned to the original position. 现在,石门回到了原处。 Two people tried to shell stone door, similar no function. 两人又尝试了一下轰击石门,同样的毫无作用。 Perhaps, can attempt with that variation energy! 或许,可以用那股异种能量尝试尝试! Su Hang thinks of here, went forward with the hand according to stone door, the energy in within the body crazy poured into toward inside. 苏航想到此处,上前用手按在了石门上,将体内的能量疯狂的往里面灌注。 Quick, in stone door exuded light red light! 很快,石门上泛起了一阵淡淡的红光 Has the effect?” “有效果?” Meng cedar eye one bright, this is he first time discovered that stone door has the response. 孟楠眼睛一亮,这可是他头一次发现石门有反应。 Su Hang also discovers effectively, increased the output hastily. 苏航也发现有效,连忙加大了输出。 Creak, creak...... 咯吱,咯吱…… A vibration, Su Hang discovered suddenly, cracks, unexpectedly around rapid loose resembles from stone door, looking like the spider web divergence is the same, seems like terrifying. 陡然间的一阵震动,苏航发现,一道道裂纹,居然从石门周围迅速的散像四周,就像是蛛网辐散一样,看上去十分的恐怖 The complexion changes, Su Hang received the hand hastily, is difficult to be inadequate this firm incomparable stone wall, unexpectedly is so sensitive to own strength, if this cannot withstand to crash, that may be miserable. 脸色微变,苏航连忙收了手,难不成这坚固无比的石壁,居然对自己的力量这么敏感,这要是承受不住而崩塌,那可就惨了。 After all, outside is anything, is unknown, if crashes, but is unable to end, that may be miserable. 毕竟,外面是什么,都是未知,万一崩塌而无法收场,那可就惨了。 But when, Su Hang received the hand, red light in that stone door still has not vanished, the crack on surroundings stone wall also not, because Su Hang calls a halt to stop to expand. 可是,当苏航收了手,那石门上的红光依然没有消失,周围石墙上的裂纹也并没有因为苏航停手而停下扩张。 hōng lóng lóng!” 轰隆隆!” The stone chip falls in abundance, is startled again and again Su Hang and Meng Nan retrocedes. 石屑纷纷掉落,惊得苏航和孟楠都连连后退。 Two people are gazing at front all closely, prepares to act momentarily, once there is an accident/surprise, then protects immortal spirit world immediately. 两人都密切的注视着面前的一切,准备随时出手,一旦有意外,便立刻护住仙灵世界 Dust everywhere, the stone chip non-stop strips from the stone wall. 灰尘漫天,石屑不停的从石墙上剥离。 Also has not known how long, the vibration as if stood still. 也不知道过了多久,震动似乎停歇了。 Two people dispelling dust, proceeds to look, saw only on front stone to change several points of appearance, the rough wall surface, became exceptionally smooth, such as the transparent jade was common. 两人排开灰尘,往前看去,只见面前的石上已经变了几分模样,原本粗糙的墙面,变得异常的光滑,如透明的玉石一般。 Before two people arrive at the wall, puts out a hand to touch, has not traced the wall, but touched qi field. 两人来到墙前,伸手触摸,并没有摸到墙体,而是摸到了一股气场 This is together the energy wall! 这是一道能量墙! At the strengths of two people, is still not able to shake. 以两个人的力量,依然是无法撼动。 This should be original feature of wall, although qi field is transparent, but two people are still not able to see clearly the wall behind to have anything. 这应该才是墙体的本来面目吧,气场虽然是透明的,但是两个人依然无法看清楚墙的后面有什么。 Looks at that stone door again, stone door was not the beforehand stone door, but turned into a wooden door of red lacquer! 再看那石门,石门也不是之前的石门了,而是变成了一座红漆的木门! Su Hang gawked, how I felt, this does look familiar?” 苏航愣了一下,“我怎么感觉,这门这么眼熟?” The Meng cedar in side is also somewhat stunned, the wooden door of this red lacquer, carved mean inexpensive pattern, what is most essential, this above mounts two to rub the flower glass, in the gate also has a door knob. 孟楠在旁边也是有些愕然,这红漆的木门,雕琢的浅陋廉价的花纹,最关键的是,这上面镶嵌着两块磨花的玻璃,门上还有一个门把手。 The Meng cedar has also stayed in Earth, this special was also too familiar, isn't that ordinary wooden door on Earth? 孟楠也在地球呆过,这特么也太熟悉了,不就是地球上的那种普通木门么? Moreover looks at this lumber, is not good, at most is that 1000~2000 Yuan quality. 而且看这木料,并不好,顶多算是那种一两千块钱的品质。 Su Hang and Meng Nan looked at each other one, the complexion was somewhat ugly, who this is not will be cracking a joke with the two people. 苏航和孟楠对视了一眼,脸色有些难看,这不会是谁在和自己二人开玩笑吧。 The Meng cedar put out a hand to turn the hand, has not swayed from side to side. 孟楠伸手扭了扭把手,没有扭动。 Although this is seemingly inferior, but, still firm incomparable. 这门虽然看上去劣质,但是,依然坚固无比。 Su Hang also attempted to turn turning, has not twisted open! 苏航也尝试着扭了扭,没扭开! You listen!” “你听!” While Su Hang knits the brows, Meng Nan raised up the ear, pretending to be serious was calling one to Su Hang. 正当苏航皱眉的时候,孟楠竖起了耳朵,煞有介事的对着苏航叫了一声。 Su Hang, set upright the ear to listen. 苏航一顿,竖着耳朵听了起来。 hōng lóng lóng!” 轰隆隆!” In gate, indistinct broadcasts a sound, sound that probably the water current surges. 门内,隐隐约约的传来一个声音,像是水流激荡的声音。 Quick, that hōng lóng lóng sound vanished! 很快,那轰隆隆的声音又消失了! Two people felt that heartbeat, Su Hang also somewhat is also anxious, he is a little clear, why in the past the destiny about unknown thing will also feel that dreaded. 两人都感觉心跳了一下,苏航同样也有些紧张起来,他有点明白,当年命运为什么也会对未知的东西感到忌惮了。 Because, you do not know that behind this is anything, can have what powerful existence to leap up suddenly. 因为,你根本就不知道这后面是什么,会不会有什么强大的存在突然蹿出来。 Later, waited for a while, the sound did not have! 之后,等了一会儿,声音没了! The Meng cedar gave a Su Hang meaningful glance, the meaning must continue to attempt. 孟楠给了苏航一个眼色,意思是要不要继续尝试。 Two people stand there, at this time looks like two to be gruffly same! 两个人站在那儿,此时就像是两个憨憨一样! Su Hang deeply inspires, the hand grasped on that door knob, the destiny made so many, did not hesitate to lose own life, what kind of existence to not have a look at behind this was? 苏航深吸了一口气,手又握在了那门把手上,命运做了这么多,不惜搭上自己的性命,不就是为了看看这门后面是怎么样的存在么? The energy pours into the hand, becomes the hand boiling hot, but, still has not opened. 能量注入把手,把手变得滚烫,但是,依然没有开启。 You are silly! Key!” “你傻呀!钥匙!” The Meng cedar referred to the door knob, there has a key hole! 孟楠指了指门把手上,那里有个钥匙孔! Su Hang knits the brows, I , if there is key, but also said with you?” 苏航皱了皱眉,“我要是有钥匙,还用你说?” On you have the belt/bring key?” The Meng cedar asked. “你身上有没有带钥匙?”孟楠问道。 Does the Su Hang forced smile, where on me look for the key?” 苏航苦笑,“我上哪儿找钥匙去?” The Meng cedar beckons with the hand, I mean, you are not Earth comes, has this gate key? Pulls out to try!” 孟楠摆了摆手,“我的意思是,你不是地球来的么,有没有这种门的钥匙?掏出来试试!” Isn't this funny? 这不搞笑呢么? Such firm front door, looks for the key can it be that casually, can open? 这么坚固的大门,又岂是随随便便找把钥匙,就能打开了的呢?
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