SSG :: Volume #56

#5594: A stone door!

Infection, that trillion hierograph, by that breath that has the character hierograph infecting, the speed rapidness, only saw that a flow of light ripple has delimited, quick, Su Hang then feels that trillion hierographs have become had the character hierograph to be the same with previously that is breath is interlinked with. 感染,那亿万的神符,都被那张有字神符的气息给感染了,速度非常之快,只见到一道流光波纹划过,很快,苏航便感觉到,那亿万神符就已经变得和先前那张有字神符一样,和自己已经是气息相通了。 After light ring, the vibration from hierograph subsided gradually, hierograph these hierographs, but were many some thing, seemed the Su Hang flash makes their recognizes host same. 光晕过后,来自神符的震动渐渐的平息了下来,神符还是那些神符,只不过都多了一些东西,仿佛是苏航一瞬间让它们都认主了一样。 At this time, Su Hang could not have felt enchantment that god symbol array forms has any repel, stays behind compatible, naturally, if changed a person to come here, similarly will also be repelled, is now same as the previous heavenly prestige hierograph because of them, was only intimate with a Su Hang person. 此时,苏航已经感觉不到神符阵所形成的结界有任何的排斥,留下的只有亲和,当然,如果换了一个人过来这里,同样也是会被排斥的,因为它们现在和先前的天威神符一样,只对苏航一个人亲近。 Su Hang has made own brand mark to these hierographs, immediately also no longer hesitates, raised legs to walk toward that black hole directly. 苏航已经是给这些神符打下自己的烙印,当下也不再犹豫,直接抬腿往那黑洞走了过去。 The hierograph not to Su Hang any hindrance and resistance, Su Hang only one step strides, then integrated completely, the body vanishes does not see. 神符没有对苏航任何的阻碍和抵抗,苏航只一步跨入,便完全融入了进去,身体消失不见。 ...... …… In the black hole, has Heaven and Earth. 黑洞之中,另有天地 The surroundings jet black piece, the eye sees, is only the vast sea, the middle of sea, is fluttering a stretch of land, four huge Zhuzi (pillar) stand erect above that vast land. 周围漆黑一片,目之所见,只是汪洋的大海,大海的中间,飘着一片陆地,四根巨大的柱子矗立在那一望无际的陆地之上。 On Zhuzi (pillar) is carving many mysterious ancient mark, thick chains, twine above that four huge Zhuzi (pillar), looks upward following that four Zhuzi (pillar), originally that four Zhuzi (pillar) also hold a circular platform. 柱子上雕琢着许多神秘的古纹,一根根粗大的链子,缠绕在那四根巨大的柱子之上,顺着那四根柱子往上看去,原来那四根柱子还托着一个圆形的平台。 Su Hang direct ascends on, only in a flash, then arrived above that platform. 苏航直接飞升而上,只一瞬间,便来到了那平台之上。 Above the platform has a sacrificial altar, on the sacrificial altar has a stone door probably, these iron chains twine from below sea, entangled directly above that stone door. 平台之上有一座祭台,祭台上像是有一座石门,那些铁链从下方的海中缠绕上来,直接缠在了那石门之上。 That stone door, seems like ordinary, has no special appearance, as if is very dust-laden long, the continuous energy leaps up from below sea, flows to the front door following the iron chain, in front door, secretive seal, iron chain keeping is injecting the energy to that seal. 那石门,看上去普普通通,根本没有什么特别的样子,仿佛尘封已经很久了,源源不断的能量从下方的大海之中蹿出,顺着铁链流向大门,在大门的正中间,有一个诡秘的封印,铁链在不停的给那封印注入着能量。 That energy very powerful, but regarding Su Hang, very familiar, was he previously absorb that mysterious energy. 那能量十分的强大,而对于苏航来说,也非常的熟悉,正是他先前吸收过的那种神奇能量。 Before Su Hang arrives at stone door, tries to consider to break open seal in that stone door, but was a pity very much, his all attack energies, in seal by that stone door were given absorb. 苏航来到石门前,试着想去破开那石门上的封印,但是很可惜,他的所有攻击能量,都被那石门上的封印吸收了。 Su Hang deeply inspires, when the memory of destiny, this stone door was very early had existed, history very remote, at that time the immortal had not founded spirit, then has existed. 苏航深吸了一口气,在命运的记忆里,这一石门很早就已经存在了,历史非常的久远,当时仙灵都还没有创建之时,便已经存在。 The destiny discovered accidentally/surprisingly this stone door, after the research of very long Time, discovered is hiding a very huge secret, to the destiny, is important, finds out by secret inquiry the clear secret eagerly. 命运意外的发现了这一石门,经过很长时间的研究,发现这其中隐藏着一个非常巨大的秘密,一个对命运来说,非常重要,又急于去探知清楚的秘密。 What a pity, when the destiny is alive, tries many methods to open this stone door, but was a pity very much, does not have any function, until the Meng cedar takes him, he is reincarnated Recultivation that little while, after cannot spy on this stone door, actually to hide what secret. 可惜,命运在世之时,尝试过很多方法去打开这个石门,但是很可惜,没有任何的作用,直到孟楠把他拿下,他转世重修的那会儿,都没有能窥探到这石门之后,究竟隐藏了什么秘密。 In the past, the destiny and agreement of Meng cedar, was actually related with this stone door. 当年,命运和孟楠的约定,其实也和这个石门有关。 Behind this, can actually be what?” “这后面,究竟会是什么?” After knowing the memory of destiny, Su Hang also filled curiously to this stone door, since the destiny said that it is hiding a huge secret, that definitely has a huge secret, is only, at the strength of destiny, at the strength of Meng cedar, is unable this stone door opening, actually this stone door to be what background unexpectedly, is who stays behind? 在得知了命运的记忆之后,苏航同样也对这个石门充满了好奇,命运既然说它藏着一个巨大的秘密,那肯定就是有一个巨大的秘密,只是,以命运的力量,以孟楠的力量,居然都无法将这石门开启,这石门究竟是什么来路,又是谁留下的呢? The destiny transferred to the destiny galaxy to collect this stone door, has definitely been able to imagine that actually this stone door had importantly how. 命运将这石门移到了天命星河之中珍藏,已经完全可以想象到这石门究竟有多么的重要。 Naturally, destiny peak time, is unable to open this stone door with Meng Nan together, now changed a Suzhou and Hangzhou person, how also possibly to be capable of that opening? 当然,命运巅峰的时候,和孟楠一起都无法打开这个石门,现在换了苏杭一个人,又怎么可能有那个能力去打开呢? Su Hang pressed down own curiosity, today he arrived here, does not come for this stone door, his goal, what is pure is only for cultivation, as for the secret of stone door, he believes that and other strengths arrived, when Time arrived, definitely will have one day of untying. 苏航按下了自己的好奇心,今天他来到这里,可不是为了这石门而来的,他的目的,单纯的只是为了修炼,至于石门的秘密,他相信等实力到了,等时间到了,肯定会有解开的一天。 !” “呼!” Long exhaled foul air, Su Hang sat in front of stone door directly, in the sea of under foot, gathering was that variation energy, was huge and pure. 长长的呼出一口浊气,苏航直接在石门面前坐了下来,脚下的大海之中,汇聚的便是那股异种能量,庞大而精纯。 His Time by oneself hungry half dead, to can eat until full diligently at this moment. 他这段时间努力让自己饿个半死,就是为了此时此刻能够饱餐一顿。 Clang lang lang!” “铛啷啷!” That four great column seems to have induced, closes ksana (instant) of eye in Su Hang, suddenly leaps up several iron chains from the sea, entangles the iron chain in stone door to be exactly the same as that entangled around the stone column, tied down the Su Hang's four limbs rapidly. 那四根巨柱似乎有所感应,在苏航闭上眼睛的刹那,突然从大海之中蹿出来几根铁链,就和那缠在石门上的铁链如出一辙,绕着石柱缠了上来,迅速的缠住了苏航的四肢。 Looks at that stance, might tearing limb from limb by five horses was the same Su Hang. 看那架势,像是要把苏航给五马分尸了一样。 However Su Hang actually not startled, because, he then felt immediately the huge variation energy through that several iron chains, is leaping up from the sea, swamps into his body crazily. 不过苏航却并没有惊慌,因为,随即他便感觉到庞大的异种能量正通过那几根铁链,从大海之中蹿上来,疯狂的涌入他的身体。 In other words, these iron chains, are completely the pipelines of energy transport. 也就是说,这几根铁链,完全就是能量输送的管道。 Su Hang sits cross-legged to sit well, immovability, is the same just like a cultivation base profound old monk, sits in meditation rapidly, not zaili society outside world, he must do now, enjoys this feast well. 苏航盘腿坐定,不动如山,宛如一位修为高深的老僧一样,迅速入定,根本不在理会外界,他现在要做的,就是好好享用这一次大餐。 ...... …… This time energy, compared with beforehand three times huge, before what if ate is a meter/rice, now then Su Hang faces is grain in large-scale grain storage. 这次的能量,远比之前三次的要庞大,如果说之前吃的是一颗米的话,那么现在苏航面对的就是一个大型粮库里的粮食。 The energy is huge, can only describe with huge volume, but, Su Hang's cultivation base also has the growth, compared with before, the absorb speed was naturally quicker. 能量庞大,只能用海量来形容,但是,苏航的修为也是有增长的,比起之前来说,吸收的速度自然就快了很多。 But is no matter how quick, has the limit, regarding Su Hang, must digest these energies completely, does not know that must spend many Time. 但不管怎么快,都是有着限度的,对于苏航来说,要完全消化这些能量,根本不知道要花费多少时间 Hundred years, millenniums, ten thousand years, hundred million years, trillion year? 百年,千年,万年,亿年,兆年? Time in this moment already the significance that had no. 时间在这一刻已经没有任何的意义了。 The primordial chaos forest in within the body is still expanding, absorb is transforming this terrifying energy, but Su Hang is like a stone, sits before that stone door, motionless. 体内的鸿蒙森林还在扩张,不停的吸收转化着这股恐怖的能量,而苏航就向一块石头一样,坐在那石门之前,一动不动。 ...... …… Destiny palace, in cloud Kungong. 天命宫,云鲲宫中。 The Meng cedar just got tea ready the tea, is preparing before Su Hang has not come back, first on. 孟楠才刚刚把茶沏好,正准备在苏航没有回来之前,先品上一口呢。 Regarding destiny galaxy inside situation, he compared with anybody must find that in that Time simply does not have the concept, in other words, Su Hang entered inside, even crossed long Time, is still very possible is only flash's matter. 对于天命星河里面的情况,他是比任何人都要了解的,在那里面,时间根本没有概念,也就是说,苏航进入了里面,就算是过了再长的时间,也很可能只是一瞬间的事情而已。 Father.” “爹。” Behind broadcast a sound. 后面传来了一个声音。 Actually is the rash. 却是孟浪。 Previously in the fish small day competition , the rash said no that on defeated, but indeed defeated in the behavior, because he was bold, used Meng Nan evil thought. 先前在和鱼小天的比试中,孟浪说不上是败了,但是的确是在行为上败了,因为他胆大包天,利用了孟楠的邪念。 After that fights, Meng Nan that together evil thought to the injury that other party becomes, but is big, use of overspending stronger strength, this is the cultivator taboo, therefore Time also passed freely for many days, the rash has not fully restored. 那一战过后,孟楠那一道邪念对他造成的伤害可是不小,超支的使用了更强的力量,这是修行者的大忌,所以尽管时间也过去了好多天了,孟浪都没有完全恢复过来。
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