SSG :: Volume #56

#5592: Promotion of terrifying!

The entire destiny palace, no one knows that actually that fights is what situation, the news that but Meng Nan has said, the destiny defeated, because destiny these time in hand that defeats in the Meng cedar, has chosen the reincarnation rebirth, no one knows where the destiny was reincarnated. 整个天命宫,没有人知道那一战究竟是什么情况,只是孟楠带回来的消息说,命运败了,命运因为这一次败在孟楠的手上,已经选择了转世重生,也没有人知道命运转世去了哪里。 At first, and no one believes that but, a day passed by, two days passed by, one year passed by, two years passed by, the destiny has not appeared again. 起先,并没有人相信,但是,一天过去了,两天过去了,一年过去了,两年过去了,命运都没有再出现过。 With the passage of Time, the destiny has not appeared again, people have to acknowledge real, that was the destiny indeed defeats. 随着时间的推移,命运并没有再出现,人们不得不承认一个现实,那就是命运的确败了。 Later, when talking clearly is, Meng Nan took over the entire destiny palace, naturally, from the beginning, many people are not willing to let the Meng cedar involvement destiny palace, particularly fish small day their wave. 之后,说不清是什么时候,孟楠接手了整个天命宫,当然,一开始,很多人都是不愿意让孟楠介入天命宫的,尤其是鱼小天他们这一波。 They are the disciples of destiny, it can be said that has a good class origin and performance, even destiny already not, but on this day the life palace is the base industry that the destiny leaves behind, how possibly to let arrive in the hands of others submissively? 要知道,他们都是命运的弟子,可以说是根正苗红,就算命运已经不在了,但是这天命宫是命运留下的基业,怎么可能拱手让到其他人的手里呢? What a pity, the arm cannot twist the thigh forever, Meng Nan strength was really strong, strong, even if in the destiny palace everyone put together, possibly was not his opponent. 可惜,胳膊是永远拧不过大腿的,孟楠的实力实在是太强了,强到了就算是天命宫中所有人加在一起,都不可能是他的对手。 This time people, this discovered suddenly, originally Meng Nan these years, have grown so the terrifying situation. 这时候的众人,这才陡然发现,原来孟楠这些年,已经成长到了这般恐怖的地步。 Time from the beginning, the fish small day their side also has many people, but, many people started to swing gradually, after all, the human nature was selfish, must go on living for oneself. 一开始的时候,鱼小天他们这一方还有很多人,但是渐渐地,这其中有很多人都开始摇摆了,毕竟,人性都是自私的,都得为自己而活下去。 In the entire destiny palace gradually was divided into three schools, a school stands aloof from the world, is the two sides does not mix, a school at fish small day and the others, the disciple group of destiny, they want to defend the destiny palace, resolutely opposed that Meng Nan meddles the business of destiny palace. 整个天命宫中逐渐的分为了三派,一派是与世无争的,也就是两边都不掺和,一派是以鱼小天等人为首的,命运的弟子团,他们是想守住天命宫,坚决反对孟楠插手天命宫的事务的。 One school, that follows Meng Nan, after all, the powerhouse surroundings, will be big group of dependency, particularly Meng Nan defeated the destiny, becomes new to powerhouse, now the destiny is not, these people will know to size up the situation, join Meng Nan this lineage/vein, will wave the flag and shout to Meng Nan, will be the natural matter. 还有一派,那就是追随孟楠的,毕竟,强者的周围,都是会有一大堆的附庸者的,尤其是孟楠打败了命运,成为了新的至强者,如今命运不在,这些人知道审时度势,加入孟楠这一脉,给孟楠摇旗呐喊,也是理所当然的事。 But the person of this lineage/vein, is not a few, as Time is getting more and more long, the Meng Nan death loyal powders may be getting more and more. 而这一脉的人,还不是少数,随着时间越来越久,孟楠的死忠粉们可就越来越多了。 Because in the fish small day that side them, cannot see the hope. 因为在鱼小天他们那一边,根本就看不到希望。 Although the matter of Meng Nan not direct meddling destiny palace, but under cannot cover the group of dependency to do the matter, finally, the contradictory eruptions of two sides. 虽然孟楠没有直接的插手天命宫的事,但是也盖不住底下的这群附庸者们搞事,终于,两方的矛盾爆发了。 The destiny palace great misfortune of also afterward saying, this disaster, is in the destiny palace history only one time, is the most serious unrest, the entire destiny palace was almost damaged and thrown away, the war continued to be very long, because Meng Nan has not involved, therefore two sides were almost well-matched, the casualties, it can be said that were fifty-fifty horrible to look. 也就是后来所说的天命宫大劫,这一场劫难,是天命宫历史上唯一的一次,也是最严重的一次骚乱,整个天命宫几乎都被毁弃,大战持续了很久,因为孟楠没有介入,所以两方几乎是旗鼓相当,伤亡对半,可以说是惨不忍睹。 From beginning to end, Meng Nan have not come out a hand, does not know that what idea he is having. 由始至终,孟楠都没有出来动过一次手,也不知道他是在打什么样的主意。 Must say that the fish small day is too benevolent, and finally, saw with own eyes past junior brother junior sister, the loss was really many, did not have the heart, does not think that is continue hit, therefore, he sought an interview Meng Nan. 要说还是鱼小天太仁慈,到了最后,眼见昔日的师弟师妹们,损失实在是太多了,于心不忍,不想在继续打下去,所以,他去求见了孟楠。 Also does not know that he and Meng Nan achieved what condition, afterward Meng Nan came out finally, under the mediation of Meng cedar, the war subsides, a great misfortune finally was in the past. 也不知道他和孟楠达成了什么条件,后来孟楠终于出来了,在孟楠的调解之下,大战平息,一场大劫总算是过去。 After that the destiny disciple disciple scatters in all directions to go, only leaves behind a few people still to hold public office in the destiny palace, but, the ultimate too edge, was repelled, cannot enter the core of destiny palace right, in that elder group, no is the disciple of destiny. 在那之后,命运门下弟子四散而去,只留下少数几人还在天命宫中供职,不过,最终还是太边缘了,被排斥,根本进入不了天命宫权利的核心,就连那长老团中,都没有一个是命运的弟子。 The fish small day and Qin Yuqing, belonged is a kind that type kept, and accepted the imperial edict of destiny palace to seal, becomes one of the destiny palace 72 heavenly prestige powerhouse, the fish small day was to rank first. 鱼小天和秦玉卿,都属于是那种留下来的一类,并且接受了天命宫的敕封,成为了天命宫七十二天威强者之一,鱼小天更是排名第一 However, they were weary of the fight, moreover they are also very clear, the destiny palace is not initial that destiny palace, the present destiny palace, no longer is their these destiny hangers-on the heaven of disciples , to continue to stay in the destiny palace, is not their ideals. 不过,他们都厌倦了战斗,而且他们也很清楚,天命宫已经不是当初的那个天命宫了,如今的天命宫,不再是他们这些命运门下的弟子们的天堂,继续留在天命宫中,根本就不是他们的理想。 Therefore, fish small day and the others almost chose departure, far away from the center of vortex, does not want to be involved in competition of right again, the fish small day returned to the Kun hole, the Kun hole is close, no longer contacts with the outside world, but Qin Yuqing was also the heart like the dying embers, receded the overseas. 所以,鱼小天等人几乎都选择了离开,远离漩涡的中心,不想再被卷入权利的争夺之中,鱼小天回了鲲穴,鲲穴封闭,不再与外界联系,而秦玉卿也是心如死灰,远走海外。 As for dragon azure profound like this, actually because of hating, because is angry, has been fighting with the destiny palace, what a pity, one person alone cannot save the situation , he is unable to resist with the destiny palace, the later day, has had ignorantly, making one sob. 至于龙青玄这样的,倒是因为仇恨,因为愤怒,一直在和天命宫做着斗争,可惜,独木难支,就他一个人,根本无法和天命宫对抗,之后的日子,一直都过得浑浑噩噩,让人唏嘘。 But Meng Nan, since the destiny palace exchanges ownerships, rarely came again, basically closed-door cultivation on the mountain, in the past he and that fight of destiny, up until now was also only a fan. 而孟楠,自天命宫易主之后,也很少再现身了,基本上都是在山上潜修,当年他和命运的那一场战斗,到现在都还只是一个迷。 ...... …… In the galaxy, Su Hang is wandering about, the innumerable memories wind through from his mind, many thing, before being many , the incomprehensible say/way, with the passage of Time, is becoming more and more clear. 星河之中,苏航徜徉着,无数的记忆从他的脑海之中流过,很多东西,很多以前不能理解的道,随着时间的推移,都在变得越来越清晰。 From immortal spirit initial, to the immortal spirit future destruction, portrayed the clear path in the Su Hang's mind. 上至仙灵的初始,下至仙灵将来的毁灭,都在苏航的脑海之中刻画出了清晰的轨迹。 realm infinite selecting for promotion, the primordial chaos forest in within the body is getting bigger and bigger, the breadth is getting more and more vast, in which primordial chaos tree, towering straight, limitless, had been in the countless situation. 境界无限的拔升,体内的鸿蒙森林越来越大,幅员越来越辽阔,其中的鸿蒙树,参天笔直,无边无际,已经到了数之不尽的地步。 On primordial chaos trees, primordial chaos fruits are mature, lives the splendor shiningly. 一颗颗鸿蒙树上,一颗颗鸿蒙果已经成熟,灿灿生辉。 Each fruit, breeding is mature primordial chaos world, in that galaxy innumerable star glow, probably is echoing with these primordial chaos fruit one by one. 每一颗果子,孕育的都是一个成熟的鸿蒙世界,那星河之中无数的星芒,像是在和这些鸿蒙果一一呼应。 Each fruit, as if represents world that in the galaxy a life has. 每一个果子,似乎都代表着星河中一个生命所拥有的世界 Whenever Su Hang realized an star glow mark has experienced the life, will then have a primordial chaos fruit to be mature. 每当苏航体会完一颗星芒印记所经历过的一生,便会有一颗鸿蒙果成熟。 Even if owner of this star glow mark is only a grass, the life that but, it experiences is great, at the subjective angle of view of this grass, the primordial chaos world that it is, exists because of it, if it destroys, then this primordial chaos world in then does not exist. 哪怕这个星芒印记的主人只是一棵小草,但是,它所经历的一生都是伟大的,以这一棵小草的主观视角,它所在的这一个鸿蒙世界,都是因为它而存在的,如果它毁灭,那么这个鸿蒙世界在便不存在了。 This has involved a philosophical question of very deep level, I, therefore world, world exists because of me. 这已经涉及到了一个非常深层次的哲学问题,我在,故世界在,世界因我而存在。 Time in this moment, regarding Su Hang, absolutely does not have any concept. 时间在这一刻,对于苏航来说,已经完全没有了任何的概念。 Also has not known how long, perhaps is one year two years, perhaps also counts the million eon, several trillion eon, Su Hang felt finally own consciousness was separated from in -depth memory sea. 也不知道过了多久,也许是一年两年,也或许是数百万宙,数亿万宙,苏航终于感觉自己的意识从深层的记忆海洋之中脱离了出来。 At this moment, realm to him, seems to be unimportant, he already completely absorb the memory of destiny, absorb in destiny galaxy all memory information. 此时此刻,境界对他来说,似乎已经并不重要了,他已经完全吸收了命运的记忆,也同时吸收了天命星河之中所有的记忆信息 realm does not know that what kind of altitude selected for promotion, but Su Hang some reasons believe now when at this moment, can easily pat just to enter destiny galaxy absolutely. 境界已经不知道拔升到了怎样的高度,但是苏航现在有理由相信,此刻的自己,绝对可以轻易的拍死刚刚进入天命星河时的自己。
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