SSG :: Volume #30

#2961: The pit dies I!

???? Old Ancestor after third, governing life, the wording meaning is the governing life, governing causes the destiny, oneself control oneself destiny. ????老祖第三篇,御命篇,字面意思就是御命,御使天命,自己掌握自己的命运。 ??? But before then, you at least must know that so-called destiny, is actually anything! ???可在此之前,你至少得知道所谓的命运,究竟是什么! ???? These days, Su Hang has been observing to think, has been realizing from experience, Primal Chaos is the destiny opens, these naturally contain the innumerable destiny highest good! ????这些日子,苏航一直在观想,一直在体悟,混沌乃是命运开辟,这其中自然蕴含着无数的命运至理! ???? The mortal body integrates Primal Chaos, from each corner, each angle realizes from experience, understands destiny, although Time is not long, but Su Hang can the obvious feeling the harvest, the state of mind in the obvious promotion! ????肉身融入混沌,从每一个角落,每一个角度去体悟,去了解命运,时间虽然不长,但是苏航能明显的感觉到收获,心境在明显的提升! ????? Un?” ?????“嗯?” ???? Suddenly, the Su Hang mortal body in the precipice, consciousness to receive from Primal Chaos each corner obviously, the brow wrinkled the wrinkle slightly, probably discovered any unhappy matter, immediately, vanished from the precipice baseless. ????突然间,苏航肉身在断崖边显化,意识从混沌每一个角落收了回来,眉头微微的皱了皱,像是发现了什么不愉快的事,随即,又从断崖边凭空消失。 ????? Primal Chaos, the western region, two forms appear in Primal Chaos world, is walking in the direction of eastern territory, the entire journey does not have the words, does not have the exchange, is ordered to come to apprehend Su Hang's standard Miao and Gösen, in two people complexion also brings several points of being survivor of disaster terrified and flurry! ?????混沌,西域,有两个身影出现在混沌世界中,正往东域的方向行走,全程无话,更无交流,正是奉命前来捉拿苏航的格淼和格森,两人脸色中还带着几分劫后余生的惶恐和慌乱! ????? At this time, a form emerged out of thin air, blocks in two people of front. ?????这时候,一个身影凭空出现,拦在了二人的面前。 ?????? Yo, two, whither?” Comes the person to ask. ??????“哟,两位,何往啊?”来人问道。 ????? Two people look up, standard Miao face present unusual look, but Gösen is actually the face sinks, whole face sinister aspect, gang of lowlifes, go away!” ?????二人抬头一看,格淼脸现异色,而格森却是脸一沉,满脸凶相,“臭鱼烂虾,滚!” ????? Gösen has not seen Su Hang, is far from the understanding, only thinks that the present person is only ordinary cultivator in Primal Chaos, perhaps was arranged the protector in this Primal Chaos edge. ?????格森并没有见过苏航,更谈不上认识,只以为眼前之人只是混沌中的一个普通修士,或许只是被安排在这混沌边缘的守护者而已。 ????? Su Hang remains unmoved, on the face only brings smile as always, has not paid attention to front these two people. ?????苏航不为所动,脸上只带着一如既往的微笑,并未把面前这二人放在眼里。 ?????? He is Su Hang!” At this time, side standard Miao said one. ??????“他就是苏航!”这时候,旁边格淼道了一句。 ????? „Is he Su Hang?” As soon as Gösen listens to this saying, was shocked, he also thinks that this membership dues some hands and feet, have not thought that this front leg stepped into Primal Chaos, back leg person has arrived in front of them! ?????“他就是苏航?”格森一听这话,愣住了,他还以为这一趟会费一些手脚,万万没有想到,这才前脚踏入混沌,后脚这人就已经来到他们面前了! ?????? Front person, ordinary, seeming like not outstanding, was he gives the pit moonlight Sanren? Gave the pit the void temple? ??????面前这人,普普通通,看上去并不出众,就是他把月华散人给坑了?把虚空圣殿给坑了? ??????? Really is the person not facial expression! ???????果然是人不可貌相! ?????? Good, I am Su Hang, two imperial princes leave and then come back, does not know that does?” Su Hang does not know that what Gösen is thinking now, if knows, perhaps depressed wants to hit the person? ??????“不错,我就是苏航,二位皇子去而复返,不知有何贵干?”苏航不知道格森现在在想什么,如果知道的话,恐怕会郁闷的想打人吧? ??????? At this time, standard Miao said that my previous time saw his time, he has the Class Eight Supreme boundary, I did not handle him, can only depend on you!” ???????这时候,格淼道,“我上次见他的时候,他已经有八品至尊境,我搞不定他,只能靠你了!” ???????? Class Eight Supreme boundary? In Gösen's heart sneers, in oneself this Class Nine Supreme front, is completely trash, pinching him is not difficult. ????????八品至尊境么?格森的心中冷笑,在自己这个九品至尊的面前,完全就是一个渣渣,捏死他并不难。 ???????? Gösen has self-confidently, all are completely grasping, this boy may play a slippery fellow, but, so long as keep a mind, in the face of the absolute strength, acting bashful him simply should not be too simple! ????????格森有着十分的自信,一切尽在掌握中,这小子或许会耍点滑头,但是,只要自己留个心眼,在绝对的实力面前,拿捏他简直不要太简单! ????????? Obedient follows me, otherwise, death!” Gösen cold looks at Su Hang, he will fall the up until now situation, said, has the greatest connection with Su Hang, therefore, in Gösen's look, with killing intent. ?????????“乖乖的跟我走,否则,死!”格森冷然的看着苏航,他会落到现在的处境,说起来,和苏航有着莫大的关联,所以,格森的眼神中,带着有十分的杀意 ??????? Grosjean they go back the Su Hang belt/bring, had not said that must bring live going back, if Su Hang is not willing to coordinate, Gösen will start to Su Hang absolutely, bringing his corpse to go back. ???????格罗斯让他们把苏航带回去,可没说要带活的回去,如果苏航不肯配合的话,格森绝对会对苏航下手,带他的尸体回去。 ??????? Su Hang looks like looks that a kid bluffs and blusters in own front, feels somewhat funnily, follows you? May I ask one, which are you preparation lead me to go?” ???????苏航就像是看着一个小屁孩儿在自己的面前耀武扬威,感觉有些好笑,“跟你走?敢问一句,你这是准备带我去哪儿呢?” ????? Void temple!” Gösen's say/way proudly, as the successor in void temple, in his heart has his pride. ?????“虚空圣殿!”格森傲然的道,身为虚空圣殿的继承人,他的心中还是有着他的骄傲的。 ????? Void temple?” Su Hang brow slightly one pressed, what makes?” ?????“虚空圣殿?”苏航眉头微微一蹙,“去做什么?” ???? Gösen seems somewhat disgruntled, does not do to ask, instantly follows me, do not let me begin personally......” ????格森显得有些不悦,“休要多问,即刻跟我走,别让我亲自动手……” ????? „?” ?????“哦?” ?????? Su Hang strange looks at Gösen, your excellency temperament is a little hot tempered, I do not like, this did not invite the attitude of person......” ??????苏航古怪的看着格森,“阁下脾气有点暴躁,我不喜欢,这可不是请人的态度……” ????? Snort, proposes a toast does not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit!” Gösen's complexion changed, where could not look that Su Hang is feigning madness and playing dumb, at this time, he only wants to grasp Su Hang, is good to make up for one's faults by good deeds, perhaps the seat of temple successor is his, now Gelug had died, perhaps but also direct buddy changes the emperor, became the temple palace lord directly! ?????“哼,敬酒不吃吃罚酒!”格森的脸色变了,哪里看不出来苏航是在装疯卖傻,这时候了,他只想把苏航抓回去,好将功补过,说不定圣殿继承人的位子还是他的,现在格鲁已经死了,还说不定直接老弟变皇帝,直接成为圣殿殿主了呢! ???? At that moment, Gösen takes out red circular hoop, threw toward Su Hang directly, that stance, looking like in the amusement park a set of baby is the same, band grows up instantaneously, wraps toward the Su Hang's top of the head, obviously wants to walk the Su Hang wrap/sets. ????当下,格森取出一个红色的圆箍儿,直接就往苏航扔了过去,那架势,就像是游乐场里套娃娃一样,箍儿瞬间长大,往苏航的头顶上套去,明显就是想把苏航套走。 ???? To this treasure, Gösen has in a big way self-confident, as the successor in temple, how the body can few type of nice magic treasure, this band call to practice the band scarlet, not only can seize the person to cause difficulties for others, on this band also has the violent poisonousness, let alone is Class Eight Supreme, even if with his same Class Nine Supreme, so long as were grasped by this band, do not think that can work loose. ????对这宝贝,格森是有很大的自信的,身为圣殿的继承人,身上怎么能没有几样像样的法宝,这箍儿叫赤练箍,不仅能捉人拿人,这箍儿上还有剧毒,别说是一个八品至尊,哪怕和他一样的九品至尊,只要被这箍儿拿住,就别想能够挣脱。 ????? While Gösen's self-confident time, actually sees Su Hang to put out a hand to grasp directly, band that is dropping to his head overhead, was grasped by Su Hang directly in the hand. ?????正当格森自信满满的时候,却见苏航直接伸手一抓,那对着他脑袋当头落下的箍儿,直接就被苏航抓在了手中。 ???? Held appreciatively, Su Hang said with a smile, was so polite, but also gave the gift? However, do not think to give a present, I will follow you!” ????把玩了一下,苏航笑道,“这么客气,还送礼物?不过,别以为送了礼,我就会跟你走!” ???? Gösen has a big shock, did this fellow, practice the band seizing own scarlet unexpectedly directly? That treasure seizes the person to cause difficulties for others specially, moreover there is a violent poisonousness, this fellow dares to grasp unexpectedly adeptly, moreover was really given to hold by him? ????格森大惊失色,这家伙,居然直接把自己的赤练箍给擒了?要知道,那宝贝可是专门捉人拿人的,而且还有剧毒,这家伙居然敢拿手去抓,而且还真被他给抓住了? ????? Wants governing to cause to practice the band recycling hastily scarlet, but Gösen discovered at this time panic-stricken, oneself unexpectedly already and practiced to bind round the relation scarlet. ?????连忙想御使赤练箍回收,可是这时候格森更加惊恐的发现,自己居然已经和赤练箍断了联系。 ?????? Gösen realized finally astonishing real, the person of front, is it possible that controls existence of boundary? ?????难道?格森终于意识到了一个惊人的现实,面前之人,莫非是主宰境的存在? ????? This thought just now gets up, then saw Su Hang to practice the band to throw toward oneself that directly scarlet? ?????这个念头才刚起,便见苏航直接将那赤练箍向着自己扔了过来? ???? Does the original present also? It is not right, when Gösen realizes the incorrect time, that practiced the band to wrap/sets of scarlet on his neck. ????原物奉还?不对,当格森意识到不对的时候,那赤练箍已经套在了他的脖子上。 ???? In a flash, Gösen then felt oneself were practiced the strength of band imprisoning scarlet! ????一瞬间,格森便感觉自己被赤练箍的力量给禁锢住了! ???? divine soul was also sealed up, that practices the band scarlet, like on spear/gun in his forehead, Gösen moves radically does not dare to move. ????神魂也被封住,那赤练箍,就像一把架在他脑门上的枪,格森根本动都不敢动一下。 ?? Unexpectedly used own magic treasure to imprison itself, Gösen at this moment was panic-stricken inexplicable, he has almost been able to determine, front Su Hang, controls existence of boundary absolutely. ??居然用自己的法宝禁锢了自己,格森此刻惊恐莫名,他几乎已经可以确定,面前这个苏航,绝对已经是主宰境的存在。 ??? Also right, this fellow can give to play with moonlight Sanren, in the hand can few brushes? ???也对,这家伙能把月华散人都给玩弄了,手上能没有几把刷子么? ???? The general idea, was really negligent, in Primal Chaos world, how to have existence of this rank? In Gösen this moment heart regretted, but this little while has regretted to end, hateful this standard Miao, said unexpectedly such exists, only then Class Eight Supreme boundary, Jane/simple straight pit dies I! ????大意了,实在是太大意了,混沌世界中,怎么会有这一等级的存在?格森此刻心中后悔不已,但是这会儿已经后悔完了,可恨这个格淼,居然说这样一位存在只有八品至尊境,简直坑死我也! Was practiced a band set of lord scarlet, Gösen the possibility without escaped from, Su Hang has not responded him again, moreover turns to standard Miao, is you follows me, wants me to begin to invite you?” 被赤练箍套主,格森已经没有逃脱的可能,苏航没再搭理他,而且转向格淼,“是你自己跟我走呢,还是要我动手请你?” square Miao makes an effort swallowed saliva, in the heart has a 10,000 alpaca to gallop, what life did oneself this call? 格淼使劲的咽了一口口水,心中已经有一万头羊驼奔腾而过,自己这叫什么命啊?
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