SSG :: Volume #29

#2887: Make a decision!

Snort!” “哼!” Hongjun cold snort/hum, these matters, having no need for you caring, the prison, you continued dead in this, you should belong to here!” 鸿钧冷哼了一声,“这些事,用不着你关心了,大狱,你还是继续长眠于此吧,你本就该属于这里!” The voice falls, in the Hongjun hand whisks shakes, changes to together the sword light, turns toward the prison to cut directly. 话音落下,鸿钧手中拂尘一抖,化作一道剑光,直接向着大狱斩去。 Although prison some protection, but, just like previously said, his present strength missed compared with the peak time were too many, was almost instantaneous, the sword has only cut, the head that his just had falls from the neck directly. 大狱虽然有些防备,但是,正如先前所说,他现在的实力比起巅峰时候差了太多,几乎是瞬间,剑光斩过,他那个刚刚长出来的脑袋直接就从脖子上掉了下来。 Hongjun, you court death!” 鸿钧,你找死!” The prison is angry, does not know the sound where braves, calls out, grasps a nearby giant stone, then throws directly toward Hongjun. 大狱愤怒难当,也不知从哪儿冒出来的声音,一声暴吼,抓起旁边的一块巨石,直接便往鸿钧扔去。 This grade of attack method, where can do to Hongjun, whisks pulls out, the giant stone crushes instantaneously, the silk thread that in the hand whisks falls off in abundance, changes into the innumerable sharp swords, forms one gorgeous sword, from kills in all directions to the prison. 这等攻击手段,哪里能奈何得了鸿钧,拂尘一抽,巨石瞬间粉碎,手中拂尘上的丝线纷纷脱落,化为无数柄利剑,结成一个绚丽的剑阵,从四面八方杀向大狱。 The prison knows at this time is not the Hongjun opponent, has to draw back intent, direct calls out, the body exhibits the translucent condition immediately, turns around then to run away! 大狱此时知道不是鸿钧的对手,已经心生退意,直接一声暴吼,身体立刻呈现出半透明的状态,转身便逃! The innumerable sharp swords pursue tightly on, the prison mortal body defense is astonishing, opens these sharp sword ejections in abundance, everywhere is the spark and explosion. 无数的利剑紧追而上,大狱肉身防御惊人,将那些利剑纷纷弹射开,处处都是火花和爆炸。 However, Hongjun sword is the defense of enough fierce, quick prison is also broken under the innumerable sharp sword attacks, sharp sword in abundance the mortal body penetration of prison. 不过,鸿钧的剑阵也是够猛,很快大狱的防御便在无数的利剑攻击下被破开,利剑纷纷将大狱的肉身穿透。 What may feel strange, these sharp swords pass through from prison that translucent mortal body, has not actually left behind any scar, punctured probably in the air was the same. 可奇怪的是,那些利剑从大狱那半透明的肉身中穿过,却并没有留下什么伤痕,就好像刺在了空气上一样。 Prison figure stagnates slightly, although looks does not have the flesh wound, but obvious Hongjun sword has the injury to him, but this injury instead stimulated the prison vicious tendencies. 大狱身形稍滞,虽然看起来并没有外伤,但明显鸿钧的剑阵是对他有伤害的,但是这种伤害反而激发了大狱的戾气。 The prison roared, eight arm chaotic dances, unexpectedly unarmed hit everywhere randomly to fly that sword, Hongjun is startled, will increase the output, the prison has actually shaken off a sword fetter. 大狱咆哮一声,八臂乱舞,竟然赤手空拳将那剑阵打得漫天乱飞,鸿钧吃了一惊,正要加大输出,大狱却已经挣脱了剑阵的束缚。 The Ecuadoran gods and Qinchuan where can make him give to run away, immediately the moving quickly on, about turns toward the prison to kill, the flying sword of incantation seal and Qinchuan that however, Ecuadoran gods, passed through the prison mortal body directly, has not caused the injury to the prison. 厄神和秦川哪里能让他给逃了,当即飞身而上,左右向着大狱杀去,然而,厄神的咒印和秦川的飞剑,直接穿过了大狱的肉身,并未对大狱造成伤害。 Snort, one side rolls!” The prison does not dodge does not evade, as if the immunity their attack, lost to two people of taunts cursed, immediately figure vanishes, did not have the trace baseless! “哼,滚一边去!”大狱根本不闪不避,仿佛免疫了他们的攻击似的,丢给二人一句嘲讽的大骂,随即身形消失,凭空没有了踪影! Ecuadoran god and Qinchuan in same place, they collaborate, cannot block this with one another unexpectedly . Moreover, seems like their attack methods, does not have the effect on the prison. 厄神和秦川都愣在了原地,他二人联手,竟然没能拦下这厮,而且,貌似他们的攻击手段,对大狱并没有效果。 Unexpectedly, made him give to run! 居然,还是让他给跑了! A Hongjun face cold like ice-frost, matter imagines him is more serious than! 鸿钧一张脸冷如冰霜,事情比他想象的还要严重! Qin Chuandao, this with one another method was strange, I and other methods were unexpectedly invalid to him!” 秦川道,“这厮手段离奇,我等手段居然对他无效!” Hongjun nods, this was the fearful place of Taichu evil spirit, their mortal bodies situated in the actual situation, the method were very generally limited to their injuries......” 鸿钧点了点头,“这便是太初凶神的可怕之处,他们的肉身介于虚实之间,一般手段对他们的伤害十分有限……” Pitifully or made him give to run!” Ecuadoran god sinking sound said, on face expression very serious, they have not taken the prison with joint forces, gravity that he has been able to realize the matter. “可惜还是让他给跑了!”厄神沉声道,脸上表情十分的严肃,他们三人合力都没有拿下大狱,他已经能意识到事情的严重性。 Hongjun deeply inspires, ran a prison, is not anything, now what I am worried, some actually many Taichu evil spirits were reactivated to awaken, that awakened these Taichu ominous beast existed......” 鸿钧深吸了一口气,“跑了一个大狱,并不算什么,我现在担心的是,究竟有多少太初凶神被复活唤醒,还有那唤醒这些太初凶兽的存在……” Speaking of here, Hongjun stopped, perhaps the order of severity of this matter, has been aloof the control, had realized catastrophe that Hongjun that the Qinchuan two people can also sober just said that is actually any meaning. 说到这儿,鸿钧停了下来,这件事的严重程度,恐怕已经超脱了控制,秦川二人也能清醒的意识到鸿钧刚刚说的大灾难,究竟是什么意思。 Considers, if are hundreds, thousand ideas, even more such as the prison Taichu evil spirit so appeared in Primal Chaos, what kind of disaster will that be? 试想一下,如果数以百计,千计,甚至更多如大狱这般的太初凶神出现在混沌之中,那将是怎样的灾难? Dao Ancestor, this matter no small matter, must hurry to ask the heaven brother they to discuss that a countermeasure is good!” Qin Chuandao. 道祖,此事非同小可,得赶紧找苍天兄他们商议个对策才好!”秦川道。 Hongjun nods, thinks, said, heaven and Taicang the limitless day close up now, your two people may go in advance, informs this matter......” 鸿钧点了点头,想了想,道,“苍天和太苍现在无极天闭关,你二人可先行前往,将此事告知……” Dao Ancestor, you?” The Ecuadoran gods asked. 道祖,你呢?”厄神问道。 Hongjun said, I must first return to Heavens Beyond Heaven, sees my elder brother, in the past the war of Taichu, was the elder brother leads an numerous Primal Chaos god with the numerous Taichu ominous Divine War bucket, if this time the great misfortune began, feared that must have my elder brother!” 鸿钧道,“我要先回天外天,见一见我那兄长,当年太初之战,便是兄长领导一众混沌神祗与众太初凶神战斗,此番若是大劫再起,怕是少不得我这位兄长!” Two people know, the elder brother in Hongjun mouth is Su Hang, immediately also no longer said, perhaps before they somewhat will also despise to Su Hang, after all is the promising youth, in their eyes can only be the younger generation, but now, heard that Su Hang has entered the step to six color boundaries, this has made them unable to have the heart of contempt! 二人都知道,鸿钧口中的兄长就是苏航,当下也不再多说,或许之前他们对苏航还会有几分轻视,毕竟是后起之秀,在他们眼里只能算是晚辈,但现在,听说苏航已经进阶到六色境,这已经让他们生不起轻视之心了! Let alone, the Su Hang's background is also much deeper, is not only the life disciple, Pangu in legend is reincarnated. 更何况,苏航的背景也是深得吓人,不仅是命徒,更还是传说中的盘古氏转世。 At that moment three people of no longer loquacities, are divided into two, leaves respectively, leaves behind on the god grave mountain a god to look at each other in blank dismay. 当下三人都不再多话,分为两句,各自离开,留下神墓山上一众神祗面面相觑。 Quick, the people responded, had a lingering fear, left the god grave mountain in abundance, perhaps in this mountain also had the concealed treasure, but, what monster if digging out to come, who can also unable to stand? 很快,众人反应过来,也都是心有余悸,纷纷离开了神墓山,这山中或许还有藏宝,但是,万一在挖出个什么怪物来,谁还能降得住? Has the treasure, must have the life with be good, the gods all pity the person of life, just experienced the fearfulness of prison with own eyes, who also dares to stay here? 有宝物,也得有命拿才行,众神皆是惜命之人,刚刚亲眼见识了大狱的可怕,谁还敢在这儿停留? Quick, the god grave recluse goes to the cave, only leaves behind the ruins and that severely wounded stupor of full mountain adore/admire white Scholar, no one pays attention, lies down in the ruins, actually does not know when can wake up. 很快,神墓山人去山空,只留下满山的废墟和那个重伤昏迷的慕白居士,没有人理会,躺在废墟之中,却不知何时才能醒来。 ...... …… Creates the mountains marking a border! 创界山! Hongjun comes back, Su Hang happen to closes up, this time closes up harvests big, Su Hang can be said as very satisfied to own perception, size also said by Study God, before many were of help by Study God System, now does not depend on Study God System, Su Hang felt, oneself also as if can become the Study God two characters! 鸿钧回来的时候,苏航正好闭关出来,这次闭关收获不小,苏航对自己的悟性可以说是非常满意,大小自己也以学神自称,以前多受学神系统助益,现在不靠学神系统,苏航觉得,自己也似乎能当得上学神二字了! Therefore, generally speaking, Su Hang is happy, particularly heard that She Xiaoman also regained consciousness, he was happier! 所以,总体来说,苏航心情还不错,尤其是听说佘小蛮也苏醒了,他就更开心了! However, along with the return of Hongjun, with the news, making him somewhat happy not get up! 不过,伴随着鸿钧的归来,带回来的消息,让他有些开心不起来了! „Do you want to look?” In the main hall, with the Su Hang lecture the matter of god grave mountain, Hongjun also asked. “你要不要去看一下?”大殿里,和苏航讲完了神墓山的事,鸿钧又问道。 Su Hang listened, beckons with the hand, listens to the Hongjun lecture, he has known a general idea, the god grave mountain has become the ruins, but also there is any quality of being worth looking at! 苏航听了,摆了摆手,听鸿钧讲完,他已经知晓个大概,那神墓山已经成为废墟,还有什么看头! Hongjun said, I suspected, in the past Hong true was responsible for the Taichu evil spirit and god who buried these dead in battle, fudges mostly, now does not know that many Taichu evil spirits resurrected, this to we very huge threat, Qin Jiewang has informed the heaven brother to go this matter, but Elder brother, you were the leader of war of past years, with offering advice!” 鸿钧道,“我怀疑,当年洪真负责安葬那些战死的太初凶神和神祗,多半是动了手脚,如今不知有多少太初凶神复活,这对咱们可是十分巨大的威胁,秦界王已经把这事通知苍天兄去了,但是兄长,你是当年之战的领头人,得拿出个主意!” Makes a decision? The Su Hang forced smile, this situation, what idea can oneself take? 拿主意?苏航苦笑,这种情况,自己能拿什么主意? Su Hang silent for a long time, asked that you felt, who this matter can be does?” 苏航沉默了许久,问道,“你觉得,这事会是什么人干的?” Did not say!” Hongjun shakes the head, Hong Zhenruo, me will suspect Hong true, but now? In Primal Chaos can have this ability and has this guts to do this matter, I cannot think of anyone, if insists saying that suspect, on that day saved the person of Hong true True Spirit using the fire of nihility?” “不好说!”鸿钧摇了摇头,“洪真若在,我会怀疑洪真,但是现在么?混沌中能有这能力和有这胆量干这事的,我想不到会有谁,如果硬要说个怀疑对象的话,那天利用虚无之火救走洪真真灵之人?”
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