SSG :: Volume #29

#2846: Husband and wife reunion!

?????? Said that who that person is, is Taicang! ??????却道那人是谁,正是太苍! ??????? Taicang?” ???????“太苍?” ????????? A rainbow machine and Rainbow pearl have feared, Taicang? Will Taicang appear here? ?????????虹道机和虹明珠都惊住了,太苍?太苍怎么会出现在这儿? ????????? A rainbow machine responded actually first, the cow that subconscious keeping off in the front of Rainbow pearl, like doting parent was common, has filled guarding to Taicang, was feared likely Taicang approached own daughter. ?????????倒是虹道机先反应过来,下意识的挡在了虹明珠的面前,就像一只护犊子的母牛一般,对太苍充满了提防,像是怕太苍接近自己的女儿。 ???????? What's wrong? Very accidental/surprised?” On Taicang face ice-cold awfully, the sound is coldly, making the person listen to send coldly. ????????“怎么?很意外么?”太苍脸上冰冷的要命,声音更是冷冰冰的,让人听了发寒。 ????????? A rainbow machine looked toward Su Hang, the look becomes very strange, is very obvious, is Su Hang leads this fellow. ?????????虹道机往苏航看了过去,眼神变得很古怪,很显然,是苏航把这家伙领来的。 ????????? Su Hang shrugs, was saying to a rainbow machine, others husbands and wives reunite, the rainbow head of the clan, your I do not disturb here, do we find a place to chat the little while?” ?????????苏航耸了耸肩,对着虹道机道,“人家夫妻团圆,虹族长,你我就不要在这儿打扰了,咱们找个地方聊会儿?” ????????? Chatted? A rainbow machine suppressed all at once, is wanting saying that really chatted a your mother head, was Taicang face to face, his vigilance does not dare to have lax of half a point. ?????????聊?虹道机憋着一股气,真想说一句聊尼玛个头,可是太苍当面,他的警惕不敢有半分的松懈。 ???????? Taicang, I why, no matter you appear here, does not permit you to approach my daughter.” A rainbow machine has neglected the Su Hang's words directly, was saying to Taicang. ????????“太苍,我不管你为何出现在这里,不准你靠近我女儿。”虹道机直接忽略了苏航的话,对着太苍道。 ????????? Taicang coldly looks at a rainbow machine, the expression on face does not have a change, „do you want dead?” ?????????太苍冷冷的看着虹道机,脸上的表情都不带一丝变化的,“你是想死么?” ????? Space as if solidifies instantaneously, killing intent that at that moment, the rainbow machine feeling such as the falling ice hole, on Taicang transmits, making him feel absolutely terrifiedly, he did not suspect slightly, Taicang can say to him who really does not gather begins . Moreover, he also definitely has that strength. ?????空间瞬间仿佛凝固,那一刻,虹道机感觉如坠冰窟,太苍身上传来的杀意,让他感觉毛骨悚然,他丝毫都不怀疑,太苍真的会一言不合的对他动手,而且,他也肯定有那个实力。 ????? After all, on the same day Taicang kills long life Great Emperor time, he also personally sees, the long life Great Emperor five world of beings with form kings, are similar to front of Taicang the baby are the same, he also four color boundaries. ?????毕竟,当日太苍杀长生大帝的时候,他也是亲眼所见的,长生大帝五色界王,在太苍面前都如同婴儿一样,他也才不过四色境而已。 ?????? Taicang, does not want.” ??????“太苍,不要。” ??????? At this time, Rainbow pearl has stood, kept off in the front of rainbow machine, looked up Taicang, black qi cleared, was a peerless appearance.?? ???????这时候,虹明珠站了出来,挡在了虹道机的面前,抬起头看着太苍,身上的黑气散尽,也是一张绝世的容颜。?? ??????? Taicang stared at Rainbow pearl to look, „, the woman was troublesome, the boy, advised politely your one, little provoked the woman, otherwise could not bear to you annoys troublesome.” ???????太苍盯着虹明珠看了看,“哼,女人就是麻烦,小子,奉劝你一句,少招惹女人,否则受不了给你惹麻烦。” ?????? This saying to Su Hang said obviously, but, was more like said that the pearl listened to Rainbow. ??????这话明显就是跟苏航说的,不过,却又更像是说给虹明珠听的。 ??????? The Su Hang hollow laugh, Taicang senior, your husbands and wives have had a reunion, certainly many words must say, I do not disturb.” ???????苏航干笑了一声,“太苍前辈,你们夫妻重逢,肯定有很多话要讲,那我就不打扰了。” ??????? finished speaking, Su Hang goes forward to pull up a rainbow machine to walk toward the mountain valley outside. ???????说完,苏航上前拉起虹道机就往山谷外走。 ??????? Rainbow engine weight heavy flicking the sleeve, points at Taicang saying that you, if dares to move my daughter fine hair, even if has abandoned my this short remaining life, I have not ended with you.” ???????虹道机重重的一拂袖,指着太苍道,“你若敢动我女儿一根汗毛,就算舍了我这条老命,我也跟你没完。” ??????? Resulted in you.” ???????“得了吧你。” ?????? Su Hang sees that hurries to drag away a rainbow machine, this old man speech does not have the discretion, knew perfectly well that the opposite party is anything exists, but also prods with this saying, if Taicang moved really hot, this old man feared how dead does not know. ??????苏航见状,赶紧把虹道机拖走,这老头说话没有分寸,明知对方是什么存在,还用这话激将,万一太苍动起了真火,这老头怕是怎么死的都不知道。 ????????? A rainbow machine was foul-mouthed, left the canyon with Su Hang, left behind Taicang and Rainbow pearl lives alone in the canyon. ?????????虹道机骂骂咧咧,跟着苏航出了峡谷,留下太苍和虹明珠在峡谷内独处。 ?????? Outside the canyon, a rainbow machine layer on layer/heavily has broken free from Su Hang's again, your this with one another, draws me to do, but bead your great grandmother, keeps her to Taicang, who can you know Taicang are? That is eats the person not to spit existence of bone.” ??????峡谷外,虹道机再一次重重的甩开了苏航的手,“你这厮,拉我做甚,珠儿可是你的曾祖母,留她一人对着太苍,你可知太苍是什么人么?那可是吃人都不吐骨头的存在。” ???????? That line, you have skill again to go, looked that he ate you to spit the bone.” Su Hang light said that this old man, is too hot tempered, was too impulsive. ????????“那行,你有本事就再进去,看他吃了你会不会吐骨头。”苏航淡淡的道了一句,这个老头,太暴躁,太冲动了。 ????????? I......” a rainbow machine suppress to blush instantaneously. ?????????“我……”虹道机瞬间憋红了脸。 ????????? Su Hang sighed, one was a great grandmother, that another paternal great-grandfather, I said the rainbow head of the clan, your daughter has her freedom, others now are six color boundaries the king, you were also managing, interesting? If I your daughter, will be given to compel sooner or later insanely by you.” ?????????苏航叹了口气,“一个是曾祖母,那另外一个还是曾祖父呢,我说虹族长,你女儿有她的自由,人家现在都是六色境的界王了,你还管着,有意思么?我要是你女儿,早晚被你给逼疯。” ?????????? You......” a rainbow machine are pointing at Su Hang, wants to scold, but actually does not know that should scold anything, a face almost must suppress to bleed. ??????????“你……”虹道机指着苏航,想要开骂,但是却又不知道该骂点什么,一张脸几乎要憋出血来。 ??????????? Su Hang said, felt relieved, Taicang will not injure your daughter, if he were so cruel-hearted, in the past will give your daughter ten thousand spirit blood beads? Also has a need for fee/spent mental effort, risk running here?” ???????????苏航道,“放心好了,太苍不会伤害你女儿的,他如果有那么狠心,当年会把万灵血珠给你女儿么?还用得着费这心力,冒险跑这儿来?” ??????????? Rainbow machine hears word, deeply inspired, although he impulses, but is not mental handicap, he dislikes Taicang purely, this little while listened to the Su Hang's words, many were calmer. ???????????虹道机闻言,深吸了一口气,他虽然冲动,但并不是智障,他只是单纯的反感太苍而已,这会儿听了苏航的话,多少冷静了些。 ????????? Is selecting the eyebrow, looked at Su Hang one, „, therefore, Taicang continuously with you? No wonder, is stranded that ten thousand spirit gathering immortal lattice point times on the same day, you have suffered four artillery unexpectedly undying . Moreover, unexpectedly also put out long life Great Emperor True Spirit to come, at that time I had doubts, originally was Taicang.” ?????????挑着眉,看了苏航一眼,“所以,太苍一直都跟着你?难怪,当日被困那万灵聚仙阵点时候,你挨了四炮居然都不死,而且,居然还拿出了长生大帝真灵来,当时我就疑惑,原来是太苍在。” ????????? Su Hang shook the head, nodded, has smiled bitterly, is he looks for me on own initiative, he has put forward a condition to me, is helps him save your daughter, at that time that situation, I can only comply, afterward cannot think, the mistake arising out of chance circumstances, by Hong true seizing, met here finally, the rainbow head of the clan, actually, I felt that this is the life, should recognize must recognize, actually, has Taicang this formidable son-in-law to be also good, we referred to erratically must be able to run away the birth day by others.” ?????????苏航摇了摇头,又点了点头,苦笑了一声,“是他主动找上我的,他给我提了个条件,便是帮他救你女儿,当时那种情况,我只能答应,后来想不到,阴差阳错的,被洪真给掳了,结果在这儿碰了面,虹族长,其实,我感觉这都是命,该认就得认,其实,有太苍这个强大的女婿也挺好的,咱们指不定还得靠人家才能逃出生天呢。” ??????? Fart!” A rainbow machine foams with rage, has exploded a thick mouth directly, but turned head to look at that canyon, ultimate again has not gone. ???????“放屁!”虹道机吹胡子瞪眼,直接爆了一句粗口,但回头看了看那峡谷,最终还是没再进去。 ????? This rainbow machine, actually is also ill-speaking but soft-hearted! ?????这个虹道机,其实也是个刀子嘴豆腐心! ??? Su Hang went forward to pat the shoulder of rainbow machine, actually, I felt, perhaps Taicang did not have is so bad, others husbands and wives had a reunion with great difficulty, Brother, again do not do that to beat with a club the mandarin duck matter!” ???苏航上前拍了拍虹道机的肩膀,“其实吧,我个人感觉,太苍或许也没那么坏,人家夫妻好不容易重逢,老哥,你就别再干那棒打鸳鸯的事了!” ?????? What did you call me?” A rainbow machine was one stared, rank, I was your grandpa grandpa generation, you must call me a great-great grandfather Duke......” ??????“你叫我什么?”虹道机又是一眼瞪了过来,“论辈分,我可是你爷爷爷爷辈,你可得叫我一声高祖公……” ????? Does this saying sound to look like curses at people? Su Hang perspiration perspiration, but a rainbow machine has not spoken incorrectly, indeed is such a matter! ?????这话听起来怎么那么像骂人?苏航汗了汗,不过虹道机也没有说错,的确是这么个事! ???? This little while also has the mood and Su Hang intertwines this, in rainbow was evidently cunning also can only tacitly approve Taicang and his daughter! ????这会儿还有心情和苏航纠结这个,看样子,虹道机心里也只能是默认了太苍和他女儿了! ???? The Su Hang hollow laugh, has drawn a rainbow machine to walk away, we reduce now straight this, but must be able to flee by Taicang hopefully, therefore, you again have the temperament, restraining restraining, he can take risk on your daughter, proved him the friendship sufficiently to your daughter!” ????苏航干笑了一声,拉着虹道机走远了些,“咱们现在沦落直此,还得靠太苍才能有希望逃离,所以,您老就算再有脾气,也得收敛收敛,他能够冒险来就你女儿,足以证明他对你女儿的情谊了!” ???? Snort!” ????“哼!” ???? Transmits rainbow machine cold snort/hum from afar, immediately all around returned to normal! ????远远传来虹道机一声冷哼,随即四周都恢复了平静! ?????...... ?????…… ????? Crossed for a long time, Su Hang was supposing Time was similar, then the talent and a rainbow machine, returned to the canyon. ?????过了许久,苏航估摸着时间已经差不多了,便才和虹道机,回到了峡谷。 ?????? Rainbow pearl has cried obviously, but on face were many many joys, but Taicang actually coldly, perhaps is the inborn disposition so! ??????虹明珠明显是哭过,但脸上却是多了许多的喜悦,不过太苍却还是冷冰冰的,或许是天生性格如此吧! ???? This can find wife especially, really did not have the natural justice! Su Hang spat the trough in the heart, difficult Daoist Priest to result in commander true to act in a self-serving manner? ????这特么都能找到老婆,真是没天理了!苏航在心中吐槽了一句,难道长得帅真的可以为所欲为么? ??? You, come!” Just entered the canyon, Taicang is beckoning to Su Hang! ???“你,过来!”刚进峡谷,太苍就对着苏航招了招手! The Su Hang facial skin has shaken, this manner also too that anything, like calling grandson, however, Su Hang now is the heavy grandchildren in Taicang, him, when the grandson directs, he as if also profited! 苏航脸皮抖了一下,这态度也太那啥了吧,就像唤孙子一样,不过话说回来,苏航现在是太苍的重孙辈,把他当孙子使唤,他似乎还占了点便宜呢!
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