SSG :: Volume #29

#2841: Blackmail!

One group of people by a person blackmailing, this is really the huge satire! 一群人被一个人给讹诈了,这真是天大的讽刺! At this time, the heaven has opened the mouth, Hong brother, we were also acquainted for many years, other words I was not many said that today this matter, you thought how should be able to settle, says!” 这时候,苍天开口了,“洪兄,咱们也相识多年,别的话我也不多说了,今天这事,你觉得该如何才能了结,还是说一说吧!” Others' face can not give, but, the face of heaven, must, two people fight these many years, truly regards as the match by Hong true, only has the heaven. 别人的面子可以不给,但是,苍天的面子,还是要给的,二人斗了这么多年,真正被洪真视为对手的,也就只有苍天。 Heaven brother, this saying may check on big of slippery world, walking in that you threaten, asks my Hong true to trouble, actually turns around asked how my this matter was friendly? Isn't this I should ask your?” Hong true spoke. “苍天兄,这话可就滑天下之大稽了,你们气势汹汹的找上门来,找我洪真的麻烦,却转过来问我这事如何善了?这不是我该问你们的么?”洪真说到道。 The words, said the people to blush with shame, who makes you so good especially? 一番话,说得众人都汗颜不已,谁特么让你这么牛呢? Hong brother, but also please face up to my issue!” Heaven serious say/way. “洪兄,还请正视我的问题!”苍天严肃的道。 Hong Zhenshen inspired, said, „the present gets so far as so the paddies, really I do not hope, I only want to obtain thing that I want, so long as Taicang comes, hands tied ties up, pearl Princess presents safely, I want Taicang one person, to Ylha and others, wish to draw back then draws back, wish to fight then fights!” 洪真深吸了一口气,道,“现在弄到这般田地,实在非我所愿,我只想得到我想要的东西,只要太苍现身,束手就缚,明珠公主安然奉还,我只要太苍一人,至于尔等,愿退便退,愿战便战!” In other words, so long as Taicang comes, the voluntary junction is handled by you, today then do all things all rest?” The heaven asked. “也就是说,只要太苍现身,自愿交由你处置,今日便万事皆休?”苍天问道。 Can say!” Hong Zhenduan the rack, domineering is full. “可以这么说!”洪真端着架子,霸气十足。 your mother, but also was really is blackmailed, gods quite speechless, somewhat cannot help but anxious, if today Hong true letting off, asked them to trouble to be possible afterward to do? This person so fearful, making him result in Taicang, but can also? 尼玛啊,还真是被讹诈了,众神相当的无语,不由得有些揪心,万一今天把洪真给放过了,事后找他们麻烦可怎么搞?这人如此可怕,让他得了太苍,还能了得? Hongjun said, Hong true, you wants Taicang, for anything, everybody is not no need saying that we clear, even if Taicang comes today on own initiative, we impossible to give you him!” 鸿钧道,“洪真,你想要太苍,是为了什么,大家也不必说了,咱们心里都清楚,就算太苍今天主动现身,我们也不可能把他交给你!” The heaven shakes the head saying that Taicang is impossible to come, for a woman, but gives up his life, this radically is not Taicang, he now, which corner refers to erratically rambles in Primal Chaos!” 苍天摇头道,“太苍是不可能现身的,为了一个女人,而放弃他自己的性命,这根本就不是太苍,他现在,指不定在混沌的哪一个角落里逍遥呢!” Hong true complexion some are not quite attractive, direct racket table, that does not have anything said that fought one!” 洪真脸色有些不太好看,直接一拍桌子,“那没什么好说的了,还是战一场吧!” Hong true, you returns my daughter!” Hong true voice just now falls, a rainbow machine has patted the chair to soar, in the hand a seven colors of the spectrum feather sword, turns toward Hong Zhensha to go directly. “洪真,你还我女儿!”洪真的话音才刚落,虹道机已经一拍椅子腾空而起,手中化出一柄七色羽剑,直接向着洪真杀去。 Just here, a rainbow machine is restless, this little while could not sit still finally, stuck out suddenly loudly launches an attack. 刚刚在这儿,虹道机是如坐针毡,这会儿终于是坐不住了,轰然暴起发难。 The behavior of rainbow machine, has actually stemmed from the expectations of all people, this old man is also courage strange big, dares first to make a move to Hong true, is the capable person cannot seriously! 虹道机的这一行为,却是出乎了所有人的预料,这老头也是胆子奇大,敢第一个对洪真出手,当真是能人所不能啊! These makes a move, although is unexpected, but the heaven has been guarding, immediately cold snort/hum, the big sleeve flings, delimits together Rule, forms a barrier, horizontally in the front of rainbow machine. 这一番出手,虽然出人意料,但是苍天一直都提防着,当下冷哼一声,大袖一甩,划出一道规则,形成一道壁垒,横在了虹道机的面前。 The disparity is really too big, rainbow machine sword chops above that barrier, was shot instantaneously then. 差距实在是太大,虹道机这一剑砍在那壁垒之上,瞬间便被弹了回去。 At this time, Hong true has made a move, the direct palm broke open that Rule barrier that the heaven supposed, the right hand lifts, the sleeve cuff has aimed at a rainbow machine, instant crazy fierce suction rainbow machine locking, oh then a rainbow machine drawing in sleeve. 这时候,洪真出手了,直接一掌破开苍天设下的那一层规则壁垒,右手抬起,袖口对准了虹道机,瞬时一股狂猛的吸力将虹道机锁定,唷的一声便将虹道机给吸进了袖中。 All are really too quick, will draw near is unable to respond, the heaven without enough time will make a move. 一切真的是太快,快到了让人根本无法反应,就连苍天都来不及出手。 This, is really extremely the play, rushing of rainbow machine loquacious asks Hong true to go all out, but has not thought that directly by Hong true receiving. 这一幕,实在是太过戏剧,虹道机吧吧的冲上去找洪真拼命,可是万万没有想到,直接就被洪真给收了。 Was this strength disparity, too rather big? 这实力差距,未免也太大了些吧? Hong true, you are dissolute.” Praised E to get angry, immediately must ask Hong true to go all out, must know, but a rainbow machine his wife's younger brother, the wife's younger brother was in front of oneself to be given to tidy up, after going back, gave the wife to confess? “洪真,你放肆。”夸娥氏怒了,立刻就要找洪真拼命,要知道,虹道机可是他的小舅子,小舅子当着自己的面被人给收拾了,回去后怎么给老婆交代? Stop.” Heaven fierce drinks coldly, directly praising E blowing, must know, praising E not to be the generation of commonplace, if boasts E also began with Hong true, that this scene may really once started , it can hardly stop. “住手。”苍天猛的一声冷喝,直接把夸娥氏给镇住了,要知道,夸娥氏也非等闲之辈,要是夸娥氏也和洪真动起手来,那这场面可真是一发不可收拾了。 Praised E to look at Hong true wickedly, on the faces of other people have also filled fear, a rainbow machine was four color boundaries the king, the king, in Hong really front, unexpectedly was such collapsing at the first blow. 夸娥氏恶狠狠的看着洪真,其他人的脸上也都充满了畏惧,虹道机可是四色境的界王,界王啊,在洪真的面前,竟然是如此的不堪一击。 Originally in king Jing, there is a such formidable strength disparity, this makes many king Jing Primal Chaos Ancient God feel to sob. 原来界王境中,也有这么强大的实力差距,这让现场不少准界王境的混沌古神都感到唏嘘。 Cannot master your these people, lives well is not being good? Must court death.” Hong Zhenshou had the sleeve, cold snort/hum. “真搞不懂你们这些人,好好活着不好么?非得要找死。”洪真收起袖子,冷哼了一声。 At once, the scene complete silence, Hong Zhenlu, has blown the scene completely, after all, how many people here also had to dare to say were oneself stronger than a rainbow machine? 一时之间,现场鸦雀无声,洪真露的这一手,已经完全镇住了场面,毕竟,这里又有几个人敢说自己比虹道机强呢? Dark green Heavenly Dao, rainbow head of the clan has an emotional tie with the favored daughter, unavoidably is impulsive, Hong brother Sir are massive, not haggles over with him, puts him.” 天道,“虹族长心系爱女,难免冲动,洪兄大人大量,莫与他计较,还是把他放出来吧。” Has put him, put him then to oppose with me?” Hong Zhenqing snort/hum, heaven brother, your rather also good -hearted person, I may unable to achieve you to be so magnanimous.” “放了他,放了他接着和我作对么?”洪真轻哼一声,“苍天兄,你未免也太老好人了,我可做不到你那么大度。” Here, Hong Zhendun, those words, so long as Taicang came, all said that I attained thing that I wanted, the rainbow head of the clan and his favored daughter, I will not move their soft body hair.” 说到这儿,洪真顿了顿,“还是那句话,只要太苍现身,一切好说,我拿到我想要的东西,虹族长和他的爱女,我都不会动他们一根毫毛。” You thought that Taicang will come?” Hongjun asked. “你觉得太苍会来么?”鸿钧问道。 Hong true slightly knitting the brows head, I, no matter he cannot come, today cannot wait for him, I kill a rainbow machine, tomorrow will unable to wait for him, I will kill pearl Princess, if Houtian will not come, that does not know that scene which will become bad luck will be clever.” 洪真微微的皱了皱眉头,“我不管他来不来,今天等不到他,我就杀虹道机,明天等不到他,我就杀明珠公主,若后天不来,那就不知道现场哪一个会成为倒霉鬼了。” The saying that the people listen, cannot bear want to spit blood, listens to Hong true this saying, actually worked as the chéngrén nature us? Our was incurs you to annoy you, why to take us to coerce Taicang? 众人听的这话,都忍不住想要吐血,听洪真这话,却是把我们大家都当chéngrén质了?我们这是招你了还是惹你了,凭什么拿我们来要挟太苍? This with one another rather also too tyrannical? 这厮未免也太霸道了吧? „Who Taicang is, you are not do not know, he will not care about anybody life.” Hongjun sighed, Hong true, received the hand, do not repeat an error, otherwise, waited for that your only had the dead end.” “太苍是什么人,你也不是不知道,他不会顾及任何人都生命的。”鸿钧叹了口气,“洪真,收手吧,不要一错再错,否则,等待你的只有死路一条。” Hong true hā hā smiles, do not preach I, I do not eat this set, Hongjun is not the inactivity, you should not get involved in this matter......” 洪真哈哈一笑,“不要说教我,我不吃这一套,鸿钧不是无为的么,你不该介入这件事的……” Dark green Heavenly Dao, Taicang will not come, Hong true, gives up, really do not compel me to make a move.” 天道,“太苍不会来的,洪真,放弃吧,真的不要逼我出手。” Hong true shook the head, Taicang does not come, actually might also as well, since the heaven brother so has a strong sense of righteousness, might as well concisely gives me your biting day precious book, I do not want Taicang, the person, I gives you in the same old way.” 洪真摇了摇头,“太苍不来,其实也无妨,既然苍天兄这么大义凛然,不妨把你的噬天宝典精要交给我,我不要太苍也罢,人,我照样给你们。” At this time, did not see Taicang to appear, Taicang will not appear evidently, cannot coerce Taicang with a woman, Hong true as if also gradually accepted this fact, but, he gathered the goal above the biting day precious book of heaven. 都这时候了,都不见太苍出现,看样子太苍是真的不会出现了,用一个女人是要挟不到太苍的,洪真似乎也渐渐了接受了这一个事实,但是,他又把目的汇聚在了苍天的噬天宝典之上。 Perhaps although compared with talent of Taicang, bit the day precious book to miss some, but regarding Hong true, both's effect was the same, can help him promote merit force quickly. 虽然比起太苍的天赋来说,噬天宝典或许差了些许,但是对于洪真来说,两者的功效都是一样的,可以帮助他更快的提升功力 Bites the day precious book?” “噬天宝典?” The heaven shakes the head again and again, you are very clear, this is impossible, bites the day precious book to give you, without doubt helps a tyrant do evil, I am impossible to be so silly, even if I comply, numerous position fellow daoist on the scene will not comply.” 苍天连连摇头,“你很清楚,这是不可能的,噬天宝典交给你,无疑是助纣为虐,我不可能那么傻,就算我答应,在场众位道友也不会答应。”
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