SSG :: Volume #28

#2732: A Heijing!

????? Old Ancestor passes through mysterious then lies in this, mortal body after opening time and time again, returns to the body of Primal Chaos, mortal body intensity along with it temperance time and time again, mental also sublimation time and time again, this is other Su Hang have seen any merit law is unable to compare! ?????老祖经的玄妙便在于此,肉身在一次又一次的开辟后,又重新返回混沌之体,肉身的强度随之一次又一次的锤炼,精神也一次又一次的升华,这是其他苏航所见过的任何一种功法都无法比拟的! ????? Including biting day divine merit, in the final analysis, bites day divine merit is only auxiliary merit law, but Old Ancestor after is actually true practicing moral culture/slim fit cultivates the god scripture. ?????包括噬天神功,归根究底,噬天神功只是一门辅助性的功法,而老祖经却才是真真正正的修身修神圣典。 ???? Su Hang completely immerses in this type formidable and in the process of sublimation, as for other, this circulatory cycle group, could not pose the threat to him temporarily, ordinary cultivator metropolis the number of place law celestial phenomenon, Su Hang is proficient excels, array method presses, the body changed small on the line! ????苏航完全沉浸在这种强大和升华的过程之中,至于其他,这周天阵群,暂时还对他构不成威胁,一个普通修士都会的地法天象之数,苏航更是精通擅长,阵法压来,身体随之变小就行了! ????? Naturally, array method slightly presses one to be small, the mortal body change association has the limit, but Su Hang has not known that this limit where, the current situation, Su Hang can also take matter easy, willful, the first day fragrant fruit eliminating, has striven to attack Old Ancestor to transfer realm after fourth. ?????当然,阵法压得一小再小,肉身的变化总会是有极限,只是苏航还不知道这极限在何处罢了,目前的情况,苏航还能够泰然处之,专心一意,先把天香果给消灭了,争取能冲击到老祖第四境界 ?????? Many one point of strength, are many one point of self-preservation the opportunity. ??????多一分实力,就多一分自保的机会。 ?????? fourth transfers could be considered as the potential peak of previous four world of beings with form kings, takes a broad view at entire Primal Chaos world, the strength is this level, should not have many, after all, in Primal Chaos four colors, five colors, six color kings, although is a substantial number, may truly reach the respective limit are not many. ??????第四转已经能算得上四色界王的潜力巅峰,放眼整个混沌世界,实力达到这一层次的,应该不会有多少,毕竟,混沌中四色,五色,六色的界王虽然为数不少,可真正达到各自极限的却并不多。 ??? Asked on such as that don't, although is five world of beings with form kings, but enters king Jing Time people should not be is very remote, has not reached the limits of five world of beings with form kings, only feared that still mixes in color two colors, otherwise, he already can Su Hang taking! ???就如那莫问,虽然是一位五色界王,但是进入界王境的时间应该算不上很久远,远没有达到五色界王的极限,只怕还在一色二色之间混,否则的话,他早就能把苏航给拿下了! ????? Is greedy, don't asked that did not have cultivation to own limit, then such worries to pave the way for later, is extremely rather greedy. ?????正所谓贪心不足,莫问都还没有修炼到自己的极限,便这么着急着为以后铺路,未免太过贪婪。 ?????...... ?????…… ???? ???? ???? Under the abyss, under a circulatory cycle group a deeper place, here temperature was also high has been above the imagination, all abyss had several points of color by engulf finally, item of institute , a redness. ????再说深渊之下,周天阵群之下更深的地方,这里的温度已经高得超乎了想象,被吞噬了一切的深渊终于有了几分色彩,目之所及,一片赤红。 ???? That giant stone, attaches on the abyss wall, such as the bricks of heat, the burning hot energy, turned into terrifying Hong furnace this abyss. ????那一块块的巨石,依附在深渊壁上,如一块块烧红的砖,炙热的能量,将这深渊变成了一处恐怖的洪炉。 ??? The high temperature of limit, lets step here to change into nihility sufficiently instantaneously, perhaps does not have no thing, can in this place survival! ???极限的高温,足以让涉足这里的一切都瞬间化为虚无,恐怕没有什么东西,能在这种地方存活吧! ???? Continuously downward, had Time of 3~5 date, don't asks the arriving abyss will most bottom. ????一直往下,足足有三五日的时间,莫问才堪堪的来到深渊最底部。 ????? This is a very broad region, in wild of air/Qi of Primal Chaos compared to the above crack, enters bottom of the abyss, instead gentle, surrounding all, that static! ?????这是一片非常广阔的区域,相对于上方裂缝中混沌之气的狂暴来说,一进入深渊底部,反而平和了下来,周围的一切,都那么的静! ???? Probably entered the center of storm, outside wild, as if no slight influence here. ????就好像进入了风暴的中心,外面的狂暴,似乎没有丝毫的影响到这里。 ???? The only flaw, here is really hot, don't asked, by the mortal bodies of five world of beings with form kings, felt here whole body boiling hot, is extremely uncomfortable, particularly the body endures compared with the god step Dao Tool clothes, as if must burn generally. ????唯一的缺陷,这里实在是热,就连莫问,以五色界王的肉身,在这里都感觉到浑身滚烫,极其难受,尤其是身上堪比神阶道器的衣服,都仿佛要燃起来了一般。 ???? The under foot overspread every large or small crushed stone, uniform scarlet red, is flashing very dazzling ray under the high temperature. ????脚下铺满了大大小小的碎石,清一色的赤红色,在高温下闪着十分耀眼的光芒。 ???? These stones, under so the high temperature, have not seen the melting, it can be imagined these stones have uncommonly how. ????这些石头,在如此高温之下,都没见融化,可想而知这些石头有多么的不凡。 ????? Extreme Yang crystal stone, this is the true Extreme Yang crystal ore is, in that big circulatory cycle array method as for above platform, but was he took some ore crystals under this abyss the arrange/cloth, can say, to deceive Su Hang, having directed Su Hang to enter the jar, don't asked that but has spent many mental efforts. ?????至阳晶石,这才是真正的至阳晶矿所在,至于上面平台上那大周天阵法,只不过是他在这深渊底下取了些矿晶所布,可以说,为了骗过苏航,引苏航入瓮,莫问可是费了不少的心力。 ??? So wholly absorbed, wholeheartedly for a goal, does a person, plans so profound, this don't asked, really worthily is in Primal Chaos first hard to deal with. ???如此专心致志,一心一意的就为了一个目标,搞一个人,谋划的如此深远,这个莫问,真不愧是混沌第一难缠者。 ???? Extreme Yang crystal ore such exposed external, looks, everywhere is, if changes individual, sees such scene, only feared that the eyeball can fall, these stones, are the air/Qi of Primal Chaos Extreme Yang voluntarily compress, each is containing the huge volume energy, this was unable the simple calling wealth! ????至阳晶矿就这么裸露外在,一眼望去,满目皆是,若是换个人,见到这样场景,只怕眼珠子都会掉出来吧,这些石头,都是混沌至阳之气自行压缩而成,每一块都蕴含着海量的能量,这已经不能简简单单的称之为财富! ???? don't asked that the breath, the air/Qi of that scalding hot Extreme Yang following the throat, burns the throat to hurt, but this does not affect don't to ask that mood stretch/leisurely passes. ????莫问生生的呼吸,那灼热的至阳之气顺着喉咙而下,烧得嗓子疼,但这并不影响莫问心情的舒透。 ????? Too crisp, here takes endless Extreme Yang crystal stone, in the future with not having cauldron refining succinctly will become the essence of Extreme Yang, will then be his formidable capital. ?????太爽了,这里取之无尽的至阳晶石,将来用无相鼎炼化精粹成至阳之精,便是他强大的资本。 ???? Without demur, don't asked that took out a small jade bottle gourd from the waist, toward airborne throws directly, that jade bottle gourd increases suddenly, gourd mouth is attracting to below one crazily, since like a vacuum cleaner of super high efficiency, the innumerable crystal ores in abundance flies, emerges toward gourd mouth. ????二话不说,莫问从腰间取出了一个小玉葫芦,直接往空中一抛,那玉葫芦骤然变大,葫芦口对着下方一阵狂吸,就像一台超级大功率的吸尘器一样,无数的晶矿纷纷飞起,向着葫芦口涌入。 ????? On the face that don't asked has shown the smiling face, probably a beggar, fell into money stack to be the same. ?????莫问的脸上露出了笑容,就好像一个乞丐,掉进了钱堆了一样。 ???? When here crystal ore sweep trace, Time should also be similar, when the time comes that circulatory cycle group should press nihility Su Hang, did not have the cauldron is he, the destiny, once helped itself become the destiny of king, whatever butcher! ????等把这里的晶矿收拾干净,时间也该差不多了,到时候那周天阵群应该已经把苏航压成虚无,无相鼎还是他的了,还有命运,曾经帮助自己成为界王的命运,也将任由自己宰割! ?????? Only thinks, don't asked feels incomparable refreshed, future light, so long as are careful, fortifies at every step, always had to become Primal Chaos most powerhouse on the 1st, when the time comes, any heaven, any Hong true, share that only then pulled on shoes to oneself! ??????光是想想,莫问就感觉无比的爽快,前途一片光明,只要自己小心谨慎,步步为营,总有成为混沌强者的一日,到时候,什么苍天,什么洪真,都只有给自己提鞋的份! ???? Well?” ????“咦?” ??? Along with the ground exposed crystal ore by plundering layer by layer, don't was asked suddenly has discovered anything likely, the right hand stretches out, the bottle gourd flew to meet in his hand. ???随着地上裸露的晶矿被一层一层的搜刮,莫问突然像是发现了什么,右手伸出,葫芦飞会了他的手中。 ??? The front not far away, after the crystal ore scraped off one big piece, reveals pitch-dark thing indistinctly. ???前方不远处,晶矿被刮掉一大片之后,隐隐约约露出一个黑漆漆的东西 ???? don't asked some surprise, the direct big sleeve wielded, laid out near the spatial palm, around that pitch-dark region crystal ore was rumbled to disperse instantaneously. ????莫问有些诧异,直接大袖一挥,临空一掌拍出,那黑漆漆的区域周围的晶矿瞬间被轰散开。 ????? Walks slowly several steps, approached that region, taking advantage of the floodlight that the surrounding crystal ore sends out, don't asked that sees clearly that place. ?????慢走几步,靠近了那片区域,借着周围晶矿发出的洪光,莫问将那地方看得清清楚楚。 ???? Well that a well, a black stone builds! ????一口井,一口黑石堆砌的井! ???? One zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area well platform, does not know that is any stone material, in so burning hot environment, but approaches, makes people feel coolly, is cool makes ask that could not bear hit one to tremble. ????一座一丈方圆的井台,也不知道是什么石材,在如此炙热的环境里,只是靠近,就让人感觉到阴凉,凉得让莫问都忍不住打了一个寒颤。 ????? Above the well platform, a Oiba of two chi (0.33 m) diameter, in this uniform scarlet environment, appears so towering. ?????井台之上,一口两尺直径的小井,在这清一色赤红的环境之中,显得是如此的突兀。 ???? don't asked careful guard walked, the elongated head looks toward that well head in, sees shiny black, cold air infiltrates outward, making the person fine hair but actually vertical, the whole body goosebumps got up! ????莫问小心防范的走了过去,伸长脑袋往那井口中看去,之见黑黝黝的,一股凉气直往外渗,让人汗毛倒竖,浑身鸡皮疙瘩都起来了! ???? This is......” ????“这是……” ??? don't asked one startled, an eye stared the incomparable hugeness, probably had discovered any new continent was the same, some have not definitely been able to manage oneself expression! ???莫问一惊,一双眼睛瞪得无比的巨大,就好像发现了什么新大陆一样,已经有些完全无法管理自己的表情了!
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