SSG :: Volume #26

#2561: The life ponders the tablet!

Bites the spirit incantation, is actually only a curse of very simple elementary, but there is a few words to call Great Dao to Jane/simple, is simple, is often more difficult to do!” “噬灵咒,其实只是一种非常简单初级的诅咒,可是有一句话叫大道至简,越是简单,往往越难搞!” Chen Dasheng explained that to Su Hang has bitten the principle of spirit incantation, because the section conscience spirits by the Primal Chaos ominous beast beast the incantation, 360 five ominous beast, all bites ominous beast of spirit, the person of incantation, will be bitten the spirit influence frequently, state of mind True Spirit, invisible does not have in the mark to be bitten spirit engulf. 陈大胜给苏航解释起了噬灵咒的原理,因为段天良是以混沌凶兽的兽灵起咒,三百六十五只凶兽,皆是噬灵之凶兽,中咒之人,时时刻刻都会被噬灵影响,神魂真灵,无形无迹中被噬灵吞噬 Why this is also, numerous Saints are unable the rebirth Nüwa True Spirit reason, because just recalled one, will immediately be bitten spirit engulf to wear down, is similar to the bamboo basket fetches water, with many vigor is spatial. 这也是为什么,众圣都无法重生女娲真灵的原因,因为刚招回一丝,立刻又会被噬灵吞噬消磨,就如同竹篮打水,用再多的劲都是一场空。 Actually must break this not to be difficult, on the contrary is very simple, only needed biting the spirit elimination, the curse naturally breaks. 其实要破这阵也不难,相反很简单,只需要把噬灵消灭,诅咒自然就破了。 But what makes the person have a headache, was bitten the spirit incantation influence by the person of incantation, but bites is in nine big king border areas spirit, nobody knows the section conscience biting the spirit imposition where, exists in what shape. 但让人头疼的是,受咒之人只是受噬灵咒影响,而噬灵身在九大界王界域之中,没人知道段天良把噬灵安放在何处,又是以何种形态存在。 Moreover, wants to eliminate bites the spirit, must go to the border areas of nine big kings, that has fished, with great difficulty armistice, can begin the war? Who dares to take this risk? 而且,想要消灭噬灵,就得前往九大界王的界域,那可是捞过界了,好不容易休战,又要再起大战?谁敢冒这个风险? To be honest, in these king, except for Venerable happily is Nüwa will possibly breakneck, other how many kings, at most are the ancestor Nüwa a little friendship, provokes the Primal Chaos war for Nüwa, sinks into the destruction innumerable all living things the region, who can have this heart? 说实话,这些界王中,除了乐尊可能会为女娲氏玩命,其他几位界王,顶多是和祖女娲有点交情,为了女娲氏而挑起混沌大战,将无数众生陷于毁灭的境地,谁能有这心? Su Hang deeply took a breath, king Jing powerhouse, must let the person of True Spirit rebirth passing away, simply should not be too simple, but, the situation of Nüwa is really too special. 苏航深吸了一口气,界王境的强者,要让故去之人真灵重生,简直不要太简单了,可是,女娲氏的情况实在是太特殊 Wants the Nüwa rebirth, the only crux on the body of this section conscience, Su Hang secretly has taken down this name in the heart! 想要女娲氏重生,唯一的症结就在这个段天良的身上,苏航在心中暗暗的记下了这个名字! If could not find to bite the spirit, if eliminated conscience, this curse should also be able to solve? Listens to Chen Dasheng saying that Su Hang asked one. “如果找不到噬灵,那如果消灭了段天良,这诅咒应该也能解了吧?”听陈大胜讲完,苏航问了一句。 hā hā, hā hā, hā hā hā hā!” 哈哈,哈哈,哈哈哈哈!” Chen Dasheng has not answered the Su Hang's words, but has laughed three, does Su Hang unfathomable mystery. 陈大胜没有答苏航的话,只是大笑了三声,搞得苏航莫名其妙 When is wanting to ask, the imperial carriage arrived at the destiny temple. 正欲问时,銮驾已经来到了命运神殿。 Chen Dasheng and Chen Xiaoli got down the imperial carriage first, Su Hang followed, seeing, Su Hang was shocked! 陈大胜和陈小利先下了銮驾,苏航紧随其后,入目的一眼,苏航就被震撼到了! In the hills, is mounting a huge construction, several hundred white jade color/look Zhuzi (pillar) peaks enter the clouds, the naked eye cannot see the character vault, broad white stone steps, have extended to the front door of palace. 群山之间,镶嵌着一座巨大的建筑,数百根白玉色的柱子耸入云霄,肉眼根本看不到字穹顶,一片广阔的白色石阶,一直延伸到宫殿的大门。 Atmosphere, broad, shocks! 大气,恢宏,震撼! Let the person look that has the impulsion that plants to prostrate oneself, Su Hang sees such one, stands in same place, quite a while cannot move unexpectedly, completely dull looks. 让人一看就有种想拜倒的冲动,苏航看到这样一幕,站在原地,竟然半天都没有能动弹,完全是呆呆的看着。 Shocks?” “震撼吧?” Sound that side transmits Chen Xiaoli, Su Hang then recovers, turns away to look, actually sees Chen Xiaoli grinningly looks at itself. 旁边传来陈小利的声音,苏航这才回过神来,转脸看去,却见陈小利正笑嘻嘻的看着自己。 Su Hang has not spoken, the expression on face fully showed all. 苏航没有说话,脸上的表情已经足以说明一切。 Chen Dasheng has arrived front, Chen little Lillah has Su Hang, goes up steps on, this is the destiny temple, must have the respect, a while saw Nüwa God Position, is not by any means excited rude!” 陈大胜已经走到了前面,陈小利拉起苏航,拾级而上,“这是命运神殿,要心存敬意,一会儿见了女娲神位,切莫过于激动失态!” Su Hang deeply took a breath, nod of slightly, felt relieved that small advantage elder sister, I understand!” 苏航深吸了一口气,微微的点了点头,“放心吧小利姐,我了解的!” Crossed was so long, Su Hang was calmer, but, thinks that immediately must see Ao Xue, in the heart naturally very disturbed, five senses mixed Chen, Ao Xue that because these time saw, was only God Position. 过了这么久,苏航已经淡定了许多,不过,一想到马上就要见到敖雪,心中自然十分的忐忑,五味杂陈,因为这一次见到的敖雪,只是神位 Previous time meets, regarding Su Hang, but also just liked yesterday, cannot think absolutely, unexpectedly that time left, then has become parting forever. 上一次见面,对于苏航来说,还恍如昨日,万万想不到,居然那次离开,便成了永别。 That mood, is the average man is unable to understand. 那种心情,是常人根本无法理解的。 The destiny makes the person, is destiny makes the person seriously, this time Su Hang, somewhat could not master, should he hate this so-called destiny! 命运弄人,当真是命运弄人,这时候的苏航,都有些搞不懂,他该不该恨这个所谓的命运! In front of the destiny temple thinks that this issue, can also be the lese majeste? 在命运神殿面前想这种问题,会不会也算是大不敬啊? By the temple front door, is setting up two photographs, wears the armor, grasps longspear, one on the left and other on the right, lifelike, static nursing the front door of temple. 神殿大门两边,立着两尊人像,身穿铠甲,手持长枪,一左一右,惟妙惟肖,静静的看护着神殿的大门。 Two idols both exceptionally big, Su Hang stands, feared that is also not and ankle area. 两尊神像都是异常的高大,苏航站在旁边,怕是还不及其脚踝。 Pays a visit the head of the clan!” “拜见族长!” Suddenly, two thunderbolt resound, Su Hang suddenly fainted from fear at this time, this where is two statues, clearly is the live person. 突然,两声雷霆响起,苏航这时才豁然惊觉,这哪里是两尊雕像,分明就是活人。 Su Hang somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, since is the live person, what long such big makes, thought difficultly inadequately this is very imposing, has the deterrent force very much? 苏航不禁有些哭笑不得,既然是活人,长这么高大做什么,难不成觉得这样很威风,很有威慑力? Should this be a limitless Grand Spirit clan? Heard that king Pansheng the female clan is the Grand Spirit clan, is one of the limitless two big races, the clansmen are the personal appearance are giant, are fierce a skin! 这应该就是无极界的巨灵一族吧?听说界王盘胜的母族就是巨灵族,乃无极界两大种族之一,族人都是身形巨大,猛得一皮! Can contend with the Grand Spirit clan only, in limitless also only then another race, God clan! 唯一能和巨灵族抗衡的,在无极界也就只有另外一个种族,神族! Chen Dasheng concurred two clan head of the clan, the God clan and Grand Spirit clan has realized the big fusion, this destiny temple together was also protected by these two clans. 陈大胜身兼两族族长,神族和巨灵族已经实现了大融合,这命运神殿也由这二族共同守护。 Long is so big, does not know to be useful, in the Su Hang heart shook the head, follows in Chen Dasheng behind, entered the temple. 长这么高大,真不知有什么用,苏航心中摇了摇头,跟在陈大胜身后,进入了神殿。 This is really huge, raised the head cannot see the top, can only see that ten thousand miles blue sky is fluttering white clouds, this feared that is the Grand Spirit clan is specially tailor. 这门真是巨大,抬头都看不到顶,只能看到万里碧空飘着朵朵白云,这怕是专门为巨灵族而量身打造的。 Going in temple, in temple very spacious, like a giant square, the ground is built by the smooth white jade bricks and stones, the unusual transparent white, can definitely illuminate to obtain the person's shadow. 进去神殿,神殿中非常的空旷,就像一个巨大的广场一样,地面由光滑的白玉砖石砌成,异常的亮白,完全能照得出人影来。 In the Su Hang cannot help but heart spits the trough, if who is responsible for the health of this destiny temple, that also was really but actually the blood mildew of eight lifetime, other did not say, even if towed, asked a mortal to come, dragging one only to fear that must drag for a lifetime. 苏航不由得心中吐槽,谁要是负责这命运神殿的卫生,那还真是倒了八辈子的血霉了,别的不说,就算只是拖地,找个凡人来,拖一遍只怕都得拖一辈子。 Main hall inside consecrated several idols, similarly very big, looked that appearance mostly Su Hang knew, has the heaven, has a victory, has Le Venerable, has Venerable, as well as Hongjun, Qinchuan...... 大殿里面供奉着几座神像,同样都是非常的高大,看模样大多苏航都认识,有苍天,有盘胜,有乐尊,有地尊,以及鸿钧,秦川…… Several had not known that altogether ** the appearance of position, should be several king Jing of heaven faction exists, idol consecrated and in the destiny temple, thinks that wants to enjoy here destiny. 还有几位不认识的,一共**位的样子,应该就是苍天这一派系的几位界王境存在,神像供奉与命运神殿之中,想必是想享受这里的气运 destiny this thing, nihility is indistinct, Su Hang cannot see in any case, but the feeling is in this main hall, the whole person is very comfortable. 气运东西,虚无缥缈,反正苏航是看不见,只是感觉身在这大殿之中,整个人都很舒服。 Heard that limitless day most destiny will gather here, the appearance that probably hangs very much. 听说无极天大半的气运都会汇聚在这里,好像是很吊的样子。 Destiny temple not consecrated destiny? How to perform the consecrated these king? 命运神殿不供奉命运的么?怎么尽供奉这些界王? While Su Hang puzzled time, Chen Dasheng led him to arrive at the temple deep place, stood in a front of stele. 正当苏航不解的时候,陈大胜已经带着他来到了神殿深处,站在了一块石碑的面前。 The stele is giant, does not know that is any material quality makes, static standing erect there, dark is sending out an inexplicable dignity. 石碑非常巨大,也不知道是什么材质制成,静静的竖立在那里,冥冥中散发着一种莫名的威严。 „Is this?” Su Hang looked up for quite a while, did not see two people to speak, was busy at asking one. “这是?”苏航抬头看了半天,也不见二人说话,忙问了一句。 Chen Dasheng said, this is the life ponders the tablet!” 陈大胜道,“这便是命运神碑!” „Does life ponder the tablet?” “命运神碑?” The expression on Su Hang face becomes somewhat strange, that tablet polishing skidding, hasn't written including a character, what special place has? 苏航脸上的表情变得有些古怪,那碑上光滑溜溜,连一个字都没有写,有什么特异之处么? Chen Xiaoli looked at Chen Dasheng, said, wins, leads him to have a look at God Position of Nüwa first, a while comes again!” D 陈小利看了看陈大胜,道,“大胜,还是先带他去看看女娲氏的神位吧,一会儿再过来!”d
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