SSG :: Volume #26

#2558: Turnoff spirit fruit!

That fruit, was hearing is really fragrant, Su Hang has not seen the long any appearance, to be honest, Su Hang wants to break a meatless fast from the bottom of the heart. 那果子,闻着是真香,苏航都还没有见过长什么模样,说实话,苏航打心底还是想开开荤的。 You come, I give you well one!” Wang Zha (king explodes) was saying one to Su Hang. “你过来,我给你一颗好的!”王炸对着苏航道了一句。 Su Hang walked, arrives under the tree, saw only on the face of Wang Zha (king explodes) to show a smiling face, put out a hand to meet, this fruit, was my these years deceives quietly, the more than 1 million year, this said extremely the Heavenly Venerate fruit altogether tied three times, the 200 many fruits added that without this fruit was good, today was cheap you!” 苏航走了过去,来到树下,只见王炸的脸上露出了一丝笑容,“伸手接好了,这个果子,是我这些年悄悄昧下来的,一百多万年,这极道天尊果共结了三次,两百多颗果子加起来,都没有这棵果子好,今天算是便宜你了!” Such good? 这么好? destiny this thing, nihility is indistinct, said the Heavenly Venerate fruit extremely, expert of even/including Jiewang boundary must drool, naturally, did not remove is because its flavor/smell was good, but, this can also prove cherishing of this fruit. 气运东西,虚无缥缈,极道天尊果,连界王境的高手都要垂涎,当然,不排除是因为它味道好,但是,这也能证明此果的稀罕。 Wang Zha (king explodes) hides contraband unexpectedly, moreover said fruit that he hides compared with beforehand all said being better that extremely the Heavenly Venerate fruit adds, this goods, are really the chicken thief as always! 王炸居然有藏私,而且还说他藏起来的果子比之前的所有极道天尊果加起来的都要好,这货,真是一如既往的鸡贼! „The fee anything words, hurry to take!” Su Hang urged one, if this were given to see by Panshan, but also refers to erratically doing to have an accident. “费什么话,赶紧拿出来吧!”苏航催促了一句,这要是被盘山给看见,还指不定搞出什么事来。 No rush, no rush, allowing me to ferment a while!” Wang Zha (king explodes) is unhurriedly, old face slowly vanishes from the tree trunk. “别急,别急,容我酝酿一会儿!”王炸不慌不忙,一张老脸慢慢的从树身上消失。 Su Hang just wants to say anything, then saw the tree trunk to shiver slightly, a face slowly appeared from the tree trunk. 苏航正想说点什么,便又见树身微微的颤动了一下,一张脸又慢慢的从树身上浮现出来。 Un? It is not right, this special is the face? 嗯?不对,这特么是脸? Although is also two halves, but is actually the plump, without the eye does not have the nose, only then the middle has fist big moving. 虽然也是两半,但却是圆滚滚的,没眼没鼻,只有中间有个拳头大的动。 Un “嗯” In the tree trunk broadcasts the Wang Zha (king explodes) sound, probably exhausted the strength of whole body to struggle anything. 树身中传来王炸的声音,像是用尽了全身的力气在挣扎着什么。 I go! 我去! Sees this, the Su Hang's face was instantaneously black, this where is any face, clearly is buttocks. 见到这一幕,苏航的脸瞬间就黑了,这哪里是什么脸,分明就是一个屁股。 Old does thing, play tricks on me?” A Su Hang face is black like black ink, do this goods want to draw to give itself the fruit inadequately? “老东西,戏弄我?”苏航一张脸黑得像墨一样,这货是想把果子拉出来给自己不成? Brother Hang, do not care about these details!” The Wang Zha (king explodes) hollow laugh, „my did not have the means that un you do not think works as so many to be able greatly the surface, I do hide this fruit to be very easy? Un 航哥,不要在意这些细节!”王炸干笑了一声,“我这也是没有办法,唔嗯你以为当着那么多大能的面,我藏这果子很容易么?嗯” The heavy line of Su Hang whole face, looks up, by that Tree Cave, can clear sees a glittering and translucent carving fruit, in toward outside extrusion slowly. 苏航满脸的黑线,抬头一看,透过那个树洞,能够清晰的看到一个晶莹剔透的果子,正在往外面缓缓的挤压。 That scene does not endure to look straight ahead simply. 那场面简直不忍直视。 Unusual fragrance braves from that hole hole, Su Hang heard, that flavor/smell, simply as fragrant as person saliva directing current. 一股奇特的香味从那洞洞里冒出来,苏航闻了一下,那味道,简直香到人口水直流。 Especially, is really crazed, oneself also feel it to be fragrant unexpectedly, this picture , was too especially beautiful! 特么的,真是丧心病狂啊,自己居然还觉得它香,这画面,特么的,太美了! Un “嗯” Wang Zha (king explodes) is still making an effort, hearing the sound to listen, his was put forth the nursing vigor, Su Hang dull standing there, at this moment, felt that own three views crashed! 王炸还在使劲,听声音都能听出来,他这是使出了吃奶的劲,苏航呆呆的站在那里,这一刻,感觉自己的三观都崩塌了! Aiya, aiya, caught, quickly , helping quickly “哎呀,哎呀,卡住了,快,快帮帮忙” Suppressed for quite a while not to suppress, suddenly was shouting one to Su Hang. 憋了半天都没有憋出来,突然对着苏航大喊了一声。 Su Hang almost does not have an old blood to spit, this guy, but can also be dreadful? Has reduced like this, could not have changed this problem. 苏航差点没一口老血吐出来,这厮,还能再猥琐一点么?都已经沦落成这样了,都还改不了这毛病。 I help your younger sister!” “我帮你妹!” Su Hang scolded one, trampled directly, happen to trampled on the tree above that buttocks. 苏航骂了一句,直接一脚踹了过去,正好踹在了树上那个屁股之上。 !” “噗!” This foot, kicks the tree trunk shakes, that card fruit in hole spurted, fell into Su Hang's all of a sudden. 这一脚,把树身踢得一抖,那个卡在洞里的果子噗的一声喷了出来,一下子就掉进了苏航的手里。 Su Hang was completely silly, this picture, Tete was abnormal! 苏航完全傻了,这画面,太特么变态了! Comfortable!” In the tree trunk broadcasts Wang Zha (king explodes) that comfortable sound, does not need to look, Su Hang can imagine his face has dreadfully how. “啊舒服!”树身中传来王炸那舒坦的声音,根本不用看,苏航就能想象到他那一张脸有多么的猥琐。 your mother! 尼玛 Su Hang wants to trample a foot again, actually saw on the tree trunk that buttocks to melt the tree trunk to vanish does not see. 苏航本想再踹一脚,却见树身上那个屁股已经融进了树身消失不见。 Finally came out!” On the tree trunk appeared Wang Zha (king explodes) that face, how to see how dreadfully, this fruit may be serious, was destiny concentrates completely, ate such a, eating the fruit of this tree was stronger, if we had known, my tree result, does not know each time many Primal Chaos boss ran to rub the fruit to eat, said destiny that extremely the Heavenly Venerate fruit contained, to have the benefit to their cultivating very much!” “终于出来了!”树身上又显现出了王炸那张脸,怎么看怎么猥琐,“这果子可不得了,完全是气运凝成,吃这么一个,比吃这一树的果子都强,早知道,我这树每次结果,不知道有多少混沌大佬都跑来蹭果子吃,极道天尊果所蕴含的气运,对他们的修为是很有裨益的!” Su Hang is grasping that fruit, losing is not, remaining is not, you special cannot change a way to me, can draw to give me to be good?” 苏航握着那个果子,丢也不是,留也不是,“你特么就不能换个方式给我,非要拉出来给我才行?” The Wang Zha (king explodes) hollow laugh, words do not say is so coarse, I now am the tree trunk, without the contamination, you do not imagine disgustingly is so good?” 王炸干笑了一声,“话不要说的那么难听,我现在是树身,没有污秽,你不要想象的那么恶心好不好?” Su Hang is very in a big way hot, only wants this tree raising upside down, eradicates, but changes mind thinks, this does not create the mountains marking a border, he must really do, does the plate win has not asked him to breakneck? 苏航很火大,只想把这棵树给掀个底朝天,连根拔起,但转念一想,这可不是创界山,他要真那么做了,盘胜还不找他玩命? You special!” Su Hang except for shouting 'motherfucker', could not have found other words to say “你特么的!”苏航除了骂娘,已经找不到其他话说了 Wang Zha (king explodes) hollow laugh, „should not be content, I gave you most precious thing, do not care about these details to be good, I think you now, the strength definitely above me, this fruit swallows down, helping of big destiny, referred to uncertain direct breakthrough king Jing, when the time comes, the plate won them not to save me, you will definitely not throw down me, no matter, when I restored the true body, our brother asked the personal enemy to revenge together 王炸干笑一声,“别不知足了,我把最宝贵的东西都给了你了,不要在意这些细节好不好,我看你现在,实力肯定在我之上,这果子吞下去,得大气运之助,指不定直接突破界王境了,到时候,盘胜他们不救我,你肯定不会丢下我不管,等我恢复了真身,咱们兄弟一起找仇人报仇去” Snort!” “哼!” Su Hang snort/hum, looked at the fruit in hand, just like the big pear, glittering and translucent carving, is sending out very rich fragrance, but thinks how this fruit comes out, the instantaneous appetite did not have! 苏航哼了一声,看了看手中的果子,和个大鸭梨一样,晶莹剔透,散发着十分浓郁的香味,但是想想这果子是怎么出来的,瞬间胃口就没有了! Wang Zha (king explodes) wonderful that this fruit said that Su Hang hesitant long time, has not hated to throw. 王炸把这果子说的神乎其神,苏航犹豫了良久,还是没舍得扔。 Appraised with Study God System, this fruit value not poor, can fight for by so many greatly, surely is not simple, did not say that breakthrough king Jing, at least can provide many energies to oneself. 学神系统鉴定了一下,这果子价值不菲,能被那么多大能争抢,必定是不简单的,不说突破界王境,至少能给自己提供不少的能量。 The special code, in the Su Hang heart also scolded one, received that fruit conveniently. 特码的,苏航心中又骂了一句,随手将那果子收了起来。 Outside the orchard, Panshan a little urgently, said that extremely Heavenly Venerate catches up with oneself, does not know that what discussed with Su Hang, said extremely Heavenly Venerate and Su Hang did know inadequately? 果园外,盘山等得有点急,极道天尊把自己赶出来,也不知道和苏航谈什么,难道极道天尊苏航认识不成? Should be unlikely, Su Hang is the Heavens Beyond Heaven person, this is the first time leaves Heavens Beyond Heaven, should not be impossible to know that said Heavenly Venerate extremely! 应该不太可能吧,苏航天外天的人,这还是头一次离开天外天,应该不可能认识极道天尊 Extended the neck to look toward inside, blurry all was the mist, from the start did not see clearly, the garden had enchantment, he could not hear the sound, inside was any situation, he was confused. 伸着脖子往里面看了看,迷迷糊糊全是雾气,压根看不清楚,园子有结界,他也听不到声音,里面是个什么情况,他是一头雾水。 Waited for a long time, to have the sound finally, Panshan looked, Su Hang walked from the garden. 等了好久,终于有了动静,盘山一看,苏航从园子里走了出来。 how about it? Said extremely Heavenly Venerate did give you fruit?” Sees Su Hang to come out, Panshan moves forward to meet somebody hastily. “怎么样?极道天尊给你果子了么?”看到苏航出来,盘山连忙迎了上去。 Su Hang shakes the head, Wang Zha (king explodes) gave him a fruit, but that fruit is Wang Zha (king explodes) harbors, does not calculate, strict, Panshan leads him to pick fruits, he has not picked. 苏航摇了摇头,王炸是给了他一颗果子,可那果子却是王炸自己私藏的,不算在内,严格来说,盘山带他来摘果子,他还没有摘。 After all, the light is thinks that just the scene of Wang Zha (king explodes) dreadful withdrawing fruit, the fragrant fruit, Su Hang did not have the appetite of least bit. 毕竟,光是想想刚刚王炸猥琐的拉出果子的场景,再香的果子,苏航都没有半点的胃口。 Looked that the Su Hang complexion is poor, in plate mountain core stunned, was difficult to be inadequate just Su Hang and said extremely Heavenly Venerate did make not happily in inside? 苏航脸色不怎么好,盘山心中错愕了一下,难不成刚刚苏航和极道天尊在里面闹得不愉快? You are waiting here!” Panshan was saying one to Su Hang in a low voice, did not wait for Su Hang to say anything, entered the garden directly, obviously was helps Su Hang pick fruits. “你在这儿等着!”盘山对着苏航低声道了一句,也不等苏航多说什么,直接进了园,显然是去帮苏航摘果子。 m. m.
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