SDG :: Volume #21

#2068: Chapter 2068? Licks the dog not to have a thing in the world, licks Guild Leader to have everything expected to find

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12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Right right.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“对的对的.” Goko Ruri anxious to stir up trouble. 五更琉璃唯恐天下不乱. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: You cannot change body that anything Magical Girl mother to change body Magical Girl in addition, this not spicy eye combination.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“你不是能够变身那个什么魔法少女吗娘化加上变身魔法少女,这不就一点也不辣眼睛了吗强强联手.” Aikawa Ayumu: Said probably a little truth...... hammer.” 相川步:“说的好像有点道理......个锤子.” Aikawa Ayumu: „The route that I take now is not the Magical Girl route.” 相川步:“我现在走的路线根本就不是魔法少女的路线啊.” Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: If...... you want to change body Magical Girl, can seek help from me, I am willing to provide your some small help.” 魔法少女奈叶:“如果......您想要变身魔法少女的话,可以向我求助,我愿意提供您一些小小的帮助.” Nanoha cautious speech. 奈叶小心翼翼的发言. Aikawa Ayumu: I special......” 相川步:“我特么......” Aikawa Ayumu does not speak, his direct reclusion. 相川步不说话了,他直接自闭了. Tony Is Not the Richest: I snatched Quirk of additional intelligence quotient actually.” 托尼不是首富:“我倒是抢到了一个加智商的个性.” Aizen Sōsuke: „ Snatched Hōgyoku...... complete Hōgyoku. 蓝染惣右介:“抢到了一枚崩玉......完整的崩玉. If just joined guild me, obtaining this thing may be very happy. ” 如果是刚加入公会的我,获得这东西或许会很开心吧.” The Aizen spooky sigh, on the face appeared to wipe the recollection. 蓝染幽幽叹息,脸上浮现出了一抹回忆. Sakata Gintoki: Pitifully, you can also the hand rub this type of thing now.” 坂田银时:“可惜啊,你现在自己也能够手搓出这种东西了.” Sakata Gintoki: Therefore, you, or also rubs several 23, then a round of red packet in guild adds to the fun 坂田银时:“所以,你要不也搓几个23,然后在公会里面发红包助助兴” Sakata Gintoki showed the exciting smile. 坂田银时露出了兴奋的笑容. He cannot snatch to obtain a moment ago, this moment mentality somewhat collapses, if some people can send one again, consoled his mind...... that to be good. 他刚才没能抢得到,此刻心态有些崩,如果有人能够再发一个,慰藉一下他的心灵......那就再好不过了. Aizen Sōsuke: this humble self has not participated in this mission, why must send 蓝染惣右介:“在下又没有参与这一次任务,为何要发” Aizen speechless smiles, rejected straightforwardly. 蓝染哑然一笑,直截了当的拒绝了. Su Han shows neither approval nor disapproval, he opens the eye, hit a snap. 苏寒不置可否,他睁开眼睛,打了一个响指. Mirror Dimension comes automatically shatter, a member in guild all appears in his side. 镜像世界自动破碎开来,公会中的一众成员全部都出现在他的身旁. Since mission completed, then should also go back.” “既然任务完成了,那么接下来也该回去了.” Su Han took a fast look around a Bai Suzhen and ocean of the law. 苏寒扫视了一眼白素贞以及法海. Amitabha.” “阿弥陀佛.” The ocean of the law read aloud Buddha. 法海念诵了一句佛号. Bai Suzhen is raising slightly to the people on the scene, on the face feels grateful the recollection wait/etc... the mood to interwine, very complex. 白素贞则对着在场众人欠身,脸上感激回忆等等...情绪交织在一起,十分的复杂. Su Han closes the eye, clicked on the official return, a gorgeous radiance erupts from his body above, lingers at the scene , above a body of member. 苏寒闭上眼睛,点击了正式回归,一道绚丽的光华自他身躯之上爆发而出,萦绕在现场,,一众成员的身躯之上. When radiance diverges, the Su Han Zhang Sanfeng Medusa three people 3 have vanished do not see. 等到光华散去,苏寒张三丰美杜莎三人三已消失不见. On the spot , fell into the short peace. 现场,,陷入了短暂的安静. Donor white,” “白施主,” The ocean of the law opens the mouth suddenly, he transferred to the vision Bai Suzhen, the finger is rotating the buddha beads, the words are inexplicable, in the future how you will prepare from place 法海突然开口,他将目光移到了白素贞身上,手指转动着佛珠,话语莫名,“您未来又准备如何自处” I not am quite clear.” “我也不太清楚.” The Bai Suzhen look is disconsolate, after she wants to report the graciousness, accomplishes a lot, flying upwards paradise. 白素贞神色惆怅,她本来是想报了恩之后,功德圆满,飞升仙界. However where wants to obtain, will have this situation final, the young shepherd boy of previous died. 但是哪里想得到,会出现这种情况最后,前一世的小牧童死了. But she also cut off among the contact with this world,...... she did not suspect in five lines, now various deity Buddha is visiting her. 而她也斩断了与这片天地之间的联系,不在五行之中......她怀疑,现在诸天神佛都在看着她. If she said that she wants the flying upwards immortal perhaps to have big who is inconceivable to help all her the appropriateness of arrangement. 如果她说自己想要飞升仙恐怕会有难以想象的大者会帮她把一切安排的妥妥当当. Guild Leader and the others, although arrives at this world shortly, perhaps but has been startled the dreadful mighty waves in this world. 会长等人虽然来到这个世界没多长时间,但恐怕已经在这个世界惊起了滔天波澜. Depressed the disorderly train of thought in mind, approached the ocean of the law white/in vain, that ocean of the law Zen master, you 压下了脑海之中的杂乱思绪,白向了法海,“那么法海禅师,你呢” I return to Jinshan Temple, is my abbot / abbess.” “我自是回归金山寺,做我的住持.” The ocean of the law nods, at once the whole body is coercing the gorgeous golden ray, from vanishes directly same place does not see. 法海点了点头,旋即浑身裹挟着绚丽的金色光芒,直接自原地消失不见. Bai Suzhen peaceful for a long time, when she heard the shout of officers from hears in all directions. 白素贞安静了许久,当她听到了从四面八方传来的将士的呼喊声. Knitting the brows head, also scatters in all directions. 皱了皱眉头,也四散开来. ...... Opens the eye again, Su Han has returned to own room. ......再度睁开眼睛,苏寒已然回归到自己的屋子之中. He takes a fast look around room one week, then discovered is cleaning Rem that eliminates in the room. 他扫视房间一周,便发现了正在自己屋子中打扫除的雷姆. Un “嗯” The Su Han brow raised, induces anything, some look oddity, you also snatched Quirk not to think that a moment ago unexpectedly can be this Quirk.” 苏寒眉头一挑,感应到了什么,神色有些怪异,“你刚才也抢到个性了没想到居然会是这种个性.” master, this is not very normal matter 主人,这不是很正常的事情吗” Rem speechless smiles, „the thing that moreover I snatch to myself , is very satisfied.” 雷姆哑然一笑,“而且我对自己抢到的东西,,可是非常满意呢.” Quirk that Rem robs, the time suspends Quirk. 雷姆所抢夺到的个性,正是时间暂停个性. Or the Quirk of Su Han manufacture, is... that white hair maid according to Red Devils hall comes. 或者说,苏寒制造的这个个性,就是...按照红魔馆的那位白发女仆来的. Now... the maid is also obtained by Rem this, Su Han also felt somewhat stunned. 现在同样被雷姆这位…女仆获得,苏寒也感到有些错愕了. „.” “也罢.” Su Han rubbed the forehead, „before this can also be me, in Quirk that makes most high-level one.” 苏寒揉了揉眉心,“这也算得上是我之前制造的个性之中最高等级的之一了.” Un one “嗯之一” Rem look, somewhat unusual looked at Su Han one, the words are inexplicable, really worthily is master you.” 雷姆的神色顿了一下,有些异样的看了苏寒一眼,话语莫名,“真不愧是主人你呢.” Before Rem, thinks that what oneself pull out is strongest...... looks like at the present, possibly also has one or two and Quirk of this Quirk same rank...... associates to have these again is Su Han breath rubs, even if has long known the strength that Su Han has, Rem still felt shock. 雷姆之前以为自己抽到的是最强......在现在看来,可能还有一两个和自己这种个性同等级的个性......再联想起这些都是苏寒一个呼吸手搓出来的,即便早就知道了苏寒所拥有的力量,雷姆也感到了震撼. After Rem chatted two at will, Su Han gazes after Rem to leave, closes the eye, entered in the guild chatroom. 雷姆随意聊了两句之后,苏寒目送雷姆离开,闭上眼睛,进入到了公会聊天室之中. Then discovers in the guild chatroom very lively. 便发现公会聊天室里面非常的热闹. Kōsaka Kyosuke: ahhhhh!” 高坂京介:“啊啊啊啊啊!” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Scalp blasting open, I responded finally.” 高坂京介:“头皮炸裂,我终于反应过来了.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: I want to become the powerhouse, does not need the self-torture, I only need to hold the Guild Leader's thigh......, when his licking dog, I can rise to the full level.” 高坂京介:“我想成为强者,根本不需要苦修,我只需要抱着会长的大腿......当他的舔狗,我就能够一路升到满级了.” Kōsaka Kyosuke felt that own brain is shivering. 高坂京介感觉自己的大脑在颤抖. Sakata Gintoki: Un you discover this matter.” 坂田银时:“嗯你才发现这种事情.” Sakata Gintoki expressed own unusual shock. 坂田银时表示自己非常的震惊. Yukinoshita Yukino: Is...... by the World Creation method that Guild Leader has now, he can definitely the hand rub Rinnegan, Immortal Body, various high-end Devil Fruit, powerful Quirk......” 雪之下雪乃:“是的......以会长现在拥有的创世手段,他完全可以手搓出轮回眼,仙人体,各种高端恶魔果实,强大个性......” Yukinoshita Yukino is very calm, elaborated own viewpoint in guild. 雪之下雪乃十分冷静,在公会里面阐述了自己的观点. Under snow 667 Yukino: First with these ............ the bloodline ability, piles you to the peak. 雪667之下雪乃:先用这些............血统能力,把你堆到巅峰. Then gives you Hōgyoku, the Saiyan bloodline, does not have several times of dies the ability of resurrecting, that for example before the guild member pulled out... Ajin : Demi-Human bloodline then, throws everywhere is what demon of powerhouse and so on place you again...... ” 然后再给你个崩玉,赛亚人血统,还有无数次死而复活的能力,比如说之前公会成员抽到的那个…亚人血统然后,再把你扔到遍地都是强者的什么魔界之类的地方......” Aisaka Taiga: Terrifying in this way!” 逢坂大河:“恐怖如斯!” Kōsaka Kyosuke: shivering from the cold.” 高坂京介:“瑟瑟发抖.” Gudako: Miss Yukinoshita Yukino my scalp tingles of show......, but has saying that this is a feasible extremely high plan.” 咕哒子:“雪之下雪乃小姐秀的我头皮发麻......但不得不说,这是一个可行度极高的方案.” Gudako feeling. 咕哒子十分的感慨. Sirzechs: Indeed, the Ajin : Demi-Human bloodline died to resurrect...... the Saiyan bloodline to come to the verge of death can erupt all-around, Hōgyoku can make you constantly break own upper limit......” 萨泽克斯:“的确,亚人血统死而复活......赛亚人血统濒临死亡就能够全方位爆发,崩玉能让你不断的打破自己的上限......” Sirzechs: In, originally extremely high beginning that in matching previous these abilities bring......” 萨泽克斯:“在搭配上先前的那些能力所带来的,本就极高的起点......” Thinks slightly, Sirzechs also swallowed a saliva. 稍稍想了想,萨泽克斯也不由咽了口唾沫. Edogawa Conan: „ Volume production powerhouse plan. 江户川柯南:“批量生产强者计划. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Moreover mass production is that type... a finger ball can collapse completely destroys the powerhouse of star.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“而且批量生产出来的全部都是那种…一根手指一弹就能够崩毁星球的强者.” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „ Did not say that I looked for Demon King-sama in the reality. 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“不说了,我在现实找魔王大人了. Manual funny. 手动滑稽. Kōsaka Kyosuke: Hateful, this gets there first ,” 高坂京介:“可恶,这就是近水楼台先得月,,吗” Recommendation 推荐
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