SDG :: Volume #21

#2067: Chapter 2067? Mother Quirk? Some anonymous Aikawa Ayumu mentality exploded!

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Really so.” “果然如此.” Nod of Su Han understands clearly, is.” 苏寒了然的点了点头,“是.” Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtains 200,000 accumulated points.” “叮!公会会长苏小小成功获得20万点积分.” Is equal to mission accumulated points, was good.” “和任务积分等同,就再好不过了.” Su Han regarding this very satisfied. 苏寒对此十分的满意. wait a moment, defers to the accumulated points quota assignment of Guild Mission assignment directly and that's the end. 等一下,直接按照公会任务分配的积分名额分配就是了. Queen Medusa deep looked at Su Han one, later changes into the original form, killed to the distant place. 美杜莎女王深深的看了苏寒一眼,随后化为原形,杀向了远方. Su Han is staring at the fight of distant place interestingly, has the shadow Ninja to participate in the fight, this causes the scene , situation toward guild member direction large scale displacement. 苏寒饶有兴趣的凝视着远方的战斗,有暗影忍者参与战斗,这导致现场,,局势向着公会成员这一方向大幅度偏移. In a while, the clear sound then at the scene , by all guild member ears resounds together. 没过多久,一道清脆的声音便在现场,,所有公会成员耳旁响起. Ding! Guild Mission has completed! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao obtains 4 accumulated points. “叮!公会任务已完成!公会会长苏小小获得四点积分. The ocean of the law obtains 50,000 accumulated points, Queen Medusa obtains 50,000 accumulated points, family/home real person Zhang Sanfeng obtains 20,000 accumulated points. 法海获得5万点积分,美杜莎女王获得5万点积分,家真人张三丰获得2万点积分. Bai Suzhen obtains 40,000 accumulated points. ” 白素贞获得4万点积分.” No matter what550 “任“五五零” The service was completed. ” 务完成了啊.” Su Han is somewhat sigh with emotion, later also so assigned in guild, transmits private gave the red packet. 苏寒有些感慨,随后在公会里也如此分配,发送了私发红包. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Looks that the red packet has delimited in me at present, my innermost feelings have not actually fluctuated.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“看着红包在我眼前划过,我的内心却没有丝毫波动.” Tony Is Not the Richest: „ Sees Guild Leader to launch in salvos four 44, I know...... this definitely is private gives the red packet completely. 托尼不是首富:“看到会长连发四个44,我就知道了......这肯定全部都是私发红包. If not, I stand upside down to wash hair! ” 如果不是,我倒立洗头!” Father Whitebeard: „......” 白胡子老爹:“......” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Your solemn Iron Man, Sorcerer Supreme...... your physical quality stands upside down to wash hair is very difficult 高坂京介:“你堂堂钢铁侠,至尊法师......你的身体素质倒立洗个头难道很困难吗” The Kōsaka Kyosuke corners of the mouth twitch, your oath sends did not have the sincerity. 高坂京介嘴角抽搐,你这个誓发的也太没有诚意了吧. Sakata Gintoki: Although I also thought that Tony Stark this time pledged to playing to be the same, but I also thought that...... is private sends.” 坂田银时:“虽然我也觉得托尼斯塔克这次发誓跟玩一样,但我也觉得......都是私发的.” Sakata Gintoki: Then I selected, discovered that is really private sends.” 坂田银时:“然后我点了一下,发现真的是私发的.” Yukinoshita Yukino: „......” 雪之下雪乃:“......” Aikawa Ayumu: „ showy operation. 相川步:“骚操作. Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: You.” 道家真人张三丰:“你们啊.” Zhang Sanfeng is touching from beard, the look somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, his thought moves simply. 张三丰抚摸着自的胡须,神色有些哭笑不得,他索性念头一动. Ding! Daoist Zhang Sanfeng successfully transmitted a red packet.” “叮!道家真人张三丰成功发送了一个红包.” In time of breath, the red packet was only robbed. 只在一个呼吸的时间,红包便被抢夺一空. Hatsune Miku in the future Hatsune: Thanks Grandpa stretch/open!” 初音未来未来初音:“谢谢张爷爷!” Aikawa Ayumu: „ Thanks...... I can take the road of martial arts finally. 相川步:“谢谢啊......我总算能够走上武道之路了. Being with flowing tears. 潸然泪下. Umaru Doma: What martial arts you should say is the dance.” 土间埋:“武道你应该说的是舞蹈吧.” Umaru Doma complained crazily. 土间埋疯狂吐槽. Aikawa Ayumu: „” 相川步:“” Sakata Gintoki: I special...... your individual 坂田银时:“我特么......你们都还是个人吗” Gudako: Time of breath did not have you to operate cheating......, this was the guild dice game package...... that I do not have the issue.” 咕哒子:“一个呼吸的时间就都没了你们都开了作弊器吗......哦,这是公会抢红包啊......那我没有问题了.” Kotonoha Katsura: Terrifying in this way.” 桂言叶:“恐怖如斯.” Izumi Sagiri: I...... I snatched a Tai Chi | Primal Chaos heart law 和泉纱雾:“我......我抢到了一本太极心法” Doctor Romani: „!!!” 罗曼医生:“!!!” Ernesti: „...... The Tai Chi | Primal Chaos heart law is also nothing 艾尔涅斯帝:“......太极心法也算不了什么吧” Ernesti looking pensive. 艾尔涅斯帝若有所思. Izumi Sagiri: Rank words level that but...... behind this core law labels 和泉纱雾:“但是......这极心法后面标注的等级话级” The Izumi Sagiri look is somewhat unusual. 和泉纱雾神色有些异样. Qiao Feng: „” 乔峰:“” Dongfang Bai: „......” 东方白:“......” Dongfang Bai: Originally is this......, although starts somewhat accidentally/surprisingly, however careful thinking, felt that this is the natural matter.” 东方白:“原来是这样......虽然开始有些意外,但是细细的想了想,又感觉这是理所当然的事情.” Kotori Minami: „ After all that is that... the Old Man Zhang Sanfeng round...... Old Man Zhang Sanfeng cultivation base, can call it the first person in the current martial cultivation personnel. 南小鸟:“毕竟那可是那个…张三丰老爷子发的......张三丰老爷子修为,在当前修武人员之中可以称之为第一人. The method that he founds is not the myth, then who also works as the god words 他开创出来的法门不是神话,那么谁还当得上神话” Tushan Honghong: Stands to reason.” 涂山红红:“言之有理.” Chu Zihang: I snatched the dragon real secret art.” 楚子航:“我抢到了化龙真诀.” Chu Zihang look very strange. 楚子航神色十分的诡异. Horikita Suzune: „” 崛北铃音:“” Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: „ Also can have this operation. 魔法少女奈叶:“还能有这种操作. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Therefore , you then prepare to cultivate this method, then the incarnation becomes True Dragon 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“所以说,你接下来就准备修炼这一法门,然后化身成为真龙吗” Tony Is Not the Richest: What...... I am not strangeest, why Old Man Zhang Sanfeng there will have this law 托尼不是首富:“不......我最奇怪的是,为什么张三丰老爷子那里会有这种法” Tony Stark is puzzling. 托尼斯塔克百思不得其解. Zhang Sanfeng thinks no matter how, is not related issues with the dragon. 张三丰不管怎么想,都和龙扯不上关系啊. Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: I naturally and dragon am not related issues......, but this is one set of immortal cultivation law.” 道家真人张三丰:“我自然和龙扯不上关系......但这是一套修仙法啊.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „!!!!” 高坂京介:“!!!!” Kōsaka Kirino: „, Is so that's how it is related with another Zhang Sanfeng-san 高坂桐乃:“原来如此,跟另外一位张三丰先生有关吗” Kōsaka Kirino is suddenly enlighted instantaneously. 高坂桐乃瞬间恍然大悟. Zhang Sanfeng obtained another own inheritance, but that are in immortal cultivation world. 张三丰可是获得了另外一位自己的传承,不过那一位自己是修仙世界的自己. Su Xiaoxiao: Your this group of fellows,...... I also give a red packet to you.” 苏小小:“你们这群家伙,罢了......我也给你们发个红包吧.” Yukinoshita Yukino: „!!!!” 雪之下雪乃:“!!!!” Aisaka Taiga: „! Guild Leader round of red packet.” 逢坂大河:“哇!会长发红包.” Gudako: „...... Luckily now I in guild.” 咕哒子:“......幸好现在我在公会里.” Gudako: Did not say that pushes in the hand all junks, prepares the dice game package.” 咕哒子:“不说了,推去手里一切杂物,准备抢红包.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „...... Do not hug too in a big way anticipated, I thought possibly by the Guild Leader's black bellied natural disposition, will give one crowd of very trash ..... for example, hundred accumulated points, 10 red packages 高坂京介:“......别抱太大期待,我觉得以会长的腹黑本性,可能会给一群很垃圾的.....比如说,一百积分,十个红包” Sirzechs: „” 萨泽克斯:“” Hatsune Miku in the future Hatsune: „...... This, Guild Leader should unable such pit 初音未来未来初音:“......这,会长应该不会这么坑吧” Kotonoha Katsura: This type of red packet...... could be said as is sexually harassing the person completely.” 桂言叶:“这种红包......完全可以说是在调戏人了吧.” Kotonoha Katsura also starts to speak but hesitates. 桂言叶也欲言又止. Su Xiaoxiao: „...... Stared greatly your eye to favor well.” 苏小小:“......瞪大你的眼睛好好看好了.” The Su Han corners of the mouth twitched, stretches out the palm, gorgeous radiance in his palm ascension, condensed Hōgyoku one after another. 苏寒嘴角抽搐了一下,伸出手掌,绚丽的光华在他的掌心升腾,凝聚出了一枚又一枚的崩玉. These ............ Hōgyoku is sending out gorgeous and mysterious radiance. 这些............崩玉散发着绚丽而神秘的光华. After making the ponder slightly, the Su Han thought moves again, except Hōgyoku outside, presented many Little Hikaru points. 稍作思考之后,苏寒又重新念头一动,除去崩玉以外,也出现了很多的小光点. These luminous spots, each is symbolizing My Hero Academia World's Quirk. 这些光点,每一个都象征着我的英雄学院世界的一种个性. Su Han the strength seed that these make temporarily, squeezed in the red packet, sent. 苏寒将这些自己临时制造出来的力量种子,塞入了红包,发了出去. Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao transmitted a big red packet.” “叮!公会会长苏小小发送了一个大红包.” This time the time of linking a breath is useless, directly robbed cleanness. 这次连一个呼吸的时间都没用,直接就被抢夺的干干净净. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „ Snatched Hōgyoku......, but, had always to compare not to have. 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“又抢到了崩玉......不过,有总比没有好. 48 Hōgyoku that this Hōgyoku and I collect puts together. ” 把这枚崩玉和我收藏的四十八枚崩玉放在一起吧.” Krul: „” 克鲁鲁:“” Let the World Suffer Pain: cough cough...... Krul is not possibly clear, Hōgyoku in Kuroneko-san presses: The pile calculates where...... as for comes, thinks that beforehand picture, you should know in heart 让世界感受痛苦吧:“咳咳......克鲁鲁可能不清楚,黑猫小姐手里的崩玉是按:堆算的......至于哪来的,想想之前的画面,你应该心里有数吧” …… …… Krul: „......” 克鲁鲁:“......” Krul could not speak suddenly. 克鲁鲁一时间说不出话来. Nakiri Erina: Hand rubs Hōgyoku, is... is so willful.” 薙切绘里奈:“手搓崩玉,就是...这么任性.” Sakata Gintoki: „ Guild Leader big shot awesome. 坂田银时:“会长大佬牛逼. Kirishima Touka: I pulled out vampire Quirk...... this.” 雾岛董香:“我抽到了一个吸血鬼个性......这.” Kirishima Touka does not know whether to laugh or cry, this Quirk is useless to her. 雾岛董香哭笑不得,这个性对她没用啊. Aikawa Ayumu: „!!! You also calculate well.” 相川步:“!!!你还算好的了.” Aikawa Ayumu: I pulled out mother Quirk, so long as used this Quirk, can turn into the younger sister...... his mother.” 相川步:“我抽到了一个娘化个性,只要使用这个个性,就能够变成妹子......这他妈.” The Aikawa Ayumu mentality exploded directly. 相川步心态直接爆炸了. Aikawa Ayumu: „The Guild Leader's character also was too rather bad.” 相川步:“会长的性格未免也太恶劣了吧.” Su Xiaoxiao: „...... This and I have what relations, whom I cannot control to pull out to what Quirk 苏小小:“......这和我有什么关系,我又不能够操控谁抽到什么个性 Su Han curls the lip, later his look somewhat ponders. 苏寒撇了撇嘴,随后他的神色有些玩味. Su Xiaoxiao: However...... I thought that this Quirk truly suits your.” 苏小小:“不过话说回来......我觉得这个性确实蛮适合你的.” Small
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