SDG :: Volume #21

#2050: Pulls out conveniently...... is Angewomon!

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Sakuragi Hanamichi: Ok.” 樱木花道:“算了吧。” Sakuragi Hanamichi curls the lip. 樱木花道撇了撇嘴。 Sakuragi Hanamichi: If Guild Leader really can summon to help own summon beast...... even if that summoned the beast strength less than Guild Leader, but still at least was close to that level.” 樱木花道:“如果会长真的能够召唤出能帮助自己的召唤兽……就算那召唤兽实力不及会长,但也至少接近那个层次。” Sakuragi Hanamichi: I estimated, the monster of this rank can sweep away entire guild. The first class powerhouse is also comes many dead many.” 樱木花道:“我估计,这种级别的怪物能够横扫整个公会。第一阶级的强者也是来多少死多少。” Accelerator: „......” 一方通行:“……” I’m Not Bald: „......” 我不是光头:“……” Saiki Kusuo: At this time, I want to complain. But felt that some are inappropriate, that does not spit.” 齐木楠雄:“这个时候,我很想吐槽。但感觉有些不合适,那就不吐了。” Hijikata Toushirou: Worthily is your .jpg 土方十四郎:“不愧是你.jpg” Railgun: Therefore...... did the guild first class powerhouse, degenerate into the strength unit of measurement eventually?” 超电磁炮:“所以说……公会第一阶级强者,终究沦为了战力计算单位吗?” Misaka Mikoto covered own forehead, she does not know that should say anything to be good. 御坂美琴捂住了自己的额头,她已经不知道该说些什么为好了。 Sawada Tsunayoshi: Was too real.” 沢田纲吉:“太真实了。” Kayaba Akihiko: This perhaps is Destiny, no one can escape.” 茅场晶彦:“这或许就是命运吧,没有谁能够逃脱。” Kirishima Touka: Accelerator: Rises to this rank with great difficulty, worked loose the ordinary guild member to regard Destiny of strength weight unit me...... the result, Guild Leader still regarded the battle efficiency weight unit me.” 雾岛董香:“一方通行:好不容易升到这个级别,挣脱了普通公会成员把我当成战力衡量单位的命运……结果,会长仍然把我当成了战斗力衡量单位。” Tony Is Not the Richest: 666 six.” 托尼不是首富:“六六六六。” Su Xiaoxiao: Information that actually...... this what different dimension summon technique, guild gives also very fuzzy, I following, prepares field trial.” 苏小小:“其实……这个什么异次元召唤术,公会给出的信息也十分的模糊,我接下来,准备实地试验一下。” The Su Han vision twinkle, he attention will move from guild, after making the ponder slightly, he sets out directly, moves toward outside time, he bumped into Goko Ruri. 苏寒目光闪烁,他将注意力从公会之中移了出来,稍作思考之后,他直接起身,走向外面的时候,他碰上了五更琉璃 Demon King-sama.” The Goko Ruri eye pupil is sparkling. 魔王大人。”五更琉璃眼眸闪闪发光。 What's wrong?” Su Han once thinks that bumps into by chance, where thinks he moves toward outside time, Goko Ruri also follows on the heels, he detected immediately was not right. “怎么了?”苏寒曾以为只是恰巧碰上,哪里想到他走向外面的时候,五更琉璃也跟在后面,他顿时察觉到了不对。 Hehehe,” on the Goko Ruri face appears the embarrassed smile, I am also very curious you to pull out is useful, therefore is looking together.” “嘿嘿嘿,”五更琉璃脸上浮现出不好意思的笑容,“我也很好奇您抽到的到底有什么用,所以就在一起看一看了。” You.” Su Han cannot help laughing, he extends- has the finger gently selected forehead that selects Goko Ruri, but has not said anything. Brought Goko Ruri to arrive at garden. “你啊。”苏寒哑然失笑,他伸-出手指轻轻的点了点五更琉璃的额头,但也没有多说什么。带着五更琉璃来到了庭院处。 Then, tries.” The Su Han look becomes serious, he used the different dimension summon technique directly. “接下来,就试一试吧。”苏寒的神色变得严肃起来,他直接动用了异次元召唤术。 Above front land, interwove a densely packed chart, along with buzz a resounding, gorgeous radiance ascended. 面前大地之上,交织出了密密麻麻的阵图,伴随着嗡的一声脆响,绚丽光华升腾而起。 Afterward, sacred angel that carries the body eight pairs of wings appears from the chart slowly. 随后,一只背身八对羽翼的神圣天使从阵图之中缓缓浮现。 „...... Unexpectedly is angel?” On the Goko Ruri face appears stunned, later somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. If earlier she, saw that angel can enter to the chuuni pattern instantaneously, regards as own old enemy it? “……居然是天使?”五更琉璃脸上浮现出错愕,随后又有些哭笑不得。如果是早年的她,看到天使一定会瞬间进入到中二模式,将其视为自己的宿敌吧? However,” Goko Ruri is sizing up front silent female angel up and down, how always to feel, this fellow seems a little looks familiar.” “不过话说回来,”五更琉璃上下打量着面前沉默不语的女性天使,“怎么总觉得,这家伙看起来有点眼熟。” Angewomon.” Su Han put out three characters briefly and to the point. 天女兽。”苏寒言简意赅地吐出了三个字。 What?” The Goko Ruri movement lived, she looked subconsciously to Su Han, you said that in Digimon that?” “什么?”五更琉璃动作顿住了,她下意识的看向了苏寒,“你是说,数码宝贝里面的那个?” Un!” Su Han nods, he was making a picture to front angel beast directly, finally threw in guild. “嗯!”苏寒点了点头,他直接对着面前的天使兽拍了一张图片,最后扔到了公会里面。 Su Xiaoxiao: Comes to see the fellow who I just summoned.( Picture .jpg)” 苏小小:“来看一下我刚刚召唤出来的家伙。(照片.jpg)” Father Whitebeard: „......” 白胡子老爹:“……” Madoka Daigo: „!!” 圆大古:“!!” Korosensei: I had the premonition...... Guild Leader to want acting cool.” 杀老师:“我有预感……会长又要装逼了。” Korosensei: Un? This is angel...... can.” 杀老师:“嗯?这是天使……可以可以。” Altair: „Is this Guild Leader summons, existence that summoned through that different dimension?” 阿尔泰尔:“这就是会长通过那个异次元召唤,召唤出来的存在?” Altair looking pensive, although latter thought that some are not right. 阿尔泰尔若有所思,虽后又觉得有些不对。 Altair: Why I will feel, this angel a little does look familiar?” 阿尔泰尔:“为何我会觉得,这个天使有点眼熟?” Yagami Taichi: „????” 八神太一:“????” Yagami Taichi: „Isn't this Angewomon? Guild Leader, how will you summon this?” 八神太一:“这不就是天女兽吗?会长,你怎么会召唤出这个?” Yagami Taichi is dumbfounded, even subconscious looks for own younger sister. Confirmed oneself younger sister's Digimon does not have the issue, this relaxes, but on the face appeared the doubts. 八神太一目瞪口呆,甚至下意识的去寻找自己的妹妹。确认了自己妹妹的数码宝贝没有问题,这才松了一口气,不过脸上又浮现出了疑惑。 Yagami Taichi: „...... That side that Angewomon, must not be us.” 八神太一:“……那边那个天女兽,应当不是我们这边的。” Sakata Gintoki: Fearful......” 坂田银时:“可怕……” Kōsaka Kyosuke: If Guild Leader summoned...... me to estimate Yagami Taichi mentality directly collapse drop Yagami Hikari Angewomon directly.” 高坂京介:“如果会长直接把八神嘉儿天女兽召唤走了……我估计八神太一的心态会直接崩掉。” Kōsaka Kyosuke look very strange. 高坂京介的神色十分的古怪。 Kurosaki Ichigo: This who can withstand .jpg 黑崎一护:“这谁顶得住啊.jpg” Edogawa Conan: Then Guild Leader, how then does prepare to treat Angewomon?” 江户川柯南:“那么会长,接下来准备怎么对待天女兽?” Su Xiaoxiao: Looked like treats these fellows of past to be the same, lets her in the outside free life.” 苏小小:“就像是对待以往的那些家伙一样,让她在外地自由自在的生活吧。” Su Han optional, after all the present world is also the world that a myth recovers, even had/left angel, still does not have any at the worst. 苏寒十分的随意,毕竟现在的世界也是个神话复苏的世界,就算是多出了一个天使,也没有什么大不了的。 „Can you discard me?” Angewomon opened the mouth suddenly, the sound is chilly. “您是要舍弃我吗?”天女兽突然开口了,声音清冽。 Un?” The Su Han brow wrinkled, observation detected the anxiety in Angewomon heart keenly. “嗯?”苏寒眉头皱了起来,见闻色敏锐察觉到了天女兽心中的不安。 But has not waited for him to open the mouth, Goko Ruri grabbed the hand of Angewomon, no matter...... you, since were summoned by Demon King-sama. Our was your family/home!” 但还没有等他开口,五更琉璃就抓住了天女兽的手,“没有的事了……你既然被魔王大人召唤出来了。那我们这就是你的家了!” „The meaning of Demon King-sama is, extremely do not restrain. To come back comes back, but wants words that does things outside area, can leave directly.” 魔王大人的意思是,你不要太过约束。想回来的时候就回来,而想要在外地干什么事的话,也可以直接离开。” Goko Ruri was managing an ugly face to Su Han, later then towed Angewomon to enter in the castle. Shaking the head of Su Han does not know whether to laugh or cry. 五更琉璃对着苏寒办了个鬼脸,随后便拖着天女兽进入到了城堡之中。苏寒哭笑不得的摇了摇头。 Su Xiaoxiao: „, Later this different dimension summon technique, I be wonderfully few use.” 苏小小:“罢了,以后这个异次元召唤术,我还是少使用为妙吧。” Ainz Ooal Gown: „????” 安兹乌尔恭:“????” Kurosaki Ichigo: What happened...... on the other hand, this different dimension summon technique really super fierce. Angewomon, I also want Angewomon well, even if takes the maid is still good purely.” 黑崎一护:“发生什么事……话说回来,这个异次元召唤术真的超级厉害。天女兽啊,我也好想要一个天女兽,就算是单纯作为女仆也好啊。” Kasumi Utako: Hey...... disgusting fellow.” 霞诗子:“噫……恶心的家伙。” Kōsaka Kirino: Angewomon? You go with the orangutan beast intimately.” 高坂桐乃:“天女兽?你还是和猩猩兽亲热去吧。” On the Kōsaka Kirino face also appeared the dislike. 高坂桐乃脸上也浮现出了厌恶。 Kurosaki Ichigo: „????” 黑崎一护:“????” Kurosaki Ichigo: Went too far. I quite like Digimon of this sacred department...... the sacred angel beast.” 黑崎一护:“太过分了。我就是比较喜欢这种神圣系的数码宝贝……神圣天使兽也可以啊。” Kasumi Utako: „...... Originally you, since is this person, very perverse!” 霞诗子:“……原来你既然是这种人,好变态!” Kurosaki Ichigo: I special......” 黑崎一护:“我特么……” Su Xiaoxiao: „......” 苏小小:“……” Su Xiaoxiao: Summoned, seemingly good......, but I summoned, cannot return to them to the original world, in other words, summoned one to place one.” 苏小小:“召唤出来,看起来蛮好的……但我召唤出来,又不能把他们返回到原先的世界,换而言之,召唤一个就得安置一个。” Su Han rubbed own forehead, he long sighs. 苏寒揉了揉自己的眉心,他长叹了一口气。 Su Xiaoxiao: Number was short, in addition fortunately...... unceasing growth that but with summoning their number. Thinks in the future must take care of completely appropriately them, I feel the skull pain.” 苏小小:“数目少了尚且还好……但随着召唤她们数目的不断增长。一想到未来要把她们全部都照顾妥当,我就感到脑壳痛。” Hijikata Toushirou: „????” 土方十四郎:“????” Kaito Kid: fuck...... I feel Guild Leader in acting cool, but I do not have the evidence.” 怪盗基德:“卧槽……我感觉会长装逼,但我却没有证据。” Kobayashi: Carefully wants to come...... Guild Leader to say is very indeed reasonable. My family/home lived in these Dragon Maid, I also felt very worried.” 小林:“细细想来……会长说的的确很有道理。我家住了这些龙女仆,我也感觉很苦恼啊。” Kobayashi long sighing, she felt that she can understand Su Han. 小林长长的叹了一口气,她感觉自己能够理解苏寒
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