SDG :: Volume #21

#2049: Aqua: fuck...... Ristarte, she is laughing wildly!

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Gabriel: „????” 珈百璃:“????” Thor Odinson: The words that emmm...... I have not remembered incorrectly, is Arceus, all Pokémon Creation God? In other words, Pikachu skin has God exceeded the gods of highest order now comprehensively? Is on par Creation God.” 托尔奥丁森:“emmm……我没有记错的话,阿尔宙斯,是所有神奇宝贝创世神吧?换句话说,皮卡丘皮神现在已经全面超越了最高位的神明?比肩创世神。” The Thor (Tohru) look had slightly permits to change, he said that oneself was shocked. 托尔的神色发生了微许变化,他表示自己十分的震惊。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: Although I am also very from the beginning shocked......, but thinks, was tranquil.” 高坂京介:“虽然我一开始也很震惊……但想了想,就平静下来了。” Kōsaka Kirino: Yes.” 高坂桐乃:“是的。” Kōsaka Kirino very calm. 高坂桐乃十分的淡定。 Kōsaka Kirino: After all, first how many Pokémon World have an accident, didn't Arceus come out to flog a corpse by drawing? Although in name is Creation God, but compares with that omnipotent Creation God, he is really bad too far......” 高坂桐乃:“毕竟,前几次神奇宝贝世界出事,阿尔宙斯不也被拉出来鞭尸了吗?虽然名义上是创世神,但和那种无所不能的创世神比起来,他真的是差的太远了……” Izumi Sagiri: Possibly is reason that because has not collected its complete flagstone.” 和泉纱雾:“可能是因为没有收集其全部石板的原因吧。” Izumi Sagiri does not agree with the Kōsaka Kirino words. 和泉纱雾不同意高坂桐乃的话。 Doctor Romani: Indeed so...... collects all flagstones Arceus, can all attacks of immunity Pokémon World. Only can see the place of his terrifying depending on this!” 罗曼医生:“的确如此……收集所有石板的阿尔宙斯,可以免疫神奇宝贝世界的一切攻击。仅凭这一项就可以看出他的恐怖之处!” Ernesti: Therefore...... everyone in guild, hasn't prepared to conduct lottery now?” 艾尔涅斯帝:“所以……公会里的大家,现在还不准备进行抽奖吗?” Ernesti rests one's chin in one's hands, interested looks at guild to chat the content that. 艾尔涅斯帝托着腮,饶有兴趣的看着公会聊天的内容。 Ash: „!!” 小智:“!!” Aqua: I start to pull out now.” 阿库娅:“我现在就开始抽。” Aqua: Amitabha, hoping the heaven can give me the luck.” 阿库娅:“阿弥陀佛,希望上天能够给我一点好运气。” Doctor Romani: „???” 罗曼医生:“???” Ernesti: „...... You are Goddess, Amitabha hammer.” 艾尔涅斯帝:“……你本身就是女神啊,阿弥陀佛个锤子。” Houraisan Kaguya: Aqua can always display some showy operation, thus renovates me to her impression.” 蓬莱山辉夜:“阿库娅总能够施展出一些骚操作,从而刷新我对她的印象。” Ding! Aqua successfully obtains the special item through limitless big lottery: Luck.” “叮!阿库娅通过无限制抽奖成功获得特殊道具:一点好运气。” Aqua: „???” 阿库娅:“???” Aqua: eye stares dog dull .jpg 阿库娅:“目瞪狗呆.jpg” Akiyama Mio: Special item?” 秋山澪:“特殊道具?” Liu Mao Xing: Looks at the words that Aqua spoke, I do not know suddenly unexpectedly should say anything.” 刘昴星:“看了一眼阿库娅说的话,我一时间居然不知道该说些什么。” Kotori Minami: Real 0.1 points luck!” 南小鸟:“真.一点好运气!” Aqua: This thing is the pure additional luck......, but my luck is EX, this thing is completely useless to me.” 阿库娅:“这东西就是单纯的加运气……但我本身的运气就是EX,这东西对我完全没用啊。” Aqua mentality thorough collapsed, pulled out for quite a while, pulled out one to the completely useless thing? This who can withstand? 阿库娅心态彻底的崩了,抽了半天,就抽到了一个对自己完全没用的东西?这谁能够顶得住? Kotonoha Katsura: „......” 桂言叶:“……” Tomori Nao: Subtext of these words was...... she is lucky player, at an European point, does not have any use.” 友利奈绪:“这句话的潜台词就是……她本身就是欧皇了,在欧一点,也没有什么用处。” Kurosaki Ichigo: Plays fgo never to pull out has been to 5 stars suo not to have the words to come.” 黑崎一护:“玩fgo从未抽到过五星的嗦不出话来。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Such acting cool fellow, butchered.” 高坂京介:“这么装逼的家伙,还是宰了吧。” Doctor Romani: lucky player, is life span extremely short lifeform .jpg 罗曼医生:“欧皇,是一种寿命极其短暂的生物.jpg” Nyaruko: Everything must think toward the good aspect.” 奈亚子:“凡事要往好的方面想啊。” Aqua: „!! For example?” 阿库娅:“!!比如说呢?” On the Aqua face appeared the color of anticipation. 阿库娅脸上浮现出了期待之色。 Nyaruko: You cannot, when I don't have such lottery from beginning to end?” 奈亚子:“你就不能够当我从头到尾没有这么一次抽奖吗?” Aqua: Probably...... hammer! You think that I really am the bloody fool?” 阿库娅:“好像是……个锤子啊!你以为我真的是大傻瓜吗?” Aqua flies into a rage. 阿库娅勃然大怒。 Ristarte: shivering from the cold .jpg 莉丝妲黛:“瑟瑟发抖.jpg” Ristarte is on nettles, later the thought moves. 莉丝妲黛忐忑不安,随后念头一动。 Ding! Ristarte obtained the top god talent.” “叮!莉丝妲黛获得了顶尖神天赋。” Doctor Romani: „???” 罗曼医生:“???” Kotori Minami: Top god...... talent? What is this?” 南小鸟:“顶尖神……天赋?这是啥?” The Kotori Minami two zhang (3.33 m) cannot feel the mind. 南小鸟二丈摸不着头脑。 Tushan Honghong: Ristarte. Comes out to froth over, explains.” 涂山红红:“@莉丝妲黛。出来冒个泡,解释一下。” Aqua: My God...... Ristarte thorough was insane, she is laughing wildly!” 阿库娅:“我的天哪……莉丝妲黛彻底的疯了,她在狂笑!” Natsume: Mentioned laughs wildly, first always All Might that my brain made up.” 夏目:“说起狂笑,我脑补出来的第一个总是欧尔麦特。” Natsume: If puts the body of Ristarte the All Might image.” 夏目:“如果把欧尔麦特的形象放到莉丝妲黛的身上。” Natsume imagined a that scene, the corners of the mouth twitched crazily, he does not know that should say anything. 夏目想象了一下那种场景,嘴角疯狂抽搐起来,他已经不知道该说些什么了。 Himura Kenshin: Too show.” 绯村剑心:“太秀了。” Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Real .jpg 魔法少女奈叶:“过于真实.jpg” Ristarte: hahahaha haha...... the top god talent, unexpectedly is this type of thing.” 莉丝妲黛:“哈哈哈哈哈哈……顶尖神天赋,居然是这种东西。” The Ristarte fork waist laughs, she is wild with joy at this moment. 莉丝妲黛叉腰大笑,她此刻欣喜若狂。 Ristarte: „It was good, has this talent, the talent that I have is in the gods peak existence, I following, finally can step summit- the road of peak god.” 莉丝妲黛:“太棒了,拥有这个天赋,我所拥有的天赋就是神明之中最为顶尖的存在,我接下来,终于能够踏上巅-峰神的路了。” Eucliwood: „......” 优克莉伍德:“……” Aikawa Ayumu: „...... Is this talent.” 相川步:“……原来是这个天赋。” Batman: Very good...... at least Ristarte to this talent very satisfied.” 蝙蝠侠:“很不错……至少莉丝妲黛自己对这个天赋十分的满意。” The Batman slight mood has not fluctuated. 蝙蝠侠没有丝毫的情绪波动。 Sakuragi Hanamichi: Indeed, oneself satisfy is best.” 樱木花道:“的确,自己满意才是最好的。” Nod of Sakuragi Hanamichi deep is so. 樱木花道深以为然的点了点头。 Su Han looking pensive looks the thing that the guild internal member pulls out, thinks, decided simply oneself also pull out. His thought moves, an information instantaneous ejection comes out. 苏寒若有所思的看着公会内部成员抽到的东西,想了想,索性决定自己也抽一下吧。他念头一动,一条信息瞬间弹射出来。 Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtains the different dimension summon technique through limitless big lottery.” “叮!公会会长苏小小通过无限制抽奖成功获得异次元召唤术。” Ding! Ash successfully obtains the Dragon God egg through limitless big lottery.” “叮!小智通过无限制抽奖成功获得龙神的蛋。” Kayaba Akihiko: „????” 茅场晶彦:“????” Sawada Tsunayoshi: Different dimension...... summon technique?” 沢田纲吉:“异次元……召唤术?” Sawada Tsunayoshi was somewhat ignorant, this two noun separates him to understand, but combines in together, he does not know that was actually what meaning. 沢田纲吉有些懵了,这两个名词分开他听得懂,但是组合在一起,他就不知道究竟是什么意思了。 Alucard: I only felt strange, this Dragon God egg...... can be subdued by Poké Ball?” 阿卡多:“我只奇怪,这个龙神的蛋……可以被神奇宝贝球收服吗?” Alucard is lost in thought. 阿卡多陷入了沉思。 Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: Should...... not?” 成龙不想考古:“应该……不可以吧?” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „The words that raises since childhood, should this Dragon God heir very intimate Ash?” 成龙不想考古:“不过从小养大的话,这个龙神子嗣应该会很亲近小智?” Jackie Chan some cannot determine. 成龙也有些不能确定了。 Umaru Doma: I thought that this is not the issue.” 土间埋:“我觉得这不是问题啊。” The Umaru Doma look is natural. 土间埋神色理所当然。 Umaru Doma: If Poké Ball is unable to subdue, that use accumulated points strengthens Poké Ball! Nothing was accumulated points cannot solve, if there are...... that definitely is because accumulated points was insufficient.” 土间埋:“如果神奇宝贝球无法收服的话,那就动用积分强化一下神奇宝贝球呗!没有什么事情是积分解决不了的,如果有……那么肯定是因为积分不够了。” Aikawa Ayumu: Day show.” 相川步:“天秀。” Horikita Suzune: accumulated points can utilize this aspect unexpectedly...... contrary to expectation, but is actually reasonable.” 崛北铃音:“积分居然可以运用到这方面……意料之外,但却又在情理之中。” Horikita Suzune nod of looking pensive. 崛北铃音若有所思的点了点头。 Himura Kenshin: @Su Xiaoxiao. Therefore , Guild Leader...... can you make us dispel doubt?” 绯村剑心:“@苏小小。所以说,会长……您能够让我们解惑吗?” Su Xiaoxiao: How can I say, I , if using this different dimension summon technique. Can summon from...... to be possible be the gods in the life of different dimension, may be demon, naturally may also be Evil God...... anything have the possibility.” 苏小小:“怎么说呢,我要是动用这个异次元召唤术的话。就能够召唤出来自于异次元的生命……有可能是神明,也有可能是恶魔,当然还有可能是邪神……什么都有可能的。” Su Xiaoxiao: Those summoned, was not mother substances of our world is right. So long as my strength above them, then I then can 100% control them.” 苏小小:“凡是召唤出来的,不是我们这个世界的原生物就对了。只要我的实力在他们之上,那么我便能够百分之百操控他们。” Su Xiaoxiao: „After right...... summoned, no means send back the original world them.” 苏小小:“对了……召唤出来之后,没有办法把他们遣送回原先的世界。” Batman: „?” 蝙蝠侠:“?” Kafū Chino: „......” 香风智乃:“……” Lelouch: „???” 鲁鲁修:“???” Kurosaki Ichigo: Waits for...... Guild Leader, allowing me to manage.” 黑崎一护:“等一等……会长,容我理一下。” Kurosaki Ichigo some look dumbfounded. 黑崎一护的神色有些懵逼 Kurosaki Ichigo: I feel in the endless world, should does not have any existence, more powerful than Guild Leader?” 黑崎一护:“我觉得无尽世界之中,应该没有什么的存在,要比会长更加强大吧?” Kurosaki Ichigo: Then, Guild Leader what, no matter pulls out, can the obligation of 100% he?” 黑崎一护:“这么说来,会长不管抽到什么,都能够百分之百的驱使他?” Fujiwara no Sai: Theoretically indeed so......, but this is also representing, Guild Leader is very suspicious taking advantage of this skill, acquisition can help own summon beast.” 藤原佐为:“理论上的确如此……但是这也就代表着,会长很难凭借此技能,获得能够帮助自己的召唤兽。”
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