SDG :: Volume #21

#2039: Accomplishment sacred body, Empress, desolate Heavenly Emperor?

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12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Terrifying in this way.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“恐怖如斯。” Tony Is Not the Richest: „!!” 托尼不是首富:“!!” Father Whitebeard: „Did the rookie join? Gurarara, welcome the rookie.” 白胡子老爹:“又有一名新人加入了吗?咕啦啦啦,欢迎新人。” Madoka Daigo: „Are two things that I strange...... Guild Leader pulls out now what?” 圆大古:“我现在还是奇怪……会长抽到的两件东西到底是啥?” Madoka Daigo is puzzling. 圆大古百思不得其解。 Madoka Daigo: That robber Saint talent, Nine Transformation Celestial Silkworm.” 圆大古:“那个盗圣天赋,还有天蚕九死功。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Nine Transformation Celestial Silkworm...... I always feel very familiar-sounding.” 高坂京介:“天蚕九死功……我总觉得十分的耳熟。” Sakata Gintoki: Un...... this should be, unsurpassed statute book that obstructs the day of the world? Giving up study of that antiquity period god silkworm Emperor.” 坂田银时:“嗯……这应该是,一首遮天世界的无上法典?那个上古时期神蚕皇者的绝学。” Sakata Gintoki looking pensive. 坂田银时若有所思。 Yukinoshita Yukino: profound truth of Great Emperor of rank? Ok, had determined that has not affected to Guild Leader.” 雪之下雪乃:“古之大帝级别的奥义?可以,已经确定对会长没有作用了。” Yukinoshita Yukino shakes the head, but does not have the accident/surprise, has not needed to be normal to Guild Leader. Useful, that shocks the guild important matter. 雪之下雪乃摇了摇头,不过也没有意外,对会长没有用才是正常的。有用,那才是震惊公会的大事。 Aisaka Taiga: 666 six.” 逢坂大河:“六六六六。” Gudako: This was also too real.” 咕哒子:“这也太真实了吧。” Hatsune Miku: Then behind robber Saint?” 初音未来:“那么后面这个盗圣?” Su Xiaoxiao: This...... is that fellow is used in the larceny others ability the ability.” 苏小小:“这个……就是那家伙用于偷窃别人能力的能力。” Su Han recalls the guild feedback to give own information, the look is somewhat strange. 苏寒回忆着公会回馈给自己的信息,神色有些古怪。 Ryugu Rena: „????” 龙宫礼奈:“????” Kotonoha Katsura: „!!” 桂言叶:“!!” Doctor Romani: fuck...... did this gadget pull out by Guild Leader?” 罗曼医生:“卧槽……这玩意儿都被会长抽出来了?” Doctor Romani is dumbfounded. 罗曼医生目瞪口呆。 Ernesti: This...... this is unreasonable.” 艾尔涅斯帝:“这……这不合理啊。” Haruhi Suzumiya: I feel very reasonable actually.” 凉宫春日:“我倒是觉得很合理。” Haruhi Suzumiya speaks plausibly. 凉宫春日振振有词。 Haruhi Suzumiya: You think that what before the mission reward said was extracts on the opposite the ability of that fellow.” 凉宫春日:“你们想啊,之前任务奖励说的是抽取对面身上那个家伙的一个能力。” Haruhi Suzumiya: This fellow also does not have has a system! Therefore in his ability definitely also contains the ability of this larceny others strength......, if matches the Guild Leader powerful luck again......” 凉宫春日:“这个家伙又没有系统!所以他的能力之中肯定也包含这个偷窃他人力量的能力……如果再搭配上会长强大的运气……” Kotori Minami: fair and reasonable, convincing!” 南小鸟:“合情合理,令人信服!” Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: Real.” 道家真人张三丰:“真实。” Natsume: Luck is only! Lucky E does not have the human rights.” 夏目:“运气才是唯一!幸运E没有人权。” Waver: „The big dog of our world cries to make noise! He really cried.” 韦伯:“我们世界的大狗哭出了声!他真的哭了。” Waver complained crazily. 韦伯疯狂吐槽。 Let the World Suffer Pain: „......” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“……” Let the World Suffer Pain: With all due respect, have you neglected completely just joined the guild rookie?” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“恕我直言,你们已经完全忽视了刚加入公会的新人了吗?” KING: I felt that the rookie has cried.” king:“我感觉新人已经哭了。” Fourth Hokage: „...... In the final analysis, doesn't the rookie have to pay attention to this guild, moreover was two said.” 四代目火影:“不……说到底,新人到底有没有关注到这个公会,况且还是两说。” Accelerator: desolate. tch, @ this name, always cannot help but thinks of the wild ancient restricted area of Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand world. Bewildered.” 一方通行:“@荒。,艾特这个名字,总是不由自主的想到一手遮天世界的荒古禁地。莫名其妙的。” Su Xiaoxiao: Why don't you think...... among these two possibly to relate?” 苏小小:“为什么你不想想……这两者之间可能有所联系?” The Su Han look is very strange, if asked that its desolate...... that the first impression in his mind, is of perfect world. 苏寒的神色十分古怪,若问其荒……那么在他脑海之中的第一印象,就是完美天地的那一位。 Really is that fellow?” Su Han is stroking gently own chin, if most under peak condition desolate Heavenly Emperor, that immortal emperor rank exists...... perhaps in guild chatted is may also calculate on was the peak strength. “真的是那个家伙吗?”苏寒摩挲着自己的下巴,如果是最巅峰状态之下的荒天帝,那位仙帝级别的存在……或许在公会聊天是其中也可算的上是最顶尖的战力。 Accelerator, Aizen these hang to compel, not necessarily is the desolate Heavenly Emperor rival. Because he was too strong, he under that condition, is in itself symbolizing unmatched. 一方通行,蓝染这些挂逼,都未必是荒天帝的敌手。因为他太强了,那个状态下的他,本身就象征着无敌 Shirai Kuroko: Hiss!” 白井黑子:“嘶!” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: Mind vibrates .jpg 成龙不想考古:“心神震动.jpg” Shinonono Tabane: Guild Leader suggested! He really suggested.” 筱之之束:“会长暗示了!他真的暗示了。” Nakiri Erina: Careful thinks that...... is, accomplishment sacred body? Is always insufficient is Empress.” 薙切绘里奈:“细细的想一想……难道是,大成圣体?总不至于是女帝吧。” At this point, Nakiri Erina all of a sudden excited. 说到这里,薙切绘里奈一下子就激动了起来。 Nakiri Erina: I super like Empress’. If she really joins guild, that was really good.” 薙切绘里奈:“我超级喜欢女帝的。如果她真的加入公会的话,那就真的好了。” Kurosaki Ichigo: Initially looks at Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand, the feeling is, fuck! Leaf Heavenly Emperor good awesome. The back Great Emperor is also good awesome! However...... the voting words I choose Empress.( Manual funny .jpg)” 黑崎一护:“初看一手遮天,感觉就是,卧槽!叶天帝牛逼。背影大帝也好牛逼!不过……投票的话我选择女帝。(手动滑稽.jpg)” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: What ghost...... is the back Great Emperor? Are others also well-known okay?!” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“……背影大帝是什么鬼?人家也是有名有姓的好不好?!” Goko Ruri covered own face, does not know that should say anything. 五更琉璃捂住了自己的脸,不知道该说些什么。 Umaru Doma: I also choose Empress!” 土间埋:“我也选择女帝!” Kasumi Utako: +1.” 霞诗子:“+1。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Un? What I am somewhat amazed, Kasumi Utako this time had not shouted unexpectedly Empress is her wife?” 托尼不是首富:“嗯?我有些惊诧的是,霞诗子这次居然没有喊女帝是她老婆?” Waver: May be is clear about unable to defeat Empress......, moreover by the Empress’ personality, will really annoy will beat savagely one her.” 韦伯:“有可能是清楚自己打不过女帝……而且以女帝的性情,真的惹毛了会把她暴打一顿吧。” Kirishima Touka: Was too real.” 雾岛董香:“太真实了。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: In front of powerhouse I am timid, in front of weakling I attack with heavy blows!” 高坂京介:“强者面前我唯唯诺诺,弱者面前我重拳出击!” Kasumi Utako: „????” 霞诗子:“????” Kasumi Utako: Bastard! Stops talking to me, do not forget us now also in the same world!” 霞诗子:“混蛋!给我住口,不要忘了我们现在还在同一个世界!” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „...... Sorry, was my number is robbed by the family/home younger sisters a moment ago. If expresses any improper opinion, you look for her although!” 高坂京介:“哦……对不起,刚才是我的号被家妹盗了。如果发表什么不当言论,你们尽管去找她!” Kōsaka Kirino: „!???” 高坂桐乃:“!???” Desolate: Why...... in my mind won't suddenly present such strange interface?” 荒:“唔……为什么我的脑海之中会突然出现这么一个奇奇怪怪的界面?” The small stone sits in the Shitou Village entrance at this moment, is holding one can of beast milk, the juicy eye winks, is very strange. 小石头此刻坐在石头村门口,抱着一罐兽奶,水灵灵的眼睛一眨一眨的,十分奇怪。 Accelerator: Has a look at the guild brief introduction.” 一方通行:“去看看公会简要介绍。” Kurosaki Ichigo: Therefore , this coming is the accomplishment sacred body or Empress! Can satisfy my curiosity?” 黑崎一护:“所以说,这次进来的到底是大成圣体还是女帝啊!能不能满足一下我的好奇心?” Desolate: That...... what Empress sacred body, I have not listened. Is, the powerhouse who outside big place the village head said?” 荒:“那个……什么女帝圣体,我从来都没有听过。难道是村长所说的,外面大地方的强者吗?” Shinonono Tabane: „????” 筱之之束:“????” Esdeath: „......” 艾斯德斯:“……” Kayaba Akihiko: Good...... according to front this situation, this fellow should not be the strong person. Possibly is in a small village average person?” 茅场晶彦:“好吧……按照面前这情况,这家伙应该不是什么强人。可能是一个小村落里面的普通人?” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Unreasonable...... Guild Leader mediated the Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand world to be related. However isn't the Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand world desolate, in desolate ancient restricted area that two? Other explanations.” 高坂京介:“没道理啊……会长说和一手遮天世界有关。但是一手遮天世界荒,不就是荒古禁地里面的那两位吗?还有其他解释。” Kōsaka Kyosuke is puzzling. 高坂京介百思不得其解。 Busujima Saeko: Why don't you directly ask Guild Leader?” 毒岛伢子:“你们为什么不直接问问会长?” Su Xiaoxiao: To the prompt, antiquity period code name desolate strong person.” 苏小小:“给个提示,上古时期代号荒的强人。” The Su Han innermost feelings have 50% to determine, words that even according to it spoke, judged probably presents in the small stone should also be in the young stage. 苏寒内心已经有50%确定了,甚至根据其说的话,大概判断出现在的小石头应该还处于幼年期。 Or directly asks.” When Su Han so ponders, his the next moment then discovered that the wild name changed most liked drinking the beast milk. “要不直接问问吧。”就在苏寒这般思考的时候,他下一刻便发现荒的名字改成了最爱喝兽奶。 Su Xiaoxiao: „......” 苏小小:“……” Ok, does not need to ask, this name basically already concluded. 好了,不需要问了,这个名字基本上已经石锤了 Most likes drinking the beast milk: Originally really can revision!” 最爱喝兽奶:“原来真的可以修改!” Most likes drinking the beast milk: Good interesting...... this guild really quite fun. Is what powerful magical treasure that the village head they said?” 最爱喝兽奶:“好有意思……这个公会真的好好玩。难道就是村长他们说的什么强大法宝吗?” Ainz Ooal Gown: Originally...... I think that the antiquity period was known as unmatched desolate Heavenly Emperor. That Emperor even/including reveres for the man who it dreads......, but now, emmm.” 安兹乌尔恭:“本来……我想到上古时期号称无敌的荒天帝。那个连帝尊都为之忌惮的男人……但是现在,emmm。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: I was also ignorant......, but this is impossible is desolate Heavenly Emperor.” 高坂京介:“我也懵了……但这不可能是荒天帝。” Kōsaka Kyosuke felt that own tooth is a little sore. 高坂京介感觉自己的牙有点疼。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: Ye Hei feels rejuvenated now, so does not lose face! Most likes drinking the beast milk...... what the fuck, I suspected the fellow who this time adds, possibly did not have five years old.” 高坂京介:“叶黑现在返老还童了,都没有这么丢人!最爱喝兽奶……这特么,我怀疑这次加进来的家伙,可能还没有五岁。” Ye Hei: „????” 叶黑:“????” Ye Hei face dumbfounded, what relations this and does he have? 叶黑一脸懵逼,这和他有什么关系?
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