SDG :: Volume #21

#2038: The desolate has joined Super Dimensional Guild successfully

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Dongfang Bai: „It seems like, pulled out the good thing.” 东方白:“看起来,抽到了不错的东西。” The eye of Dongfang Bai, shone in a flash. 东方白的眼睛,一瞬间亮了起来。 Behind that Eight-Extremities Fist, she naturally does not place in the eye, but front that myth Sakamoto Nine Yang Divine Merit, made her very joyful. 后面那个八极拳,她自然不放在眼中,但是前面那个神话版本九阳神功,就让她很欣喜了。 What previous obtains myth version cultivation art is Qiao Feng, but his progressing by leaps and bounds, guild inside person was clear. 上一个获得神话版功法的是乔峰,而他的突飞猛进,工会里面的人都清楚。 Father Whitebeard: Congratulated, Dongfang-san.” 白胡子老爹:“恭喜了,东方小姐。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Envies......, if I do participate in this mission being supposed time good?” 高坂京介:“羡慕……如果我参与这一次的任务该有多好?” Let the World Suffer Pain: „...... You do not practice the martial arts.” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“……你又不是修炼武道的。” Sakata Gintoki: Yes, you , to grow stronger! Now at least is also guild second class big shot level character......, however in fact, hehe.” 坂田银时:“是的,你如果想变强的话!现在至少也是公会第二阶级的大佬级人物……然而实际上,呵呵。” Sakata Gintoki shows neither approval nor disapproval, how did you obtain cultivation art of super powerful even? You will only work, will not practice since the time training room with hardship. 坂田银时不置可否,你就算获得了一个超级强力的功法又怎样?你只会去打工,又不会进入时间训练屋苦苦修炼。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: „????” 高坂京介:“????” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „...... Your strength strong?” 高坂京介:“哇……你难道实力就有多强吗?” Kōsaka Kyosuke by choked, he was expressed shamelessness of Sakata Gintoki, really oneself entire life only sees. 高坂京介噎住了,他表示坂田银时的无耻,真是自己生平仅见。 Nakiri Erina: Discussion this does not have the significance.” 薙切绘里奈:“讨论这个没有意义。” Magical Girl Illya: „......” 魔法少女伊莉雅:“……” Magical Girl Illya: „Doesn't the person who that remains conduct lottery?” 魔法少女伊莉雅:“那个,剩下来的人不进行抽奖吗?” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: Guild Leader's words......, no matter pulls out to what is useless? However Chu Liuxiang can expect actually.” 成龙不想考古:“会长的话……不管抽到什么都没用吧?不过楚留香倒是可以期待一下。” Chu Liuxiang: My this little while innermost feelings very disturbed.” 楚留香:“我这会儿内心非常的忐忑。” Chu Liuxiang deeply attracted several tones, pulled out very good thing...... he to pull out in his front two people by some chance blasts, that mentality was true must collapse. 楚留香深深吸了几口气,在他前面的两个人都抽到了很不错的东西……万一他抽炸掉,那心态才是真正的要崩。 Prayed silently a moment later, Chu Liuxiang one cruel-hearted, starts to conduct lottery. 默默祈祷了片刻之后,楚留香一狠心,开始进行抽奖 Ding! Chu Liuxiang successfully obtains Cultivation Art Promotion Card through limitless big lottery.( Myth level)” “叮!楚留香成功通过无限制抽奖获得功法升级卡。(神话级)” Ding! Chu Liuxiang succeeds to rob the Saint precious book.” “叮!楚留香成功获得盗圣宝典。” Sawada Tsunayoshi: „????” 沢田纲吉:“????” Korosensei: „!!” 杀老师:“!!” Hijikata Toushirou: „...... I do not know that I should say anything.” 土方十四郎:“……我已经不知道我该说些什么了。” Altair: At this time...... only needed to smile, was OK?” 阿尔泰尔:“这个时候……只需要微笑,就可以了吧?” Yagami Taichi: Therefore...... should not first ask that this Cultivation Art Promotion Card is useful?” 八神太一:“所以……难道不应该先问问这个功法升级卡有什么用吗?” Yagami Taichi is lost in thought. 八神太一陷入了沉思。 Yagami Taichi: I remember, before Mr. Qiao Feng also did pull out such card probably?” 八神太一:“我记得,之前乔峰先生好像也抽到了这样一张卡牌?” Kikyo: I also remember.” 桔梗:“我也记得。” Clark Kent: „......” 克拉克肯特:“……” Qiao Feng: Was explained by me...... this card, can on random cultivation art us, or attacks the method, promoted to the situation of myth level......” 乔峰:“还是由我来解释一下吧……这张卡牌,可以将我们身上的任意一种功法,或者是攻击法门,提升到神话级的地步……” Qiao Feng: I have used...... strengthened fell the dragon 18 palms my. Now I felt the palm strength that I hit, compared before turned dozens times.” 乔峰:“我已经使用了……强化了我自身的降龙十八掌。现在我感觉我自己打出来的掌力,相较于之前翻了数十倍。” Sakata Gintoki: „????” 坂田银时:“????” Minamiya Natsuki: Number...... ten times?” 南宫那月:“数……十倍?” The Minamiya Natsuki corner of the eye twitched, was the unusual suspicion Qiao Feng hits the wrong character. 南宫那月眼角抽搐了一下,非常怀疑是不是乔峰打错字了。 Qiao Feng: I know this very exaggeratingly......, but this is not the lies. Perhaps disparity between myth level cultivation art and ordinary cultivation art, is so huge.” 乔峰:“我知道这很夸张……但这绝非是虚言。或许神话级功法和普通功法之间的差距,就是这般巨大。” Qiao Feng sighs spookily, his look is somewhat complex. 乔峰幽幽叹了一口气,他的神色有些复杂。 Chu Liuxiang: „It seems like, my time pulled out the good thing.” 楚留香:“看起来,我这次抽到了不错的东西。” The eye of Chu Liuxiang brilliant lives the splendor, he does not have hesitant strengthened own cultivation art with this ability card directly. Afterward, he felt that he had the huge change, the whole body physique sent out the pitter-patter resounding, a heat flow passed through the whole body. 楚留香的眼睛灼灼生辉,他没有犹豫的直接用这张能力卡强化了自身的功法。随后,他感觉自身发生了巨大的变化,浑身的筋骨发出了噼里啪啦的脆响,一股热流贯穿全身。 Short after several breath, Chu Liuxiang then felt that the feeling of this strengthening retreats. He after heart fell into a trap considering as finished moment, spoke in guild. 短短几个呼吸之后,楚留香便感到这种强化的感觉退去。他在心中计算了片刻后,在公会里面发言了。 Chu Liuxiang: Indeed...... the inner strength in my body, although as before is the original rank. However the congealing solid degree was higher than dozens times to have......” 楚留香:“的确……我身躯中的内力虽然依旧是原先的级别。但是凝实程度高出了数十倍有余……” Chu Liuxiang: Moreover this is the preliminary transformation, if I the whole body inner strength, exercise with this set of new cultivation art completely. I am unable to imagine the growth how my strength will welcome progresses by leaps and bounds.” 楚留香:“而且这还是初步转换,如果我将全身内力,全部都用这套新功法锻炼一遍。我都无法想象我的实力会迎来怎样突飞猛进的增长。” Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: cultivation art, takes to the disparity of others is so huge.” 道家真人张三丰:“一本功法,带给旁人的差距就是如此庞大。” Zhang Sanfeng sighs, he experiences were too many, therefore is not surprised, instead feels natural. 张三丰叹了一口气,他见识的太多了,所以并不感到意外,反而感到理所当然。 Practices cultivation art of unsurpassed sage, with cultivation ordinary world of mortals martial learn/study, this can be a matter? Getting up- point is different. 修炼无上圣人的功法,和修炼普通的凡间武学,这能是一回事吗?起-点就不一样。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: „Then, was only left over Guild Leader.” 高坂京介:“那么接下来,只剩下会长了。” Sakata Gintoki: „Does Guild Leader not necessarily pull out?” 坂田银时:“会长不一定抽吧?” Su Xiaoxiao: Repaying is to pull out...... I am also very happen to curious, which set of myth cultivation art can I obtain?” 苏小小:“抽还是要抽的……正好我也很好奇,我能够获得哪一套神话功法?” Su Han is interesting, his thought moves, the clear sound resounds together suddenly. 苏寒饶有兴趣,他念头一动,一道清脆的声音忽然响起。 Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtains Nine Transformation Celestial Silkworm through limitless big lottery!” “叮!公会会长苏小小通过无限制抽奖成功获得天蚕九死功!” Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtains the talent to rob the Saint.” “叮!公会会长苏小小成功获得天赋盗圣。” Thor Odinson: „Does talent...... rob the Saint?” 托尔奥丁森:“天赋……盗圣?” Thor (Tohru) is lost in thought that before didn't Chu Liuxiang just pull out to robbing the Saint precious book? 托尔陷入了沉思,之前楚留香不是刚抽到盗圣宝典吗? Umaru Doma: Emmm...... may I ask, what does this talent rob the Saint and robber Saint precious book has to distinguish? Said, robbing the Saint talent is to rob the Saint precious book cultivates one special attribute that the pinnacle evolves?” 土间埋:“emmm……敢问,这个天赋盗圣和盗圣宝典有什么区别?还是说,盗圣天赋就是盗圣宝典修炼到极致演化出来的一种特殊属性?” Umaru Doma guessed boldly. 土间埋大胆进行猜测。 Chu Liuxiang: „...... Robs the Saint statute book, was actually records his larceny what ability....... This fellow, the inner strength of his within the body added the estimate to have several million years......, although majority was at the quiet condition.” 楚留香:“……盗圣法典,其实就是记载他都偷窃了什么能力。哦……这家伙,他体内的内力加起来估计有数百万年了……虽然大部分都处于沉寂状态。” Chu Liuxiang is unemotional, to be honest he pulls out to this gadget...... the mentality a little collapses. Is this useful? Although receives other cultivation art, to other guild members useless......, but his pit was too much. The cultivation art style is not. Is the pure note! 楚留香面无表情,老实说他抽到这玩意儿……心态有点崩。这有什么用?虽然受到其他功法,也对其他公会成员没用……但他这个坑的有点过分了。连功法招式都不是。就是单纯的笔记! Madoka Daigo: „????” 圆大古:“????” Yukinoshita Yukino: „...... Can this thing also pull out?” 雪之下雪乃:“……这东西也能抽出来?” Yukinoshita Yukino expressed oneself are very shocked. 雪之下雪乃表示自己很震惊。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: Wait...... how many year of internal strength? Several million years.” 高坂京介:“等等……多少年内力?数百万年。” Kōsaka Kyosuke is dumbfounded, said no matter how, this was also too exaggerating. 高坂京介目瞪口呆,不管怎么说,这也太夸张了吧。 Sakata Gintoki: I feel very normal actually.” 坂田银时:“我倒是觉得很正常。” Sakata Gintoki is very calm. 坂田银时十分淡定。 Sakata Gintoki: That was an inner strength of the whole world...... let alone several million years, tens of millions years did not have person contrary to expectation similarly.” 坂田银时:“那可是一整个世界的内力……别说数百万年了,数千万年也同样不出人意料之外。” Sakata Gintoki: Only what has person contrary to expectation is...... has such abundant inner strength, at least is also existence of 200,000 accumulated points. Why on the 150,000 accumulated points strength?” 坂田银时:“唯一出人意料之外的是……有这么雄厚的内力,至少也是20万积分的存在。为什么就15万积分的实力?” The Sakata Gintoki brow locking, felt oneself are unable to understand. 坂田银时眉头锁紧,感觉自己无法理解。 Krul: Fearful.” 克鲁鲁:“可怕。” Dongfang Bai: You might as well ask Qiao Feng! After all Qiao Feng obtained the complete inner strength of opposite party.” 东方白:“你不妨问问乔峰!毕竟乔峰获得了对方的全部内力。” The Dongfang Bai words are pertinent. 东方白话语一针见血。 Qiao Feng: How saying that...... his inner strength indeed was huge vigorous to was above the imagination. Although I hear several millions...... is very shocked suddenly and that's the end.” 乔峰:“怎么说呢……他的内力的确雄浑庞大到了超乎想象。虽然我一时间听到数百万……也很震惊就是了。” Qiao Feng: Before why him only displays that rank the strength? Because of his realm, only allows him to control so many.” 乔峰:“至于为什么他之前只发挥出那种级别的力量?因为他的境界,只允许他操控这么多。” Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: So that's how it is.” 道家真人张三丰:“原来如此。” Zhang Sanfeng was Martial World Grandmaster, the flash understood the condition of opposite party. 张三丰身为武林宗师,一瞬间就明白了对方的状态。 Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: That, can Master Qiao also unable to utilize this huge inner strength now properly?” 道家真人张三丰:“那么,乔帮主现在也应当无法妥善运用这股庞大内力吧?” Qiao Feng: Yes, but I can refine by Darknorth Divine Merit slowly...... in the final analysis, I and his start is not the same rank!” 乔峰:“是的,不过我可以凭借北冥天功慢慢炼化……归根结底,我与他的起步不是同一个级别!” Ding! The desolate has joined Super Dimensional Guild successfully.” “叮!荒已成功加入超次元公会。”
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