SN :: Volume #8

#748: Swallows up 1

Zhan Yuan Emperor Armor looks on the light screen, Billah however washed out quickly indifferently, but the facial expression of delay. Suddenly sighed. 盏元帝铠看着光幕上,比拉然被很快被冲刷得淡然而呆滞的神情。忽然叹了口气。 One side his line of sight changes to silent Aurora Emperor Armor. 他视线转到一旁沉默不语的极光帝铠身上。 Billah however is the Aurora Emperor Armor biological male cousin. 比拉然是极光帝铠的亲堂兄。 Not only he, in fact, four big Emperor Armor each people have the complicated relation with the Star Alliance high level. 不只是他,实际上,四大帝铠每个人都和星空联盟高层有着千丝万缕的联系。 How do you want to do? Aurora?” Zhan Yuan asked in a low voice. “你想怎么做?极光?”盏元低声问。 The aurora is silent, has not made noise. 极光沉默着,没出声。 How the present issue is not we want to do, but is Green Lake Star that monster wants to make anything.” Mingsha Emperor Armor low and deep say/way. “现在的问题不是我们想怎么做,而是绿湖星的那个怪物想做什么。”鸣沙帝铠低沉道。 Conventional weapons non-solution, large surface area range bombing is unable to kill. Jet black hand type of strongest locking special weapon, useless ..... that is the monster that a basis cannot kill!!!” “常规武器无解,大面积范围轰炸也无法杀死。就连漆黑之手这种最强的锁定特殊武器,也没用.....那就是个根本杀不死的怪物!!!” In the consciousness of Mingsha is passing thick trembling. 鸣沙的意识里透着一股股浓浓的战栗。 It is not able to be killed, the terrifying regeneration speed, the terrifying pollution dissemination ability, can through the unknown method, instantaneous localization hostility. 无法被杀死,恐怖的再生速度,恐怖的污染传播能力,能够通过未知的手段,瞬间定位敌对者。 Is unapproachable, is unable to plan, without weakness! Without the flaw! 无可匹敌,无法算计,没有弱点!没有缺陷! Even the origin is unable to research. 甚至连来历也无从考证。 Such enemy...... radically is Nightmare!! 这样的敌人......根本就是梦魇!! In the world will not present existence of no weakness absolutely.” Silver Bell Emperor Armor deeply inspires said in a low voice. “世界上绝对不会出现毫无弱点的存在。”银铃帝铠深吸一口气低声道。 Good, the difference lies in we whether discovered.” Zhan Yuan Emperor Armor slight nod. His mood with recalls to analyze the Lin Sheng ability unceasingly, in unceasing even more heavy. “不错,区别在于我们是否发现。”盏元帝铠微微点头。只是他的心情随着不断回忆分析林盛的能力,也在不断的越发沉重。 He also had a few words not to say. 他还有一句话没有多说。 Perhaps that monster also has the weakness, when but his weakness also by far strong in other Emperor Armor, the so-called weakness then no longer is the weakness. 或许那个怪物也有弱点,但当他的弱点也远远强于其他帝铠时,所谓的弱点便不再是弱点。 ........... ........... ........... ........... Lin Sheng jumps to be similar to the meteor, runs out of Khesra star atmosphere. 林盛纵身如同流星般,冲出凯斯拉星大气。 God Speed Divinity brought to him exceeded the terrifying speed that the average man imagined. 神速神性给他带来了超越常人想象的恐怖速度。 In dark profound outer space, massive float the satellite weapon had just been counter-attacked to destroy by him. 黝黑深邃的太空中,大量悬浮着的卫星武器早已被他刚刚的反击摧毁。 Only is left over some space stations few because without the attack capability, but escapes death by a hair's breadth. 只剩下寥寥的一些空间站因为没有攻击能力,而幸免于难。 Lin Sheng has not paid attention to these space stations, he on-board sent out enough many massive sacred granules in Khesra. 林盛没有理会这些空间站,他在凯斯拉星上散发了足够多的大量神圣粒子。 These sacred granules after the dispersion is thin, by one type slow speed that is unable to detect, changes the atmospheric environment of entire Khesra star. 这些神圣粒子经过分散稀薄后,会以一种缓慢的无法察觉的速度,改变整个凯斯拉星的大气环境。 Thus lets all lives on this star, cannot be infected by the Divine Saint Force corrosion voluntarily, produces to Saint Force, to the respect of his Lin Sheng. 从而让这颗星球上的所有生命,都不自觉得被神圣力侵蚀感染,产生对圣力,对他林盛的崇敬。 Naturally, if merely is only ordinary Saint Force, cannot achieve this effect. 当然,如果仅仅只是普通圣力,是达不到这种效果的。 But what Lin Sheng release has transformed Divine Saint Force, after his Divine Fire transforms Divine Saint Force, is his strength essentially completely. 林盛释放的是自己转化过的神圣力,经过他神火转化后的神圣力,本质上全部都是属于他的力量。 If a more careful description, that is these Divine Saint Force essences is more like micro Saint Seed. 如果更仔细一点描述,那就是这些神圣力本质更像是超微型的圣种 Attenuates Saint Seed of version. 只是是弱化版的圣种 Completes all these, Lin Sheng leaves behind already by Billah who the Saint Force washout must lose three views however, oneself run out of the star atmosphere, flies in the direction that the jet black hand is. 做完这一切,林盛留下已经被圣力冲刷得失去三观的比拉然,自己则冲出星球大气,朝着漆黑之手所在的方向飞去。 His speed endures compared with the most advanced Battle Helmet flying speed. powerful mortal body and resiliency. Let him disregard the huge friction force and impact that the high-speed flight brings completely. 他的速度堪比最先进的战盔飞行速度。强大的肉身和恢复力。让他根本无视高速飞行带来的巨大摩擦力和冲击力 A lot of Eternal Star radiation wind also by tyrannical Yin Revolution Saint Wheel strength distortion isolation. 大量的恒星辐射风也被强横的阴转圣轮力量扭曲隔离。 Lin Sheng has not completely depended upon itself to fly, but is drawing support from the huge attraction of planet, unceasingly taking advantage of strength acceleration. 林盛没有完全依靠自身飞行,而是借助着行星的巨大引力,不断借力加速。 Occasionally he will also cut the space, conducts the short time the space to jump. 偶尔他也会划开空间,进行短时间的空间跳跃。 Because is not the direct attack body, which he does not locate the weapon accurate position of jet black hand, therefore also can only the jump of short distance, in order to avoid to/clashes incautiously excessively. 只不过因为不是直接攻击体,他也不确定漆黑之手的武器精准位置在哪,所以也只能短距离的跳跃,以免一不小心冲过头。 The technical tree of this world, the basic science had been unified transmits rune/symbol array and so on spatial technology by him, molded brand-new being similar in the powerful system of Rune science and technology. 这个世界的科技树,其中基础科学已经被他结合传送符阵之类的空间技术,塑造出了一门全新的类似于符文科技的强悍体系。 Quick, consecutively after more than ten jumps . 很快,连续十多次跳跃后。 Lin Sheng presents an all over the body dark red small-scale star at present gradually. 林盛眼前渐渐出现一颗通体暗红的小型星球。 This star is away from Khesra star is not far, but the position was actually covered by several planets, is very covert. 这颗星球距离凯斯拉星并不远,但位置却被几颗行星遮挡住,很是隐蔽。 Looks from afar, Lin Sheng can also see on that dark red star, slowly like the innumerable dark red halos that the flower petal waves. 远远望去,林盛也能看到那颗暗红星球上,缓缓如同花瓣般舞动的无数暗红光晕。 During the halos of big piece, a black arm covered entirely the dark red trace, static standing erect is one of them. 大片的光晕之间,一只黑色手臂布满了暗红纹路,正静静的矗立在其中。 „Did this just almost kill my powerful weapon?” Lin Sheng reveals color of the pleasant surprise. “这就是刚刚差点杀死我的强大武器?”林盛露出一丝惊喜之色。 Because feels the strange fluctuation of energy aura, he leaves Khesra star decisively, tracks down the aura to come here. 正是因为感受到怪异的能量波动气息,他才果断离开凯斯拉星,追寻气息来到这里。 Can lock the space, making him have no place to go, can only the powerful weapon of hard anti-attack, even he is still quite excited. 能够锁定空间,让他无处可逃,只能硬抗攻击的强大武器,就算是他也颇为心动。 Moreover this aura ..... 而且这股气息..... Absolutely is not the divine creative force that this world can make...” In the Lin Sheng heart understands clearly. “绝对不是这个世界能够制造出的造物...”林盛心中了然。 From the fluctuation of energy, this giant black arm, is completely merely different from Battle Helmet mech. 仅仅只是从能量波动上来看,这条巨大的黑色手臂,就和战盔机甲完全不同。 He flies slowly near, until distance black arm, be only dozens kilometers, stop. 他缓缓飞得近一些,直到距离黑色手臂只有数十公里,才停下来。 The huge black arm has 1/4 planets is so big fully, so near distance, Lin Sheng even can also see clearly the red texture of arm palm. 庞大的黑色手臂足有四分之一个行星这么大,如此近的距离,林盛甚至连手臂掌心的红色纹理也能看清。 Really is magnificent .... Lin Sheng is overlooking this giant arm, approaches merely, he can feel the terrifying chaotic strength that in lingers to flood. “真是壮观....”林盛俯瞰着这条巨大手臂,仅仅只是靠近,他都能感受到里面萦绕充斥的恐怖混乱力量。 Gives a try to protect.” “试试看能不能守护一下。” He puts out a hand to aim at the arm. 他伸出手对准手臂。 Hiss .... 嘶.... In the dark outer space, is centered on Lin Sheng, the translucent huge white light shines together suddenly. 黑暗太空中,以林盛为中心,一道半透明的庞大白光骤然亮起。 The solemn and respectful sacred white light shines in the jet black hand, Protection Divinity that but goes smoothly everywhere, at this time seems like by an invisible safety mask is actually prevented general. 肃穆神圣的白光照射在漆黑之手上,但无往不利的守护神性,此时却像是被一层隐形的防护罩阻挡住一般。 It is not able to approach the jet black hand. 根本无法靠近漆黑之手。 Really. Can resist the Divinity strength .... This is not this world original divine creative force.” “果然。能够对抗神性的力量....这不是这个世界原本的造物。” In the Lin Sheng eye flashes through one to understand clearly. 林盛眼中闪过一丝了然。 That .... Breaks through forcefully how?” “那么....强行突破如何?” His right hand five fingers open, a since bigger dazzling white light, is bright from his palm. 他右手五指张开,更大的刺目白光,从他掌心亮起。 Shortly the innumerable white light gatherings will form giant white ball. 顷刻间无数白光汇聚形成一颗巨型白球。 The diameter wide several-km white sphere, in the surface the innumerable Rune circulations linger. 直径宽达数千米的白色圆球,表面上无数符文流转萦绕。 Lin Sheng uses Divine Saint Force as the material, takes the powerful Rune science and technology technology as the flesh and blood, the short several seconds, then portray giant rune/symbol array. 林盛神圣力为材料,以强大符文科技技术为骨肉,短短数秒时间,便塑造出一个巨型符阵。 Sharp, the improvement density, the promotion explosive force , to promote impact, attaches the corrosiveness. 锋锐化,提升密度,提升爆发力,提升冲击力,附加侵蚀性。 A series of amplification effect rapid strengthening in the Divine Saint Force light ball. 一系列的增幅效果迅速强化在神圣力光球上。 A Lin Sheng right hand downward pressure. 林盛右手往下一压。 The huge white light ball shakes loudly, immediately silent pounds to fall toward the jet black arm. 巨大的白色光球轰然一震,随即无声的朝着漆黑手臂砸落下去。 In front of the red asteroid, this white light ball merely is only an extremely tiny luminous spot. 在红色的小行星面前,这颗白色光球仅仅只是一个极为细小的光点。 But this luminous spot falls fast, is soon contacting the instance of jet black hand, blasts out loudly. 但这光点飞快下落,在快要接触到漆黑之手的瞬间,轰然炸开。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The giant energy wind toward blows off in all directions. 巨大的能量风朝着四面八方吹散开。 Trillion energetic particles stimulate the all kinds and sorts radiated light, the red orange olivine four color halos one after another in the position sparkle that the light ball blasts out. 亿万的高能粒子激发出各式各样的辐射光,红橙黄绿四种颜色的光晕接连在光球炸开的位置闪耀。 Lin Sheng narrows to gaze below explosion. 林盛眯眼注视着下方的爆炸。 This strikes can be said as him the peak as Demigod apex striking now. 这一击可以说是如今他身为半神顶点的巅峰一击。 By God Speed Divinity, Protection Divinity, Yin Revolution Saint Wheel is the core power promotes, maximization condenses inputs Divine Saint Force, then compresses, eruption, bombardment. 神速神性,守护神性,阴转圣轮为核心动力推动,最大化的凝聚输入神圣力,然后压缩,爆发,轰击。 If on original Earth, this strikes sufficiently the thorough destruction surface civilization, changes into the Divine Saint Force heaven the entire star thoroughly. 如果是在原本的地球上,这一击足以彻底毁灭地表文明,将整个星球彻底化为神圣力的天堂。 By that time all lives were cleaned the thought that all inorganic substances were invaded by Saint Force, change into the Divine Saint Force home game. 到那时所有生命被清洗思想,所有无机物被圣力侵染,化为神圣力的主场。 Even the ecological environment diastrophism of entire star surface, by the chain-reaction influence of Divine Saint Force. 甚至于整个星球地表的生态环境地壳运动,都会被神圣力的连锁反应影响。 Naturally, this exterminating the asteroid impact of dinosaur was more temperate. 当然,这比灭绝恐龙的小行星冲击温和多了。 Thinks of here, on the Lin Sheng face reveals a satisfactory smile. 想到这里,林盛脸上流露出一丝满意的微笑。 He gazed under was covering the white explosion halo of less than half star. Feels the high-energy radiation wind that massive Divine Saint Force granules are bringing easely. 他注视着下方笼罩了小半个星球的白色爆炸光晕。悠然的感受着大量神圣力粒子带来的高能辐射风。
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