SN :: Volume #8

#747: Contends with 3

Scoff!! 嗤!哧哧哧! In an instant the most congressman person's shadow shut-off signals of entire hall, blue virtual human form is defeated and dispersed in abundance a piece by piece rapidly. 刹那间整个大厅的大部分议员人影纷纷断开信号,一片片蓝色的虚拟人形迅速溃散。 These shrewd and crafty congressmen almost chose the similar action, first shuts off with here relation. 这些老奸巨猾的议员几乎都选择了同样的举动,第一时间切断和这里的联系。 You ..... you .... Unexpectedly can ....!!!” “你.....你....居然能....!!!” Vice-chairman Billah's main body however sits in own family palace, control all faces, were revealing thick frightened and anxiety at this time. 副议长比拉然的本体坐在自己的家族宫殿内,原本掌控一切的面孔,此时正流露出浓浓的惊悚和不安。 Around congressman position that Lin Sheng sits, at this time is empty. 林盛坐着的议员位置周围,此时已经空空荡荡。 Just also in the congressmen, separated the relation at this time, in the entire most conference site, was only left over few more than ten congressmen also to dare to stay behind. 刚刚还在的议员们,此时纷纷断开了联系,整个大半的会场里,就只剩下寥寥十几个议员还敢于留下。 Lin Sheng sits in the empty conference site alone, the dark red circle that the side lingers round is getting bigger and bigger, is getting more and more clear. 林盛独自坐在空荡的会场里,身旁萦绕的暗红色圆轮越来越大,越来越清晰。 „To know how I connect here?” Lin Sheng is with smile on the face, makes noise temperately. “想知道我是怎么接入这里的么?”林盛面带微笑,温和出声。 Billah however has not dared to make noise at this time completely. 比拉然此时已经完全不敢出声。 Faint trace cold sweat flows following the temple from his forehead slowly, he moves does not dare to move, even cleans does not dare. 一丝丝冷汗从他额头顺着鬓角缓缓流淌而下,他一动也不敢动,甚至连擦拭也不敢。 One type just like by the fatal sense of crisis that the terrifying beast of prey observes closely stubbornly, continuously is stimulating his nerve, making him move the finger unable to achieve continually. 一种宛如被恐怖猛兽死死盯住的致命危机感,不断刺激着他的神经,让他连动弹一下手指也做不到。 I .... I ..... “我....我.....” He wants to start talking crazily, but the body as if petrified, did not run errands. 他疯狂的想要开口说话,但身体仿佛石化了般,根本不听使唤。 Do not fear .... Lin Sheng lifts the hand, the palm lingers is dancing in the air the close innumerable white luminous spot. “别怕....”林盛抬起手,掌心萦绕着飞舞着细细密密的无数白色光点。 Quick, you will merge into one organic whole with me ..... “很快,你们就会与我融为一体了.....” . 哧。 His form disappears in the conference site suddenly. 他的身影陡然消失在会场中。 Billah however and remaining congressmen, the center speakers and four grand marshals are silent silent. 比拉然和剩下的议员,还有中央议长和四大元帅都沉默无声。 In the silent conference site is also reverberating as before faintly Lin Sheng just sound. 寂静的会场中依旧还隐隐回荡着林盛刚刚的声音。 Gentlemen .... “诸君....” Long time, the speaker dry voice of resounds again. 良久,议长干涩的声音再次响起。 I proposed, gives up the capital Khesra star ..... “我提议,放弃首都凯斯拉星.....” ..... It is not late .... Without enough time .... Four seasons marshal astringent sound said. “不.....已经太晚了....来不及了....”四季元帅涩声道。 Billah's virtual person's shadow however one dissipates suddenly. 比拉然的虚拟人影噗的一下突然消散。 ........... ........... ........... ........... Khesra star. 凯斯拉星。 Sky over White Tree city. 白树市上空。 Lin Sheng high float in sky, the whole body is releasing the magnanimous infinite Divine Saint Force granule. 林盛高高悬浮在天空中,浑身释放着海量的无穷神圣力粒子。 The countless granule just like the light sand, blots out the sky to spread periphery. 无以计数的粒子宛如光沙,铺天盖地蔓延到周围。 God Speed, unifies Divine Saint Force, unifies Chaotic Soul Force, as well as final instead punctures Divinity. 神速,结合神圣力,结合混乱魂力,以及最后的反刺神性 This is the Lin Sheng first full power eruption in the true sense. 这是林盛第一次真正意义上的全力爆发。 The huge red circle round is partly visible in him behind, the huge Divine Saint Force particles stream, forms terrifying white wing(s) who a pair blocks the sky sufficiently in him behind. 巨大的红色圆轮在他身后若隐若现,庞大的神圣力粒子流,在他身后形成一对足以遮天蔽日的恐怖白翼。 When that is like beforehand God Armor erupts, formed terrifying white wing(s). 那是如同之前神铠爆发时,形成的恐怖白翼。 But what is different from God Armor is. 但和神铠不同的是。 This time Lin Sheng had opened Sea Gate officially, receives and instructs the huge soul strength from foreign land space to gush out crazily. 此时的林盛已经正式打开了海门,接引来自异域空间的庞大魂力疯狂涌出。 Innumerable Chaotic Soul Force just a appearance, was changed to the sacred granule, wells up the spread everywhere crazily. 无数的混乱魂力刚一出现,便被转化为神圣粒子,四处狂涌蔓延。 Instead punctures Divinity to make Lin Sheng induce to any has the gaze of evil intention to him, simultaneously in the spirit and soul, conducts the coordinated malicious counter-attack. 反刺神性能让林盛感应到任何对他有恶意的注视,同时在精神和灵魂上,进行对等的恶意反击。 Under the magnanimous Hope Force promotion, Lin Sheng all Divinity already completely to an exaggerating limit. 在海量的愿力促进下,林盛所有的神性已经圆满到了一个夸张的极限。 Instead punctures Divinity similarly so, its ability even to a certain extent, has the true God special characteristics. 反刺神性同样如此,它的能力甚至已经在某种程度上,具备了真神的特质。 In many true God biographies. 在诸多真神的传记中。 The gods may not look straight ahead. 神是不可直视的。 This is not only only because the god is supreme, is very dignified. What are more is because the god is not the category that the sense of human can understand. 这不仅仅只是因为神至高无上,无比威严。更多的是因为神已经不属于人类的感官所能理解的范畴。 Gazes at the god merely, or mentioned the god name, can let its temporary induction to own position. 仅仅只是注视神,或者提及神名,都能让其短暂的感应到自身的位置。 A powerful point god, even can come through such channel direct delivery supernatural power. 强大一点的神,甚至能够通过这样的渠道直接投放神力过来。 Small and weak point god, can through similar way mark and localization opposite party. 弱小一点的神,也能通过类似的方式标记并定位对方。 At this moment, Lin Sheng erupts under the Saint Force condition full power, four big Divinity simultaneously full play coordination. 此时此刻,林盛全力爆发圣力的状态下,四大神性同时全力运转配合。 Then detected instantaneously position that the highest parliamentary hall was. 瞬间便察觉到了最高议会厅所在的位置。 Under huge Hope Force and Divine Fire support. He put in a supernatural power projection directly in the past. Then is centered on the highest parliamentary hall, disperses again locates there many congressmen. 在庞大的愿力神火支持下。他直接投放了一个神力投影过去。然后以最高议会厅为核心,再度分散定位那里的诸多议员。 Does not need the extra method, is entering the flash of assembly hall. Lin Sheng then enters many congressmen to exchange information in the sacred granule dispersion unceasingly the data stream. 不需要额外的手段,在进入会议厅的一瞬间。林盛便将神圣粒子分散进入诸多议员不断交换信息的数据流里。 They continuously through the virtual portrait that the data stream forms, is the Lin Sheng biggest direction index plate. 他们源源不断通过数据流形成的虚拟人像,就是林盛最大的方向指示牌。 This also why most congressmen first then shut off the key of relation. 这也是为什么大部分议员第一时间便切断联系的关键。 But what they have not thought that the Lin Sheng speed compared with rapidness that they imagine. 但他们没想到的是,林盛的速度远比他们想象的更快。 Then, this/should processing these so-called rulers of Star Alliance .... “接下来,该一个个的处理这些星空联盟的所谓统治者了....” Lin Sheng floats in the midair, whatever oneself are transforming the magnanimous Divine Saint Force granule crazily. 林盛漂浮在半空,任由自身疯狂转化着海量的神圣力粒子。 He proceeds conveniently a stroke. 他随手往前一划。 Rapid tearing of space under the powerful Yin Revolution Saint Wheel strength, is the Roaming Wheel strength to be rapid the effect. 空间在强大阴转圣轮力量下迅速撕裂,属于流转轮的力量飞速起效。 The huge divine protection force field starts crazily from space crack, a great person who will just locate pulls. 庞大的加护力场开始疯狂的从空间裂缝对面,将刚刚定位的一名大人物拉扯出来。 With by drawing the body part are getting more and more. 随着被拉出来的人体部分越来越多。 Quick, hid in own family's vice-chairman Billah in core palace however. 很快,原本躲藏在自己家族的核心宫殿内的副议长比拉然。 Such forcefully from space crack lira. 就这么硬生生的被从空间裂缝里拉了出来。 Facing this direct capability of position, he does not even have strength of the resistance. 面对这种直接的定位能力,他甚至连一丝反抗之力也没。 This is the sorrow of no mighty force.” “这就是身无伟力的悲哀。” Lin Sheng swept complexion frightened Billah however. 林盛扫了眼面色恐惧的比拉然。 As an average person, even if what kind of living in high, in the face of the true strength, you even cannot compare ordinary Battle Helmet User.” “身为普通人,就算如何的身居高位,在真正的力量面前,你甚至连一个普通的战盔士也比不上。” Billah however shivers the lip, on the face does not have the slight blood-color. 比拉然颤抖着嘴唇,脸上没有丝毫血色。 His whole body is trembling, the huge fear with being unwilling the blade seems to be same, back and forth unceasing puncture his heart. 他的全身在发颤,巨大的恐惧和不甘仿佛刀刃一样,来回不断的穿刺着他的心脏。 Why .... Why is not others!!? Why is I!!?” He blows up the strength, finally the desperate agitation throat, shouted the last few words in life. “为什么....为什么不是其他人!!?为什么是我!!?”他鼓起力气,终于拼命的鼓动喉咙,喊出人生里的最后一句话。 Because you are recent.” Lin Sheng said at will. “因为你最近。”林盛随意道。 His intention moves, great quantity Divine Saint Force will pour into Billah however within the body shortly. Washes out a fool him directly. 他心念一动,巨量的神圣力顷刻间灌注进比拉然体内。将他直接冲刷成一个傻子。 Quick, the hatred and hatred on Billah however face start to dissipate rapidly. 很快,比拉然脸上的怨毒和恨意开始迅速消散。 What replaces it is indifferent, but the smile of delay. 取而代之的是淡然而呆滞的微笑。 ........... ........... ........... ........... Remote another galaxy. 遥远的另一个星系。 In Dark Armor headquarters temple. 暗铠总部庙宇里。 Zhan Yuan Emperor Armor four people static is staring at all in light screen, completely silent. 盏元帝铠四人静静的盯着光幕里的一切,鸦雀无声。 Jet black hand large surface area bombing from the beginning, to following Lin Sheng instantaneous counterattacking. Was the Billah however vice-chairman of average person will locate to grasp forcefully. 从一开始的漆黑之手大面积轰炸,到后续的林盛瞬间反制。将身为普通人的比拉然副议长硬生生定位抓了出来。 This middle contrast and reversal, let four big Emperor Armor also from the bottom of the heart raising faint trace chill in the air. 这中间的反差和逆转,让四大帝铠也从心底里升起丝丝寒意。 That is what ability ....?” Mingsha Emperor Armor recalls that just saw, the feeling is absolutely terrified. “那到底是什么能力....?”鸣沙帝铠一回忆起刚刚看到的那一幕,就感觉毛骨悚然。 That Green Lake Star fellow was being bombed obviously, suddenly on his face shows the smile, then releases the innumerable white lights, a stroke, near Khesra star however grasped satellite-borne vice-chairman Billah of concealed conveniently unexpectedly. 明明那个绿湖星的家伙正在被轰炸,忽然他就脸上露出笑容,然后释放无数白光,随手一划,居然就把藏在凯斯拉星附近卫星上的副议长比拉然抓了过去。 ....... Zhan Yuan Emperor Armor had not replied, is only the silent gaze Lin Sheng in light screen. “.......”盏元帝铠没有回答,只是沉默的注视着光幕里的林盛 They had also once crusaded against the monsters in many gap, but like just the ability, was first sight. 他们也曾讨伐过不少间隙里的怪物,但像刚刚那样的能力,还是第一次见到。 Has not based on, not according, even two people have not possibly met, did not know completely. 没有凭依,没有根据,甚至可能两人都没见过面,完全不认识。 That Green Lake Star fellow, cuts the space unexpectedly, caught. 那个绿湖星的家伙,居然一手划破空间,就将人抓了过来。 Such the ability that is unable to understand, lets an entire Dark Armor headquarters silence. 这样的无法理解的能力,让整个暗铠总部一片沉默。
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