SN :: Volume #8

#744: Searches 3

!! 哧!! White smokes depart from three Revised Battle Helmet densely and numerously. 一道道白烟从三台调整战盔身上密密麻麻飞出。 Has not departed far, powerful the strength of distortion arrives loudly, accurate falling on each missile. 只是还没飞出多远,一股强大的扭曲之力轰然降临,精准的落在每一颗导弹上。 Rumbling rumbling!!! 轰轰轰轰!!! In an instant three Revised Battle Helmet fall into the sea of fire simultaneously, by huge explosion surrounding. 刹那间三台调整战盔同时陷入火海,被巨大的爆炸包围。 Lin Sheng complexion tranquil looks that the sky three groups by the fireworks that oneself detonate. 林盛面色平静的看着天空三团被自己引爆的烟花。 These so-called science and technology, do not have the strength of protection regarding mysticism. 这些所谓的科技,对于神秘学毫无防护之力。 They seem like powerful, but actually frail incomparable. Without them of means isolation mysterious strength, so long as were inspired by the little detail, will present the chain-reaction destruction effect. 它们看似强大,但实则脆弱无比。没办法隔离神秘力量的他们,只要被一点点细节引动,就会出现连锁反应般的毁灭效果。 The science and technology, in the final analysis, after all is precise control is the key. 科技,说到底,终归是精密的控制才是关键。 But is precise complex, more cannot have the problem. Otherwise only needs the little method, can paralyze with ease an entire instrument. 而越是精密复杂,就越是不能出现问题。否则只需要一点点手段,就能轻松瘫痪掉一整个仪器。 Lin Sheng has not paid attention to the fireworks that the day air burst opens again. 林盛没再理会天空爆开的烟花。 To him, cannot resist the Yin Revolution Saint Wheel strength mech, the module that regardless of it can carry are many, is the trash. 对于他而言,不能抵抗阴转圣轮力量的机甲,无论它能搭载的模块再多,也是垃圾。 Therefore mech is also good, Revised Battle Helmet is also good, Battle Helmet is also good, is nondistinctive before him. 所以机甲也好,调整战盔也好,战盔也好,在他面前都毫无区别。 mech Battle Helmet is useless to me, what I need is the jurisdiction.” 机甲战盔对我没用,我需要的是权限。” He looked at a distant place many Revised Battle Helmet that finally flies to shoot to come, helpless shaking the head, the under foot makes an effort slightly, the Lin Sheng figure changes into Remnant Shadow slowly, the dissipation on the spot. 他最后看了眼远处飞射而来的更多调整战盔,无奈的摇头,脚下微微用力,林盛身形缓缓化为残影,消散在原地。 This city does not have the value. 这座城市已经没有价值了。 Goal has left, requested that the headquarters reposition!” “目标已离开,请求总部重新定位!” The distant place in the air is one crowd of mech is close fast. But has no goal same place. 远处空中又是一群机甲快速接近。但原地已经没有任何目标了。 ........... ........... ........... ........... Khesra star second largest city, White Tree. 凯斯拉星第二大城市,白树 Giant White Tree city by one huge proliferates the white great tree of entire city to be well-known. 巨大的白树市以一颗巨大的遍布全城的白色巨树闻名。 This great tree is honoured as Carmi Dell, in native language, this is the meaning that the god sets up. 这颗巨树被尊称为卡米戴尔,在本土语言中,这是神树的意思。 The White Tree city and Carmi Dell great tree pesters mutually, building and tree root mixed in the same place, even many places built the house using the tree root from the start. 白树市和卡米戴尔巨树相互纠缠,建筑物和树根混杂在一起,甚至很多地方压根就是利用树根搭建了房屋。 This time White Tree city is in the time that the resident soon gets off work. 此时的白树市正处于市民快要下班的时间。 Like fluent general stream of vehicles continuous speeds along in the road surface of city. Like in the blood that in the blood vessel flows. 如同水流一般的车流源源不断的在城市的路面上飞驰。如同在血管内流淌的血液。 ! 哧! At this moment, sky over White Tree city towering appearance together person's shadow. 就在这时,白树市上空突兀的出现一道人影。 That person's shadow glittered several, then rapid clear. 那人影闪烁了几下,便迅速清晰。 „The second 3rd Level jurisdiction, here?” Lin Sheng occupies a commanding position to overlook the entire city. “第二道三级权限,就在这里么?”林盛居高临下俯瞰全城。 Before plundering of city, let him, although had not found the 2nd Level jurisdiction, actually harvested a 3rd Level jurisdiction. 之前城市的搜刮,让他虽然没找到二级权限,却收获了一道三级权限。 From some researchers mind, he knew, even if only found the 3rd Level jurisdiction, if can find five 3rd Level jurisdictions, can its merge, congeal together 2nd Level. 从一些研究人员脑海中,他得知,就算是只找到三级权限,如果能找到五道三级权限,就能将其合并,凝结成一道二级 If likewise, can find five 2nd Level jurisdictions, can through Unlimited Turntable, condense the 1st Level jurisdiction. 同理,如果能找到五道二级权限,就能通过无限转盘,凝聚出一级权限。 This is also everywhere the key reason that Dark Armor collects the jurisdiction. 这也是暗铠之所以到处搜集权限的关键原因。 Lin Sheng float in sky, the surroundings start to resound the intermittent alarm sound unceasingly. He does not pay attention. 林盛悬浮在天空中,周围不断开始响起阵阵警报声。他也毫不理会。 Has not notified, the developed communications network his information paper image, had passed to each city of entire star. 没有通报,发达的通讯网络早已将他的信息资料影像,传到了整个星球的每一个城市。 Had not warned, has not dispatched mech. 没有警告,也没有派遣机甲 The method of White Tree city compared with the beforehand port city. 白树市的手段远比之前的港口城市强多了。 Lin Sheng appears, below facilitates densely and numerously departs the big piece black missile. Toward his raindrop bombing. 林盛才出现,下方便密密麻麻的飞出大片黑色飞弹。朝着他雨点般轰炸过来。 Simultaneously in an intermittent bellow, the shell of big piece shoots at him by hypervelocity flying. 同时一阵阵轰鸣声中,大片的炮弹以极高速飞射向他。 Distant place high tower, its peak is sparkling the dazzling blue electric current. 还有远处一座高塔,其顶端闪耀着刺目的蓝色电流。 ! 哧! The high tower apex projects giant blue light beam suddenly. 高塔顶点骤然射出一道巨大的蓝色光束。 The blue light beam speed is fastest, catches up, shortly will before then arrive at the Lin Sheng body . 蓝色光束速度最快,后来居上,顷刻间便到了林盛身前。 Does not have the significance.” Lin Sheng ray was twisted the Divine Protection Strength refraction. Easy then twists the blue light beam, throws behind. “毫无意义。”林盛身边的光线被扭曲加护之力折射。轻而易举便将蓝色光束扭曲开,抛在身后。 As for other missiles and shells and so on, he has not gone to pay attention from the start. 至于其他飞弹和炮弹之类,他压根就没去理会。 Bang bang bang bang!! 嘭嘭嘭嘭!! The shell of big piece scrapes past from his side, in innumerable missile merely few aiming his main body. 大片的炮弹从他身边擦身而过,无数飞弹仅仅只有极少数瞄准中他本体 Other all has flown from his, injection outer space. 其余的全都从他边上飞过,射入太空。 Regarding has grasped Lin Sheng of this world technological base division/discipline. 对于早已掌握了这个世界科技基础学科的林盛而言。 Copes with these weapons, actually only needs the method of little small influence localization, reduces over 90% offensive might sufficiently. 对付这些武器,其实只需要一点点小小的影响定位的手段,就足以减少九成以上的攻势威力。 After all, the weapon might is big, positioning system also such. The relaxedness can disturb. 毕竟,武器威力再大,定位系统也就那样。轻轻松松就能干扰到。 Found .... The 3rd Level jurisdiction of this city...” “找到了....这座城市的三级权限...” Lin Sheng closes eyes the search in the midair, quick then opens the eyes. 林盛在半空中闭目搜索,很快便重新睁开双眼。 His line of sight focuses to the secret research institute of White Tree city on rapidly. 他视线迅速聚焦到白树市的一处隐秘研究所上。 Come.” The Lin Sheng palm makes an effort to grasp slightly. “来吧。”林盛手掌微微用力一抓。 Immediately that research institute under of action of force a huge distortion, starts to split slowly. 顿时那座研究所在一股庞大的扭曲之力作用下,开始缓缓裂开。 Whiz! 嗖! The silver metal matter, runs out from the research institute roof panel together forcefully, cracks-up the ceiling wall, shoots rapidly toward Lin Sheng. 一道银色金属物事,硬生生从研究所顶盖冲出,撞碎天花板墙体,朝着林盛飞速射来。 , Lin Sheng accurate grips the silver object. 啪的一下,林盛精准的握住银色物体。 This is one short swords that seem like some years. 这是一把看上去有些年头的短刀。 The knife wraps in the brown scabbard of manual knitting, the hilt also as if had been used many years, seems like the sense of history of very precipitation. 刀身包裹在手工编织的棕色刀鞘里,刀柄也似乎被用过很多年了,看上去很有一种沉淀的历史感。 Lin Sheng swept a knife, the powerful helical twisting power momentary action of Yin Revolution Saint Wheel. 林盛扫了眼刀身,阴转圣轮强大扭曲力瞬间作用上去。 The short sword cracks silently shatter, the blue fluorescence of inside faint trace departs, total by Lin Sheng absorption starting arm. 短刀无声无息崩裂破碎,里面一丝丝的蓝色荧光飞出,全数被林盛吸收入手臂。 Successfully goes well, then ..... should get down one!” “成功得手,那么.....该下一个了!” The third 3rd Level jurisdiction has also checked the whereabouts. 第三个三级权限也已经查到了下落。 Lin Sheng is satisfied with this journey. 林盛对这趟旅途非常满意。 Worthily is the star of entire Star Alliance most core, on a star has three 3rd Level jurisdictions unexpectedly. 不愧是整个星空联盟最核心的星球,一颗星球上居然有着三道三级权限。 After launching God Speed, the Lin Sheng speed is not even able to lock the modernized instrument. 展开了神速后,林盛的速度甚至连现代化仪器都无法锁定。 In addition its he then has the method of disturbance locking. 再加上本身他便有着干扰锁定的手段。 After leaving the White Tree city, is less than ten minutes, the third 3rd Level jurisdiction was taken by him again. 离开白树市后,不到十分钟,第三道三级权限再度被他拿到手中。 But under remains, is the big piece by Unit mech that oneself injure accidentally, as well as piece of military Base of Operations in confusion. 而残留下的,是大片被自己误伤的机甲,以及一片狼藉的军事基地 But at this time, the Lin Sheng action also enraged the genuine core high level of Star Alliance finally. 而此时,林盛的举动也终于激怒了星空联盟的真正核心高层。 Before is only the conference of Khesra star long management is different. 和之前只是凯斯拉星球长主持的会议不同。 The current speaker of alliance parliament, because officially Lin Sheng robs a jurisdiction case, held the alliance parliament. 联盟议会的现任议长,正式因为林盛抢夺权限一案,召开了联盟议会。 In spacious parliamentary hall. 宽敞的议会大厅内。 Pale blue virtual person's shadows were activated in abundance, appear on each seat. 一道道淡蓝色的虚拟人影纷纷被激活,出现在各个座椅上。 Four grand marshal also one by one take a seat respectively. 四大元帅分别也一一入座。 The speaker has sat well in the seat of honor, waits for all congressmen to take a seat. 议长早已端坐在主位,等待着所有议员入席。 Robs a Battle Helmet jurisdiction case about the mysterious criminal continuously, what good proposition does everyone has?” “关于神秘罪犯连续抢夺战盔权限一案,大家有什么好的提议?” The speaker asks frankly. 议长直言不讳的开口问。 According to the beforehand battle record, ordinary mech and Revised Battle Helmet, too has not threatened. “根据之前的交战记录来看,普通的机甲调整战盔,对其都没有太多威胁。 Suggested to assign the Armor King probe, and by other Battle Helmet User as the firepower support, conducted the blockade surrounding combat. ” 建议调派铠王试探,并以其余战盔士作为火力支援,进行封锁包围作战。” The congressman who a high-ranking military officer comes takes the lead to propose. 一名将官出身的议员率先提议。 Has preliminarily determined the real status of this person. In his surface came from Kazilan Star, but in fact should be the Green Lake Star person.” Another congressman bright sound said. “已经初步确定此人的真实身份。他表面上是来自卡姿兰星,但实际上应该是绿湖星人。”另一位议员朗声道。 Green Lake Star ..... is Green Lake Star...” 绿湖星.....又是绿湖星...” „ The present issue is, I suspected that even Armor King may not prevent this person. We need to use the special weapon! “现在的问题是,我怀疑就算铠王也不一定能阻挡得了此人。我们需要动用特殊武器! Because this person has the enormous exceptional value! 因为此人具备极大的特殊价值! The special strength that he grasps, can let him unexpectedly hardly to hard resistance so many mech and Revised Battle Helmet. This regarding our biochemistry research area, has to have the epoch-making significance! ” 他本身掌握的特殊力量,居然能让他硬对硬的对抗这么多的机甲调整战盔。这对于我们生化研究领域,具备有划时代的意义!” Vice-chairman Billah who the researchers come however, spoke at this time said generously. 研究者出身的副议长比拉然,此时出言慨然道。 Special weapon? Copes with one ultra to be able the criminal, naturally is easy, but, solely for only a criminal on use... whether too isn't worth?” A congressman questioned. “特殊武器?对付一个超能罪犯,自然是手到擒来,只是,单单只为了一个犯罪分子就动用...是否太不值得了?”一名议员质疑道。 In currently does not have the means to suppress in the situation of this person, I agree to start the special weapon.” The speaker hesitated , the clear and resonant voice replied. “在目前没有办法遏止此人的情况下,我同意启动特殊武器。”议长沉吟了下,朗声回答。 After the special weapon kills that person, we must unearth to make up from the opposite party to enough many values.” “不过在特殊武器杀死那人之后,我们必须要从对方身上挖掘弥补到足够多的价值。” His line of sight revolution, looks to vice-chairman Billah however. 他视线一转,看向副议长比拉然。 When the time comes the corpse gave you. Please must the function maximization!” “到时候尸体就交给你了。请务必将作用最大化!” My meeting!” Vice-chairman Billah however has excited and a faint trace anticipation, lowers the head the commitment. “我会的!”副议长比拉然带着兴奋和一丝丝期待,低头承诺。
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